FL MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13 *Found Deceased*


Madeline Soto missing: Florida mom begs for daughter's safe return home​

A mother in Orange County is begging for help locating her missing daughter.

Madeline ‘Maddie’ Soto was last seen on Monday, one day after she and her family celebrated her 13th birthday. Maddie’s mother, Jenn Soto, said surveillance video shows Maddie hanging out in a church parking lot on February 26 after being dropped off for school, but she never made it inside.

"I’m trying to hope for the best, but I’m scared for her," said Jenn Soto. "I want her to be okay; I want her to be safe… I don’t want her to come back harmed. I just want her back – whatever that means, I just want her back."

Jenn Soto said sheriff’s deputies are using K9s and a piece of Maddie’s clothing to try to track her scent near Town Loop Boulevard.

According to Jenn Soto, Maddie had never run away before. She said the teen had forgotten her cell phone at home that morning, but that was normal.

As of Wednesday morning, a variety of search teams are out searching for Maddie.

MEDIA - MADELINE SOTO: Missing from Orlando, FL - 26 Feb 2024 - Age 13
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I guess it remains to be seen however this article is not factual. She was not heading to a doctor's appt. while Madelin was getting ready for school. She was not even up allegedly when they left. Not even close to correct.

Also as far as saying answers were hard to come by and she reported she was spacey from medicine, uhm, that remark came pretty late in this interview and more towards the end and when she was kind of lacking an answer noticeably to a question. Sh never said any such thing near the outset and she'd been with them the whole time so it's not like she had a break and popped a pill. And she did NOT lack answers or find them hard to give the entire time, some came quite easily and quickly.

Boy is this article skewed. I listened to the interview, did they?

If she has done nothing, she is the most naive woman on the face of this planet over many years. IF true also that she initially claimed she saw her getting ready for school that morning, she LIED.

As far as no charges "at this time" yeah no sh*t. Means little imo. I'm sure at this point, most guess, that they are counting on her help.

Not sure what this channel's reason for this spin is but it's not all factual.

It's interesting that I really wasn't sold on her guilt but that on hearing this interview, my opinion changed in the other direction.

I'm not sure what interview they listened to, or more likely didn't.

And of course it is "sources"... Quote the chief or sheriff or a deputy but nope. Just sources.

Even now I'm unsure of her guilt or level of it, but this just isn't meaningful or is what LE wants thought for purposes at this time.

Who sends their daughter to bed with a BF of their own who hasn't even been around them in forever? Their 13 year old daughter? Then there is the part in the interview about a gun in the room they slept in we all know he had a tripod in there and more.

She was NOT getting ready as I said per HER statements for a doctor's appt when they left. She HAD a doctor's appt and honestly it doesn't make much sense she'd get up so late if she had one OR not set an alarm and she couldn't even confirm if she set alarms or not.

There is much questionable in it.

And the medicine thing too again is not accurate in that she never said one word about taking a med and being spacey until late into the interview. I guess one could question when something would hit someone after taking a med but I can say this, the interview was never stopped so she could take one nor was there a break in it.

It's pretty meaningless to me, this report. Because sources are not named and there are plenty of inaccuracies.

It's been being discussed our there for weeks on end as to what is going on where she is concerned.

Most contend LE thus far are using or getting her cooperation against him.

I don't know if she has any guilt or not but I started out with NOT assuming such. I don't feel that way so much any longer.

There is something REALLY wrong here. I don't know WHAT it is but there is.

I can even go back to how her own mother reacted and what she said about not being able to understand why she even had him around that night and one can feel it and that's early on when I hadn't learned a direction on her.

They may have nothing blatantly provable against her but she's definitely or most likely guilty of neglect and failure to protect. However, if cooperating, those are not big time charges if wanting her to help against him and proving them is another thing as well and the focus is definitely him right now.

I don't put much weight on this whatsoever because they apparently didn't listen to the same interview I did. Actually it seems they may have because she did say she had a doctors appointment and did say she was spacy from a med but not at the time or in the context they say it. Not even close. So they paid no attention at all if they did listen to it.

No mother would send their child off at the age of 13 to a bedroom with a bf or EVEN a bio dad and if it was something done frequently and for years in this case, give me a break. And her sleeping even with the two of them at this age?! And scared to sleep alone?? No. What are you even doing as a mother that a teen can't go to bed by herself? It's odd enough when it's a child of say five or older.

I'm sure this isn't her only interview unless lawyered up and never gave another.

It sounds like LE isn't happy FOIA allowed the release of this because for the moment, I think they want her cooperation and her trusting them. Jmo.

And there probably are NOT any big charges to be had at the moment.

She definitely though has lied and was parroting his stuff and her we yet again as to taking her to school, she even referenced such when talking to who was it, the principal? Someone. When "we dropped her at school" She did it in this interview. LIE.

