Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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You asked about the video.

It still matters. It's still a crime, whether she was convicted or not
What's the crime now?
Who would be charged for providing false evidence? Even if she did it, (and they didn't prove it) it was accidental, not pre meditated.
Sorry I don't know what happened with some of my posts. Ignore where I seem to have asked the same question more than once.
The people in charge of the inverted video. It's a punishable crime to provide false evidence. You responded to my post about the video.
Oh ok. You are talking about LE then. I don't suppose anyone will be held accountable for that. It would be LE investigating LE. Also as it was a mistrial I bet nothing happens.
Oh ok. You are talking about LE then. I don't suppose anyone will be held accountable for that. It would be LE investigating LE. Also as it was a mistrial I bet nothing happens.
Hopefully the FBI is on it if the CW isn't. I don't hold much hope for the CW to do anything about it since they are the ones that allowed it and all the other shenanigans to happen.
Not "read"ing a thing. Just dropping. I find this VERY interesting no matter what side of the fence you are on, one can find things for either side. For anyone willing to just listen to a take on all ways and thoughts, it is interesting as heck. if anyone is willing to listen to an all around look.

"Could I have incapacitated him unwittingly?" "No, not possible."

Their analysis is very interesting. She is either innocent or did it and can't remember it.

If she did it, how come others coming and going after her didn't see him?
Is she saying the two women who went back with her to the scene when they found him, witnessed her backing in to JO's car at their house? If so then isn't that proof the taillight was not damaged earlier by hitting him?
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And anybody found guilty that had proctor and others doing the investigating should get to have their cases looked over.
Isn't this all a bit OTT just because one officer texted someone calling her a c*nt? He was describing someone he believed killed a fellow officer and drove away from the scene.
You asked about the video.

It still matters. It's still a crime, whether she was convicted or not
Ok so we are talking about two issues - the reversed video and the blabbing juror.

So will they charge the juror responsible? I thought the law in the US was that jurors could speak after the trial was over. Maybe I am just confused. What would the juror be charged with? Contempt of court?

Re the reversed video, I bet it will be an internal investigation which we may not hear about.
Not sure what is going on here but I thought the jury cleared her of murder and it was hung on the manslaughter charge resulting in the mistrial.

Now we wait for the retrial, if there is one.

I am not going to read all that stuff - what difference does it make anyway? It has all been OBE. The jury already heard all the evidence and testimony and made their decisions but could not come to a unanimous decision on one of the charges.

But thanks for taking the time to repost.
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Not sure what is going on here but I thought the jury cleared her of murder and it was hung on the manslaughter charge resulting in the mistrial.

Now we wait for the retrial, if there is one.

I am not going to read all that stuff - what difference does it make anyway? It has all been OBE. The jury already heard all the evidence and testimony and made their decisions but could not come to a unanimous decision on one of the charges.

But thanks for taking the time to repost.
The jury did not get to be heard that they cleared her of murder. If they had, she would not be able to be tried again for it due to double jeopardy. The prosecutor is saying he wants to try her again for it but with all that that came out at trial, it seems to be a really dumb idea and I'm pretty sure that's the info he is trying to show everyone. Now the defense also has time now to drive further into these things and that really makes that decision a head scratcher.
The jury did not get to be heard that they cleared her of murder. If they had, she would not be able to be tried again for it due to double jeopardy. The prosecutor is saying he wants to try her again for it but with all that that came out at trial, it seems to be a really dumb idea and I'm pretty sure that's the info he is trying to show everyone. Now the defense also has time now to drive further into these things and that really makes that decision a head scratcher.
Like I said she got off on the two charges if we believe the juror reports and it was hung on the manslaughter. I think prosecution would be foolish to push any new charges again except manslaughter.

But hey, if they are real sure of their case maybe they will retry all three charges.

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