LIBBY GERMAN & ABBY WILLIAMS: Indiana vs. Richard Allen for 2017 murder of two Delphi girls *TRIAL IN PROGRESS*

On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a photo and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls' murderer was found on German's smartphone. Despite the audio and video recordings of the suspect that have been circulated and the more than 26,000 tips that police have received, no arrest in the case has been made.[1][2][3]


Police have not publicly stated nor released details of how the girls were murdered.[6] As early as February 15, 2017, Indiana State Police began circulating a still image of an individual reportedly seen on the Monon High Bridge Trail near where the two friends were slain; the grainy photograph appearing to capture a Caucasian male, with hands in pockets, walking on the rail bridge, head down, toward the girls.[4] A few days later, the person in the photograph was named the prime suspect in the double-homicide.[5]

On February 22, law enforcement released an audio recording where the voice of the assailant,[7] though in some degree muffled, is heard to say, "Down the hill." It was at this news conference that officials credited the source of the audio and imagery to German's smartphone, and, further, regarded her as a hero for having had the uncanny foresight and fortitude to record the exchange in secret. Police indicated that additional evidence from the phone had been secured, but that they did not release it so as not to "compromise any future trial." By this time, the reward offered in the case was set at $41,000.[5]


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Their item # 7 regarding evidence. There really needs to be a hearing in this, in my opinion.

At least we can assume Kegan Kline was not involved.

I predict no hearings and approval or denial based on who submitted what.
There needs to be a real basis, a real placement and evidence to involve a third party or use it as a defense. And directly per the prosecution, placed there, connected, proven, etc.

I lnow it will be assumed by a couple I do it as it is the prosecution but this is LEGAL stuff I CAN read and stand. They cite, it fits, they cite plenty, not just case law but statutes and so on. This IS a well written legal filing with plenty of points and case law. If anyone thinks I don't know the difference or never read any, they are very wrong. I am beyond reading the ones who try to make this into a circus and monkey court where we have to wonder if any of them passed the bar or at least the class on how to write a FILING or be concise in I person court hearings either and stay on point. I know I can't and so I also RECOGNIZE it in others.

All the people on the list can be thrown out as far as I am concerned.

Imo RA did this and did it alone.

And none on that list can the defense tie in any real way to a presence there nor anything of anything of real value. They'd have been far better off trying with RL or KK but they went with the O thing. For desperate reasons I feel. Needing a huge splash to cover their lack of representation or taking care of their client and his confessions.

Anyhow, I don't think it should be allowed and they named these guys as the killers in their FM, flat out NAMED them and said so. And can't give an IOTA of proof.

Similar it seems to me went on in the Read case. They give an alternate theory but where is the evidence? And so if I understand it all correctly P filed something similar before trial. As to here. However, in that one it is a lot more likely it MAY have a chance and I think it was ruled it has to be developed in testimony to go there or something on that order.

Legal filings are dry but I am fine with them when they are written as they should be. The P's you shared were. As lawyers should. Very easy to follow with all the citations there if anyone wants to look them up, easy enough.

Maybe defense are like grade schoolers or perhaps it is intentional for public, oh the big educated ones are outdoing the poor guys who dont' have the help, etc. etc. and are so buried in it all they dont' have time to edit and correct etc. Or maybe it isn't and they really are that bad. I don't know. And it sure works on a portion or segment of the public or seems to...

It's like the Big Bad Wolf against grandma and Little Red. Oh NO!! But I don't see them as that bright, there is sheer desperation here. To cover up their own mess ups and lack of being there for their client.

Sorry, if you think I am going on at you, thought I might be on an Olenna post or started one of my own, just my jumping off on the subject. Just realized it was yours.

If you don't know by now that's what happens and it isn't at the poster, it isn't.

Quickly trying to catch up. Came home after seven was offered more hours OT tonight but said know as I have to be back at 7 tomorrow. Nope. Short enough turnaround.

Happy as HECK with the news in MORPHEW!! Go turn yourself IN Barry. Like that would ever happen. A GOOD day in my pet case!!
I would doubt it although maybe in normal reference. Like it would be hard to try this case without it coming up who owned the property they were found on or who surrounding property owners were, etc. If approved, I'd say maybe RL if anyone just to do with that and as far as what he saw or did not see that day or notice. Which is nothing. Just a guess. Out as far as suspects or connected and so on. If approved. My guess only.
So they are not going to mention that KK arranged to meet up with Libby but he said she didn't show up?
Well I guess I should have read further first but still don't know what the "ignore this" was about.

