CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


edited by staff to add media link
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it sounds like she definitely let the notices slide. That's my point. For something so important you would think that once they started threatening suspension, her office would have had it corrected BEFORE suspension actually happened. At the very minimum, her staff failed badly, but this is her license so her responsibility.
I’m just not sure this is the way it went down. I know we will all find out in the end. I’ve read the district is very underfunded for the counties they serve and has been since 2020.
I actually believe many areas of this country are the same way. It appears things are getting worse but that’s another topic.
I do think Justice is lacking anymore. It’s not all on her. That’s only my opinion snd articles I’ve read about CO and other places.
She actually has her license. She completed the paperwork but there was an error in computer foul up someway. Just read it about a week ago. Due to Covid and low staffing in State. No kidding.
Hi OOT!! Been meaning to email, am about a month or more behind at minimum on that and on life I am at least a year or so behind.

So much going on not up on all but for one Chaffee seems to have some real politics going on and has throughout, meaning at least two factions, sides, etc. including when Linda ran against the existing D.A. This is the same county that had Barry fake voting and it sounds like not correct things on real estate paperwork and more... It is the same county there is another missing woman whose case no one seems to care about and whose family if I have that right has had no answers to speak of and is not informed as they should be nor does effort seem to be made.

However, if she did not do her continuing education or ensure it was done, some of that is on her BUT I do think there are shenanigans in that system there. I am not completely up on it all enough lately though to judge or have a strong opinion I guess. I think we also definitely have some state politics playing in and of course CBI and more and then we have the same DEFENSE firm that you and I saw get KK off with DA Dan May who also appeared in the Stauch case for a moment or two, not even sure why, good PR maybe...

Colorado stinks is all I know or their system does or at least parts of it and some areas seem to... And you and I know I am not alone in feeling that, seeing it or thinking it...

I am so glad to see you!! I haven't been regular here either. A LOT going on. I don't think I will ever be healed but I am managing. Think about you and your hub all of the time. Daily. In my prayers always.
She is licensed and case will be refiled. This had nothing to do with the Morphew case. This certainly is the Denver Post supporting their famous defense attorneys though.
The suspension was indeed threatened but there was a computer error in another office.
OH yes that defense firm. All that is wrong with this world. The judges in this case and uhm prosecutors etc. in the Berreth/Frazee case seem to kowtow to this firm who just aren't that impressive in my uneducated opinion but then when there are CONNECTIONS that can explain it so maybe that is the case... That DNA crock of sh*t they got people believing is outrageous in and of its own accord. However, the prosecution SHOULD HAVE SHOWN it for what it was... But so should the judge not have been bamboozled and known better imo.

I know some, have stayed up on it some but haven't been able to stay up on it all. I think Barry and Krystal Kenney would make a great pair. Maybe Iris and Dru can do a bit of matchmaking. Yuck. 🤢
Yeah but still, she has to up her game. I was for her one hundred percent but now I don’t know. We will see when and if BM is convicted. I believe he will be.
She does need to up her game and she needs to be entirely on the ball because it is going to keep coming from the other side and anyone too politically in her own system that has any issues with her I am going to guess.

He is guilty as sin IMO of course and she has went after her and kudos to her for that.

When she went on Profiling Evil's show, I enjoyed the show but I wasn't sure it was a wise thing. And that show and his former sidekick I don't think helped this case and in some ways did just the opposite.

Chaffee also has to give her a team and backup for this case if they haven't. That though doesn't solve what I think is questionable defense favoring judges... Or is it defendant and defendant's girls favoring? Hard to say...

I am TICKLED to see you and glad I am up to being back on and with a few minutes too right now. A few busy days ahead again and probably won't be on much. Maybe mornings and evenings if that. :hugs:♥️🤗
What I read and heard was that she never let it slide. (She’s not speaking out because she’s engrossed with the obvious case)
But supposedly she sent everything in on time to the office where it needed to go but they didn’t load the information into the database. When word came out license was revoked they had to correct the error.

Since we haven’t heard a peep from her since he was charged, we obviously don’t know what is going on. I know Sheriffs election is coming in January snd Speeze is running again.

