TX RYAN AKAGBUSI: Missing from Richmond, TX - 24 Aug 2024 - Age 8 *Found Deceased*

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'Bring him back home' | Mother of missing eight-year-old makes emotional plea as search continues​

An AMBER Alert has been issued for a missing eight-year-old boy in Fort Bend County.

Search parties, including Texas Equusearch, are looking for Ryan Akagbusi. He was last seen leaving his home in the Lakemont subdivision in Richmond a little before 5 a.m.

According to the Fort Ben County Sheriff’s Office, Ryan is wearing a lilac shirt and may be barefoot.

We spoke with Ryan’s mom and she says he last saw him around 4:56 a.m. Cameras picked up Ryan leaving the house with shoes, but at 5:37 a.m., a camera in the neighborhood showed Ryan running barefoot.

Ryan mother, Admorowa Oladind, said he is non-verbal but will respond to his name. She is desperate to find him.

“My friends and family are here, the whole neighborhood. Police are here,” she said. “We've had K9. We've had helicopter. We’ve had drones go around. We’ve gone door to door. Everybody is here. The whole Lakemont is here. If somebody has him, please, that’s my baby. Bring him back home. Call 911”

Amber Alert Ryan Akagbusi: 8-year-old nonverbal boy last seen in Fort Bend County​

Akagbusi was last seen in the 19900 block of Kendall Lake Drive in Richmond on Saturday at 4:30 a.m. The 8-year-old is non-verbal autistic but will respond to his name, his mother says.

"Please call Ryan, he’s non-verbal, he won’t answer, but he will turn around if he hears ‘Ryan’," she told FOX 26.

It's a mother's frantic call to the community, hoping to find her 8-year-old son alive. "Please bring him home, Ryan is my first baby," his mother pleaded. "Please call the police, call us."

Akagbusi's mother told FOX 26 she last saw her son around 4 a.m. when he was using the restroom and cleaned him up. As soon as she realized he wasn't in his room, she ran outside.

"I came out and I saw his shoes. I found his shoes down the road. Then we looked further, and I saw him in a neighbor’s camera running. That’s the last I saw," she says.

Texas EquuSearch, authorities, and the community were searching all around the neighborhood in Fort Bend County. Assistant Chief told FOX 26 they’re looking into anomalies found in the water.

Akagbusi's mother says if anyone has him, please give him food and he loves chicken nuggets and fries.

"Please give him food, please help me bring him home, please," she cried.

Fort Bend Amber Alert: Missing boy Ryan Akagbusi found deceased in neighborhood lake​

The search for 8-year-old Ryan Akagbusi, who was reported missing from Fort Bend County, ended in tragedy this morning when he was found in a lake near his home by Texas EquuSearch. Ryan, who was non-verbal and autistic, had been missing since early Saturday morning.

Deputies say Ryan was last seen around 4:30 a.m. on Kendall Lake Drive in Richmond. His mother noticed he was missing shortly after she had last seen him at 4 a.m. When she began searching, she found his shoes down the road. A neighbor’s security camera later showed Ryan running through the neighborhood.

Authorities and volunteers searched the area extensively over the weekend.
Not sure what can be done to stop this from happening but it is just far too common.

It would have been dark here at that time of the morning so he took off in the dark probably. However, I don't know about TX.

RIP poor child.

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