Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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When one was incognito? Seems to me if you were trying to have no record, you wouldn't pick a previous anything or want a history much less to use such and see there is one, and that's if it even came up as an option in different modes. Hard to say, you can assume that but doesn't mean it's the case.

I'm no tech person but I find it all pretty odd and what is MORE odd is how no one even mentioned any of all this or seemed to even know about it whether it matters or not. It just goes to show that all is not known by even those who think they know the entire case and facts because almost all of it comes from the defense.

Not saying what it means either way myself but am waiting to hear more.

Here's the other thing--so what is it supposed to mean? That there was a fight and a dog was involved too and she knew and was googling if they threw JO in the elements in the yard no less that he was alive and they'd DO THAT and wanted to know how long he'd have to lay there before he died? That's ludicrous. So you'd take the chance of putting someone alive out there, hoping he dies and doesn't come to, yell, someone finds him, etc. And HOPE he dies?

The above SEEMS to be what those who buy the defense bull think. It's the LEAST likely scenario and makes no sense imo. There are some that do make sense though. Or at least wouldn't be ridiculously out there.
She evidently thought "incognito" meant it wouldn't be recorded and thought she was being smart. Remember, she also thought using the excuse that she used an existing tab, thinking that would mean it wouldn't be recorded.
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They already have DNA from a friend of one of the kids former stepfather.

There is evidence that shows the stepfather needs to be looked at seriously. Watch Paradise LOST part three. His former wife believes it was him.

ALL of the murderd kids parents believe the three are innocent. IIRC, they were all there to welcome Damien when he got out of prison.

I am completely gobsmacked that they might actually be looking for who actually did this.
I think they might actually look into it but it's dependent upon the results of the testing.

No, the Moore's weren't there that day and as far as I know, they haven't changed their minds about the WM3.
OK, I see the 10:33 search listed starting at the 46:06 timestamp in the link below. Per your previous question, yes she did make that search again when she reopened the browser tab in 'incognito'. The search at 2:27 was not in 'incognito' mode so it was saved to a db-wal file.
Perhaps it'll be explained in court in a way that I can understand, lol!
I hope so too. Some years back I did not work, needed distraction, very little was going on of interest in any newer cases or here, think I was here, and a long winter and I went and watched SEVERAL I had never followed nor seen that were recorded, every bit of them. One was Jodi ARias, hadn't followed but years after watched ALL of it. Then I actually ran into a LIVE WI one I don't think anyone here even knew about and was never on here nor anywhere else out there too much to speak of and I found it so SIMILAR to Arias, I'd recommend all go watch it. WI does do a lot of allowing media cameras through big trials (not always but a fair amount) and yet the case was hardly known. It wasn't identical but I think most would find the experts and the defendants quite similar in a lot of ways...

This one maybe I would if all of a sudden I won the lottery, did not have to work and had time but it really isn't of as much interest to me as some. It did pique my interest when I heard J McCabe was a strong witness and she and D attorney went at it pretty good. I wouldn't mind seeing that and sounded like she held her own and MORE than and got some points in over him.

But ya know when bored and more time than know what to do with, I likely would watch if I couldn't find much else on some day to go back and watch or whatever, etc. but that will likely never happen for me again in life (time or down time).

It just isn't the kind of case I'd normally gravitate towards first. I'll go to any almost if time and I can find any and that's how I end up in some and so on.

I'm curious, you're only in a handful, enough but not all, and I don't think I had a clue earlier that you were into this one or had followed it. What interests you or grabbed you with this one?
Wow, it's occurred to me how much this defendant reminds me of Jodi Arias! And there are many similarities of circumstances and you know, Arias also had supporters.

Before I came into the thread, I can't say why I wasn't interested in the case. I was vaguely aware of the basic info but I had no idea of controversy and that there were allegations of a conspiracy against her by everyone and their dog (literally, their dog! It's too funny!)
Yeah, my impression about it was only that it wasn't clear what happened. When I came into this thread, I knew the trial was coming up and since other cases I'm interested in are all pending trial, I knew I could focus solely on this one.
Btw, I've never understood your interest in the Daybell case, lol! I have watched a doc about it and indeed, it's bizarre but for some reason, it didn't interest me beyond . watching the doc..
The 10:33 search isn't relevant because it's a google search that happened after the fact. JM did make that search at 2:27 though and that creates doubt about her testimony and credibility.