That is not some medication mistake. Not even close. It is wanting a false narrative believed.

I am only repeating self but they apparently did not listen to the interview and apparently LE can't come out themselves and say what their "sources" say. Why don't they?

Not anything so far to charge her basically, per sources, a lot different than doing he right if innocent and saying she is cleared.

Again I don't know still if she is guilty of a thing but she definitely lied or things even in police reports were wrong--I saw her getting dressed that morning. And to repeat another, she must be the most naive woman on the planet.

I don't have much faith in a news org that doesn't even have the things in the released interview correct...

Just my opinion. I found this interview totally otherwise. It isn't obvious if not having followed all but if one HAS, it is.

Finally, I have been off of Grizzly for a bit and not the biggest fan the last few months BUT she noted exactly many things I did as it went along...

Imo it all remains to be seen. This woman was a mother for 13 years, many of them where this man was molesting and filming and more her daughter where SHE sent them off to bed together in the same bedroom with a tripod etc. AND a gun.

I've said it before and will again, if this naive, then she truly at minimum still needs some serious help for the choices and the lack of seeing things.

My irritation is at this article because I LISTENED TO EVERY BIT OF THIS INTERVIEW. They apparently did NOT.
Vinnie doesn't have YT down pat yet. Show starts and his mouth is rapidly opening moving and clearly going on and on and he was muted.

Haven't watched all yet but here it is...

I'm not sold on anything yet per mom...

I think they are doing this for a reason or saying such.

And there likely maybe is no proof she "broke" any laws, just is not a protective, attentive mom...

Who knows...

BUT her INTERVIEW. Maybe not chargeable but clearly trying to help self and HIM, HIM, HIM.
interesting that the minute the interview was released to Grizzly per FOIA, LE comes out and claims she will not be charged. I'm sure they have no say in what is released by law and FOIA so they are covering for such...
I haven't been a fan of Vinnie on YT, fairly new. Watched some but not overly impressed. But listening to this one and like I said... Maddie had a makeshift bedroom downstairs, mom is in master downstairs and if Stephan killed her in the home he had to carry her downstairs and there were roommates and Jen. No one heard anything etc. or saw the transport of the body/ YET Jenn heard people in the kitchen. I will give Vinnie this he is right, that Jenn'\s timeline and statements are NOT matching up. He does say the headline is the headline today, that police have no plans to charge Jenn Soto.

I'm not buying a word of this b.s. These LE agencies have done a bang up job on this case, this is strategy.


So far he is more accurate than that article above. And he references that.

I am definitely not always a fan of him but he is so far calling much of this right...

You know really, regular news media needs to go by the wayside. Already has for the most part.
Well my day got lost with issues on my home but who cares.

Finally watched this.

Nothing to charge her with etc.

And made some slips but they were slips.

Give me a break when too many of such.

But then she is the most clueless non attentive mom that ever lived. Personally I am not buying it. I think it is an LE tactic. Could be wrong.

He is citing the article that I think is above here and already I've said they have facts wrong and they do.

I've given Vinnie a few watches since e;he started his YT thing, not all that long ago, a month? Not impressed. Haven't quit yet but not there on it.

Have we ever seen cases where mom would have been charged by now for just not telling, knowing, protecting?

I don't know what she did or did not do or if had any involvement but she definitely did not protect her daughter. You NEVER send a child to bed with a BOYFRIEND for God's sake. For YEARS ON END.

Vinnie is citing the article above which has some key facts wrong.


He references Grizzly and guess what, I will even give that, she's way better than him and "news". Even though I go back and forth on her, her facts and coverage beat news any day.
I tried but just can't do Vinnie any longer. I find this about every time with his "private" new YT thing. Over the top and just on and on.
If someone else wants to watch it all, go for it. I can't. It has been a day and actually sending me over the edge. Going to cooking or something.
There are five audio files of Jenn Soto and the surface has hardly been scratched.

Does that news station actually listen to anything?

And it took a YTer to get them. From what I understand.

Grizzly has gained some respect back from me.

News well, I've been for years whatever about that, and all I ever see is reasons to confirm my decision as they get so much wrong.

FIVE. I just now found that out. I did not KNOW that.
Okay. I'll be fair. In the raw files one above, I now have listened to the first interview on that one of Grizzly's. Much is the same questions and answers as the one I saw first where Jenn is in the cop car with a female detective questioning from the other jurisdiction. This one I am guessing was before that...

And in this one (not through all of them by a long shot) she strikes me as totally straightforward, honest, no lies. Night and day...

The only thing odd is her entire lack of emotion or concern when she even states things like she thinks someone snatched her between drop off point and school... No breakdowns, no tears, doesn't sound like (all audio not cam) and just totally answering and with it throughout.

