OR MARTIN FAMILY: Missing from Hood River, OR - 7 Dec 1958 - Age 54, 48, & 14

Car found in Columbia River could be tied to family missing since 1958​

Police are working to pull a car from the Columbia River that could be tied to a family of five that went missing in 1958.

The Hood River County Sheriff’s Office announced Thursday that an independent diver had found the vehicle near Cascade Locks. They later confirmed in an email to OPB that Archer Mayo was the diver.

Deputy Pete Hughes said the Martin family — a man, a woman, and their three children — went missing on Dec. 7, 1958.

In May 1959, the bodies of 13-year-old Virginia and 11-year-old Susan Martin were recovered from the Columbia River. Kenneth and Barbara Martin, and their 14-year-old daughter, who was also named Barbara, were never found.

Crews will begin working Thursday to pull the car from the river. But Hughes said that operation could take a long time.

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I wonder how they linked "he had allegedly stolen it from a sporting goods store" to him, yet he still supposedly had it. This was way before cameras in the stores days. How did they not charge him for theft and/or confiscate the gun he supposedly stole if they were certain enough to allow that to be a part of the story line?
I guess it must have had a serial number on it to trace it to the store. Perhaps they arrested him for something else and he had it on him at the time and was charged, then joined the forces. Too long back to find out now though.
Maybe after all these years there's nothing left of them either, with rushing water constantly attacking the car and remains for over 60 years. Perhaps also midsummer would be a better time when the river is not so high too. Two bodies got swept out of the car and found. Perhaps the other bodies did too and weren't found.
I was thinking more of locating a piece of the car with a license plate on it.
Maybe after all these years there's nothing left of them either, with rushing water constantly attacking the car and remains for over 60 years. Perhaps also midsummer would be a better time when the river is not so high too. Two bodies got swept out of the car and found. Perhaps the other bodies did too and weren't found.
I'm torn on the decision, I guess I understand it considering the condition of the car and perhaps conditions they would have to continue in, but I don't like when people are still missing and a case that was said to be closed never solved or a determination came to. I guess though as you say there may be little of them left and where what is left might be in the river by now may be a needle in the haystack.

Also I guess who the detective suspected is dead as is he.

I read the Charley project post above again so even though didn't plan on it did go back and read a thing or two but can't read all on this case but I wonder what happened to the gun, I don't recall seeing that. It did say the gun was never processed but what about nowadays? It must have not been kept or kept in the condition found in or something?

The one child had a hole in her head and the detective thought it foul play plus the gun was connected to the surviving son. That's a lot. to ignore. I guesss they couldn't prosecute now if it was solved but there still sure are some questions.

The detective said it would not have been normal for the dad to leave home at that time of day and he didn't like driving in the dark yet the story said they went looking for Christmas greenery so where did that story come from, and from who? It's a bit confusing and both things in the same read.

Obviously they were all declared dead at some point back when, bodies or not.

Normally I'd think this to be an accident but there is too much to lean that way. However, I guess I can see this decision for a few reasons as well.

I don't doubt they all likely went into the water in the car. The other son is now dead. It seems pretty certain that car was theirs. Hard to say what remains of their bodies or where they might be if anything.

Maybe some private divers will take it up, hard to say, the car is already discovered and it would seem and disintegrating, and hard to say where bodies or sadly parts are, if much remains. This will have been 70 years ago in a few years.
After matching a partial plate, officials said they were 99% sure this was the Martins’ car, which was found upside down 50 feet beneath the water with debris on top of it.
OK, I thought I read that somewhere and then I thought I was going crazy because of the other report. What, they need the whole plate now? How many cars went missing in 1958? What were their license plate numbers?
OK, I thought I read that somewhere and then I thought I was going crazy because of the other report. What, they need the whole plate now? How many cars went missing in 1958? What were their license plate numbers?
Sounds like they are just being safe. They stated they were 99% sure. Seems like they are confident that it is, just can't say 100% since they don't have a VIN off of it and part of the plate was deteriorated.
I think a VIN (vehicle identification number) is different from a license plate.

It may be what we call a chassis number here in UK. But, if so, that is usually on the chassis and I guess that would very likely be eroded now.
I think a VIN (vehicle identification number) is different from a license plate.

It may be what we call a chassis number here in UK. But, if so, that is usually on the chassis and I guess that would very likely be eroded now.
It is but the vin was evidently not found due to deterioration, but they did find a partial plate that would narrow down the vehicle it belonged to.
OK, I thought I read that somewhere and then I thought I was going crazy because of the other report. What, they need the whole plate now? How many cars went missing in 1958? What were their license plate numbers?
Imo they just can't say 100 %, I'd say if all being told is the truth it is 99% IF truth. I don't see much reason to think it is not and I'm generally the doubtfful one. I do lean towards the foul play though. I wouldn't, but for the things I mentioned...

I think these days they have to be careful with the 100 percent. I agree though that how many went missing in the area, the type of vehicle, etc. in what year. So as long as truthful, it is their car imo. I never saw the thing about the license plate either until later. So yeah, the varying reports...?
I think a VIN (vehicle identification number) is different from a license plate.

It may be what we call a chassis number here in UK. But, if so, that is usually on the chassis and I guess that would very likely be eroded now.
Kind of like we were talking of credit cards and how processed back when the one thing here said in the 50s VINs being put on were just becoming a thing and were not always "slapped" on in the same place either. I worked for adjusters for 20 years but not in those days of course and leanred one place is the left side, driver's side here windshield dash they have put them for the last how many years. Not sure on where else.

Don't feel bad about the plate because I missed that one too or it came later. I tried to read the links and don't recall it but that might be on me.

I think I VIN is two places on a vehicle but darned if I can recall the other but again that's in later years.

A pet stupid peeve of mine is when my bosses and most everyone says VIN number lol. The N is for number so that is saying the vehicle identification number number. Everyone does it though lol.
Possibly they have another similar enough vehicle with plates that match what they did find so they are being careful to not say definitely it was theirs.
I actually agree here. If all is true then they just aren't going to say 100 percent but if all true, I am satisfied it is their car. If nothing else is going on, and I don't have reason to think there is but some will and so that's the reason for not saying 100% no? I mean the girl's bodies were found how long ago, and while it doesn't mean there wasn't foul play, they were in the river.

If I have it right. I can be corrected if wrong lol.

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