LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Ok I have confirmed the actual date he was arrested was Friday, 28th October 2022. So not on the date of this interview they are trying to suppress. To confirm that arrest date, I came across this transcript of the PC on the following Monday. Here's a link and the text.

Rest to follow.

New Delphi Murders Press Conference Transcript 2022​

Delphi murders press conference transcript details: On October 31, 2022 (Halloween) a press event was held at the United Methodist Church in Delphi, Indiana. An update was provided on the Delphi double homicides & the official announcement was made that Richard Allen was arrested & is being charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.

Speakers: Sergeant Jeremy Piers [Public Information Officer; Indiana State Police] / Superindent Doug Carter [ISP Superintendent], Sherrif Tobe Leazenby [Carroll County Sherrif] & Nicholas McLeland [Carroll County Prosecutor]


SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Good morning. My name is Sergeant Jeremy Piers, Public Information Officer for the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post. I’d like to thank you all for being here, and thank the Delphi United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facility. This morning we’re going to provide an update on the investigation into the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Before we get started, I’m going to introduce you to our speakers, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police Doug Carter, the Carroll County Sheriff, Tobe Leazenby, and the Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland. I’d like to remind everyone that this continues to be an active and ongoing investigation. At the conclusion of this press conference, we are going to answer a limited amount of questions, out of respect to the investigation and the process that will follow today. We will not discuss evidence that is related to this investigation. On behalf of the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, thank you all for your continued support. I would now like to introduce to you our first speaker, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, Doug Carter.

DOUG CARTER: Give me just a second here. Seldom do I have prepared remarks, but today is different because I do not want there to be any confusion or ambiguity with what I will say. Today is not a day to celebrate. But the arrest of Richard M. Allen of Delphi on two counts of murder is sure a major step in leading to the conclusion of this long term and complex investigation.

First, I’d like to speak directly to Anna, Mike, Becky, Kelsi, your extended families… along with the entire Delphi community that certainly has grown and now includes our nation, and even many countries around the world. I am proud to report to you that today – actually last Friday – was ‘the’ day. And an arrest has been made. Thanks to literally hundreds of media outlets that have been steadfast in reporting and keeping the memories of Abby and Libby front and center. Many of you in the room have developed relationships with me personally. You know I always have a personal perspective and today is no different. But from a very personal perspective, you have provided, you all have provided, inspiration and support. Even while oftentimes frustrated with us – and me – but you continued to encourage the efforts and you too believed that one day we would all be here participating and sharing this news. To the entire law enforcement community which includes all local, state and federal agencies, which are far too many to specifically mention today: thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are going to continue a very methodical and committed approach to ensure that if any other person had any involvement in these murders in any way, that person or persons will be held accountable. Since the murders of Abby and Libby, 2086 days ago, the daily investigative team has worked tirelessly and is certainly worthy of mention today. Specifically, Sheriff Leazenby, Sheriff of Carroll County, Detective Tony Liggett, Detective retired Kevin Hammond, former Delphi Chief and now the prosecutor’s investigator, Steve Mullins. State Police First Sergeant Jerry Holeman, Detectives Jay Harper, Dave Vido and Brian Harshman, along with members of the United States Marshal Service, specifically Agent Jeremy Clinton and Agent Bill Culfers. With them today is Dan McClean, appointed US Marshal. Our state police analysts, our scientists, from many different disciplines within our laboratory division. Mrs. Kathy Shank for your incredible dedication to detail, and to so many others that I know I missed. I really believe that Abby and Libby would be proud of you for standing strong even in the face of immense pressure and perpetual criticism. Some of these individuals have postponed retirement, passed on promotional opportunity, have dedicated personal time away from their families, given up nights, weekends, and holidays… all while in the pursuit of accountability for Abby and Libby. I know today’s announcement will not diminish your resolve, and I hope you have found a bit of peace in this complicated world.

This is really important: while I know you all are expecting final details today concerning this arrest, today is not that day… today’s not that day. This investigation is far from complete. And we will not jeopardize its integrity by releasing or discussing documents or information before the appropriate time.

