Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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and what else was blown away besides the snow? That is the problem.
Let's get this straight, are we talking leaf blower or sn*w blower as you said the latter in my catching up here right now. They are entirely different things.
Nothing was seen on top but they could see blood beneath the snow and they wanted to collect it and so they "improvised" by using the leaf blower and because they were improvising, they videoed the process and the video was shown in court (Day 5).
Btw, I think it was while using the leaf blower that they also uncovered the broken cocktail glass.
interesting. although it now has become a sn*w blower. I know a leaf blower well. Sn*w blower is meant to blast sn*w out of the way and clear path. HUGE difference.

The cocktail glass is also very interesting and not something imo "planted"/
Or they thought s So J & K got to the Waterfall like at 11??? P.M.?? On a night with weather where his brother and SIL if I have it right canceled plans??
Yes, they came into the Waterfall at about 11, having come from a bar across the street.

Re the brother and SIL canceling plans, I was mistaken that plans would have been for the same night of the incident. (So sorry about that! You know, I really wish you were watching the trial, not only so that so that you could hear evidence for yourself but also, so you could help me understand the circumstances clearly and accurately!)
So yeah, John wanted to get together with his brother and his wife on that Saturday, not on the Friday of the incident. (Btw, Read actually wasn't mentioned as having been included, I've just assumed she was).
and what else was blown away besides the snow? That is the problem.
By the leaf blower or sn*wblower? Lol. Different pages, different cases. Totally different things. Don't change the implement. Which was it? One can buy like a $25 leaf blower but all sn*w blowers are in the mid hundreds and the power is entirely different. As is what they do.
Yes, they came into the Waterfall at about 11, having come from a bar across the street.

Re the brother and SIL canceling plans, I was mistaken that plans would have been for the same night of the incident. (So sorry about that! You know, I really wish you were watching the trial, not only so that so that you could hear evidence for yourself but also, so you could help me understand the circumstances clearly and accurately!)
So yeah, John wanted to get together with his brother and his wife on that Saturday, not on the Friday of the incident. (Btw, Read actually wasn't mentioned as having been included, I've just assumed she was).
I wish I could watch it since other than Summer (thank you) no one is sharing it here. I really did want to see what I felt after hearing all and both sides but just do not have the time and it is not being shared here. I have cases I am more into than drinking adults that I can't give the time to. This one has just never been one of mine and so even though I am now interested, it doesn't take top priority.

In a different day and life, I'd love to watch it and give my opinion. AS far as B and SIL doesn't matter, don't worry about it. I never thought or did much with that to affect opinion.

I am more on that they were out and drinking and driving at all and no BAC and so on. ANd thought immune I guess like many do.
I don't see a problem; I see that "what else blew away" exists only in your imagination.
Tis the defense blizzard. Lol. Meaning what they made a big deal of that the public went WTH over. Not real weather, just the public blzzard online, etc. We sure all differ in different cases. Keeps it interesting though.

I don't see anything either to think whatever about a top layer is sn*w with a leaf blower. Pretty sure it was not a sn*w blower. No offense to anyone. I can't stay up on all these days myself. And we sure do differ in different cases.
By the leaf blower or sn*wblower? Lol. Different pages, different cases. Totally different things. Don't change the implement. Which was it? One can buy like a $25 leaf blower but all sn*w blowers are in the mid hundreds and the power is entirely different. As is what they do.
have you never seen leaves on the ground but under the snow? Do you think even a leaf blower is only going to blow away the snow and not anything else between the snow and the ground...like evidence? What is wrong with doing it correctly?
I don't see a problem; I see that "what else blew away" exists only in your imagination.
But now nobody would know because the screwed up the crime scene. How is that only in my imagination? It's the question that absolutely everybody should be asking in this case. Why couldn't they do it correctly? it's not like these guys didn't know,
I don't see a problem; I see that "what else blew away" exists only in your imagination.

"we always want good evidence documentation and proper collection techniques that avoid potential cross-contamination and preserve any trace evidence that may be present such as friction ridge detail or hairs and/or fibers. However, if the weather only gives you time for documentation or collection."

I don't understand how this is not obvious on how bad using a leaf blower would be for collecting trace. Standard protocol is to collect as much trace as possible, not to blow it away.
Nothing was seen on top but they could see blood beneath the snow and they wanted to collect it and so they "improvised" by using the leaf blower and because they were improvising, they videoed the process and the video was shown in court (Day 5).
Btw, I think it was while using the leaf blower that they also uncovered the broken cocktail glass.
If this is how they possibly found the broken cocktail glass and this was such a good way to "uncover" evidence, why weren't the tail light pieces found? It sure seems like red pieces would be so much easier to see than colorless glass, right? Especially so many red pieces that were somehow missed during this great leaf blower search.
have you never seen leaves on the ground but under the snow? Do you think even a leaf blower is only going to blow away the snow and not anything else between the snow and the ground...like evidence? What is wrong with doing it correctly?
Of course I have. I live in a bigger winter area than you do as you know lol :D

So we are talking leaf blower now again and not sn*w blower??

I said it already and will say it again, I am unclear on what we are talking here. When, why, etc. Did they want to find him and save him or evidence?

I also asked if there has been any testimony about this and haven't seen an answer. Also said I don't know and am not going to just take something as gospel.