Don’t know when she runs again.
She has only been in what, a year? District attorneys are four years there.

She was supportive of Spezze when they first charged this case and even stuck up for him and the department some. And she was new but of course you do support your team when you do press and finally charge such a known murder. That man, although I don't doubt he is likeable enough (maybe, is he? I have no idea), needs to go. Likeable doesn't equate to doing the job well or still being up for the job or managing the deputies and cases. The way that bike was handled and so much more and the cold case of Beverly Englund I mean maybe it is unfair or unintentional BUT enough is enough. No reason Morphew shouldn't have been handled more professionally as this county has had a missing woman before UNSOLVED that still sits idle. is anyone runningi against him or anyone running against these judges for that matter?

Sigh. Just frustrated.
I’m just not sure this is the way it went down. I know we will all find out in the end. I’ve read the district is very underfunded for the counties they serve and has been since 2020.
I actually believe many areas of this country are the same way. It appears things are getting worse but that’s another topic.
I do think Justice is lacking anymore. It’s not all on her. That’s only my opinion snd articles I’ve read about CO and other places.
CO is a class on its own (you and I have always I think agreed on that and learned it in the Frazee case for one) but it sure is happening everywhere. And Covid has been used as an excuse for a lot of things but it also basically shut down a lot of government processing and things which I still think is/was about unacceptable and I think used as an excuse in many cases.

And Chaffee before that even seems to have underfunding, be low on the totem pole of the districts and shared resources and such and politically infighting and maybe being a bit cowed or ran by the big dogs like up in Denver...? I don't know... Maybe just underfunded. Colorado politics AND their laws and secrecy though along with sealed documents and more IS a real thing.

I don't know the truth of what happened but if she laid down on doing her part of keeping up to date on her licensing and classes, etc. that is on her. Who was it here not too long ago didn't renew something it was a driver's license or car registration or continuing ed or something where they swear they didn't get the notice in the mail so had no idea? It was on this website I mean. Things do happen and the last few years a lot of that kind of thing has but I don't know Linda's story. If she ignored many warnings or should have known then it is on her. If she filled it out and her office or where she sent it fell down, it is on them.
Exactly. I also have to maintain documentation and continuing education for a license that I hold. If I had turned my stuff in, and I was still receiving several notices that I needed to do so or risk my license being suspended, I most certainly would have gotten it figured out prior to it getting to the point of suspension.

Not that this really matters in the grand scheme of things or this case. I just shared because she was/is obviously connected to this case. If she's gotten it figured out since then, then that's wonderful. It was not posted to smear her or anything like that. Just as "this is what's going on" kind of thing.
I agree one hundred percent. What I had read was that age did not receive any notices after the first. She believed it was taken care of. Now is that true? I don’t know. Personally, I would have made sure! But she did have several cases going at once. I think the defense attorneys wanted to make sure they got the word out to further advance their own agenda: keeping a murderer out of jail. It became a moot point as she never really lost her license.
No one looks clean in this on the Morphew case, except the sheriff. He is tenacious!
I agree with the points you made.
She has only been in what, a year? District attorneys are four years there.

She was supportive of Spezze when they first charged this case and even stuck up for him and the department some. And she was new but of course you do support your team when you do press and finally charge such a known murder. That man, although I don't doubt he is likeable enough (maybe, is he? I have no idea), needs to go. Likeable doesn't equate to doing the job well or still being up for the job or managing the deputies and cases. The way that bike was handled and so much more and the cold case of Beverly Englund I mean maybe it is unfair or unintentional BUT enough is enough. No reason Morphew shouldn't have been handled more professionally as this county has had a missing woman before UNSOLVED that still sits idle. is anyone runningi against him or anyone running against these judges for that matter?

Sigh. Just frustrated.
Hey there grandma bear! Praise God to see you. I was following your posts on the other thread and you went through a horrible time. I was hoping to hear from you but didn’t expect to. It was too much. Thankful for you!