Prosecutor Nick McLealand, of course, will share additional information about what we can and cannot say, and also explain to you why the probable cause affidavit is temporarily sealed by the court and not available. By the way, he has been a tremendous, tremendous asset to this team. I’m yet again asking you for your patience, and please, you understanding while our system of due process works. Also, remember that all persons arrested are presumed innocent… all persons arrested are presumed innocent. You all will have an innate desire to subjectively interpret – and then report – what you think. We in the law enforcement realm cannot, and you should never allow us to talk about what we think concerning facts, but rather discuss and share at the right time what it is we know. The time will come when additional details can be released. But again, today is not that day. It’s about Abby and Libby, their families, this community, this nation and even our planet.

The prosecutor has been very clear with law enforcement about what his expectations are, about what can and cannot be released, shared or discussed… so we will of course comply. If you choose to be critical of our silence, be critical of me, not the frontline. These are the folks who have committed their entire lives to a successful conclusion. In other words, a guilty verdict.

As we move to the next phase of this investigation, I will continue to offer all resources that the ISP has. It’s not only the investigative team that I anticipate growing, but also to prosecutor McLeland as we prepare for the coming months. Again Nick has been very resolute and very clear and I’m most grateful for his leadership. It’s going to be really important as we move forward. Please continue offering tips that you would like to share. The many avenues to report will remain open and will be available to all. Please continue doing that. In closing, I stand before you in this church, the very place where we held our first briefing nearly six years ago and just hours after the murders of Abby and Libby, right here. Pulling in today I wasn’t really sure what emotion I would experience, but peace came over me, and I didn’t expect that to happen. And I hope all of you with all the different responsibilities you have from around the planet today, have felt some of that as well. But remember, we are not done. I think what we all have experienced proves, that together there is nothing that we cannot do. But more important, giving of ourselves, all of us… all of us… giving of ourselves matters more than what we ever could receive.

Abby and Libby, though in death, have had a profound effect on so many of us. On how we live, and as importantly, who we all should be.

I would now like to introduce to you my friend and Carroll County Sherrif, Tobe Leazenby, for his remarks, Sheriff?

TOBE LEAZENBY: I believe in a God of justice and righteousness. Today I believe that same God has provided us with justice for Abby and Libby. As Sheriff of Carroll County, Indiana, I want to publicly and sincerely thank each individual who played a role in helping us during this five-and-a-half-year investigation. Whether it was in an investigative capacity providing tips, cards or letters of suggestions or encouragement, phone calls, and thousands of other countless ways of communicating.

I earnestly thank those who prayed for this moment in time. We now move forward through the Indiana criminal justice system, allowing the system to provide its due diligence and process, and providing that justice which is owed to Abby and Libby, their families, and this community. Thank you

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Welcome everybody, my name is Nicholas McLeland. I’m the Carroll County prosecutor. And before we get started, I want to reiterate some of the things that Sheriff Leazenby and Superintendent Carter stated. I first want to thank both of them. They’ve been a great support to my office throughout this investigation.

They’ve always been there for a phone call and always been willing to help a hand or line of assistance to me and my office during this investigation. I want to thank the team behind me. This is the homicide task force team that we’ve put together. Thank them and thank their families for being so understanding for the many nights they’ve worked away from their families, away from their children.

There are many dates in a lifetime that you’re going to remember: the date your children are born. The date you’re married. The date you buy a first house. The date Abby and Libby went missing. One of those dates was last Friday, October 28, 2022. At that time, we had gathered evidence to formulate a PC that we submitted to the court, and the judge did find probable cause for an arrest of Richard Allen.

He’s been charged with two counts of murder for the murder of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

This investigation is still very ongoing. We’re keeping the tip line open, the tip email open. We encourage everybody to continue to call in tips not only about Richard Allen, but about any other person that you may have.

For that reason, and for the nature of this case, the probable cause and the charging information has been sealed by the court.

I’ve been very clear to everybody that per the court order, we can not talk about the evidence that’s in the probable cause, or the evidence that’s in the charging information. That will become evident to you at some point and it will be released, but right now is not that day.

Today’s about Abby and Libby, focusing on them.

Mr. Allen has had his initial hearing. He’s entered a preliminary plea of ‘Not Guilty’. The matter has been set for a pretrial on January 13th at 9:00 am (2023), and a trial date of March 20th 2023 at 9:00 am. He is presumed innocent.

We will have our opportunity and day in court where we can present the evidence that we have against him. But until that day, he is presumed innocent.

