LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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You can read Gma Bear, when you have time. So many article, above I told Tresir my google prompt key words - the responses exploded and largely technical reports and lawsuits.

I don't want this thread to think that I think that Indiana is currently a White-Supremecist-KKK haven; because I don't.
So, I chose articles that show this issue is a national experience - a phenomenon with correction officers ... it's a brotherhood and if you're a correction officer, you have to brotherhood up. Pick a side. One or the other. One side ... the white guard side ... is ODINIST.


Reminds me ... a little bid ... of the bellman in the honorable old hotel I worked in long ago. OMG they were Irish Mafia and no one that wasn't Irish could ever be a bellman. They made BANK!!! They had their own union, bargained on their own ... throughout the city, ever doorman a Irish man. You couldn't get in the union if you weren't Irish and you couldn't get a bellman job if you weren't in the union.

You don't have to like old D and you're welcome to think they're hooey; but - in spite of your protestations - turns out - they're absolutely not making this Odinism in the Prisons stuff out of whole cloth ... which is the point of my links on the topic.

Don't worry. You can deny it all ya want. I don't care. LOL.
You can even bring in the Mafia and the MS13 group as well as the Irish if you like, it won't change the facts that RA was the only adult male on the trail at the specific time of the abduction and murders and was seen by witnesses, who he also admits he saw, and was caught on camera by Libby's phone. And he admitted he was on that trail and has since confessed that he committed the murders. Nothing is going to change those facts.
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Hold on.

White Supremicists don't take any oath not to kill white people. They kill white people too.
They form gangs, are widely known to run drugs in Indiana, viciously compete with other drug gangs, burning people in their own homes for retribution seems to be one popular sport these gangs play in areas surrounding Delphi.

Warning - Speculative Theory here:
The girls' murder - motive is not race. Not CSA. It's something else entirely ... and the staged crime scene was a type of messaging ... for some purpose that the D needs to figure out if they want anyone to buy in.

Don't shoot the translator/speculator. LOL :cowcouch:

Also, I'm speculating based on activities reported in the Franks Memo and from reading about the local fires near Delphi and from listening to the girls family members who admit there's a deep connection to drug running with both girls' family members. (The ones they - reportedly - Didn't live with; the ones that -reportedly - avoided the press, that didn't participate in interviews, the ones the grandparents won't let the kids be with.)

All speculation and noodling about how the D thinks they're going to give that Franks Memo wings.
Can you provide some actual evidence about burning people in their homes for retribution around Delphi?
There is much more at the link but this gives detail about the hearing that starts at 11am and is expected to last an hour.

"Thursday’s Supreme Court oral arguments are expected to last about an hour. Justices will hear from attorneys representing both Allen and Gull, and they will also be able to ask questions. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. and will be streamed live on"
There is much more at the link but this gives detail about the hearing that starts at 11am and is expected to last an hour.

"Thursday’s Supreme Court oral arguments are expected to last about an hour. Justices will hear from attorneys representing both Allen and Gull, and they will also be able to ask questions. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. and will be streamed live on"
I'm betting I miss it. Ugh.
I'm betting I miss it. Ugh.
As it is only an hour then I am not too worried. For some reason I thought they had allocated 3 days for it. It is just the old D's lawyers versus the judge's lawyer(s) and I guess the new lawyers will be observing as well as the prosecution. It is taking place in Indianapolis so I hope it's not to far for Ds to travel. ;)
to quickly clarify my meaning:
white nationalists are fascists, as was Hitler.
skinheads are fascists, as was Hitler.
KKK are fascists, as was Hitler.
If the local boys are white nationalists ... Hitler is their daddy. (so to speak).

If the local boys are just kids joining gangs with rituals that don't mean much to them except cool dressing and tats and patches ... well let's hope they grow out of that stuff quickly ... b/c the grown-ups running those gangs are recruiting and training white nationalists

No argument from me that RA was there, came forward, they had BG on tape, they had descriptions from others at the park ... and NO ONE CARED about RA for years! That matters (in court), we'll get to the bottom of it. Did they ruled out RA that first round b/c no eye-witnesses pointed to a 5'5" dude? Was RA's too short in stature for the eye-witness descriptions? Was RA too short for the BG video? That BG video had been 6 ft Ron Logan for 5 years and suddenly ... Ron's dead and suddenly, BG is now 5'5" RA. That's not evidence, it's a magic trick, an illusion. BG is whoever LE wants him to be at any moment.

I also think if the video was a shoe-in for RA, we'd know it by now.

Just sharing doubts, as I said, can't make decisions until the P lays out the journey and the story and answers for all the former BG suspects while ignoring RA. They're welcome to convince me at trial! I'd be a real pain in the neck jury b/c I want to consider EVERYTHING!! :D

I don't think they ignored RA for height at all. An idiot took his info and misfiled it. Intentionally or accidentally. I don't believe I have ever considered RL to be BG (maybe I tried it on for size lol and dismissed, can't recall) but i definitely have considered his involvement. I heard what was flat out RA in a voice comparison. Dead ringer and it is here somewhere in this thread.

I'm not going to go much further in discussing fascists, Hitler and the like because I do not believe Os had a thing to do with the girls' deaths. Who knows, anyone can claim to be whatever they like and throw on a patch, it doesn't mean they have a leader or joined the gang but again, I don't believe they killed the girls so in my limited time, I don' consider the conversation worthwhile as to them. But finally, again, there is no race component here. Whether they are solid true Os or not, there is also no evidence any of THESE Os have murdered, ever. Again Hitler and the Klan have. They don't answer to Hitler nor are they run by him, he's dead and I doubt they are in the Klan either. Are they all racists? Yeah but this isn't a race case. -They are as likely homegrown garden variety local racists or claim to be.