The timeline provided by the CW suggest Officer O'Keefe was backed into and ran over at 12:25. However, Jennifer McCabe testified that she witnessed Karen Read pulling away from 34 Fairview Road at 12:45. Brian Nagel arrived at the same time as Karen Read (12:21). He was there to pick up his sister who was at the home of 34 Fairview Road. He never saw her reverse and the other two people in the vehicle only saw Karen Read in her SUV. If John O'Keefe was supposedly hit by Karen at 12:25 how does this timeline work?
To me, the only way that search makes sense is that it was made after John was found.
Read also asked a FF/paramedic about how long before someone without a coat would be dead.
(It was on the way to the psycho ward, lol!)

I haven't heard anyone say John was hit at 12:25 but anyway, Nagel and the two other occupants in the truck all testified that Read's SUV was still there when they pulled away.
To me, the only way that search makes sense is that it was made after John was found.
Read also asked a FF/paramedic about how long before someone without a coat would be dead.
(It was on the way to the psycho ward, lol!)

I haven't heard anyone say John was hit at 12:25 but anyway, Nagel and the two other occupants in the truck all testified that Read's SUV was still there when they pulled away.
So by that logic, he was found by JM long before KR knew about it? 911 Wasn't called for hours later. Plus, how did JO's phone, that was supposedly on him, take nearly 450 steps right before 911 was called and he was supposedly still covered in snow?
And/or possibly to cover that she knew where he likely was. Just saying it is as much a possibility. Did she sleep or go to bed in this little bit of time from drop off to phone calls...
There's been no testimony as to what Read did after she left but there's been testimony along that line such as who had access to John's ring cameras and that there's a room in his home where there's a computer and that that morn, it was found that one of the garage doors wouldn't close completely...
So by that logic, he was found by JM long before KR knew about it? 911 Wasn't called for hours later. Plus, how did JO's phone, that was supposedly on him, take nearly 450 steps right before 911 was called and he was supposedly still covered in snow?
There's nothing logical to me about JM making that search.
At this point in the trial, all I know about John's phone is from Kerry's testimony that after John was moved from the scene, she saw that his phone had been underneath him- that it was on grass- and that she picked it up and gave it to a police officer.
There's nothing logical to me about JM making that search.
At this point in the trial, all I know about John's phone is from Kerry's testimony that after John was moved from the scene, she saw that his phone had been underneath him- that it was on grass- and that she picked it up and gave it to a police officer.
Well, SOMEbody made that specific search on her phone for some reason.

The phone movement is from the spreadsheet that kdg posted that somebody made from the raw data itself. It shows that his phone moved approx 450 steps before the 911 call. How did his phone get underneath him if he had been lying there and the phone had moved just before the 911 call?
Wow, it's occurred to me how much this defendant reminds me of Jodi Arias! And there are many similarities of circumstances and you know, Arias also had supporters.

Before I came into the thread, I can't say why I wasn't interested in the case. I was vaguely aware of the basic info but I had no idea of controversy and that there were allegations of a conspiracy against her by everyone and their dog (literally, their dog! It's too funny!)
Yeah, my impression about it was only that it wasn't clear what happened. When I came into this thread, I knew the trial was coming up and since other cases I'm interested in are all pending trial, I knew I could focus solely on this one.
Btw, I've never understood your interest in the Daybell case, lol! I have watched a doc about it and indeed, it's bizarre but for some reason, it didn't interest me beyond . watching the doc..
Lol I've never compared Read with Arias. Tell me why. Not that if I did I might not find similarities. I only brought up Arias as you mentioned hoping I one day get to watch THIS trial and I said with Arias that I one I got to watch years after the fact and didn't follow before that. No time to think about that right now but curious as to the similarities you see.

I was not interested in this case and I still really am not for the most part. Once I start one though or heard some, I'll I guess stay mostly up on the thread at least but it isn't one that I gravitate or run to. There's a lot about it that makes it that way for me and it just isn't something I'd normally follow or at least not follow FIRST. Maybe had I know from day one of his death/murder but I don't think most did outside of the area there. Not THEN.

Yeah, the dog. ALL of it honestly. I'll class it a bit less crazy than the O theory in Delphi but still a lot to believe. Do I believe they may have known things, discussed things, covered that they did? Now THAT I can believe. Where it falls down entirely for me is their alternative theory about what really happened per the defense. Nope.

