So stop bringing up stuff from a very flawed/corrupt investigation. It was all brought up in trial.
Let's just let it go until the new trial, unless it's new evidence or evidence not presented in court.
So you want it quiet.
In all lightness I wonder who has the most posts in this thread. I know for sure it is not me and I doubt it is Tresir. Or Regina. Or Kdg. Trying to recall who else has been in. Since I don't come in much, not sure.
In some threads, staying with lightness, it would likely be me. When I am into a case, I will generally comment or link a lot, IF life allows, depending on the month or year.
Some though not so much or I avoid. This has been one. I'm not going to be in one so one sided with parts ignored. I avoid as most know and I've said before most Hollywood kinds of cases, I avoid things like mass shootings, school shootings, and race cases. I HAVE ended up in SOME when they just are too important for me to ignore. Arbery would be one, Floyd another. The reason on most of these is they almost always end up with agendas and groups involved OR even citizens who try to only push one narrative online, etc. Not just here, but online in general even. And it is usually what is wanted or some group's or defense's agenda even... I just stay out because of all that b.s. generally.
We all generally I think get along usually but our opinions do differ at times. I happen to agree with Tresir and Regina despite the noise being made out there and in here all meant to back the defendant without looking at all of it imo.
I even when I have been in here sporadically have never once denied this investigation left a lot to be desired and that Proctor should definitely be looked at or so it seems from what is said. Such doesn't make her innocent though.
I am majorly upset over the DNA lady in Colorado. I mean chances are good that 90 percent of the people put away ARE THE PERP but because of WHAT she DID, now tons of cases are going to be in question and yelling to be looked at again, appealed, you name it. Because of one what, egotistical bitch? I have no idea why she did what she did. I heard some remark that instead of clearing five cases in a day, she thought oh if I do this, I can make that SEVEN I show them I cleared in a day...
A bad cop, a cop that made a mistake, a DNA lady like her does not automatically mean someone is innocent. They sure HURT THINGS and GIVE an avenue perhaps to a defense... BUt it does not mean necessarily the defendant automatically is innocent.
And I'm sorry their whole dog bite and house fight thing is beyond ridiculous. But of course they had to come up with an answer of what happened if she did not do it as well. It is as ridiculous as the O thing in Delphi, and they needed something too... When you have to come up with TOO MANY things, to explain too many things, it is false... TOO MUCH.
I think the worst thing in this is Karen Read is no heroine either but some seem to think she is. She was a drunk who was part of this crowd now called corrupt, she was a PART of that and friends with them... No matter what the truth is, she is no one to ADMIRE or EMULATE yet that is about what is going on. It is pathetic, sorry.
And no matter what his parents and his niece and nephew are still the family of a victim and not a one on Read's side even shows a moment for them and it is the same in Delphi. Think Allen is innocent? Fine. There is still family who suffered a loss and deserve a thought and prayer here and there, and a mention.
The last thing I am going to say is I really don't think that much of this case nor am that into it other than the ridiculous lengths it has gone to. It sickens me people can spend all their time on something like this where both adults were totally snickered and it has this much attention versus many others. I personally don't care that much. I don't care if she does a little time or a lot, I don't think she deserves freedom but if it happens, it happens. The resources put into this and attention it gets disgusts me.
I don't want to be on any road she is traveling on or ever anywhere near her and I'd hope others would be protected from her but that's about it. I think it is really sad his family are not even looked at as victims who lost someone.
I've said this before and will again, family KNOWS. They just do. Who did such. Maybe not at times until an arrest but once there is one like in Delphi, it just fits, they see him, they lock eyes, they know. They just DO. I put a lot of store in such. His family knows Karen did this. Imo.
So anyhow she garners and her case does plenty of attention and I am not usually even in here and look how much time I've spent tonight on it. I have had my fill I think.
I will never be the most posts in this one. She ain't that important. She is just an adult bitch who thought she could drink and drive and her adult cop bf too unlike people that get arrested for such, they were immune, and that alone is disgusting, and she killed him and found out she wasn't going to just slide out of it. IMHO.
OUt of this thread for now. Think I need some cooking or something...