I want to open it up to a few limited questions from the audience. But again, keep in mind we are not going to talk about the evidence that we have in this case, or about the charging information. We cannot, those things have been sealed by the court. And so I want to open it up to a few questions.

REPORTER: When did Richard Allen become a suspect, and do you think he acted alone?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Again, that is part of the investigation, so I’m not going to talk about those things. What I can say is that we have probable cause established by the court for his arrest and he is in custody. He’s being held currently without bond.

REPORTER: [unitelligable]


REPORTER: Is Mr. Allen connected to any other crimes?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Again, that gets into the evidence we have in the investigation. And I know, I know from everybody… it’s frustrating. I know everybody – not only reporters, but the family – everybody wants to know more information. I understand it is frustrating, but my goal is to maintain the integrity of this case.

REPORTER: Question for the Superintendent. Superintendent Carter, you had said that you believe you had spoken to the suspect – or to the suspect’s family, two years ago. Is this man one of those people?

DOUG CARTER: Again, that’s… I appreciate the question. But we’re getting into the timeline of events, and today’s not the time to do that.

REPORTER: Superintendent Carter, in terms of the family, I know you’ve had a lot of conversations with them. You were close to tears pretty much when you started off this press conference. I can’t imagine how emotional it is for everybody that’s worked on this case. What was your conversation first like with the family of Abby and Libby when you were able to tell them “we finally got the suspect”?

DOUG CARTER: It was a very personal moment for me, and I think it was a very personal moment for them and for all of us that have had interaction with the family. We developed a relationship and I think it’s gonna last at least one lifetime and maybe a second… so it was a very, very, very sad, yet a very humbling experience.

REPORTER: Superintendent, you asked for tips. You did detective work. There’s a reward for $325,000.00. Did this all come together to make this nexus? Was it a combination of all three things that led us to this day, or was it one or the other?

DOUG CARTER: Well, eventually you’ll be able to see what led us to this day but again, today’s not that day. To include the reward, you mentioned that Raphael… about the reward itself. And, again, very premature for us to talk about that. There’s still a tremendous amount of work to do.

REPORTER: Superintendent, what would you say that Abby and Libby taught you in death that we can remain and continue on with in life?

DOUG CARTER: [a very visible wave of emotion swept over his face at the mention of their names] Oh, man. I think probably resilience and understanding the value of each and every day. That ‘today was the day’ but I didn’t anticipate they ever thought today would be their day. And I feel like I’ve known them for a long time.

REPORTER: Is there somebody else involved in this case?

DOUG CARTER: Excuse me?

REPORTER: Do you assume that there’s any other individuals involved in this case?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: We haven’t closed the door on the investigation. And so that’s why we keep the tip line and the tip email open. And so… we’re not presuming anything at this point. But we’re going to continue to take tips, continue to take any information anybody has. And as we’ve done with all the information we’ve gathered, we’re going to look at that and examine that and see where it leads us.

REPORTER: Mr. Prosecutor, can you explain the law? You’ve asked the court, based on this investigation, that these documents should remain out of the public view.

To explain without getting into the details of what’s in the documents. Can you explain without getting into details of what’s in the documents? But this is not regular. Usually, a public hearing is held. We should be able to see all the documents, right? But you made a decision. Can you explain your decision as to why you believe, within the next 30 days, why no one in this room should have access to these records?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Sure. It is unusual. We don’t do it very often in all the cases that we handle here in Carroll County. We did it in this case because the investigation is still open. And while a lot of cases are important, the nature of this case has some extra scrutiny with it. And so we – my office, me… felt it was important to seal those records. There will be a public hearing on whether or not those records are going to remain sealed or not. They’ll be public notice for that hearing so that everyone can attend, but there will be a hearing to determine whether or not they’re going to stay sealed. But for now, to me, it’s about protecting the integrity of this case. I want to have an opportunity at some point…

