Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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A case of a bunch of people in power out drinking and partying and one ends up dead who was also drinking and partying versus a few others I need to catch up with.
I don't know where you get a bunch of people in power but regardless, it wasn't that way at all.
Brian Albert and Higgins were LE but so what? They're human beings first and they were good friends.
And anyone within earshot was invited to stop by the Albert's home that night. Even the young people who came to pick up Julie Nagel were invited to come in.
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The amount of things someone framing here would have to do is ridiculous. Tail light on him, near the area, some found at this time, more found another time, they took off his sneaker I guess and thought to do so and placed that. And then plucked a hair. And so on. So many many things and so LARGE of a conspiracy to frame some woman for what isn't even a first degree murder charges and who was AT THE SCENE and admitted it as well that she hit him and who was drunk.

They may be bumbleheads in a lot of their handling perhaps but they aren't his murderer/s and are not part of some large conspiracy covering up the fact one of them murdered him.

I WILL say there is good REASON all protocol of the most serious should be followed on finding anyone dead and not by his own hand (and even THAT should never be assumed like many do).

The defense and Karen have ridiculous imaginations to come up with all they have had to explain and the prosecution and LE have not done the perfect job by a long shot. That's what the case is here imo.

She can live with the fact she killed him for the rest of her life and answer to God if she believes in HIm.

I've said more than once, I don't like just about anyone in this case. And that remains true. They are all BAD examples of people abusing their positions and THAT INCLUDES Karen out partying and driving and drinking with her cop bf. She FIRST of ALL should have been handed a DUI while he investigation then commenced and went on in one would hope a far more stellar manner. I have MOST definitely seen people handed one AFTER an incident or accident by days even. They weren't running with anything for OBVIOUS reasons.

Jmo. And again it all plays into why I don't have much interest in it or care. I DO CARE people get away with this sh*t, them AND her but what's the point and then add in the CLEAR politics going on here...

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I wonder if the blood was a mixture of O'keefe's and the guy who beat him up. That's why it was never tested and had such poor handling.
It probably wasn't tested because of contamination and watered down with melted snow. Plus AGAIN no chain of custody in evidence handling.

Why did Proctor document absolutely nothing he turned in?
Pieces of niece and nephew testimony.

By Lauren Melendez, Sue O'Connell, Kaitlin McKinley Becker and Marc Fortier • Published May 28, 2024 • Updated on May 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm​


John O'Keefe's niece and nephew take the stand​

After Higgins, the next witnesses on Tuesday were the niece and nephew of O'Keefe, who lived with him in Canton after both of their parents died.

Their testimony was not live streamed, as both the prosecution and defense have agreed not to have any video or audio broadcast of their testimony. Their testimony lasted about two hours, concluding shortly before noon.

NBC10 Boston's Sue O'Connell, who was in the courtroom but was not allowed to share details until afterward, said the niece and nephew testified about the relationship between their uncle and Read, saying arguing between them increased in January. They said the fights were loud, but never happened in public.

They said Read often took care of them, and they had good times together, and also some bad times when O'Keefe and Read fought.

The niece also detailed the events of the morning O'Keefe died, saying she heard Read say, "Maybe I hit him. Could I have hit him?"

The children also said Read never called or wrote them after that day.

Yannetti only had a couple of questions on cross-examination, asking if Read or O'Keefe ever raised a hand in anger at each other. Both children testified no.

O'Keefe's niece was also asked if she ever told anyone about Read's comments that she might have hit O'Keefe. The niece said she did not.

Karen Read trial recap: What John O’Keefe’s niece and nephew said on the stand​

Story by Abby Patkin
• 1w

By Marc Fortier • Published June 6, 2024 • Updated 2 mins ago​


Massachusetts State Police Sgt. Yuriy Bukhenik returns to the stand​

Massachusetts State Police Sgt. Yuriy Bukhenik returned to the stand Thursday morning, and was asked again how many drinks Read consumed on the night before O'Keefe's death. Between C.F. McCarthy's and the Waterfall, he said she had nine drinks.

He also testified that Ring video obtained from O'Keefe's home on the night before he died did not include the time period when Read returned to the home in her SUV.

Bukhenik also talked about the morning of Feb. 3, 2022, when he, Trooper Michael Proctor and another state police trooper conducted a secondary search at 34 Fairview Road since the snow was now melting and they believed that some potential evidence might be missing, including O'Keefe's baseball cap.

He said they located the hat, a drinking straw from a cocktail glass, and several pieces of colored plastic on the grass portion of the yard near the flagpole. Assistant District Attorney Adam Lally then introduced several photos into evidence showing the items that were recovered that day.

Bukhenik said he returned to 34 Fairview Road the following day. He said he advised everyone in his unit to drive by the location on their way to and from work in case other items showed up as the snow continued to melt.

On the morning of Feb. 4, 2022, he said he went by the scene after receiving a call from Canton police saying they had found additional evidence at the scene. He said the items, 20 pieces of broken plastic and glass, were found on the lawn.

Lally also introduced O'Keefe's baseball cap and other items recovered from 34 Fairview Road into evidence.

Bukhenik also talked about an interview he and Proctor conducted in the wake of O'Keefe's death with Nicole Albert inside her home at 34 Fairview Road. He said Nicole Albert's husband, Brian Albert, was also in the room at the time.