Daybell and my interest. Lol. Well let me tell you, many start out as I said, that I either saw from the start or saw something about it. Daybell had I not seen from the start, and came into years in or heard of, I may not have followed. I followed because there were MISSING kids and it was becoming a big story and no one new where these poor children were. Sometimes back when I had more time it also could just be on top of that that the cases I already was into were quiet and not much going on, I don't recall but it was about the missing kids... And then shortly after that, Lori was sounding like a nutcase and we were all if you read he first pages of that thread before we knew ANYTHING AT ALL we were like WHAT??? And it kept coming. WAsn't complicated then, it was two missing kids many of us thought or hoped might be alive and hidden due to custody, divorce, something...

I have fallen into many cases over missing children and regretted such in many because then I am invested. More common ones are a missing infant to toddler to 5 year old or some such (and older). You want to see and pass the word and give it activity hoping they get found and quickly but then shortly after if not seeing the signs quickly, one finds out a parent or a parent's bf or some such murdered them and then often comes horrible details of abuse and more and I REGRET looking at them but I am not going to bail on the child or the case at that point because I've invested in it. That's how it happens sometimes.

In Daybell, sh*t just kept COMING and it became quite the twisted and far from dull thing. HOWEVER, would I have gravitated towards it finding out in the middle when I knew nothing of it, probably not. You know that recent one, the Ruby Frank and whatever the other woman's name is who were SM people with huge followings who disciplined or abused their children most felt in wrong ways were caught out, that hit YT Big and I had no interest in following it at all. I know the basics and saw a bit here and there but really didn't want to follow it. I'd say it is one not like Daybell but a bit in some ways but no child died. And I don't think Daybell would be as I've said my kind of thing but I started out on it and then man, you couldn't make this stuff up and when other cases were going nowhere I was following, there that one was ALWAYS with something new.

I'm not sure how you pick what you follow but we all have our things I guess. I tend to gravitate not only (quite a few more of other kinds) to missing children. I want them found and even if we are not blasting it out there from here on SM, the more interest the better I feel to hope they are found quickly. I don't do FB and such but if I did I'd be sharing it. And then I end up usually finding out it is a murder by a family or close person and abuse with horrid details and I regret it but then like I said I am stuck. HOWEVER if one starts out with a headline that a baby was beaten to death and they know such immediately, I KNOW not to go near it because the child isn't missing and I do NOT need to know the details and nothing will save that child.

In generally I don't go towards famous or Hollywood type cases, and I don't got to mass shootings generally whether a mall, a school, a bar. DO I know OF such? Yes. Have I followed some? Yes. However, they get very political and special interest groups and all sorts of sh*t plays in. Yet I care like about the race cases and then I do end up following. I did so with Arbery. I did with George Floyd and Chauvin, etc. And more. Quite a few actually.

I don't do a lot of old missing cases, but the reason is because there is no new news on them and what can you keep talking about unless you go over the old facts which has been done over and over. Again it isn't that I don't care. And I do follow many. Maura Murray, Jon Benet, Madeline McCann, many missing adults that I followed when they went missing, but the ones way back like the 70s or earlier, not so much as I never followed crime or those at the outset. However in the years I did not work, when talk was slow, I'd go into some that got revived conversations going and such.

And I've watched some Hollywood ones and so forth. I just don't gravitate towards the types mentioned and if little time, it is certain types. I can GET interested in about any. A pet one of mine is Suzanne Morphew. Some years back it was Kelsey Berreth. Both Colorado cases and not children but women. Echo Lloyid, still missing. Tons and tons. Since being here, I'd say I had time then and followed almost every new case.

Old cases matter and I try to go in when these days, so impressive, so many unidentifieds are being identified as it is impressive but just following one with no news there just isn't much to talk about. I guess when I had time it was any new case at all... I was trying to keep my mind off very hard other things any free moment when I didn't work.

Okay. Each day when I finish another LONG work day, I generally have one very long post somewhere just to I guess destress and change modes... This one is it tonight. Lol.

So what is it that grabs you for cases?
So by that logic, he was found by JM long before KR knew about it? 911 Wasn't called for hours later. Plus, how did JO's phone, that was supposedly on him, take nearly 450 steps right before 911 was called and he was supposedly still covered in snow?
Some of the things including that one don't make sense with EITHER theory/story. I didn't give that long spreadsheet much of a look, just glanced for a bit, can't commit the time to something like that. So how are steps come up with? This is a phone right, not a Fit Bit? Is it simply pinging and searching for towers as he lay on it? And connects to whatever each time is best?

I could be way off but admitting didn't look long at it, don't know the BASIS of where the things come from and in either story, it makes no sense. No?

