
  1. Summer_Breeze

    FL FERNANDA ARIAS: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 3 July 2023 - Age 12 *Found Safe*

    https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2023/07/03/fernanda-arias-florida-amber-alert-issued-for-missing-jacksonville-girl-12/70378762007/ Scott Butler Florida Times-Union July 3, 2023 A 12-year-old Jacksonville girl is the focus of a Florida Amber Alert advising "Kidnapped Child." The...
  2. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    NC AMARI CHRISTIANSEN: Missing from Jacksonville, NC - 6 Jan 2022 - Age 6 *Found Safe*

    https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2022/01/07/amber-alert-for-missing-north-carolina-6-year-old-boy/ Amber Alert For Missing North Carolina 6-Year-Old Boy The Jacksonville Police Department is searching for missing 6-year-old Amari Gabriel Christiansen. Police say he was abducted. Christiansen is a...
  3. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    FL GAVIN DOUYON: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 31 May 2021 - Age 4 *Found Deceased*

    https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/florida-missing-child-alert-issued-for-4-year-old-boy-in-jacksonville/ Florida Missing Child Alert issued for 4-year-old boy in Jacksonville Authorities have issued a Florida Missing Child Alert for a 4-year-old boy in Jacksonville. According to the Florida...
  4. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    MARIAH WOODS: North Carolina vs. Adolphus "Earl" Kimrey for murder of girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter in 2017 *GUILTY PLEA*

    https://www.jdnews.com/story/news/2021/02/12/mariah-woods-trial-set-feb-postponed-later-date/6735089002/ Mariah Woods homicide trial postponed, no word on new date What was scheduled to take place in February 2021 has now been forced into limbo as the Mariah Woods homicide trial was postponed...
  5. Romulus

    FL KIMBERLY RAE DOSS: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 29 May 1979 - Age 16

    Kimberly Rae Doss Missing Since: 05/29/1979 Missing From: Jacksonville, Florida Classification: Endangered Missing Sex: Female Race: White Date of Birth: 09/11/1962 (58) Age:16 years old Height and Weight: 5'4 - 5'5, 140 pounds Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian female. Brown hair...
  6. Romulus

    FL SANDRA FAYE NORMAN-THOMPSON: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 2 Jul 1984 - Age 26

    NamUs #MP25293 https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/25293?nav Sandra Faye Norman-Thompson was last seen in Florida July 2, 1984. No one is really sure of circumstances surrounding her disappearance. A friend of hers told her family that she had been hanging out with a drug dealer...
  7. Romulus

    FL SUZETTE MARIE JONES: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 22 Nov 1993 - Age 25

    NamUs #MP24670 https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/24670 Suzette Jones went missing from Duval County, Jacksonville, Florida on November 22, 1993 edited by staff to add media link...
  8. Scorpio

    TX CAMORA LYNN GRIMES: Missing from Jacksonville, TX - 1 Dec 1990 - Age 26

    https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/8597 Camora Lynn Grimes was last seen in Jacksonville, Texas on December 1, 1990. edited by staff to add media link https://www.crimewatchers.net/media/camora-lynn-grimes-missing-from-jacksonville-tx-since-dec-1-1990-age-26.405/ *CLICK THE REPORT...
  9. Mel70

    Jacksonville, Florida Pastor accused of Sex Crimes. AGAIN.

  10. Akoya

    FL ANGELA WESTBERRY: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 1 December 1984 - Age 17

    https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/6796 Angela Loraine Westberry disappeared December 1, 1984 from Jacksonville, Florida. She was last seen boarding a 46 ft yacht with Theresa Hickmon and 2 other males. The Sea fever'' was last seen by U.S customs on December 14, in the Grand Cayman...
  11. kdg411

    TAYLOR ROSE WILLIAMS: Florida v Brianna Williams for second-degree murder of daughter *GUILTY PLEA*

    Authorities in Jacksonville, Florida issued amber alert and sent additional 100 or more cops, firemen and others without hesitation to look from the air, ground and water Wednesday in two town for a missing 5-year-old Taylor Rose Williams. However, as of Wednesday evening, all effort to locate...
  12. Akoya

    IL JACKSONVILLE JOHN DOE: BM, deaf man found in 1945 - died 28 November 1993

    Police found a teen-age boy in the early morning hours of October 11, 1945, in Jacksonville, Illinois. Unable to communicate, the deaf and mute teenager was labeled "feeble minded" and sentenced by a judge to the Lincoln State School and Colony in Jacksonville. He remained in the Illinois...
  13. kdg411

    FL IYANA SAWYER: Missing from Jacksonville, FL - 19 Dec 2019 - Age 16 *J. QUILES GUILTY*

    Iyana Sawyer missing Have You Seen Iyana? #JSO is asking for the community's assistance in locating her. She is 5'8" and 120 lbs. with shoulder length straight hair, wearing white "PINK" hoodie and blue jeans. Missing from the Arlington area. Call 904-630-0500 or email jsocrimetips@jaxsheriff.org.
  14. noZme

    FL Looking back at Lonzie Barton tragedy 7/24/15

    A disappearance many at CW remember - Little Lonzie with the big blue eyes: Lonzie became a household name when he was reported missing by his mother's boyfriend, Ruben Ebron on July 24, 2015, around 2 a.m. But from the start police had their suspicions. Ebron initially told police his car...

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