Maybe after all these years there's nothing left of them either, with rushing water constantly attacking the car and remains for over 60 years. Perhaps also midsummer would be a better time when the river is not so high too. Two bodies got swept out of the car and found. Perhaps the other bodies did too and weren't found.
I'm torn on the decision, I guess I understand it considering the condition of the car and perhaps conditions they would have to continue in, but I don't like when people are still missing and a case that was said to be closed never solved or a determination came to. I guess though as you say there may be little of them left and where what is left might be in the river by now may be a needle in the haystack.
Also I guess who the detective suspected is dead as is he.
I read the Charley project post above again so even though didn't plan on it did go back and read a thing or two but can't read all on this case but I wonder what happened to the gun, I don't recall seeing that. It did say the gun was never processed but what about nowadays? It must have not been kept or kept in the condition found in or something?
The one child had a hole in her head and the detective thought it foul play plus the gun was connected to the surviving son. That's a lot. to ignore. I guesss they couldn't prosecute now if it was solved but there still sure are some questions.
The detective said it would not have been normal for the dad to leave home at that time of day and he didn't like driving in the dark yet the story said they went looking for Christmas greenery so where did that story come from, and from who? It's a bit confusing and both things in the same read.
Obviously they were all declared dead at some point back when, bodies or not.
Normally I'd think this to be an accident but there is too much to lean that way. However, I guess I can see this decision for a few reasons as well.
I don't doubt they all likely went into the water in the car. The other son is now dead. It seems pretty certain that car was theirs. Hard to say what remains of their bodies or where they might be if anything.
Maybe some private divers will take it up, hard to say, the car is already discovered and it would seem and disintegrating, and hard to say where bodies or sadly parts are, if much remains. This will have been 70 years ago in a few years.