Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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Well I've said many a time I don't care much about this case compared to some others and even though knowing of it and knowing quite a bit and even though not a person did a thing wrong, I said some weeks back I am out of here. First off, it isn't my first, second and no one has to, all things from a trial I couldn't watch and wouldn't probably if I could but have seen some, people in here only look for what fits their beliefs and that is FINE but I was looking to hear all sides of it, what did the niece and nephew say, when did the prosecution make a good point but instead all are looking for and citing only what fits their formed beliefs. Hey I do the same don't get me wrong, we all do to a point but I couldn't get fully informed here even if I'd wanted to and I wanted to hear facts and things from all of it without having to watch it all.

Again, that's fine and I respect it but rather than waste time here trying to and not really caring a lot about this one overall, it was a waste for me with limited time to catch up on the ones I care about more. That doesn't mean I have not run into it elsewhere and of course THIS thing versus more important cases has taken over a lot of YT and elsewhere plus I do have some interest, just wouldn't be my first choice and have stayed up with it somewhat in places where boy people are so one way or the other and at each other it is ridiculous, in chats, but shows that actually show the points of both sides throughout and discuss it ALL. This one here is more or less all pro Karen Read and the only things shared are things that go against the other side or help her and again that's fine and no one should have to do otherwise. I just chose to not try to keep up here any longer on this case and to be honest, I saw some ridiculous claims that were really reaching and rather than go at it when I DO NOT really have a horse in the race, I was fine with leaving it and letting all those so blinded on the Read fan club discuss themselves without trying to see like I was putting a wrench in if I did not agree.

You know there are other things here that could be an answer between the two things and sanity to me says such to be more likely.

Anyhow, I'm only in here to say now that it is with the jury that they didn't come back in hours or even the next day with a not guilty verdict did they... And today they asked to quit at a time which leaves me thinking tomorrow being Friday, they reached a consensus but are going to sleep on it much as Daybell did and come with a verdict tomorrow and again it's Friday. So I am making my predictions is what I am doing. That's the main one. And if that's the case, she is going to be guilty of something.

If it is not the case, we have imo one of two things going on. Certainly not all think her not guilty of all or it would be done already. So we have a hung jury that may come and they are not at a decision OR we have them finding her guilty of lesser includes but can't decide on the 2nd degree and have some disagreement.

If they don't come back tomorrow, it will likely be hung.

I've read no posts here since the last time in and haven't now. I will be though not a thing has been said about a reason to worry that they are not back yet...

I have seen some things. At lunch today I ran into a video and of course most YT etc. is on this case which I think ridiculous but Nate is doing things on Daybell, there are some and Justin Lum updated Lori's AZ thing today too, etc. but I ran into a video I forget if Court TV or who, no actually I think it was the local one, that had a story on it and Karen talking to her supporters and on there as a boy who was out of school and just wanted to come and see her, meet her, etc. and with his mom I believe.

No matter what you think here, these fan supporters are like the ones that stood outside the Laundries home and harassed them, same thing in West with the grandparents, and OTHERS.

Even if you believe Karen innocent, why the HE77 would YOUR KID KNOW ABOUT or WANT TO MEET a DRUNK who at minimum WASN't EVEN SURE SHE HIT HIM (and that's at best, I think she did know) and want to be a part of such a thing and a cop who died that was DRUNK as well and more? WHO brings their kid with knowledge to such a thing?

Anyhow I don't go out of my way to follow it but I've seen enough elsewhere where at least they cover ALL of it which I was not seeing here. And again, that's fine. There are some cases that get like that but boy the way some just jump on to all being true is downright scary. The truth here is likely somewhere in the middle although I believe she did it and I believe she knew she did. She knew where he was for God's sakes, how do you ignore that?

Investigation was shitty and they maybe "helped" or just didn't do their job well but doesn't mean she didn't do it.

Whether proven is another thing DUE to that investigation.

However, as a juror, I could probably come back with manslaughter when weighing it all. I've heard plenty elsewhere although I don't go looking for it and I've seen all facts debated both ways and all testimony, etc. I wasn't seeing that here.

And again, nothing wrong with that. And no one gave me any grief, I just don't have time and I was only seeing certain things picked out from those watching it and knew there had to be much else ignored.

