CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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Does Barry have a valid passport? If he sold the vehicle and manages to sell the house, that's a pretty good chunk of change that he could live on comfortably in several places outside the US.

But if the house is in the foundation name so he could sell it, don't the proceeds from the sale go back to the foundation? And/or is he an officer in the foundation with bank privileges?
I am going to assume he does since there are many tropical trip photos, however, some people never leave the states to do that, so just an educated guess. There also is nothing stopping him from leaving the country, he is under no arrest, conditions, charges or anything.

The Draper video covers the foundation pretty well and remarks underneath give some info from people on how such things work... While the asset would belong to the foundation which seems to tie to the church, I think legally he is supposed to do things all kosher, however, he is close to all on the board and is a director and most are tied to the church as well. Many are suspicious of what he is doing and I have to say I am as well... One would think the proceeds would go to the foundation when sold, what is his plan from there... I don't for one minute believe he just handed a house to a foundation free and clear for good. Even though it is "their" foundation... Something is up.

I personally hope the house sits on the market and never sells...
I am going to assume he does since there are many tropical trip photos, however, some people never leave the states to do that, so just an educated guess. There also is nothing stopping him from leaving the country, he is under no arrest, conditions, charges or anything.

The Draper video covers the foundation pretty well and remarks underneath give some info from people on how such things work... While the asset would belong to the foundation which seems to tie to the church, I think legally he is supposed to do things all kosher, however, he is close to all on the board and is a director and most are tied to the church as well. Many are suspicious of what he is doing and I have to say I am as well... One would think the proceeds would go to the foundation when sold, what is his plan from there... I don't for one minute believe he just handed a house to a foundation free and clear for good. Even though it is "their" foundation... Something is up.

I personally hope the house sits on the market and never sells...
I've often wondered how that kind of thing works, like when a church no longer has members and owns property.
I've often wondered how that kind of thing works, like when a church no longer has members and owns property.
Yes a case a few years ago had me learn a little bit about certain "non-profits" and that had to do with a private non-profit versus other types. I do wish I understood more but in that one, vast amounts of money go into it and they run several types of places. The big people make quite the salaries, etc. So we hear non-profit but yah, I guess it depends on how one thinks of it.

The foundation in this case I understand little about either but it sure does not seem kosher what is occurring.

As to churches, another entire ball of wax itself, as you say, no members but owns property, etc.

I read a remark just a bit ago under a podcast and someone was saying that in the beginning of this case it seemed like LE was gung ho to look into this Foundation and more and then it was like someone just shut them down. I can't say whether I agree or not but I am starting to have my doubts in this case. The hub acts so outrageously as if he is untouchable and while most of the public is against him or does not like him, LE sure is not doing anything to stop him from liquidating everything and more, thus far anyhow.

I start to have doubts though in most cases after this length of time and what appears to be inactivity by LE and too much silence. So I hope they are wrong but there are a lot of people out there not happy with the LE there. A podcast from Plunder to follow, it is relatively short and the comments below it mostly tend to not feel as Suzanne's sister does with regard to LE.
I don't know what I think of this letter. We have heard not a peep from these other siblings to my knowledge and she only mentions her one brother, not a single other family member of Suzanne's mentioned, not S's father, nor Andy, etc. Why is that?

It seems to me a bit overglowing about the sheriff and really, what is its purpose? Maybe that is unfair of me but I find it an odd thing to do. She mentions the people of Salida but not a word to searchers, donators, others who have supported the case or tried to keep it in the public eye. And again, no mention of Andy. I am guessing she was not part of the search nor the other brother?

At first glance, she shows heartbreak for her sister and it makes sense she is putting her faith in LE, I think some do and some lose it after time goes on with knowing little from them which is hard on families but I truly don't quite get the reason for it, the timing and more. She is not from the area per the address and not from Indiana either, but she seems to be wanting to tell Salida residents through their local paper to trust their sheriff, are the people there not happy with him that she feels this necessary?

I don't know, again maybe that is unfair. Also if there is a family rift, I don't judge that either as in time of high stress it is not unusual, each takes their turn doubting and trusting again I am sure and each is not always on the same page at the same point in time waiting for news or charges and in knowing little to nothing. Jmo.

Anyhow, here it is. My mind changed some from my first read to my second and then I read many of the comments... Interested in other's thoughts...

Oh, of further note, the Adventures with Purpose part is interesting and how LE's ego was in the case where they found Nicholas Allen where LE wouldn't search and where the mother felt he was. It is said instead of being grateful they were just the opposite or so it sounds.
I don't know if it will be about this case or more general talk but they both cover Morphew. Starting in about 5 minutes or so, Linda from It's a Crime with the Draper Bros.

I'm behind on Linda's videos. I'll catch up!
After her and Tyson, she also did a new one of her own as well last night, the Triangle theory. I do love how this certain bunch of the decent crime podcasters are working together and I don't include the JT person in that. Her thing like it or not is not the same, her members may come up with theories and thoughts just as we all do but she herself is not doing what these creators are doing and offering, they research and connect their own dots and theories, Tyson travels and tries to interview people connected to the crimes, etc. The JT person does none of that. Imo.

Okay so I just watched a short DutyRon podcast which had nothing to do or on it much about the Morphew case. Underneath though in the comments most of which are an hour or two old, everyone is saying many podcasts on the Morphew case have been taken down, Plunder's, Tube Crime, not all podcasters but a few.

Some are speculating a lawsuit was threatened and some feel an arrest is coming or imminent.

If she disappeared on May 10th then how did she check-in on May 17th on FB? Maybe this has already been discussed however it keeps coming back to mind.
It seems as though someone in Indiana tagged an event and tagged Suzanne, I think the event was a Memorial of hers in Indiana on the 17th. People took it as Suzanne but it wasn't.

There is FB activity though on her account the weekend she disappeared, I think on the 9th, they think was someone else, ahem, and not her.
Was that deleted? The last thing I see is from October 2019.
But yeah, sometimes if other people tag you, or check in "with" you, it might look like you did it.
I'm not sure and I'm not sure I am right but some YouTubers were making it out to be Suzanne and others then said a friend of hers said she did it and I think they may have deleted it. It's kind of hard to know what to believe but it did fit the event date.
I've seen Law Enforcement log into people's accounts before too. Not usually to make posts though. But someone will see the missing person as "online" and lose their minds a bit.
I have seen that too in cases. And in the Kenzie Lueck case her friends were able to access her accounts and people saw them active.

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