MD MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991


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MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 3h14aWR

On July 31, 1991, the badly decomposed body of a white female was found at the bottom of an embankment along southbound Interstate 270 in Frederick County, Maryland. The victim was found in an advanced stage of decomposition and her exact cause of death was not possible to determine. This teen or young adult is known as Maryland's Unknown Child.

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Case Information
Status Unidentified
Case number 91-04413
Date found July 31, 1991 00:00
Date created May 08, 2008 15:23
Date last modified September 09, 2016 06:02
Investigating agency
date QA reviewed May 09, 2008 05:47

Local Contact (ME/C or Other)
Agency MD Ofc of Chief St Med Examiner
Phone 410-333-3225
Case Manager
Name Charlotte Noranbrock
Phone 410-333-3254

The following people have been ruled out as being this decedent:
First Name Last Name Year of Birth State LKA
Kelly Dove 1961 Virginia
Kelly Dove 1961 Virginia
Michaela Garecht 1979 California
Shelley Hoke 1969 Arizona
Alicia Markovich 1972 Pennsylvania
Tammie McCormick 1972 New York
Mary Plavnick 1962 Florida
Patricia Schmidt 1964 Virginia
Tiffany Sessions 1968 Florida
Terry Slaugenhoupt 1962 Maryland
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NamUs UP # 1665

ME/C Case Number: 91-04413
Frederick County, Maryland
15 to 29 year old White Female

Case Report - NamUs UP # 1665
Case Information
Status Unidentified
Case number 91-04413
Date found July 31, 1991 00:00
Date created May 08, 2008 15:23
Date last modified September 09, 2016 06:02
Investigating agency
date QA reviewed May 09, 2008 05:47

Local Contact (ME/C or Other)
Agency MD Ofc of Chief St Med Examiner
Phone 410-333-3225
Case Manager
Name Charlotte Noranbrock
Phone 410-333-3254

Estimated age Adult - Pre 30
Minimum age 15 years
Maximum age 29 years
Race White
Sex Female
Weight (pounds) , Cannot Estimate
Height (inches) 61, Estimated
Body Parts Inventory (Check all that apply)
All parts recovered

Body conditions
Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction

Probable year of death 1991 to 1991
Estimated postmortem interval 1 Weeks

Location Found
GPS coordinates
Address 1 I-270 South of Frederick
Address 2
City Frederick
State Maryland
Zip code
County Frederick
On July 31, 1991, the badly decomposed body of a white female was found at the bottom of an embankment along southbound Interstate 270 in Frederick County, Maryland.

Hair color Brown
Head hair
Brown; Approximately 6 inches long

Left eye color Unknown or Missing
Right eye color Unknown or Missing
Eye description

No other distinctive body features

Status: Fingerprint information is currently not available

Clothing and Accessories
No clothing or accessories
Clothing and accessories are described below
Clothing on body
Blue denim skorts "Cap Ferrat" brand size 11
Tank top, possibly gray or black, dark colored
Clothing with body


• “ADVANCE” digital wristwatch, silver w/gold face (rt wrist)
• Silver bangle bracelet (left wrist)
• TRIFARI gold plated bracelet (left wrist)
• Gold herringbone necklace
• Neon pink nylon anklet w/ black and green dots

Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered

Status: Sample is currently not available
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Maryland's Unknown Child

Maryland's Unknown Child was a teen or young adult who was found on July 31, 1991 under an overpass in Frederick County, Maryland.

The victim was found in an advanced stage of decomposition and her exact cause of death was not possible to determine.

Some believe she may have been a victim of a killer who had girl's underwear and shoes in his possession; articles of clothing that the girl did not wear when she was found

Maryland's Unknown Child

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 3h14aWR

Sex Female
Race White
Location Frederick County, Maryland
Found July 31, 1991
Unidentified for 25 years
Postmortem interval Months
Body condition Decomposed
Age approximation 15 - 29
Height approximation 5' - 5'2
Weight approximation 110 - 120
Cause of death Homicide

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 148?cb=20160707204336&format=webp

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 Latest?cb=20151019225437&format=webp

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 185?cb=20151019230450&format=webp

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 Latest?cb=20151019230529&format=webp

The Doe Network:
Case File 237UFMD

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 237UFMD
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 237UFMD1
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 237UFMD2

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 237UFMD3
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 237UFMD4

Left: Reconstruction of Victim by Wesley Neville

Unidentified White Female
Discovered on July 31, 1991 in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland.
Estimated Date of Death: Weeks prior
Partial Skeletal Remains

Vital Statistics
Estimated age: 16-25 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'1"-5'3"; 110-120 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Brown, shoulder length hair. Slightly larger than petite, but not quite medium build.
Clothing: Blue denim shorts, size 11; "Cap Ferrat"; a black tank top and no shoes or undergarments.
Jewelry: An "Advance Digitial" watch, silver colored with a gold face. An "Avon" sterling silver ring, with a diamond-like stone on right middle finger; a base metal ring in floral design, with four stones missing, size 7 1/4; a silver alloy bangle wristband; a "Trifari" gold-plated wristband on left wrist; a 19-inch herringbone necklace and a pink rope, ankle bracelet.
Fingerprints: Not available
Dentals: Available. Protruding and reversed front tooth on upper left side. (upper central incisor). Tooth 7, 8, 9, post mortem missing.
DNA: Available.