So I could be wrong but I think a full NOT GUILTY is likely out the window. It will be something other or a hung jury. This case is opposite, usually a quick verdict means guilty but in this case it would have meant not guilty as most know from the sheer public relations and blitz on news and online from the defense.

Also I doubt, haven't looked, that anyone said a word about Karen's angry messages showing who she really is or CAN BE. Did anyone say that here?

The supporters outside and sh*t are right up there with those that went the other way in other cases. These are not the real person with a real view on things. Oh and also I was not going to do the Turtleboy thing. Still not going to.

So coming in now that it is done with other than verdict, not reading back but can guess what wasn't shared that I did hear elsewhere, both sides.

She is extremely dislikable imo and the way she refers to OK and her smiling and joking at the wrong times are right up there with Lori Vallow. Holding court. Whether she hit him or not she was drunk off her arse and left very nasty messages yet someone brings their grade school son to MEET HER and it makes the news.

I suppose all are thinking that's just cool?

No time and not sure will be back in just my two cents on it. I bet most buying ALL of it including he was killed by someone in the home expected a not guilty verdict within hours or by lunch the next day. Anyone discussing the fact that hasn't happened what it might mean....

His PARENTS are there and there is PLENTY too that despite the imperfectness of the case and investigation that sure the heck points to her and he is DEAD.

I could see a lesser included and argument about the main one... I don't think it is going to be a not guilty. AT ALL. That's done for and would have happened by now. It is a guilty on something or more than one or it will end a hung jury.

Seriously has anyone discussed this? The ones so sure this is all so slam dunk and obvious that a not guilty should have been back by now?

Anywho.... Nate's had some good interviews on DAybell I never have seen all on Soto, and despite so much of the crime TV and YT and SM sh*t being on a drunken adult case, there are some other things going on worth watching too.

I'm trying to picture the day I would have taken my kids to a town to meet a defendant who was drunk when the incident charged with occurred rather than to the beach and Dairy Queen.... If the jury is seeing this bunch when taken in and they SHOULD NOT BE, from what I saw today even the ones on the sidelines, it would give me the other effect than what they intend. And then there's Karen thinking she's the next Lori Loughlin in the college admissions scandal with the PR put on, who held out, fan girls came out for with the controversy, and all of them deserved more than they got. Don't ask me why Karen makes me think of her but she does. Lori's a has been and never was big and Karen's dreaming now of not only being not guilty but getting a show or maybe helping Turtle Boy make his channel bigger...

This investigation was NOT perfect. She hit him. She killed him. She KNEW it and she KNOWS IT NOW. She's not someone to have your kid meet and emulate. I mean best case scenario she was so drunk she wasn't sure or falsely said she did and thought she did. And I can't believe some who are falling for the whole alternative story hook, line and sinker.

I actually think in the beginning they may have even played careful and tried to protect Karen until they knew or thought otherwise... There is something in the middle here. Jmo.

I don't believe she didn't do it. Whether intentional or accidental drunken. I do believe it was NOT the investigation it should have been. SHE BY THE WAY CALLED WHO SHE HAD WITH HER. It's not like they went calling or looking for her... That is HUGE too. I'm not saying people here but even people out there as most are saying that show both sides and debate it, have lost their collective minds and are one way or the other. I do NOT think they have or had enough to go for second degree murder

Just looking for someone more middle of the road on what really happened.

Imo people have lost their collective minds on both sides of this and my opinion isn't worth squat. But I heard here like about the judge and how aunty and the prosecutor and connected, etc. and the judge for one has bent over backwards imo for the defense. We've got a hollywood PR stunt going on with a HW type attorney and a grinning, smiling star of a woman who regardless of all was drunk that night, knew she hit him or then was so obliteratingly drunk that she isn't SURE at best excuse. And fan girls with kids that they want to take to meet her.

I would hope some of this disturbs some here. Here is the thing also, at WORST if things were done wrong, purposely something done to try to help what they KNOW happened, to still does not mean she didn't do it. It may mean the case is compromised and the investigation, but it does not mean someone in the house killed him, it does not mean she did not. For people to go that far, I think they've lost it.

And I've also said throughout most here think they are privileged and some heads should roll after this but Karen and John were two of those that night that felt privileged and immune. And again WHO DID SHE CALL to go look with her? And again, did THEY CALL HER?
On a CourtTV poll, the results of a question asking what they believe the verdict will be, 70% say NOT GUILTY, 9% say GUILTY. The rest is split between guilty of manslaughter or hung jury.

