
  1. Romulus

    CT RICHARD PAUL BOISSONNEAU: Missing from Manchester, CT - 25 Sep 1984 - Age 49

    Missing Person / NamUs #MP3271 Richard Paul Boissonneau, Male, White / Caucasian Date of Last Contact: September 25, 1984 Missing From: Manchester, Connecticut Missing Age: 49 Years The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) SexMale Height: 5' 8" (68 Inches) Weight: 170 lbs...
  2. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    NH HARMONY MONTGOMERY: Missing from Manchester, NH - Nov/Dec 2019 (Reported December 2021) - Age 5 *GUILTY* Girl last seen in Manchester in October 2019; police seek tips from public Manchester police are seeking tips from the public about the disappearance of a girl not seen in more than two years. Harmony...
  3. Romulus

    United Kingdom ANGEL OF THE MEADOW: WF, 18-35, found buried on Angel Meadows off Angel Street in Manchester, UK - 25 Jan 2010

    Skeletal remains of woman 18-35 found in Angel Meadows, Manchester in January of 2010. She was a Caucasian woman aged 18-35 and between 51 and 57 in height. She was discovered with a distinctively patterned pinafore style dress, wearing a blue bra, and a blue jumper. A black high-heeled shoe was...
  4. Romulus

    NH DENISE BEAUDIN: Missing from Manchester, NH - 26 Nov 1981 - Age 23

    3816DFNH - Denise D. Beaudin The photo on the left is a picture of Robert Evans Name: Denise D. Beaudin Case Classification: Endangered Missing Missing Since: November 26, 1981 Location Last Seen: Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire Physical Description Date of Birth: January 7...
  5. Romulus

    NH LAUREEN ANN RAHN: Missing from Manchester, NH - 27 Apr 1980 - Age 14

    204DFNH - Laureen Ann Rahn The second and third images are age-progressed to 37 and 46 years. Name: Laureen Ann Rahn Case Classification: Endangered Missing Missing Since: April 27, 1980 Location Last Seen: Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire Physical Description Date of Birth...
  6. Romulus

    NH DENISE ANN DANEAULT: Missing from Manchester, NH - 8 June 1980 - Age 25

    Denise Ann Daneault Daneault, circa 1980; Terry Rasmussen, circa 1985; Rasmussen, circa 2002 Missing Since: 06/08/1980 Missing From: Manchester, New Hampshire Classification: Endangered Missing Sex: Female Race: White Date of Birth: 06/14/1954 (65) Age: 25 years old Height and Weight: 5'5 -...

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