I will say I saw emu's remark about the 36 steps I think it was yesterday or day before, I forget, days are running together, busiest week at work yet, but I saw it at break and so when I went to go back in building from car after break I counted my steps and 36 don't take you as far as you'd think, not far at all in fact. At that point he was alive or thought to be no in his remarks and that's how far he walked before Karen hit him... That isn't odd to me at all.
There's been no testimony as to what Read did after she left but there's been testimony along that line such as who had access to John's ring cameras and that there's a room in his home where there's a computer and that that morn, it was found that one of the garage doors wouldn't close completely...
Yeah I recall the garage door thing now that you mention it. I did watch several shows on this although many are way weighted on defense stuff as that's what was put out there that people had to dwell on. I knew of the garage door thing before trial if I recall or I heard of it.
Well, SOMEbody made that specific search on her phone for some reason.

The phone movement is from the spreadsheet that kdg posted that somebody made from the raw data itself. It shows that his phone moved approx 450 steps before the 911 call. How did his phone get underneath him if he had been lying there and the phone had moved just before the 911 call?
I think I've read here that it was on her phone and at other times that it was on a computer in the home and someone made it. WHICH is it?
Well, SOMEbody made that specific search on her phone for some reason.

The phone movement is from the spreadsheet that kdg posted that somebody made from the raw data itself. It shows that his phone moved approx 450 steps before the 911 call. How did his phone get underneath him if he had been lying there and the phone had moved just before the 911 call?
How are steps figured by a phone? Did he have a step app/exercise/fit bit kind of thing on the phone?

As far as underneath him, do you figure after all the steps someone put it underneath him or what? And disturbed the sn*w and him?

It doesn't add up for any of the stories from either side and that means something is wrong. I am pretty positive my phone does not measure steps.

Made THAT specific search supposedly twice.

And again was this on her phone or on a computer? Each time and each search?
Also, what happened in trial today? Or is it a dark day? Haven't had time to say what I think of that NEW thing now being heard of and I'm not impressed.
Some of the things including that one don't make sense with EITHER theory/story. I didn't give that long spreadsheet much of a look, just glanced for a bit, can't commit the time to something like that. So how are steps come up with? This is a phone right, not a Fit Bit? Is it simply pinging and searching for towers as he lay on it? And connects to whatever each time is best?

I could be way off but admitting didn't look long at it, don't know the BASIS of where the things come from and in either story, it makes no sense. No?

I will say I saw emu's remark about the 36 steps I think it was yesterday or day before, I forget, days are running together, busiest week at work yet, but I saw it at break and so when I went to go back in building from car after break I counted my steps and 36 don't take you as far as you'd think, not far at all in fact. At that point he was alive or thought to be no in his remarks and that's how far he walked before Karen hit him... That isn't odd to me at all.
Go back to murdaugh with the exact same type of data from his phone. It showed him doing all those steps at the time of the murders when he claimed he wasn't there.
Some of the things including that one don't make sense with EITHER theory/story. I didn't give that long spreadsheet much of a look, just glanced for a bit, can't commit the time to something like that. So how are steps come up with? This is a phone right, not a Fit Bit? Is it simply pinging and searching for towers as he lay on it? And connects to whatever each time is best?

I could be way off but admitting didn't look long at it, don't know the BASIS of where the things come from and in either story, it makes no sense. No?

I will say I saw emu's remark about the 36 steps I think it was yesterday or day before, I forget, days are running together, busiest week at work yet, but I saw it at break and so when I went to go back in building from car after break I counted my steps and 36 don't take you as far as you'd think, not far at all in fact. At that point he was alive or thought to be no in his remarks and that's how far he walked before Karen hit him... That isn't odd to me at all.
36 was much earlier.
How are steps figured by a phone? Did he have a step app/exercise/fit bit kind of thing on the phone?

As far as underneath him, do you figure after all the steps someone put it underneath him or what? And disturbed the sn*w and him?

It doesn't add up for any of the stories from either side and that means something is wrong. I am pretty positive my phone does not measure steps.

Made THAT specific search supposedly twice.

And again was this on her phone or on a computer? Each time and each search?
Again, they had the exact same kind of data extracted from murdaugh s phone. MANY of them have the technology. Mine does and it's far from new.

By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


Brian Higgins concludes his testimony Tuesday​

Defense attorney Alan Jackson is not in court Tuesday, so attorney David Yannetti took over for him, continuing Friday's cross-examination of Higgins.