When asked what they personally thought the verdict SHOULD be, 87% not guilty.
Two hour video of tonight's Closing Arguments. It starts with the credits from the 48 Hours episode that ran before it:

Well I've said many a time I don't care much about this case compared to some others and even though knowing of it and knowing quite a bit and even though not a person did a thing wrong, I said some weeks back I am out of here. First off, it isn't my first, second and no one has to, all things from a trial I couldn't watch and wouldn't probably if I could but have seen some, people in here only look for what fits their beliefs and that is FINE but I was looking to hear all sides of it, what did the niece and nephew say, when did the prosecution make a good point but instead all are looking for and citing only what fits their formed beliefs. Hey I do the same don't get me wrong, we all do to a point but I couldn't get fully informed here even if I'd wanted to and I wanted to hear facts and things from all of it without having to watch it all.

Again, that's fine and I respect it but rather than waste time here trying to and not really caring a lot about this one overall, it was a waste for me with limited time to catch up on the ones I care about more. That doesn't mean I have not run into it elsewhere and of course THIS thing versus more important cases has taken over a lot of YT and elsewhere plus I do have some interest, just wouldn't be my first choice and have stayed up with it somewhat in places where boy people are so one way or the other and at each other it is ridiculous, in chats, but shows that actually show the points of both sides throughout and discuss it ALL. This one here is more or less all pro Karen Read and the only things shared are things that go against the other side or help her and again that's fine and no one should have to do otherwise. I just chose to not try to keep up here any longer on this case and to be honest, I saw some ridiculous claims that were really reaching and rather than go at it when I DO NOT really have a horse in the race, I was fine with leaving it and letting all those so blinded on the Read fan club discuss themselves without trying to see like I was putting a wrench in if I did not agree.

You know there are other things here that could be an answer between the two things and sanity to me says such to be more likely.

Anyhow, I'm only in here to say now that it is with the jury that they didn't come back in hours or even the next day with a not guilty verdict did they... And today they asked to quit at a time which leaves me thinking tomorrow being Friday, they reached a consensus but are going to sleep on it much as Daybell did and come with a verdict tomorrow and again it's Friday. So I am making my predictions is what I am doing. That's the main one. And if that's the case, she is going to be guilty of something.

If it is not the case, we have imo one of two things going on. Certainly not all think her not guilty of all or it would be done already. So we have a hung jury that may come and they are not at a decision OR we have them finding her guilty of lesser includes but can't decide on the 2nd degree and have some disagreement.

If they don't come back tomorrow, it will likely be hung.

I've read no posts here since the last time in and haven't now. I will be though not a thing has been said about a reason to worry that they are not back yet...

I have seen some things. At lunch today I ran into a video and of course most YT etc. is on this case which I think ridiculous but Nate is doing things on Daybell, there are some and Justin Lum updated Lori's AZ thing today too, etc. but I ran into a video I forget if Court TV or who, no actually I think it was the local one, that had a story on it and Karen talking to her supporters and on there as a boy who was out of school and just wanted to come and see her, meet her, etc. and with his mom I believe.

No matter what you think here, these fan supporters are like the ones that stood outside the Laundries home and harassed them, same thing in West with the grandparents, and OTHERS.

Even if you believe Karen innocent, why the HE77 would YOUR KID KNOW ABOUT or WANT TO MEET a DRUNK who at minimum WASN't EVEN SURE SHE HIT HIM (and that's at best, I think she did know) and want to be a part of such a thing and a cop who died that was DRUNK as well and more? WHO brings their kid with knowledge to such a thing?

Anyhow I don't go out of my way to follow it but I've seen enough elsewhere where at least they cover ALL of it which I was not seeing here. And again, that's fine. There are some cases that get like that but boy the way some just jump on to all being true is downright scary. The truth here is likely somewhere in the middle although I believe she did it and I believe she knew she did. She knew where he was for God's sakes, how do you ignore that?

Investigation was shitty and they maybe "helped" or just didn't do their job well but doesn't mean she didn't do it.

Whether proven is another thing DUE to that investigation.

However, as a juror, I could probably come back with manslaughter when weighing it all. I've heard plenty elsewhere although I don't go looking for it and I've seen all facts debated both ways and all testimony, etc. I wasn't seeing that here.