That is odd to me BUT I am saying this to say, I felt her upfront and honest through this one... The first on it anyhow. Not done. it is kind of danced around that she sent her upstairs with him but also just talking as if go both sleep in the other bedroom... Yet we KNOW that's not what went on.

I find that other article not much to buy into because if police want to come out and clear her, they would. And not some "sources" that say she won't be charged, nothing to charge her with.

Not a thing about it is "official".

I suspect they knew due to FOIA these interviews were released and were going to hit the public. Maybe even warned Jenn Soto and she asked for something to be said.

I also am guessing she is cooperating whether through an atty or not and they want her on board, at least for now.

I also am saying her first interview in THIS episode I find her entirely believable, no big hesitations, no trying to scramble or pause for time for an answer. So trying to be fair and give her other side of the coin. Not done yet though.
OMG. The Docket also got his parents' interview! They are telling quite a different SPIN on it. There is so much out due to open records in FL and FOIA requests, I don't have time to catch up with it all and won't probably get time.

His mom just said Jenn walked in and saw them together and she lost it with daughter or some such.. And she killed her. And that HE is the front guy and in the cross hairs unfairly. Paraphrased that last part. Way too tired to take this all in right now and did not expect to run into such. More stuff on it...

His mom is something else...
My God, Jennifer had low libido and wasn't giving him any for months. This comes from his mother apparently. Why would his mom know so much and make such sick excuses for him. The child was 13 and when started was SINGLE digits.

I need to go to cooking videos. I cannot take this in right now.

LOTS OUT THERE, MORE THAN I KNEW. Had a day that I never refreshed YT all day. Wow.
It is all over YT and the internet now. Lots. Don't have the time to even see all but the ones who FOIA'ed have waited I believe I heard right about four months and now they have all this and they welcome others to share it. And that's what is happening. Many picking it up.

Going to bed. Too much at the moment.
I think it's surely obvious by now that the officer's statement in his report that Jen "observed" Madeline getting dressed was in fact, not what Jen said.
In the following interview, Jen clearly states to LE that the last time she saw Madeline was the night before.
I think it's surely obvious by now that the officer's statement in his report that Jen "observed" Madeline getting dressed was in fact, not what Jen said.
In the following interview, Jen clearly states to LE that the last time she saw Madeline was the night before.

I had to stop watching all the dumps in the wee hours. I was back and forth and up and down.

There is a LOT out.

I do not even hang on that one any longer or care but I will say,, she did hesitate in two interviews when asked when she last saw her. I've seen only two of many. Just couldn't continue and don't know when I will see them all or be able to take in.

In one as one can likely see above, I found her very questionable. The next one I saw (which I think was actually done EARLIER) I found her very forthcoming and likely honest. I am being as fair s I can and had two different opinions of both. And both were interviews of her.

I saw or heard just a bit of his parents' interview and this was at the point I was overly tired and I just couldn't deal with it or watch. But the bit I heard OMG his mom. Her thought in what I heard was Jennifer came in and found them in the bedroom not as expected but being intimate. She talks as if Maddie was not a minor and this was a choice by her. She thinks Jenn lost it, broke her neck, etc. THAT interview I want to see but not sure I am going to be able to take the woman...

I want to see them all but man, just a dump of interviews.

Do you know that one is out there too??

So tons on this case, then the Delphi status hearing and secret part them public part is today and Tom has a show later in early evening. And I'm drawing a blank but seems there is another one with new info I don't think I can find time to catch up on either.

Weeks have passed with imo almost no activity or much of interest in most cases I follow, not it is like overload. Lol.

I lost all of yesterday to something I have going on with phone calls and more right up PAST 10 p.m. Signing docs by email and more. Arrangements. Have no laundry done or ANYTHING and back to work tomorrow.

Although I have already ASKED if they could possibly let me off tomorrow as it's been that hectic.

Anyhow, point is, when I did look to relax and should have went to bed, all this was still there and actually the new ones I found were out. I had not refreshed my YT screen all day as was busy.

These are all actual interviews so very worthy of watching, not speculation.

As for Jennifer and talking of seeing her that morning, no I never heard it in either video I watched but she did hesitate. I do have more to watch. There was an interesting point though when in one the male detective (heard one from a female when the other jurisdiction or sex crimes agency took over and one that I believe was prior with a male detective although I got them in reverse order), he talked of that false thought of a girl on church video I think it was they thought to be Maddie and it was blurry and he was showing Jenn and asking her if it seem to be a green shirt and black bottoms etc... and Jenn is confirming such.... As to what Maddie was wearing, etc. Well, how would she know what she was wearing or need to confirm?

I don't think that story or "fact" if it is one is the biggest thing in this case but it would show a lie from her if she claimed to see her that morning, INITIALLY and then changed her story. I'm not hung up on it though any longer, it will be the case or it won't. There is so much more out now than that.

Did you see the article above a ways?