So he was advised to turn self in but dind't but yet he called allegedly and spoke with an employie at Elkhart. Not sure I am buying their story. If he was going to stay AWOL why would HE call THEM? I hope they have these conversations recorded.

Either way, THIS is the witness for RA? Oh boy... Good luck.

What is going on down in that state? Not that it isn't going on in many. Maybe people will realize when it's too late. P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S. Just for one and interfering with JUSTICE.
Well it seems they found him to subpoena as a witness though, didn't they ? I'm confused too.
So they are not going to mention that KK arranged to meet up with Libby but he said she didn't show up?
I don't know. That's the stuff to me that is different than them claiming one of them (like KK or RL or an O) was part of the murder. I sure don't know. This third party or SODDIT and notice of it stuff or reason to be able to use it or dispute it coming in is new to me just as notice of alibis and that stuff is. No expert.

Perhaps someone who is or thinks they are or knows more can explain more.

I'd guess the P isn't going to touch on them at all unless absolutely necessary. Just a guess though. Assuming this is ruled on in their favor that is.

OMG can somebody slow this morning's clock down?!! Bonus is I am done at 4 (though will be asked to stay later as I was last night) but I have to get there first. Normally iti s 7, 8, 9 or 10. But I go in later too but I function better with those hours, they fit my body clock a lot better.
Well it seems they found him to subpoena as a witness though, didn't they ? I'm confused too.
Eating a bagel with PB quickly and never will I have pushed it to last minute for work but I will make it. always do. I like to be early, not today.

Yeah, something here is clearly missing or more than one thing. Of course I don't even understand how you knew he was released because when I went into those links I saw no evidence of any such thing. but believ they said last updated YESTERDAY... Didnt' have a lot of time last night or this morn and am on day 4 so maybe I missed something but even in trying to follow posts, they seem a bit cryptic or I'm just tired and missed whatever even GAVE this INFO that he was out and then later wrongly released...???? Yet he called in AND was able to be served a subpoena so what the heck....???

This case Is two weeks away from trial, that's nothing and if one minuses the weekend/s even less...
Eating a bagel with PB quickly and never will I have pushed it to last minute for work but I will make it. always do. I like to be early, not today.

Yeah, something here is clearly missing or more than one thing. Of course I don't even understand how you knew he was released because when I went into those links I saw no evidence of any such thing. but believ they said last updated YESTERDAY... Didnt' have a lot of time last night or this morn and am on day 4 so maybe I missed something but even in trying to follow posts, they seem a bit cryptic or I'm just tired and missed whatever even GAVE this INFO that he was out and then later wrongly released...???? Yet he called in AND was able to be served a subpoena so what the heck....???

This case Is two weeks away from trial, that's nothing and if one minuses the weekend/s even less...
I just looked for his name and it had his parole date on there as 04/03/24 and something like released to Elkhart. I'll go in again and do a screen shot this time.
04/03/2024Order Denying
Defendant, a self-represented litigant, files Motion for Modification of Sentence. Record reviewed. Court observes that the Defendant was ordered to serve one (1) year in the Elkhart County Correctional Facility in this case, but Defendant's Motion indicates that he is on parole in a different case and no longer incarcerated. Due to the confusion of how the Defendant is not incarcerated serving the executed sentence in this case, the Court contacts the Elkhart County Correctional Facility and is informed that the Indiana Department of Correction released the Defendant on April 1, 2024, despite acknowledging that the Defendant still had a year to serve in this case. Court is further advised that the Defendant was instructed by an Indiana Department of Correction caseworker to immediately surrender himself to the Elkhart County Correctional Facility, and that the Defendant thereafter called and spoke with an employee at the Elkhart County Correctional Facility who similarly instructed the Defendant to surrender himself to the Elkhart County Correctional Facility. As of today's date, the Defendant has not surrendered himself. The Court has reviewed the Motion for Modification of Sentence and the State of Indiana's written objection thereto. The Court now DENIES the Motion for Modification of Sentence and issues a no bond warrant for the Defendant's arrest for the Defendant to serve the one (1) year executed commitment previously ordered. Pursuant to the credit time memorandum filed by the probation department, the Defendant has zero (0) days of credit. All per Order. MDitton/jdl
Judicial Officer:
Ditton, Eric - MAG
State of Indiana
Elkhart County Sheriff's Department
Order Signed:
04/03/2024Order Issuing Warrant for Arrest
Warrant ordered issued with no bond. Deft. to serve one (1) year in the county jail. Deft. has zero (0) days credit. MDitton/jdl
Judicial Officer:
Ditton, Eric - MAG

Order Signed:

@Tresir this explains the movements.
@Tresir this explains the movements.
Yes thanks. I read that. It says "as of today's date the Defendant has not surrendered himself". So where does it say he is back in jail?