Case History

A state highway administration worker cutting weeds found the victim at the bottom of an embankment.
The victim was on the southbound side of I-270, down the Baker Hill Road embankment. It is not believed she was killed at this site.
In 1995, authorities looked into a truck driver from North Carolina about this killing. He had been arrested for killing an Ohio woman, whose body was found in Kingsport, Tennessee, and was suspected of killing as many as seven women and dumping their bodies on the side of highways.
A search of his house found women's shoes and undergarments. The victim was found without shoes or undergarments.

If you have any information about this case please contact:
Sgt. Tina Becker
Maryland State Police

You may remain anonymous when submitting information.

Agency Case Number:
ME: 91-04413

NCIC Number:
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:

Unidentified Female Found In Frederick, MD On July 31, 1991

Unidentified Jane Doe’s Description

Race: White
Sex: Female
Hair: Brown or Black
Eyes: Unknown
Age: 17-25 (est)
Height: 5’0”-5’2”
Weight: 110-120 lbs
Cause of Death: Unknown

• “Cap Ferrat” denim
skort, size 11
• Dark colored tank
• “ADVANCE” digital
wristwatch, silver w/
gold face (rt wrist)
• Silver bangle
bracelet (left wrist)
• TRIFARI gold-plated
bracelet (left wrist)
• Gold herringbone
• Neon pink nylon
anklet w/ black and green dots

On July 31, 1991 the badly decomposed body of a young female was discovered at the bottom of an embankment along southbound Interstate 270 at the Baker Valley Road overpass in Frederick County, Maryland. Medical Examiners believe the victim may have been at this location up to 1-2 weeks prior to discovery. The disposal site was within 10 miles of a truck stop. Due to decomposition, Medical Examiners weren’t able to confirm the cause of death.

Although it’s been over two decades since the discovery, a candlelight vigil was held recently in the past couple years to remember the victim without an identity.

“To this day — and we’re celebrating 20 years — we have no idea who she is,” Maryland State Police Sgt. Tina Becker said on the 20th anniversary on July 31, 2011.

The Cold Case Unit officer said that the chance of determining what happened to the Jane Doe is zero to none; the girl, estimated to be in her late teens or early 20s at the time of her death, had no identification.

It’s been over 22 years since the discovery and authorities are hoping someone has that small piece of the puzzle that they are missing.

Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact:
Sgt Christina Becker Maryland State Police, (410) 386-3029 or
FBI ViCAP, (800) 634-4097 or

Frederick County Jane Doe

The remains of a sixteen to twenty-five-year-old woman, also known as Maryland's Unknown Child, was found on 31 July 1991, in Frederick County, Maryland, near a truck stop. The remains were badly decomposed to the point where the cause of death was not able to be determined.[151] She was located underneath an overpass, which suggests being disposed of after a murder. The victim was between five feet and five feet two inches tall, weighing 110-120 pounds. The hair was described to be dark and wavy and a tooth protruded from her upper set of teeth. A tank top and several pieces of jewelry were found on her arms, hands, neck and ankle. A silver and gold colored wristwatch was also worn by the girl. Four reconstructions were created, varying strongly from each other.[152][153][154] It was reported that a man convicted of the murder of a woman native to Ohio in Tennessee, who was a trucker, may have been involved. At his house, authorities discovered shoes and underwear, two types of clothing that the Frederick County Jane Doe was not wearing.

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 3h14aWR

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 YuN9gXD

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 JfTZ4Wq
Maryland Missing Persons Network

FREDERICK, MD. - The year is 1991. Mullet hair and tight Jordache jeans are the rage, as is Def Leppard and Billy Ray Cyrus. Guns and Roses and MC Hammer

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 USHlp0z

Frederick, Maryland
July 31, 1991

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 3h14aWR

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 WeiWw4w

Age 17 to 25 years old
Hair Brown or Black
Height 5’0” to 5’2”
Weight 110 to 120 pounds
Sex Female
Race White
On July 31, 1991, the badly decomposed body of a white female was found at the bottom of an embankment along southbound Interstate 270 in Frederick County, Maryland. The victim may have been at this location 1-2 weeks prior to discovery. The disposal site was within 10 miles of a truck stop. Due to decomposition, cause of death is unknown.

Submit a Tip:
If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Submit an anonymous Tip online

MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 RVDtV5n

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On July 31, 1991 the badly decomposed body of a young female was discovered at the bottom of an embankment along southbound Interstate 270 at the Baker Valley Road overpass in Frederick County, Maryland. Medical Examiners believe the victim may have been at this location up to 1-2 weeks prior to discovery. The disposal site was within 10 miles of a truck stop.

Baker Valley Road, Frederick, MD
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 N3JbkLF

Baker Valley Road, Frederick, MD
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 ZY5wL6b

Approaching Exit 26, this sign warns truck drivers that thru trucks over 5 tons Gross Vehicle Weight are not allowed to use MD 355 south of MD 80. (Photo taken 11/5/15).
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 ZL57o1w

Take Exit 26 to Park & Ride access. (Photo taken 11/5/15).
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 KnNOHw6

interstate 270 South at Exit 26: MD 80 - Urbana / Buckeystown (Photo taken 11/5/15).
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 HtpEzSo

Speed limit assurance sign south of Exit 26. Speed Limit - 65 mph. (Photo taken 11/5/15).
MARYLAND'S UNKNOWN CHILD: WF, 15-29, found in Frederick County, MD - 31 July 1991 JIFskgS

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