And again, nothing wrong with that. And no one gave me any grief, I just don't have time and I was only seeing certain things picked out from those watching it and knew there had to be much else ignored.

So I could be wrong but I think a full NOT GUILTY is likely out the window. It will be something other or a hung jury. This case is opposite, usually a quick verdict means guilty but in this case it would have meant not guilty as most know from the sheer public relations and blitz on news and online from the defense.

Also I doubt, haven't looked, that anyone said a word about Karen's angry messages showing who she really is or CAN BE. Did anyone say that here?

The supporters outside and sh*t are right up there with those that went the other way in other cases. These are not the real person with a real view on things. Oh and also I was not going to do the Turtleboy thing. Still not going to.

So coming in now that it is done with other than verdict, not reading back but can guess what wasn't shared that I did hear elsewhere, both sides.

She is extremely dislikable imo and the way she refers to OK and her smiling and joking at the wrong times are right up there with Lori Vallow. Holding court. Whether she hit him or not she was drunk off her arse and left very nasty messages yet someone brings their grade school son to MEET HER and it makes the news.

I suppose all are thinking that's just cool?

No time and not sure will be back in just my two cents on it. I bet most buying ALL of it including he was killed by someone in the home expected a not guilty verdict within hours or by lunch the next day. Anyone discussing the fact that hasn't happened what it might mean....

His PARENTS are there and there is PLENTY too that despite the imperfectness of the case and investigation that sure the heck points to her and he is DEAD.

I could see a lesser included and argument about the main one... I don't think it is going to be a not guilty. AT ALL. That's done for and would have happened by now. It is a guilty on something or more than one or it will end a hung jury.

Seriously has anyone discussed this? The ones so sure this is all so slam dunk and obvious that a not guilty should have been back by now?

Anywho.... Nate's had some good interviews on DAybell I never have seen all on Soto, and despite so much of the crime TV and YT and SM sh*t being on a drunken adult case, there are some other things going on worth watching too.

I'm trying to picture the day I would have taken my kids to a town to meet a defendant who was drunk when the incident charged with occurred rather than to the beach and Dairy Queen.... If the jury is seeing this bunch when taken in and they SHOULD NOT BE, from what I saw today even the ones on the sidelines, it would give me the other effect than what they intend. And then there's Karen thinking she's the next Lori Loughlin in the college admissions scandal with the PR put on, who held out, fan girls came out for with the controversy, and all of them deserved more than they got. Don't ask me why Karen makes me think of her but she does. Lori's a has been and never was big and Karen's dreaming now of not only being not guilty but getting a show or maybe helping Turtle Boy make his channel bigger...

This investigation was NOT perfect. She hit him. She killed him. She KNEW it and she KNOWS IT NOW. She's not someone to have your kid meet and emulate. I mean best case scenario she was so drunk she wasn't sure or falsely said she did and thought she did. And I can't believe some who are falling for the whole alternative story hook, line and sinker.

I actually think in the beginning they may have even played careful and tried to protect Karen until they knew or thought otherwise... There is something in the middle here. Jmo.

I don't believe she didn't do it. Whether intentional or accidental drunken. I do believe it was NOT the investigation it should have been. SHE BY THE WAY CALLED WHO SHE HAD WITH HER. It's not like they went calling or looking for her... That is HUGE too. I'm not saying people here but even people out there as most are saying that show both sides and debate it, have lost their collective minds and are one way or the other. I do NOT think they have or had enough to go for second degree murder

Just looking for someone more middle of the road on what really happened.

Imo people have lost their collective minds on both sides of this and my opinion isn't worth squat. But I heard here like about the judge and how aunty and the prosecutor and connected, etc. and the judge for one has bent over backwards imo for the defense. We've got a hollywood PR stunt going on with a HW type attorney and a grinning, smiling star of a woman who regardless of all was drunk that night, knew she hit him or then was so obliteratingly drunk that she isn't SURE at best excuse. And fan girls with kids that they want to take to meet her.

I would hope some of this disturbs some here. Here is the thing also, at WORST if things were done wrong, purposely something done to try to help what they KNOW happened, to still does not mean she didn't do it. It may mean the case is compromised and the investigation, but it does not mean someone in the house killed him, it does not mean she did not. For people to go that far, I think they've lost it.