I like the Sheriff. I like every single thing he did. I was cautious at first because of Barry’s good old boy image. Sheriff Speeze didn’t handle the bike but the buck stops with him. I don’t hold that against anyone much when there are tons of other circumstantial evidence against the murderer. He had means motive and opportunity. I believe Chafee county will get their man. I’m more disappointed in the young CBI guy who wanted to make a name for himself. What a team player. Not!!
Agent Al Grusing played Barry like a fiddle and he will testify.
I was and am more concerned with the second judge. He was very close with the defense attorneys. He is retiring though. Thank goodness.
Trials are a roll of the dice to me now. You get a sensible jury and honest judge and you are ok. Otherwise every side is wronged. The innocent are convicted and felons go free. Happening everywhere.

At least Frazee got 154 years! The good old boy act didn’t work for him.
Hi OOT!! Been meaning to email, am about a month or more behind at minimum on that and on life I am at least a year or so behind.

So much going on not up on all but for one Chaffee seems to have some real politics going on and has throughout, meaning at least two factions, sides, etc. including when Linda ran against the existing D.A. This is the same county that had Barry fake voting and it sounds like not correct things on real estate paperwork and more... It is the same county there is another missing woman whose case no one seems to care about and whose family if I have that right has had no answers to speak of and is not informed as they should be nor does effort seem to be made.

However, if she did not do her continuing education or ensure it was done, some of that is on her BUT I do think there are shenanigans in that system there. I am not completely up on it all enough lately though to judge or have a strong opinion I guess. I think we also definitely have some state politics playing in and of course CBI and more and then we have the same DEFENSE firm that you and I saw get KK off with DA Dan May who also appeared in the Stauch case for a moment or two, not even sure why, good PR maybe...

Colorado stinks is all I know or their system does or at least parts of it and some areas seem to... And you and I know I am not alone in feeling that, seeing it or thinking it...

I am so glad to see you!! I haven't been regular here either. A LOT going on. I don't think I will ever be healed but I am managing. Think about you and your hub all of the time. Daily. In my prayers always.
How are you? Email me. Miss you lots!
OH yes that defense firm. All that is wrong with this world. The judges in this case and uhm prosecutors etc. in the Berreth/Frazee case seem to kowtow to this firm who just aren't that impressive in my uneducated opinion but then when there are CONNECTIONS that can explain it so maybe that is the case... That DNA crock of sh*t they got people believing is outrageous in and of its own accord. However, the prosecution SHOULD HAVE SHOWN it for what it was... But so should the judge not have been bamboozled and known better imo.

I know some, have stayed up on it some but haven't been able to stay up on it all. I think Barry and Krystal Kenney would make a great pair. Maybe Iris and Dru can do a bit of matchmaking. Yuck. 🤢
No KK and BM! He would use her and toss her. He will do that with his current flame.

The defense got the judge to remove 14 of 16 expert witnesses of Stanley’s list. The judge gutted her case. Personal, imo.
So she was right to let him walk and refile. At least Dru and Iris didn’t get an acquittal. The judge in this case is insane. He sure played up to his defense friends.
She does need to up her game and she needs to be entirely on the ball because it is going to keep coming from the other side and anyone too politically in her own system that has any issues with her I am going to guess.

He is guilty as sin IMO of course and she has went after her and kudos to her for that.

When she went on Profiling Evil's show, I enjoyed the show but I wasn't sure it was a wise thing. And that show and his former sidekick I don't think helped this case and in some ways did just the opposite.

Chaffee also has to give her a team and backup for this case if they haven't. That though doesn't solve what I think is questionable defense favoring judges... Or is it defendant and defendant's girls favoring? Hard to say...

I am TICKLED to see you and glad I am up to being back on and with a few minutes too right now. A few busy days ahead again and probably won't be on much. Maybe mornings and evenings if that. :hugs:♥️🤗
Yeah Stanley made a poor choice to go on PE. But she did nothing wrong. She sure learned from it! Not a peep since.
She does need to up her game and she needs to be entirely on the ball because it is going to keep coming from the other side and anyone too politically in her own system that has any issues with her I am going to guess.

He is guilty as sin IMO of course and she has went after her and kudos to her for that.

When she went on Profiling Evil's show, I enjoyed the show but I wasn't sure it was a wise thing. And that show and his former sidekick I don't think helped this case and in some ways did just the opposite.