… to have an opportunity in court to explain the evidence and for that not to be tarnished or tainted or anything like that. Again, he’s presumed innocent, and so it was important for me in this case to do that.
REPORTER: How do the Kline’s fit into all of this?
NICHOLAS McLELAND: We’re not going to comment on that right now, as part of the investigation. Again, we just encourage everybody to continue to call in tips if they have them about anybody, and we’ll examine those tips.
REPORTER: How does it feel for you guys to have searched nationwide for nearly six years going all over the place only to find your guy, you know, down the street from your office?
NICHOLAS McLELAND: That’s a hard question to answer. It is mixed emotions. I’ve been watching the news all weekend like everybody else has, and I think a lot of the members of the public said it right: it’s bittersweet. It’s a step in the right direction. It’s concerning that he’s a local guy. So I think just different emotions. Again, this is a step in the right direction. This is the first step into getting into court and having a trial and so…
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Alright, that concludes our press conference today. Shortly I will be releasing a press release that will have his photo and a couple more details that will also be here for handout. That will also be on the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post Facebook page.
REPORTER: When is that coming out?
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Right after this press conference. I’m gonna send it out. There’s also hard documents in the back.
Thank you all for taking the time to be here today, and be safe as you travel home.

Note: If you are a media outlet or individual interested in using or re-posting a copy of the transcript, you are welcome to do so. We kindly request that you provide credit & link back to this site, as transcribing/formatting/editing takes a great deal of work. Thank you so much!
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I get the impression that the D are just trying to taint the evidence in everything that they are doing. It's " throw some mud and see what sticks defence" . IMO.

So he wasnt arrested at the Holman interview, which took place on a different date.

Perhaps @Olenna may want to respond regarding this point
Ok I have confirmed the actual date he was arrested was Friday, 28th October 2022. So not on the date of this interview they are trying to suppress. To confirm that arrest date, I came across this transcript of the PC on the following Monday. Here's a link and the text.

Rest to follow.

New Delphi Murders Press Conference Transcript 2022​

Delphi murders press conference transcript details: On October 31, 2022 (Halloween) a press event was held at the United Methodist Church in Delphi, Indiana. An update was provided on the Delphi double homicides & the official announcement was made that Richard Allen was arrested & is being charged with two counts of murder for the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.

Speakers: Sergeant Jeremy Piers [Public Information Officer; Indiana State Police] / Superindent Doug Carter [ISP Superintendent], Sherrif Tobe Leazenby [Carroll County Sherrif] & Nicholas McLeland [Carroll County Prosecutor]


SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Good morning. My name is Sergeant Jeremy Piers, Public Information Officer for the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post. I’d like to thank you all for being here, and thank the Delphi United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facility. This morning we’re going to provide an update on the investigation into the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Before we get started, I’m going to introduce you to our speakers, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police Doug Carter, the Carroll County Sheriff, Tobe Leazenby, and the Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland. I’d like to remind everyone that this continues to be an active and ongoing investigation. At the conclusion of this press conference, we are going to answer a limited amount of questions, out of respect to the investigation and the process that will follow today. We will not discuss evidence that is related to this investigation. On behalf of the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, thank you all for your continued support. I would now like to introduce to you our first speaker, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, Doug Carter.

DOUG CARTER: Give me just a second here. Seldom do I have prepared remarks, but today is different because I do not want there to be any confusion or ambiguity with what I will say. Today is not a day to celebrate. But the arrest of Richard M. Allen of Delphi on two counts of murder is sure a major step in leading to the conclusion of this long term and complex investigation.

First, I’d like to speak directly to Anna, Mike, Becky, Kelsi, your extended families… along with the entire Delphi community that certainly has grown and now includes our nation, and even many countries around the world. I am proud to report to you that today – actually last Friday – was ‘the’ day. And an arrest has been made. Thanks to literally hundreds of media outlets that have been steadfast in reporting and keeping the memories of Abby and Libby front and center. Many of you in the room have developed relationships with me personally. You know I always have a personal perspective and today is no different. But from a very personal perspective, you have provided, you all have provided, inspiration and support. Even while oftentimes frustrated with us – and me – but you continued to encourage the efforts and you too believed that one day we would all be here participating and sharing this news. To the entire law enforcement community which includes all local, state and federal agencies, which are far too many to specifically mention today: thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are going to continue a very methodical and committed approach to ensure that if any other person had any involvement in these murders in any way, that person or persons will be held accountable. Since the murders of Abby and Libby, 2086 days ago, the daily investigative team has worked tirelessly and is certainly worthy of mention today. Specifically, Sheriff Leazenby, Sheriff of Carroll County, Detective Tony Liggett, Detective retired Kevin Hammond, former Delphi Chief and now the prosecutor’s investigator, Steve Mullins. State Police First Sergeant Jerry Holeman, Detectives Jay Harper, Dave Vido and Brian Harshman, along with members of the United States Marshal Service, specifically Agent Jeremy Clinton and Agent Bill Culfers. With them today is Dan McClean, appointed US Marshal. Our state police analysts, our scientists, from many different disciplines within our laboratory division. Mrs. Kathy Shank for your incredible dedication to detail, and to so many others that I know I missed. I really believe that Abby and Libby would be proud of you for standing strong even in the face of immense pressure and perpetual criticism. Some of these individuals have postponed retirement, passed on promotional opportunity, have dedicated personal time away from their families, given up nights, weekends, and holidays… all while in the pursuit of accountability for Abby and Libby. I know today’s announcement will not diminish your resolve, and I hope you have found a bit of peace in this complicated world.