Higgins is a friend of Brian Albert and was present at the party at Albert's home on Fairview Road hours before O'Keefe was found dead outside, according to court filings and witness testimony. He had previously exchanged flirtatious text messages with Read, according to court filings from the prosecution.

He is one of three men that Read's defense team has said had motive, opportunity and means to attack O'Keefe that night. Prosecutors have said the defense's statements about Higgins lack evidence and make for a "fanciful" story.

Yannetti started by asking Higgins on Tuesday if he provided the complete exchanges of his texts with Read and O'Keefe. Higgins replied by saying there might have been additional text exchanges with O'Keefe that he did not provide.

Higgins also acknowledged that he did not provide any text messages with anyone else.

Yannetti asked Higgins if he received an order in September of 2022 telling him not to dispose of his phone records, and if he reset his phone anyway. Higgins said he did not reset his phone.

But Yannetti said in May of 2023, he met with investigators and told them he did a "factory reset" of his phone.

"I don't recall that, no. I don't recall making that statement," Higgins said.

Shown records of the interview, Higgins again denies he ever said that, saying the record is inaccurate.

"My testimony is I didn't make those statements," he said.

"Did you either cut up the SIM card or rip it up?" Yannetti asked.

"Cut it up or broke it," Higgins said, acknowledging that the purpose of doing that was to make sure no one else could use it. But he denied he cut up the SIM card to keep people from accessing his data.

He also confirmed that he told investigators, "I made sure that somebody couldn't put it in their phone" and he put it and the phone in a trash bag.

Higgins said he then drove to a military base and put the destroyed SIM card and the phone into a dumpster on the base.

"Yes, I threw it away," he said.

Higgins said he didn't transfer anything from the phone, including any photos, videos or previous text messages.

He also confirmed that he had texts with Kevin, Nicole and Brian Albert on the phone that he discarded.

"You knew... that from that day forward, no one would ever be able to access the content of what you and Brian Albert had discussed by text messages on your old phone, correct?" Yannetti asked.

"Anybody," Higgins replied.

On redirect, Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally asked Higgins again about the kiss he shared with Read, and his series of text messages with the defendant. He said he never talked about any of that with anyone, both because he is a private person and he was a bit embarrassed about his actions.

"Just everything was so out of left field, I just found it hard to believe," he said about his brief flirtation with Read.

Lally also asked Higgins if he had heard that a defense request to turn over his phone had been denied. He said he did learn that and disposed of his phone about two months after that.

"Because it was beaten and broken up and I already had a new phone," he said. "Only explanation is I threw it away. That's it."

Higgins said he had also recently received a call from the subject of an investigation he was conducting who had found his phone number online. But he said that was not the main reason he got rid of the phone.

He said he had no reason to preserve any information from his phone because he is divorced and has no children.

Lally also asked Higgins again if he saw anything outside the Albert home on the night of Jan. 28-29, 2022, and he said he hadn't.

"If I had saw John O'Keefe on the side of the road, I would have done something to make a difference," Higgins said.

Higgins concluded his testimony around 9:50 a.m. Tuesday, at which point Judge Beverly Cannone ordered a 10-minute recess.

By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


John O'Keefe's niece and nephew take the stand​

After Higgins, the next witnesses on Tuesday were the niece and nephew of O'Keefe, who lived with him in Canton after both of their parents died.

Their testimony was not live streamed, as both the prosecution and defense have agreed not to have any video or audio broadcast of their testimony. Their testimony lasted about two hours, concluding shortly before noon.

We are in a quick recess.
The next witnesses are John OKeefe’s niece & nephew.
Per court order, there will be no video or audio broadcast of their testimonies.
Media is not allowed to transmit any of the testimony live during their testimony.
— Sue O'Connell (@SueNBCBoston) May 28, 2024
NBC10 Boston's Sue O'Connell, who was in the courtroom but was not allowed to share details until afterward, said the niece and nephew testified about the relationship between their uncle and Read, saying arguing between them increased in January. They said the fights were loud, but never happened in public.

They said Read often took care of them, and they had good times together, and also some bad times when O'Keefe and Read fought.

The niece also detailed the events of the morning O'Keefe died, saying she heard Read say, "Maybe I hit him. Could I have hit him?"

The children also said Read never called or wrote them after that day.

Yannetti only had a couple of questions on cross-examination, asking if Read or O'Keefe ever raised a hand in anger at each other. Both children testified no.

O'Keefe's niece was also asked if she ever told anyone about Read's comments that she might have hit O'Keefe. The niece said she did not.

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