This tweet might clarify this comedy of errors.

Maybe if he doesn't get what he wants he won't testify. I mean why would he?
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So 188 witnesses total over 14 days is 13 or 14 per day. I agree that doesn't seem doable.

(The trial is scheduled for 6 days a week over 2 weeks and 2 days)


Delphi Defense Wants Pretrial Hearing, Claims Lack of Communication from Judge​

Delphi Judge Fran Gull

Source: Allen County Court / Screenshot of Allen County court hearing
CARROLL COUNTY, Ind. — The defense team for suspect Richard Allen say it’s time for all parties to get together and hash out some trial details.

In one of several motions filed Tuesday, attorneys Andrew Baldwin and Brad Rozzi say they’re concerned Allen’s constitutional rights to a balanced trial are being infringed because of the current criminal trial schedule. As it stands now, opening statements will begin Friday, May 17th and the trial will continue to May 31st.
Proceedings will take place Monday through Saturday, approximately 9 a.m. to 5 or 6 o’clock in the evening each day.

Allen’s legal team say the State of Indiana plans to present around 118 witnesses and 93 exhibits. The defense has around 70 witnesses planned with more expected. The defense says two and a half weeks isn’t enough time for the defense or State to fully present their cases, and that the State could take up the entire two and a half weeks on their side alone.
more at link
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I just looked for his name and it had his parole date on there as 04/03/24 and something like released to Elkhart. I'll go in again and do a screen shot this time.
I looked last night and all just said it was the earliest POSSIBLE release date, nothing said he WAS released. That's where my confusion came from and I assumed it was the same as you saw where you thought he was released on that date for some reason. As to all the other I read most posts today at work so already know a bit about what's ahead but most of that info wasn't in here last night either or where it came from.

This is yet another oddity and I DO NOT like it. Judge and prosecutor in his case said no to release but out of blue the prison system releases him? Supposedly told to come back and doesn't and a warrant goes out. Not sure whatsoever what to believe here. And THIS is the confession witness? Can anyone tell me how we KNOW that? Because I don't know that, just that it is what is being said here.
Yes thanks. I read that. It says "as of today's date the Defendant has not surrendered himself". So where does it say he is back in jail?

This tweet might clarify this comedy of errors.

Maybe if he doesn't get what he wants he won't testify. I mean why would he?

So a prosecution investigator Mullin is that what that means interviewed him in 2023 about a confession he heard? Now he gets released accidentally I guess a year later and defense wants him as a witness ? I think this is a lot of not knowing and guessing going on and much probably relates to his own records, charges, release dates, other sentences, etc. but he also fired his own PD and started representing self and more. I'd laugh at his credibility but the release and such is still odd and sounds like infighting or politics again and also sounds like this man plays that. IF anything can be figured as this is all confusing as heck and a lot of it guessed at it seems to me.

Gives me an instant headache, not sure how anyone involved can deal with this b.s. but then it seems some may have played into it. Or screwed up royally. And I'm not even sure of that. Maybe he played the system perfectly. Right hand doesn't know what left is doing. Different case, different county, different sentence, judge says this, prison screws up or forget this and his other next sentence, etc., etc.

I know that is mixed up in my saying it but it is how this all sounds. As clear as freaking mud.
Yes thanks. I read that. It says "as of today's date the Defendant has not surrendered himself". So where does it say he is back in jail?

This tweet might clarify this comedy of errors.

Maybe if he doesn't get what he wants he won't testify. I mean why would he?

As far as your last question, because he is subpoenaed if necessary. He may not say what wanted though unless one side or another delivers what he wants the way he is selling this possible sh*t and his story on the stand will fit who delivers the goods to him lol. Not saying he is doing that, don't know. Clear as mud.

No big surprise and no offense to those there but to me, in this state. I just can't even wrap my head around it all and the sh*t. I have a lot of people dear to me who live in the state. Don't think they follow crime though. One does but not this case. A dear friend. A favorite cousin.

Let's get this show on the road and I figure it may well be one big mess of a trial. What hasn't been in it since uhm...

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