And I've also said throughout most here think they are privileged and some heads should roll after this but Karen and John were two of those that night that felt privileged and immune. And again WHO DID SHE CALL to go look with her? And again, did THEY CALL HER?
I agree with a lot of your points. If she did it, she cannot remember as she was drunk driving. However the hoohah over it is unjustified. At the worst it is manslaughter, at best someone else did it and that has not been properly investigated IMO. I agree it is likely to be a hung jury.
I agree with a lot of your points. If she did it, she cannot remember as she was drunk driving. However the hoohah over it is unjustified. At the worst it is manslaughter, at best someone else did it and that has not been properly investigated IMO. I agree it is likely to be a hung jury.

We don't know how drunk she was due to the strange method they used. Even if she was blotto, it doesn't mean she did it.

The FBI doesn't give out experts for free to those who they believe are guilty killers.

The FBI doesn't want Morrissey to find out how much they know yet. This was the best they could do for her.

So, the CW forges a video and the FBI believes she's innocent? But, she did it?
Day 4: Jury Deliberations. Links to coverage of the proceedings below.

By Alysha Palumbo • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 30 mins ago​

Updated: 6:39 AM EDT Jun 28, 2024
David Bienick
Last edited:

By Alysha Palumbo • Published 1 hour ago • Updated 30 mins ago​

Updated: 6:39 AM EDT Jun 28, 2024
David Bienick

Leave the family alone. For God's sake!
We don't know how drunk she was due to the strange method they used. Even if she was blotto, it doesn't mean she did it.

The FBI doesn't give out experts for free to those who they believe are guilty killers.

The FBI doesn't want Morrissey to find out how much they know yet. This was the best they could do for her.

So, the CW forges a video and the FBI believes she's innocent? But, she did it?
And it also doesn't mean she didn't drink more while she was calling him so their calculations could be wrong due that alone..

And yes, why go through the total work and production of inverting that video and then doing through the very DELIBERATE action of adding the timestamp bit inverted and having the balls to use that manufactured video as you evidence of it meant nothing and why didn't any of his injuries match with being hit by a car?

That video nailed it for me that they were 100% lying so what what were they lying about?
We don't know how drunk she was due to the strange method they used. Even if she was blotto, it doesn't mean she did it.

The FBI doesn't give out experts for free to those who they believe are guilty killers.

The FBI doesn't want Morrissey to find out how much they know yet. This was the best they could do for her.

So, the CW forges a video and the FBI believes she's innocent? But, she did it?
I don't understand your comments. She has been charged and tried for it and is awaiting verdict. Have the FBI said she is innocent?
I don't understand your comments. She has been charged and tried for it and is awaiting verdict. Have the FBI said she is innocent?
The FBI stated his injuries are not consistent with injuries seen in people being hit by a vehicle and are consistent with a large animal injuries, so yes, they pretty much said she didn't do it.
She was drunk, she hit him with her car.

She was drunk, she did not hit him with her car.

She was drunk, someone else hit him with their car.

She was drunk, he went inside the house and something else happened.

These are the only options that I can see. Only in the first one would she be deemed guilty, but to me they have not proved that this even happened AFAICS.
I think they did based on the BAC.
Yes however it has never been shown when her last drink was so the blood sample was sent to a lab to try and determine what her BAC 'might' have been at 12:45am on January 29th, 2022.

As the highly publicized trial entered its fifth week, jurors heard from Nicholas Roberts, who analyzed blood test results from the hospital where Read was evaluated after O’Keefe’s body was discovered. He calculated that her blood alcohol content at 9 a.m., the time of the blood test, was between .078% and .083%, right around the legal limit for intoxication in Massachusetts. Based on a police report that suggested her last drink was at 12:45 a.m., her peak blood alcohol level would have been between .135% and .292%, he said.
blood alcohol content at 9 a.m., the time of the blood test, was between .078% and .083%, right around the legal limit for intoxication in Massachusetts
She was drunk, she hit him with her car.

She was drunk, she did not hit him with her car.

She was drunk, someone else hit him with their car.

She was drunk, he went inside the house and something else happened.

These are the only options that I can see. Only in the first one would she be deemed guilty, but to me they have not proved that this even happened AFAICS.
Exactly. Even if you think she "probably" did it, you would have to vote not guilty because probably isn't definitely. Then you get to the injuries that don't match what the prosecution is basing their entire case on and then you get the altered video.

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