
  1. The Coffeenator

    CA BARSTOW JANE DOE: HF, 14-19, severed head found in backpack in San Bernardino County, CA - 10 Feb 2010

    http://www.doenetwork.org/cases/1431ufca.html Reconstructions of the victim by NCMEC. Date of Discovery: February 10, 2010 Location of Discovery: Barstow, San Bernardino County, California Estimated Date of Death: 3-4 days prior State of Remains: Not recognizable - Traumatic injuries Cause...
  2. #JaneDoe was killed in 1979 by a serial killer who didn't know her name.  He claimed she was from Kodiak, #Alaska

    #JaneDoe was killed in 1979 by a serial killer who didn't know her name. He claimed she was from Kodiak, #Alaska

    The woman, believed to be a white brunette in her 20s, was found on July 21, 1980, by electric workers repairing the line. She had no identification and could not be matched to a missing persons report. Troopers believe she may have come to Alaska from Washington or California.
  3. KareBear

    NH DOROTHY ANN BOIS: Missing from Nashua, NH - 3 Oct 1973 - Age 22

    Dorothy Ann Bois Dorothy, circa 1973 Missing Since 10/03/1973 Missing From Nashua, New Hampshire Classification Endangered Missing Sex Female Race White Age 22 years old Height and Weight 4'10, 100 pounds Clothing/Jewelry Description An orange body suit, blue jeans with a band of red and...

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