I think that was some attempt to soften for Jennifer what they knew had been released and was going to hit the public. And if they have cooperation and are using her against him, they have interest in not wanting such to end and probably even warned her these interviews had been released. However, the news had things wrong in it AND it is "sources" and LE have not like gotten at a podium in a press conference and said formally she is not a suspect nor being charged.

She may be was the most clueless mom in the world, I don't know. I do know there are things that can be judged and imo should be. And one is sending a 13 year old to bed with a man that is not her father AND the THREE even sleeping together in the same bed.

Oh and the BIT I saw of his parents, I had to shut it off, just coudln't do it that late into the wee hours of the morning, the mom knew Jennifer was having low libido and Stephan wasn't getting any... WTF???!!!!!!!! Does this excuse him like turning to a 13 year old child or something?!!!!!!!! No way I could take listening to things like that after a very long day. And why does she know so much abu the sex life of her son??

Like I said, I saw a blip or two and stopped.
Okay. I wasn't sure I could take it tonight but listening to the rest of the one where I was finding her believable but as it goes on or maybe it is on into the second, I don't know, she gets more rapid fire in her responses and how initially she was hypervigilant and would never let her daughter sleep in a room or bed with a man who was not her dad, etc... But then she did... This part is not ringing true to me and I was thinking the interview/s with the male detective I felt her honest until now... He also asked her some questions about like his folks and his mom and she was losing her easy confident answers and when he would quote what Stephan supposedly said, she adjusted and agreed... Imo.

Kind of changed what she said, backtracked it some...

Just little things but not...

Before I forget backing up a bit she said the first few years she was hyper vigilant, she would never let any man sleep in the same bed or bedroom as her daughter who was not her dad...

Now okay. On the surface, not thing to wonder about there BUT THINK ABOUT IT. Was he wanting to and trying for this and where did that vigilance go if she then did one day allow such and forever after.? Did she double check when such started and pop in? None of that mentioned. Because I doubt it was the case. She is explaining too much imo.

We KNOW even before this is tried he was molesting this child from about the time he met mom throughout the day he murdered her. Yes, he murdered her Jennifer. So they were Alone always at some point through every single year since he came into her life. Tell me, is it different sending them to a bedroom together at night than leaving them home alone together if that is how he did it then? Mom either knew or only was hypervigilant about sleeping arrangements and nothing else and only in the first years....

I mean REALLY think about that or she needs to IF she truly is that naive or innocent. He had access throughout SOMEHOW. Because his phone showed such.

I saw so far one video where I was really doubting her and she was talking his story, etc. then saw this one or part and not continuing. I think they are in reverse as to timing and when the interviews happened. And was now believing her until i went back to continue and got this far in... And WHY is she even explaining such? Because she knows no one sends their daughter to bed with a man who is supposedly MOM'S BF.

I want to say one more thing generally before I forget about this case and not to even do with these interviews. We already knew this 13 year old child per grandma, mom, etc. was scared to death to sleep alone...


Lora of parents here who have raised children. Would you think first of all something was up with that, or something was causing it? Second of all, how would you handle that? Would you put her in bed with self and bf, and/or when you are tired with your bf in another room?

She can come across very honest at times but there's all these things and as it goes on...

And she is just SO unconcerned and I think the one I am watching is the next day now. You'd hear the stress in my voice, fear and you name it. Terror even. My life hasn't been perfect nor my children's. I had a child who took off at the age of 14 IN MY CAR. She'd never driven a thing in her LIFE. I will leave it at that, it all worked itself out.

My POINT is she is just so calm. Maybe meds, I don't know.

I know I said way back in this thread more than once, if she is just truly this naive, and didn't and couldn't see it, she needs some serious help so she can see. I have little doubt he was a lying game playing conniving can't support himself child molesting monster and maybe played her to a point but it is tool late for Madeline but she needs to learn signs and get wiser.

And that's being more than fair because I'm really not sure I am buying her any longer... I have more to watch, we shall see...

Like I said where did that hypervigilance go and if you got to a point you thought you could trust him well drop the hyper, and where did ANY vigilance at ALL GO?

oh by the way she works PT and is on disability. in this interview. Nothing wrong with that at all, but the point there would be she wasn't working full time and needed all this sleep and uninterrupted time and her child was in school on top of it.

I have been irritable today and it probably shows.

We've seen cases with less than this where the mother is charged with neglect and a bf did it and such did not go on for ALL of these years.

Not sure how late I will stay up but his parents interview I think will be very interesting but not sure I can take it. Hard a part or two last night and My God. Does his mother monitor his sex life? ya know Jenn's libido was low and he was not getting any and so...

YES that was said.
It is really frustrating as this is an interview and I'm assuming they are in his police car and the radio is interfering with other call and dispatches and makes it hard to hear parts.

This is the one/s I am listening to at the moment. I already linked it above but doing again.


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