This is a case where there has been a total defense PR and public BLITZ, one side. Just like Delphi although they are total idiots. in tis one I will say pretty well done. Both however, are very one sided with info for the most part from ONLY one side.

There is a huge difference which I know you know between a leaf blower, a sn*w blower, a shovel and a sn*w plow. I know you know that and you know I know that. People perhaps somewhere like Aruba don't know that. Tired as heck but I know at some point earlier I saw sn*w blower! Huge difference. So are there with leaf blowers. Not claiming to know what was done here or what for, but I asked and still dont' have a response.

There is a huge difference too between a fan and an air conditioner and a mini personal ridiculous fan versus a box fan or a barn fan.

My brother could have used HIS leaf blower, a pretty good one, very skillfully. And is the only person I've known in my entire life who carried one with him in his vehicle. And that perhaps colors me.

However again, I have asked for more detail here as I don't KNOW. People are entirely avoiding apparently the case going on and the prosecution side. I get it. I have cases no one can convince me otherwise on. MORPHEW big TIME. Doesn't mean the other side never gets shown. This one is in trial and it's silent here. Summer is actively showing updates don't get me wrong but those that are 100 percent or close believing in her innocence and watching it are not. @kdg411 no offense but you said outright you are watching every minute and I'd assume @Cousin Dupree is too. Summer and Regina are sharing, but you guys aren't. And you don't have to. But I find that likely because it is the prosecution is up. I'd think at minimum there would be complaining about unfairness of it or someone testifying?

I have not made this a major one for me but have been waiting to hear about trial and facts as tried to make it one I checkedk on and here I am doing that. I am borderline being late for work, not even CLOSE to ready and way behind schedule. This long post is the last thing I should be doing.

So tell me about the LEAF blower if you want to. My brother could do art withthe careful use of such, NO LIE. Why and what? His body? Or evidence?

"we always want good evidence documentation and proper collection techniques that avoid potential cross-contamination and preserve any trace evidence that may be present such as friction ridge detail or hairs and/or fibers. However, if the weather only gives you time for documentation or collection."

I don't understand how this is not obvious on how bad using a leaf blower would be for collecting trace. Standard protocol is to collect as much trace as possible, not to blow it away.
Not to say all shouldn't be perfect in every case but I am asking for the details--I am not up on them. Did they KNOW they were looking at a MURDER here?? Was anything secured, state called in, feds, etc. at this point? WE see case after case where yeah, uhm coiuld have sure been better after the fact. I truly am going to run out of time or go to work not dressed lol but I am ASKING.

And what is the testimony and cross on THIS? Rather than the sensationalism?
I don't understand how this is not obvious on how bad using a leaf blower would be for collecting trace. Standard protocol is to collect as much trace as possible, not to blow it away.
They were wanting to collect blood evidence that was visible beneath the snow and like I've said, I think it was a smart way as to how to go about it.
If this is how they possibly found the broken cocktail glass and this was such a good way to "uncover" evidence, why weren't the tail light pieces found? It sure seems like red pieces would be so much easier to see than colorless glass, right? Especially so many red pieces that were somehow missed during this great leaf blower search.
My understanding of testimony up to this point is that the leaf blower was used only that morning and only in the immediate vicinity of where John was found and that it was nearer to the curb and after several rains and snow melt that pieces of taillight were discovered.

Apr 16th, 2024, 12:18 pm

Very good, lengthy article at link recapping Prosecution and Defense strategies PRIOR to trial beginning. I needed a refresher. ;) I'm looking forward to testimony from Colin Albert and Dr. Frank Sheridan. (Defense expert forensic pathologist). The autopsy photos are published on TBdailynews site if you care to see them. I'm not a medical person at all, but the photos are interesting.
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They were wanting to collect blood evidence that was visible beneath the snow and like I've said, I think it was a smart way as to how to go about it.
I'm not sure what I think. It could have been stupidity and it could have been smart. Did they also want to reach him and were they sure there was no hope (dead). I don't know enough on this part or I forget. I stuffed a bunch in on it for some weeks BUT again not my first case by a long shot and have a ton of details in ones like Delphi and Daybell and Morphew in my head that I can hardly keep in memory.

And also, what IS it that people think should have been done. Gloved hands brushing, was it icy or soft? A shovel or rake lightly doing it? Heaters melting the white sh*t. I don't say the word sn*w. I'm superstitious and if I do we will get a sn*w storm in May. Lol. And I don't WANT one. I never say the word if I can help it. I call it that white sh*t.
They blew away all of the snow covering the body. How much snow had accumulated on top?
How much did? Accumulate? And why would anything on top matter AFTER he was down and died? IF it came down after? What by the way was his BAC? And were drugs tested for in either he or Karen?

Were there any drugs at the "party"? Or people that took them?

What did they do all day before they went out, Karen and John? Drink? Sleep? Work? I mean I didn't realize how late some of the hitting the bar was. Many like to prime at home before heading out for a huge late and after party night. How old were his niece and nephew? Did they have a sitter? I actually think I know the answer to that but late, late, long day and tired. Been on Daybell a lot, etc. FActs just aren't coming to me on this one.

Sounds to me like this was a relationship on the rocks and a heated one when drinking, thinking cheating and volatile. These things simmer even when maybe at a peace point or in front of friends for an evening UNTIL... And FESTER....

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