Chaffee also has to give her a team and backup for this case if they haven't. That though doesn't solve what I think is questionable defense favoring judges... Or is it defendant and defendant's girls favoring? Hard to say...

I am TICKLED to see you and glad I am up to being back on and with a few minutes too right now. A few busy days ahead again and probably won't be on much. Maybe mornings and evenings if that. :hugs:♥️🤗
I’m so sorry. I guess you are having treatments. Will keep you in prayer.🙏
She does need to up her game and she needs to be entirely on the ball because it is going to keep coming from the other side and anyone too politically in her own system that has any issues with her I am going to guess.

He is guilty as sin IMO of course and she has went after her and kudos to her for that.

When she went on Profiling Evil's show, I enjoyed the show but I wasn't sure it was a wise thing. And that show and his former sidekick I don't think helped this case and in some ways did just the opposite.

Chaffee also has to give her a team and backup for this case if they haven't. That though doesn't solve what I think is questionable defense favoring judges... Or is it defendant and defendant's girls favoring? Hard to say...

I am TICKLED to see you and glad I am up to being back on and with a few minutes too right now. A few busy days ahead again and probably won't be on much. Maybe mornings and evenings if that. :hugs:♥️🤗

Going to sleep now. Had a shot in my knee. But if it keeps me away from a surgeon, it’s all good. 🥰
I agree one hundred percent. What I had read was that age did not receive any notices after the first. She believed it was taken care of. Now is that true? I don’t know. Personally, I would have made sure! But she did have several cases going at once. I think the defense attorneys wanted to make sure they got the word out to further advance their own agenda: keeping a murderer out of jail. It became a moot point as she never really lost her license.
No one looks clean in this on the Morphew case, except the sheriff. He is tenacious!
I agree with the points you made.
The defense is everything that is disgusting with the games and our system and how those games work imo. They went all out whining for gag orders, sealed documents, too much publicity for a fair trial etc. but then leaked and played the press and what they knew would become the news of the day, catch fire and be taken in the wrong direction. Sickening that this is our system. Total hypocrisy with the defense. And that's just one example.

I agree as well except where do you get the opinion the sheriff is tenacious?? I haven't been up on everything these last few months so maybe I missed something. I'm not saying he is not but I certainly don't have that impression of him at all and in fact, he has hardly been seen or done anything to my knowledge... I will gladly change that opinion though if filled in because I do admit I'm not totally up on it lately.
Hey there grandma bear! Praise God to see you. I was following your posts on the other thread and you went through a horrible time. I was hoping to hear from you but didn’t expect to. It was too much. Thankful for you!

I like the Sheriff. I like every single thing he did. I was cautious at first because of Barry’s good old boy image. Sheriff Speeze didn’t handle the bike but the buck stops with him. I don’t hold that against anyone much when there are tons of other circumstantial evidence against the murderer. He had means motive and opportunity. I believe Chafee county will get their man. I’m more disappointed in the young CBI guy who wanted to make a name for himself. What a team player. Not!!
Agent Al Grusing played Barry like a fiddle and he will testify.
I was and am more concerned with the second judge. He was very close with the defense attorneys. He is retiring though. Thank goodness.
Trials are a roll of the dice to me now. You get a sensible jury and honest judge and you are ok. Otherwise every side is wronged. The innocent are convicted and felons go free. Happening everywhere.

At least Frazee got 154 years! The good old boy act didn’t work for him.
the judge can make all the difference and i am doubtful on the judges. i trust most juries honestly as long as nothing is wrong behind the scenes on how the jury is picked and seated.

I AGREE 199 percent on the CBI agent and just hope everyone sees that game for what it is. Obvious imo and it sure caused problems AND doubts for the case, prosecution and DA now didn't it... It also strikes me as politics or the typical two sided fight as to which power group rules or gets in office or stays there...

I am going to have to relook at Spezze because I don't think much of him but admit I may not have all the info to judge that...
No KK and BM! He would use her and toss her. He will do that with his current flame.