This is really important: while I know you all are expecting final details today concerning this arrest, today is not that day… today’s not that day. This investigation is far from complete. And we will not jeopardize its integrity by releasing or discussing documents or information before the appropriate time.

Prosecutor Nick McLealand, of course, will share additional information about what we can and cannot say, and also explain to you why the probable cause affidavit is temporarily sealed by the court and not available. By the way, he has been a tremendous, tremendous asset to this team. I’m yet again asking you for your patience, and please, you understanding while our system of due process works. Also, remember that all persons arrested are presumed innocent… all persons arrested are presumed innocent. You all will have an innate desire to subjectively interpret – and then report – what you think. We in the law enforcement realm cannot, and you should never allow us to talk about what we think concerning facts, but rather discuss and share at the right time what it is we know. The time will come when additional details can be released. But again, today is not that day. It’s about Abby and Libby, their families, this community, this nation and even our planet.

The prosecutor has been very clear with law enforcement about what his expectations are, about what can and cannot be released, shared or discussed… so we will of course comply. If you choose to be critical of our silence, be critical of me, not the frontline. These are the folks who have committed their entire lives to a successful conclusion. In other words, a guilty verdict.

As we move to the next phase of this investigation, I will continue to offer all resources that the ISP has. It’s not only the investigative team that I anticipate growing, but also to prosecutor McLeland as we prepare for the coming months. Again Nick has been very resolute and very clear and I’m most grateful for his leadership. It’s going to be really important as we move forward. Please continue offering tips that you would like to share. The many avenues to report will remain open and will be available to all. Please continue doing that. In closing, I stand before you in this church, the very place where we held our first briefing nearly six years ago and just hours after the murders of Abby and Libby, right here. Pulling in today I wasn’t really sure what emotion I would experience, but peace came over me, and I didn’t expect that to happen. And I hope all of you with all the different responsibilities you have from around the planet today, have felt some of that as well. But remember, we are not done. I think what we all have experienced proves, that together there is nothing that we cannot do. But more important, giving of ourselves, all of us… all of us… giving of ourselves matters more than what we ever could receive.

Abby and Libby, though in death, have had a profound effect on so many of us. On how we live, and as importantly, who we all should be.

I would now like to introduce to you my friend and Carroll County Sherrif, Tobe Leazenby, for his remarks, Sheriff?

TOBE LEAZENBY: I believe in a God of justice and righteousness. Today I believe that same God has provided us with justice for Abby and Libby. As Sheriff of Carroll County, Indiana, I want to publicly and sincerely thank each individual who played a role in helping us during this five-and-a-half-year investigation. Whether it was in an investigative capacity providing tips, cards or letters of suggestions or encouragement, phone calls, and thousands of other countless ways of communicating.

I earnestly thank those who prayed for this moment in time. We now move forward through the Indiana criminal justice system, allowing the system to provide its due diligence and process, and providing that justice which is owed to Abby and Libby, their families, and this community. Thank you

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Welcome everybody, my name is Nicholas McLeland. I’m the Carroll County prosecutor. And before we get started, I want to reiterate some of the things that Sheriff Leazenby and Superintendent Carter stated. I first want to thank both of them. They’ve been a great support to my office throughout this investigation.

They’ve always been there for a phone call and always been willing to help a hand or line of assistance to me and my office during this investigation. I want to thank the team behind me. This is the homicide task force team that we’ve put together. Thank them and thank their families for being so understanding for the many nights they’ve worked away from their families, away from their children.

