SC HEATHER ELVIS: Missing from Myrtle Beach, SC - 18 December 2013 - Age 20

HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WBTW) – Investigators recently released new files of evidence in the Heather Elvis disappearance case following the lifting of the gag order in the case.
Right now, Sidney and Tammy Moorer are each serving 30 years in prison for kidnapping and both continue to maintain their innocence.

Heather Elvis a was last seen nearly 6 years ago on December 18th, 2013. Elvis had an affair with Sidney Moorer.
Investigators released a police interview with Tammy Moorer and Carmen Rodriguez who was with Horry County Police at the time. The interview took place in January 2014, more than a month after Heather’s disappearance.

Tammy Moorer came to police that day to follow up on complaints of harassment and willingly answered Rodriguez’s questions.

Tammy said this regarding her husband’s relationship with Heather, “I had boyfriends. We had an open marriage. It’s okay. I could care less if he had sex with 100 people it doesn’t bother me.”

This is in direct contrast to a text message from Tammy Moorer to her friend in early December 2014, in reference to Sidney said “I do not love him. He betrayed me and I will never ever forgive or forget it. Trust me there’s zero love on my end.”
Another message sent by Tammy the day before Heather Elvis’ disappearance said, “I just had someone cheat on me that I thought was my soulmate. You never know who will screw you over in life. I felt totally betrayed. I’m better off without the liar.”
Sidney Moorer said when he ended things with Elvis to focus on his marriage, Elvis continued to call him.
Surveillance video shows Sidney calling Elvis from a payphone the day she disappeared.
Sidney initially denied calling Heather from a payphone, but a couple of minutes later admits to calling her from a payphone after police say they surveillance video of him making the call. Sidney told police he called her from the payphone to tell her to leave him alone because she had been leaving notes on his car while he was at work.
Phone records show the call lasted three minutes and that Elvis called back nine times within 35 minutes. Phone records also Sidney Moorer was the last person Heather called before her disappearance.

Neither Sidney nor Tammy gave a clear explanation as to what might have happened to Elvis.

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Well I guess it should come as no surprise, they all do their appeals. Yet it always sucks to see it and is even worse for families, they just don't get an "end",.

Lots of things he claims but don't see anything explaining all away, or the creep he is. They have to start somewhere though. With the basics of course.

Not all basics, a few things like clerk related to victim, the claimed letter.

Ineffective counsel, well that's standard.

Atty didn't fight hard enough for change of jurisdiction. Well to be fair, I do believe in totally pathetic inadequate counsel (have had it, seen it and so on), sometimes I also wonder if such might not be done intentionally, now there's a complaint for an appeal there... Guess I'd have to know if his counsel was good, dedicated or not, etc. and I don't. Followed this but do not recall much about that part or just wasn't watching that part, and didn't follow it THAT closely or much wasn't in here maybe on his counsel, no idea. Probably me, or forget, older case.

Anyhow, yeah hate seeing his appeal but then it is to be expected I guess. The victim disappears and it's all about the defendant. Always is. Leading to trial, during the years until trial, after trial too. And that's IF families ever have a perp caught and charged.

‘He hasn’t let her go’: Heather Elvis’ family reacts to Sidney Moorer wanting new trial​

Heather Elvis’ family spoke to News13 Sunday about Sidney Moorer filing for a new trial.

Debbi Elvis, Heather’s mother, said in every appeal Moorer has filed, he has asked for a new trial. She said she is worried Moorer may get a new trial and be found not guilty of kidnapping her daughter.

Morgan Elvis, Heather’s sister, said she believes Heather’s case and Moorer’s trial were fair.

“It’s been looked at by so many people, by so many courts, by so many officials, and nothing has been slipped through the cracks,” Morgan said. “However, I do want to say that, in a system where he is able to advocate and fight for himself, I just wish he had thought the same, that Heather might have wanted to fight and advocate for her life as well.”

Almost 12 years after Heather disappeared, Morgan said many people have become desensitized to Heather’s story, so much so that the Elvis family has received hateful messages and seen rumors about Heather online.

News13 asked Debbi and Morgan if they think they will see Heather again, if she will be able to tell her own story.

“I do wish I could see her again,” Morgan said. “But the problem is, I wish I could see who she was again. The reality is, the person you bring home from any kind of traumatic situation is never the person that left.”

Debbi said, if she sees Moorer in court again, she would want to tell him one thing.

“I would like to just beg him to let Heather go,” Debbi said. “I said that to the judge when I gave my victim’s impact statement, that I wanted the sentence to be longer, because he’s still holding her hostage. He hasn’t let her go.”
I haven't followed this case closely so forgive me for this stupid question, but does Heather's family believe Heather is still alive somewhere?
Noticed that a lot lately. Bad reporting. A couple of cases have wanted to say do they mean this, or that, lately but just hasn't been top of the priority list. The Martin case for one.

I agree that I don't think her family thinks she is alive in this one but I can see how it came across that way. Wondered myself if all of a sudden they had some renewed hope. I doubted it though, figured bad reporting.

Not the best up on it but am up on it better than some cases.

I maintain though he is an evil POS.

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