feeding tube

  1. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TN SEQUOIA SAMUELS: Missing from Memphis, TN - 15 June 2023 - Age 4 *Found Deceased*

    https://www.actionnews5.com/2023/06/15/4-year-old-girl-missing-home-front-door-found-open/ 4-year-old girl missing from home; front door found open Memphis Police Department is searching for a missing child. Saquoia Samuels, 4, was reported missing Thursday morning. Police issued a city watch...
  2. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    CA THADDEUS SRAN: Missing from Madera, CA - 14 July 2020 - Age 2 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEAS*

    Madera police searching for missing 2-year-old boy possibly in danger Officials say Thaddeus Sran disappeared from his home on C Street between 10 p.m. on Tuesday and 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday. https://news.yahoo.com/madera-police-searching-missing-2-213104057.html...
  3. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TX AYALAH BRATCHER: Missing from Fort Worth, TX - 21 May 2020 - Age 11 months *Found Safe*

    https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/amber-alert-issued-for-missing-11-month-old-girl-out-of-fort-worth/285-ce07339f-01d9-4ddd-8d7b-93629eba1b7c AMBER ALERT ISSUED FOR MISSING 11-MONTH-OLD GIRL OUT OF FORT WORTH An AMBER Alert was issued out of Tarrant County late Thursday night...
  4. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TX BABY MADISON: F, 2-6, found in suitcase in Madisonville, TX - 17 Sept 2016 - feeding tube

    Demographics Sex: Female Race / Ethnicity: Uncertain Estimated Age Group: PreAdolescent Estimated Age Range (Years): 2-6 Estimated Year of Death: 2016 Estimated PMI: 4 Months Circumstances Type: Unidentified Deceased Date Body Found: September 17, 2016 Location Found Map Location...

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