There are many dates in a lifetime that you’re going to remember: the date your children are born. The date you’re married. The date you buy a first house. The date Abby and Libby went missing. One of those dates was last Friday, October 28, 2022. At that time, we had gathered evidence to formulate a PC that we submitted to the court, and the judge did find probable cause for an arrest of Richard Allen.

He’s been charged with two counts of murder for the murder of Abigail Williams and Liberty German.

This investigation is still very ongoing. We’re keeping the tip line open, the tip email open. We encourage everybody to continue to call in tips not only about Richard Allen, but about any other person that you may have.

For that reason, and for the nature of this case, the probable cause and the charging information has been sealed by the court.

I’ve been very clear to everybody that per the court order, we can not talk about the evidence that’s in the probable cause, or the evidence that’s in the charging information. That will become evident to you at some point and it will be released, but right now is not that day.

Today’s about Abby and Libby, focusing on them.

Mr. Allen has had his initial hearing. He’s entered a preliminary plea of ‘Not Guilty’. The matter has been set for a pretrial on January 13th at 9:00 am (2023), and a trial date of March 20th 2023 at 9:00 am. He is presumed innocent.

We will have our opportunity and day in court where we can present the evidence that we have against him. But until that day, he is presumed innocent.

I want to open it up to a few limited questions from the audience. But again, keep in mind we are not going to talk about the evidence that we have in this case, or about the charging information. We cannot, those things have been sealed by the court. And so I want to open it up to a few questions.

REPORTER: When did Richard Allen become a suspect, and do you think he acted alone?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Again, that is part of the investigation, so I’m not going to talk about those things. What I can say is that we have probable cause established by the court for his arrest and he is in custody. He’s being held currently without bond.

REPORTER: [unitelligable]


REPORTER: Is Mr. Allen connected to any other crimes?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Again, that gets into the evidence we have in the investigation. And I know, I know from everybody… it’s frustrating. I know everybody – not only reporters, but the family – everybody wants to know more information. I understand it is frustrating, but my goal is to maintain the integrity of this case.

REPORTER: Question for the Superintendent. Superintendent Carter, you had said that you believe you had spoken to the suspect – or to the suspect’s family, two years ago. Is this man one of those people?

DOUG CARTER: Again, that’s… I appreciate the question. But we’re getting into the timeline of events, and today’s not the time to do that.

REPORTER: Superintendent Carter, in terms of the family, I know you’ve had a lot of conversations with them. You were close to tears pretty much when you started off this press conference. I can’t imagine how emotional it is for everybody that’s worked on this case. What was your conversation first like with the family of Abby and Libby when you were able to tell them “we finally got the suspect”?

DOUG CARTER: It was a very personal moment for me, and I think it was a very personal moment for them and for all of us that have had interaction with the family. We developed a relationship and I think it’s gonna last at least one lifetime and maybe a second… so it was a very, very, very sad, yet a very humbling experience.

REPORTER: Superintendent, you asked for tips. You did detective work. There’s a reward for $325,000.00. Did this all come together to make this nexus? Was it a combination of all three things that led us to this day, or was it one or the other?

DOUG CARTER: Well, eventually you’ll be able to see what led us to this day but again, today’s not that day. To include the reward, you mentioned that Raphael… about the reward itself. And, again, very premature for us to talk about that. There’s still a tremendous amount of work to do.

REPORTER: Superintendent, what would you say that Abby and Libby taught you in death that we can remain and continue on with in life?

DOUG CARTER: [a very visible wave of emotion swept over his face at the mention of their names] Oh, man. I think probably resilience and understanding the value of each and every day. That ‘today was the day’ but I didn’t anticipate they ever thought today would be their day. And I feel like I’ve known them for a long time.

REPORTER: Is there somebody else involved in this case?

DOUG CARTER: Excuse me?

REPORTER: Do you assume that there’s any other individuals involved in this case?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: We haven’t closed the door on the investigation. And so that’s why we keep the tip line and the tip email open. And so… we’re not presuming anything at this point. But we’re going to continue to take tips, continue to take any information anybody has. And as we’ve done with all the information we’ve gathered, we’re going to look at that and examine that and see where it leads us.

REPORTER: Mr. Prosecutor, can you explain the law? You’ve asked the court, based on this investigation, that these documents should remain out of the public view.