Yes NO ONE CARED about RA or at least seemed to know about him other than DNR or whatever guy. I guess someone (maybe him) could have thought him too short but that doesn't fly as they couldn't know as they apparently still don't whether it was just ONE person involved.

I don't have much for doubts as to RA being the girls' murderer. There is evidence that isn't perfect and that mostly relates to eyewitness accounts but I don't find that that odd. The key evidence however is plenty strong enough for me and his confessions just iced that cake.

Part of me is actually tired of this case and the unnecessary b.s. that's been created. We all differ but I really hope Old D ends up left off this case or more of the same will go on and RA will be the one in the meantime lost in the mix and not ethically represented as they continue to make messes and a mockery of the system. Imo. I think many out there think the higher court will weigh in on and talk of things that they won't, they will stick to imo that which they are to decide only.

What do you think the chances are of part being remanded being remanded back to the lower court? I think there's a good chance of that myself.

Well today's the day. It certainly starts late enough for my time zone. I expect much of it to be quite dry, this is a serious court and the antics that have went on in county court won't go on here imo. Old D should just sit in the now clean conference room with drinks and watch from home lol. Honestly.

Even though it is likely to be dry, I am very interested in hearing the arguments and seeing how the respective lawyers do and perform. I can do dry and we get to see little of this kind of thing and that alone is worth it too.

Honestly it beats the stuff we've had to put up with and talk of that they won't touch, like the O theory and whether Hitler is their daddy, that's what I mean and more subjects that truly aren't at all what will come in today at all. That's the kind of thing Old D brings to court and gets everyone discussing and debating. I am more than ready for some serious real legal proceeding than watching one they turn into a circus with smoke and mirrors, leaks and antics and suicides. This will be dialed in and serious as it SHOULD be and limited to the issues. And I don't expect a decision today.
not following kohberger or anything else at this time. :cowcouch:

I look at defense points as the bringin' the doubt arrows they are - to bring doubt!! Can they bring doubt? Maybe ... and that's their theory. Yeah it's a maybe they can bring doubt with the FM theory from me. Did LE lie? uh oh! C'mon LE fight back!

Does that mean I support the D? Poppycock!! It means I'm watching the game, the tennis, the chess board, etc.

Can prosecution overcome it? We'll see! They haven't had a chance yet... But their PCA was - IMO - weak sauce. What else are they bringing?

They did respond to the FM; ignored the FM. You see that as cool, I see it as ... the focus of the P on the case they need to make in front of them.

I think it's funny how frustrated y'all get with someone who sits in the middling and can appreciate the arguments of both sides ... and likes to see you're arguments (obviously or I'd not be here) and likes to share stuff too.

Just relax. You don't need to stuff me in a square or round hole. Okay?
LE and/or prosecution are not meant to fight back and lower to acting as Old D does. They will in due time like maybe when results of an investigation are unveiled or at the right point in the case.

They did not ignore the FM, they responded to the parts that actually matter legally and did not come out with a bunch of facts to counter a kazillion pages of crap, unverified claims, innuendo, misleading statements and yes again smoke and mirrors. I don't doubt defense hoped for a big reaction in kind and response with claims and info to counter. They didn't get it and shouldn't. One side was professional and the other not even close. They pared it down as they should have to responding to the only things necessary in a short legal response. You didn't expect them to file a response similar to the FM but from the other side of it, did you? What more is it you think they should have said? I don't think it was "cool" I think it was as it should be. Responding to what was necessary and ignoring the rest and staying out of the mud and the game. It is not time to get down in the mud with the defense and become part of a circus to a ridiculous filing by the defense and they had no reason to and as interesting as that might have been to all, I'd have had a fit if they had. Then you'd have both sides unprofessional and caring less about RA, justice or serious legal proceedings. Sorry but there is not a part of me that believes those two have RA's best interests at heart.

Anywho... I'm not stuffing you into any hole. And I am relaxed in the sense of this isn't my be all and end all. I stay away from this thread for days at a time to keep up with others as really nothing going on in this one is new until something moves or happens and hasn't been anything fresh for some time of course and so if I don't catch up, I honestly figure I might have missed some good posts but that they likely relate to the same things all (including my own) have related to for subjects for some time now. I'd use the frying pan by the way before I'd ever stuff anyone into a hole.

So you don't necessarily support the D. I know that. And don't take sides until, etc. I do, many do in that I lean one way or another based on what is known and adjust as more comes. That's pretty common in following crime. I'm not a juror on the case and do not need to decide in the way and by the rules they do.

I like debate rather than inactive thread cases and no debate and so when you say relax, that's funny as it is what I enjoy.

That being said I am on the side of the victims of course. Always. And justice. And of course putting the right perp away.

I will say I am totally unamused by Baldwin and Rozzi and find them disgusting, unethical and unprofessional and I'd go so far as to say corrupt with what I think really went on with leaks.

Okay. I am freezing and I just heard Tom Webster's voice come on on another open tab. I need to turn on my space heater for extra heat and go check Tom out. I'll be back. For sure. Yes that's a threat lol.
Oh yeah I forgot about the "stoplight" in higher court. Green is go, yellow is start wrapping up your argument and red is you are done, quit talking.
We all know but I'll mention again. Decisions are Old D being his attorneys or not, Gull staying on the case or not, and speedy trial. And again there will be no decision today.
Haven't totally caught up on last few days posts but that's how it always goes. Still need to put my heater on but Tom distracted me lol. I can do it now, he is covering timeline of things while waiting.

Does anyone have popcorn?? I didn't get any made :(

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