Karen Read accused of backing into boyfriend and leaving him to die *MISTRIAL*


This woman didn't do this. I'd be willing to bet that someone in the house did it. Someone in the house looked up "How long will it take for somebody to die in the cold." Karen couldn't have done that search.

Is there a cover up conspiracy?

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The jury was never told where the FBI experts came from. We know they were FBI experts, but they don't. I wonder what they'd say if they knew the experts were from the FBI?
When testifying they did mention they worked with the Department of Justice which lends a lot of weight to credibility, imo.
Truthfully, it is everywhere. If they do happen to get stopped, they flash their badge and get waved on. Rarely do they ever get charged for it. Just go to the bar closest to your location patrol station and look how many cops are blasted then get right into their cars.

There's an interesting video I posted in the Crimes by the justice system thread. It shows an off duty cop being pulled over for DUI and not being let go.

He was not happy about that.
this is my thought .. not a conspiracy but a bad law enforcement attempt to cover up whatever really happened & a ridiculous investigation by MSP

The deliberately altered video screams conspiracy to me. Cops stick together no matter what, in most situations.
7,275,553 views Dec 22, 2016 On November 13, 2016 Lt. Brian Filipiak of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office was arrested on suspicion of "super drunk" driving in northern Michigan’s Montmorency County. RELATED STORY: http://s.mlive.com/MAHqYvW


00:15 Montmorency County Sheriff Deputy Zachery Morrison passed the pickup truck driven by Brian Filipiak, an off duty Lieutenant of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office and turns around in pursuit.

00:45 The pickup truck is seen swerving over the fog line, into the shoulder, then back left over the center line.

1:00 Filipiak pulls his truck to the side of the road as he passes a Michigan DNR officer who was also responding to the 9-1-1 calls for a reckless driver.

1:20 Deputy Morrison approaches the driver

1:27 BODYCAM FOOTAGE BEGINS - The assisting DNR officer can be seen on the other side of the truck.

2:54 Deputy Morrison returns to the truck to have Filipiak take a field sobriety test.

11:50 Deputy Morrison beings to physically remove Filipiak from the truck.

13:25 Deputy Morrison and the assisting DNR office attempt to pull Filipiak from the truck.

13:48 Deputy Morrison warns Filipiak he’ll be tasered if he does not exit the truck.

16:53 Filipiak is placed under arrest.

20:08 Filipiak states he wants a “Cop to a Cop” deal

21:17 Both officers struggle to get Filipiak in the back seat of the police cruiser.

This is the post I was referring to from the Crimes... thread.
You are correct. I haven't seen you post anything regarding your opinion.

MSM is publishing a LOT of articles about a hung jury. However, what the public thinks is neither here nor there. The 12 jurors are struggling to come to a unanimous decision.

Here, we get to know a LOT more than the jury and that's where it gets difficult. The Judge refused to delay the trial when both the CE & defense strongly opposed.

From watching everyday of this trial I know based on the FBI reconstruction experts testimony that Officer O'Keefe's injuries did not come from a vehicle accident. That is the basis of my reasonable doubt.
Mine, too then add the altered video and it makes for a whole bunch of reasonable doubt for me.
There's an interesting video I posted in the Crimes by the justice system thread. It shows an off duty cop being pulled over for DUI and not being let go.

He was not happy about that.
He was mad probably because he figured he would be let off. He's probably been let off for flashing his badge before IMO.
this is my thought .. not a conspiracy but a bad law enforcement attempt to cover up whatever really happened & a ridiculous investigation by MSP
And because of this attempt to cover up whatever really happened, we might not ever know what really happened. I'm still not convinced she did not do it, but with all of the shenanigans by the people in charge of the investigation, they themselves have given me more than reasonable doubt to where I could not in good conscious find her guilty.
And because of this attempt to cover up whatever really happened, we might not ever know what really happened. I'm still not convinced she did not do it, but with all of the shenanigans by the people in charge of the investigation, they themselves have given me more than reasonable doubt to where I could not in good conscious find her guilty.

I'm positive she didn't do it.
Let's also go back and remember how they testified that nobody went anywhere near that questionable tail light was in the Sally Port and that the video was a true representation of what was happening in it. Then we find the video is not only inverted but somebody went through the trouble of then adding a non inverted timestamp onto it which completely changes the entire narrative that nobody was near that tail light. We find that when the video is shown in the correct orientation people were 100% right at that questionable tail light. Now one has to ask themselves why would they do that if they had nothing to hide? That by itself also gives me plenty of reasonable doubt. They 100% lied under oath, too.
Funny how it's the prosecution themselves that had led you there, too, isn't it? I'm getting closer and closer to that conclusion every time I go back and look and reread at what happened in court. It's the prosecution that had totally led me there.

Yep, the prosecution pulled off its own mask.
"They" in what I was talking about were the very people with her that night that saw her the entire time. They ALL testified that she did not appear drunk that night.
Ok. I guess if it was over a long period of time that could be the case but the BAC speaks for itself really.
Ok. I guess if it was over a long period of time that could be the case but the BAC speaks for itself really.
What BAC? Kdg went through the difference in a previous post to you.

We also simply can not assume they asked her or even assume they did their calculations correctly in the first place since they did the exact opposite of what we think we should be able to assume the way they should do things.
What BAC? Kdg went through the difference in a previous post to you.

We also simply can not assume they asked her or even assume they did their calculations correctly in the first place since they did the exact opposite of what we think we should be able to assume the way they should do things.
Also we can't assume they knew anything about how her medical issues affect her metabolism which could totally skew their calculations approx 9 hours after her supposed last consumption.
I only realized about the MS. I learned something new. I had no idea it affected your metabolism.
That and her Crohn's disease, the rain why she had an ostomy both would. That's not even counting the meds she's most likely on.

Did they even take any of that into account and how that works affect their calculations 9 hours later?

I don't believe they could even make a good calculation that far out with that many variables.

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