To explain without getting into the details of what’s in the documents. Can you explain without getting into details of what’s in the documents? But this is not regular. Usually, a public hearing is held. We should be able to see all the documents, right? But you made a decision. Can you explain your decision as to why you believe, within the next 30 days, why no one in this room should have access to these records?

NICHOLAS McLELAND: Sure. It is unusual. We don’t do it very often in all the cases that we handle here in Carroll County. We did it in this case because the investigation is still open. And while a lot of cases are important, the nature of this case has some extra scrutiny with it. And so we – my office, me… felt it was important to seal those records. There will be a public hearing on whether or not those records are going to remain sealed or not. They’ll be public notice for that hearing so that everyone can attend, but there will be a hearing to determine whether or not they’re going to stay sealed. But for now, to me, it’s about protecting the integrity of this case. I want to have an opportunity at some point…

… to have an opportunity in court to explain the evidence and for that not to be tarnished or tainted or anything like that. Again, he’s presumed innocent, and so it was important for me in this case to do that.
REPORTER: How do the Kline’s fit into all of this?
NICHOLAS McLELAND: We’re not going to comment on that right now, as part of the investigation. Again, we just encourage everybody to continue to call in tips if they have them about anybody, and we’ll examine those tips.
REPORTER: How does it feel for you guys to have searched nationwide for nearly six years going all over the place only to find your guy, you know, down the street from your office?
NICHOLAS McLELAND: That’s a hard question to answer. It is mixed emotions. I’ve been watching the news all weekend like everybody else has, and I think a lot of the members of the public said it right: it’s bittersweet. It’s a step in the right direction. It’s concerning that he’s a local guy. So I think just different emotions. Again, this is a step in the right direction. This is the first step into getting into court and having a trial and so…
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Alright, that concludes our press conference today. Shortly I will be releasing a press release that will have his photo and a couple more details that will also be here for handout. That will also be on the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post Facebook page.
REPORTER: When is that coming out?
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Right after this press conference. I’m gonna send it out. There’s also hard documents in the back.
Thank you all for taking the time to be here today, and be safe as you travel home.

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Sp he was told they just had a couple of questions they wanted to clear up and he was allowed to go home with his wife and absolutely was not arrested nor in custody that day or so it seems.

Another bunch of b.s. it seems.

Sounds like he went willingly and was not cuffed and dragged and was able to leave and go home.

Can't say I am one bit surprised.
Tom says if live streamed he will stream it every day. And whether or not will be doing a summary of high points every night. He says unforrunately lol to both these things as If he would prefer not to lol. He says just give him a Power Point on it all when over would be his preference lol.
Laziness as to LE you mean? Aren't talking of me are you? I was mopping lol.

I have no idea what each of these sentences refer to.

Sheriff's elections come up every four years here or is it two, I think four. So? I will say politics are interfering in justice on ALL SIDES but don't see that here actually although when it comes to the judge and trying to take her down I'm not so sure...

AS to your last sentence. RA is hemmed in there and his bullet/casing was there. Are you saying I sad only because he was there he must have done it? Because that's not what I said in that one or throughout. My God we have all listened to many voices and thought maybe. I think you and I agreed one or we thought possible. Was it Kline? CAn't recall. NEVER have I heard a dead ringer for it like Allen.

We are not going to agree or sway the other, agree on that?? I even stayed on board with RL to a point as possible. Every case is different.

While it is no reason to convict and is not evidence, the sad fact here is too that although not admissible in trial and instinct kicks in for me here. with this guy wnen put together with all else. Short of a miracle and clear evidence otherwise, nothing is going to shake me with it. This guy is BAD NEWS. And anyone can go at me with that all they want. I know it is not something a jury could convict on or evidence and I sure the heck know I've ignored my instincts at times in life and you know what, every single time to my detriment but when I look back I always had them and they were always right.

So we can debate the same old sh*t til the cows come home but I'm not being swayed by a thing you are stuck on. And yet I take every single thing in but these are the same things being discussed we already know we disagree on.

He is. I don't know if he killed any others but for me he is a serial killer or would have been or is serial killer-ish. I have the same thing with CB. Of course he is charged as an SK with more than a couple of murders. However, I see it here. Not saying he did or didn't but it is who he is. Or would be. Everything he has done in custody is a game. I may even pity his attys as part of me is unsure he has not played them or guilted them. Not always but I wonder at times. I feel he is evil to the bottom of my soul.