Lally also played a short audio clip from an interview Bukhenik conducted with Read on June 9, 2022.

"You're aware he was beaten up by Brian and [his nephew] Colin Albert," Read said in the audio clip, the first time jurors have heard her voice during the trial. "I mean, we're all in on the same joke, right? My taillight is cracked and John was pulverized."

At that point, Bukhenik said he advised Read not to say anything further.

Shortly before 10:30 a.m., defense attorney Alan Jackson began cross-examining Bukhenik, and he started by asking about the Ring videos at O'Keefe's home. He asked who wrote the warrant seeking the Ring videos and controlled them once received from the company.

Bukhenik said it was Proctor who did all of that. And he said there was no evidence that Read had ever logged into or manipulated the Ring video in any way.

Jackson also asked Bukhenik if he ever communicated that he suspected O'Keefe's death might have been related to a physical altercation instead of being hit by a vehicle. Bukhenik said he did at one point communicate that detail to the medical examiner's office.

Despite that belief, Bukhenik acknowledged that neither he nor Proctor conducted any interviews in the following days with anyone inside the Albert home. He said he also never took any photos inside the home or secured the home as a potential crime scene.

Jackson also attempted to show that Proctor would have had access to the evidence in the case, given that he was the case officer for the O'Keefe investigation.

Bukhenik was also asked by the defense about Feb. 4, 2022, when he stopped by the home on Fairview Road after learning that former Canton Police Chief Kenneth Berkowitz had found what appeared to be broken pieces of taillight on the lawn.

Jackson asked if Bukhenik found it suspicious that the police chief whose department had removed itself from the investigation due to potential conflicts was collecting evidence at the scene. But Bukhenik said he did not see that as a problem.

The defense then showed a Ring video from O'Keefe's house showing Read's SUV backing up and appearing to at least come close to hitting O'Keefe's parked vehicle based on the way O'Keefe's vehicle moved.

Jackson also asked about a video shown Wednesday showing the sallyport at the Canton Police Department where Read's SUV was kept during the investigation. When Bukhenik was unable to recall the specific video, Jackson had it displayed on screen in court.

The court appeared to show a mirror image of the sallyport, as the number four was inverted on the wall. Jackson at one point asked Bukhenik if the video was backward.

"It's a mirror image," Bukhenik said. "It's accurate. I don't know why it's that way."

Bukhenik was still on the stand being cross-examined when court wrapped up for the day. There will be no testimony Friday in the case.

After the jury was dismissed Thursday, Judge Beverly Cannone said she received a motion from the prosecution on Thursday morning that she had not had time to read. She suggested taking a look at it and returning to court at noon, but defense asked for an opportunity to argue the motion so Cannone said she will hold a hearing on the motion at 8:30 a.m. Monday, before testimony resumes.

Cannone also said at the end of the day Thursday that she expects the jury to get the case for deliberations by the last week of June.

Next week, there will be full days of testimony on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but no testimony on Tuesday.
Pieces of niece and nephew testimony.


Karen Read trial recap: What John O’Keefe’s niece and nephew said on the stand​

Story by Abby Patkin
• 1w

WBZ reported that O’Keefe’s nephew testified that neither Read nor O’Keefe ever raised a hand at each other in anger. However, “there was a lot of disagreements and arguments,” the boy reportedly said.

According to WCVB, both children also described an incident where O’Keefe asked Read to leave his house and she refused.

“She said no. She was swearing. She got very loud,” O’Keefe’s niece said, per WCVB.

The couple’s relationship “was good at the beginning, but it was bad at the end,” the niece testified, according to WHDH....
Vinnie Politan and his guests were talking about how huge of a mistake it was for the prosecution to show the inverted video, without letting the jury know it was inverted.

It makes a huge difference in the evidence being shown. Court watchers said the jurors stopped taking notes and seemed galled while the inverted video was being discussed. Politan said it was a huge portion of reasonable doubt being handed to the jury.
Vinnie Politan and his guests were talking about how huge of a mistake it was for the prosecution to show the inverted video, without letting the jury know it was inverted.

It makes a huge difference in the evidence being shown. Court watchers said the jurors stopped taking notes and seemed galled while the inverted video was being discussed. Politan said it was a huge portion of reasonable doubt being handed to the jury.
I haven't followed this case closely so I'm unsure of what exactly this means. Does inverting the video hide something from the jury?
I haven't followed this case closely so I'm unsure of what exactly this means. Does inverting the video hide something from the jury?

At the 7 second mark, the SUV is in the sally port however the view is of the drivers side, not the passenger side.

Lally (direct) asked the witness if the video was a true and accurate representation of the scene as shown and the Trooper said yes.

On cross, the Trooper admitted that the video was mirrored.

The jury will now have to weigh the credibility of the witness testimony.

Hope that helped.

At the 7 second mark, the SUV is in the sally port however the view is of the drivers side, not the passenger side.

Lally (direct) asked the witness if the video was a true and accurate representation of the scene as shown and the Trooper said yes.

On cross, the Trooper admitted that the video was mirrored.

The jury will now have to weigh the credibility of the witness testimony.

Hope that helped.

And anybody in that police dept that had been in that room should have immediately known that the image was reversed.

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