The defense got the judge to remove 14 of 16 expert witnesses of Stanley’s list. The judge gutted her case. Personal, imo.
So she was right to let him walk and refile. At least Dru and Iris didn’t get an acquittal. The judge in this case is insane. He sure played up to his defense friends.
I am up on a lot of it like the gutting of the experts. Where was this judge on leaks that HAD to come from the defense to the media and sanctions on that...???

Yah KK and BM, of course he will toss her or the current flame but in the same breath they all deserve each other...Both women imo lied for "their" men and were willing to commit dastardly acts as well...

Big judge problem in this area clearly and very tied to or intimidated by Denver attys who clearly have connections...

That's what I said after, the girls and Barry and Iris acted as if Barry was acquitted. Far from it. In fact his best chance of acquittal would have been if it proceeded now. They lost that chance.

He isn't acquitted and while he is free, he is not free... Smh as to those girls, I'm sorry. I tried for a long time to understand it/them... No longer. Honestly, I don't even have words for it...

I feel like it must be what poor Suzanne was dealing with in real life. I can just for some reason see the three of them arms linked facing her shaking their head, calling her or treating her silly or as if stupid or wrong... Poor dad... Where in reality she was the backbone despite all odds doing everything she could to let them maintain and portray their "image"... And helped portray it herself... Jmo, that's what I see and keep seeing.... That eventually cracks or one is pushed beyond the pale finally, too many years, too much stress, too much of Barry's games, and cancer etc. Pushed too far and trying one last time to save it and see it through for her girls just finishing school and Barry knew it was the end and his chances were over... She was seeing through him finally 100 percent and without blinders and was done and he had pushed it to that point... Again jmo.
the judge can make all the difference and i am doubtful on the judges. i trust most juries honestly as long as nothing is wrong behind the scenes on how the jury is picked and seated.

I AGREE 199 percent on the CBI agent and just hope everyone sees that game for what it is. Obvious imo and it sure caused problems AND doubts for the case, prosecution and DA now didn't it... It also strikes me as politics or the typical two sided fight as to which power group rules or gets in office or stays there...

I am going to have to relook at Spezze because I don't think much of him but admit I may not have all the info to judge that...
I will write later. Not seeing too good. Sheriff Speezee came out about 3 weeks ago and made a public statement that Barry Morphew is guilty of murder and he will not stop until Barry is charged again and convicted. It was also in the news that the sheriff had agent Al Grusing, fbi, to come out of retirement to wrap up the case. Grusing is fbi or cbi, can’t remember. He’s the one who got BM to talk so much, incriminating himself. When BM was arrested he looked at Grusing and said “I trusted you “. Poor baby.
Now I can go back and find the articles when I can see or you could Google Speezee press conferences?

Other than that, everything is dirty rotten politics in this world. Corruption everywhere.
I will write later. Not seeing too good. Sheriff Speezee came out about 3 weeks ago and made a public statement that Barry Morphew is guilty of murder and he will not stop until Barry is charged again and convicted. It was also in the news that the sheriff had agent Al Grusing, fbi, to come out of retirement to wrap up the case. Grusing is fbi or cbi, can’t remember. He’s the one who got BM to talk so much, incriminating himself. When BM was arrested he looked at Grusing and said “I trusted you “. Poor baby.
Now I can go back and find the articles when I can see or you could Google Speezee press conferences?

Other than that, everything is dirty rotten politics in this world. Corruption everywhere.
No, don't google them I just needed to know that update. Didn't know Spezze just said that. I tend to judge him on the past Englund case too that is just languishing with no resolution. Good for HIM if he said that and has Grusing, I had no idea.

3 weeks ago I wasn't reading much or caught up on anything and never have gone back that far now to catch up so that helps a lot.

It is good to know they are committed to getting BM yet!

Barry Morphew pleads guilty to forgery after voting with missing wife's ballot​

Barry Morphew pleaded guilty Thursday to forgery of a government-issued document for voting with his missing wife’s ballot in the 2020 election and received a one-year deferred sentence and community service.

Morphew will have to do 32 hours of community service and will be on supervised probation, according to the sentence. The charge he pleaded guilty to in Chaffee County District Court is a class 5 felony.

Two other charges – attempt to influence a public servant and election mail ballot offense – were dismissed as part of the plea agreement.

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