I am sharing this because I want to get it across that nothing is going to change my opinions and it is also formed from a lot of facts and looking at a ton of stuff over many years maybe more than some here who act as if they have and not just that instinct so there is absolutely no point in doing the same old arguments with me any longer. I could NOT be a juror in this one. I could probably be and be fair in Read.

Richard Allen killed these girls and he got one sick thrill over it. I believe alone. Possibly not but that is who I think and what I think this man is. And I hope Delphi has stopped too with the tie die shirts so no more pics of someone like RA's daughter can be taken on the same bridge in one so similar to Libby.

There are SOOOO mannnny reasons here my instincts flare I can't even begin to tell all.

However, this is not what I generally share, I also am totally on the actual facts and have looked at all as much or more than anyone over all these long years.

This man is BAD. He has depths and hidden sh*t and I sure hope they found some of it!

Sorry, I was speaking as one of the LE officers.
Sorry, I was speaking as one of the LE officers.

The bullet didn't show up until after the trained CSI unit had already combed the area while it was secured. They unsecured it for two days and then re-secured it and magically found the bullet that the other CSI team missed. That's problematic for me. Why did they feel the need to re-secure the scene after having combed over it? Was it because they couldn't find anything to tie him to the crime?
The bullet didn't show up until after the trained CSI unit had already combed the area while it was secured. They unsecured it for two days and then re-secured it and magically found the bullet that the other CSI team missed. That's problematic for me. Why did they feel the need to re-secure the scene after having combed over it? Was it because they couldn't find anything to tie him to the crime?
I have no idea but how does that relate to then they ignored him for five years and someone made sure he had a gun that matched that he himself admitted was his and no one else ever used many years later.

Interesstingly and I don't actually agree Tom just said he thinks there is enough evidence even without the bullet of confessions. I don't disagree but don't necessary agree. Even though he is not decided and he did say he'd wonder how the prosecution is going to cover the DNA, one of your hot topics.

There was also a viewer on the show claiming RL's voice is a dead ringer for BG's lol. WAsn't you under a different screen name was it.

He is so fair it isn't even funny but he leans towards guilt but is open and no 100 percent.

You don't go to frame someone and wait five years and it doesn't work anyhow. it is his gun, he was there, no one planted it in his home, etc.
Once the remains were identified through DNA, it was announced.
Are you talking of Lori's hair or prints on the tape, Tylee's DNA on the implements, two, I think a shovel and something else or are you taking simply of the DNA of the kids that identified the bodies were theirs?
The bullet didn't show up until after the trained CSI unit had already combed the area while it was secured. They unsecured it for two days and then re-secured it and magically found the bullet that the other CSI team missed. That's problematic for me. Why did they feel the need to re-secure the scene after having combed over it? Was it because they couldn't find anything to tie him to the crime?
That's not true. Holeman says in that interview we have just been discussing, that it was found on the 14th Feb 2017 two inches from Libby's foot. Have you a link that disputes Holeman's comments?
I get the impression that the D are just trying to taint the evidence in everything that they are doing. It's " throw some mud and see what sticks defence" . IMO.

So he wasnt arrested at the Holman interview, which took place on a different date.

Perhaps @Olenna may want to respond regarding this point

Sorry - What point?
That's not true. Holeman says in that interview we have just been discussing, that it was found on the 14th Feb 2017 two inches from Libby's foot. Have you a link that disputes Holeman's comments?
I did not even go to what he said as also did not recall it that way but know there's some urban legend or rumor out there like that. And time to almost go and no time to look up to dispute but I am sure you will do it aptly lol.

To me it does not matter as there is absolutely nothing in this case that works with framing a man five years later or more. It does not compute and is ridiculously far fetched. In that, I'd believe first someone came from another planet and did it. Lol. So that's where I stayed with it with lack of time.
So far it is pretty clear to me RA was not in custody nor needing a Miranda on this occasion. He left, was not arrested, etc.

Have a good day everyone.
Sp he was told they just had a couple of questions they wanted to clear up and he was allowed to go home with his wife and absolutely was not arrested nor in custody that day or so it seems.

Another bunch of b.s. it seems.

Sounds like he went willingly and was not cuffed and dragged and was able to leave and go home.

Can't say I am one bit surprised.
That's what I thought happened but I wasn't following this case like you guys were so I wasn't sure of my take at all.

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