CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


edited by staff to add media link
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I've repeated in here over and over that unfortunately I don't recall the details but that it is NOT what it seems like but I can't recall why. I tried to find Lauren's video on it the other night to no avail. If I EVER get time, I will try to get the info on where to find it from a YTer or someone that I believe covered it the RIGHT way. It is frustrating me that I can't recall the details, believe me because I'd like this understood and put to rest but since I don't, it comes up yet.

On the flip side, can you explain helmet, glove box, bike and back seat? That's one active guy. Why would he take off her helmet or throw it out in a different location and be so sloppy he left DNA in various locations? He leaves it all over the place.

And WHY is it only a partial match by the way?

NOTHING puts SM going missing on Mother's Day except Barry.

I'm not even sure she wasn't killed on Friday. Do you know that famous bikini photo she allegedly sent her bf? Well, I can't verify this but someone called AK who has went really into this case and did a lot of work on it says that picture is from a trip to MEXICO.

Isn't it sweet as well the home's security cams weren't working/on? Barry was sure messing with his truck's telematics and such though when said to be SLEEPING. There is a LOT.

The State dismissed the case. It probably did have to do with a judge that for some reason was soft towards the defense, obviously so. He sealed the AA for NO valid reason under the law and yes, at that time I did look into it. He let Barry out on an ankle monitor for no good reason, which did NOT work by the way. He let him expand his travel and go to Gunnison when asked. He does not understand tech NOR DNA. I think it is more than that though, it isn't the first time I've seen a county legal system kowtow to this defense firm. Or SOME of them do so. There are politics going on there and there are in Delphi as well. We had a nasty DA's race in this one and a nasty sheriff's race in Delphi. I could go on forever. This is a "pet" case of mine.

Just like in Delphi, the defense did GET this info. It didn't disappear for good or anything.

I don't doubt I linked a video here that EXPLAINS why the DNA is not of the import everyone that fell for what the defense made it seem. I believe it would have been AFTER the dismissal if I did or right around then.
And how would he get to the inside of her car if he got her from on her bike a ways away from her house?
And how would this person get his DNA on her bike she was supposedly riding AND in her car she was not in?? How does that make any sense?
I doesn't. And in the back seat no less AND the glove compartment in front. They have to explain too much away in all of this.

I don't rule out Barry placing it as you mention because actually it makes more sense than anything else BUT I also know this DNA isn't as big as they claim but again can't recall why, and that frustrates me to no end.
It being on all that screams of being planted. How would this supposed killer get to get car and inside it if he got her on her bike?
I just said as much before seeing this post saying same and I agree. It is in too many places (different sites) and too many things at home and on the bike stuff in two different places as well, three adding the car at home.
For anyone who wants a full review of this case from beginning through arrests, hearings, dismissal and now the finding of the body, I haven't had time but she is doing one and she always does a great job. So anyone who isn't up on all, here you go.

I haven't watched the above video, but it is my understanding
DNA has been said to be found in places as listed in previous
posts - also my understanding that it HAS NOT been explicitly said
that any single DNA sample found is a match with any other of the
single DNA samples found. So, it may well be every single DNA
sample found has no match, within the set of all the DNA samples
found so far.
I understand one DNA sample from that set of samples has been
found to be a 'partial match' to some criminal in/from Arizona
(that's the DNA sample found about the glovebox, right?). 'Partial
match' means... what? Unclear ATM, maybe the partial match is
so partial as to be unreliable as an indicator of specific identity,
may be some prosecutor will be arguing before a court aginst the
Arizona criminal in the future that it 'is' a reliable indicater of
specific identity.
A side point - BM is on record in the Tyson Draper video as
saying that the cops let '10 people' touch that bike (about
immediately) after it was found. If true, that would explain some
of the DNA samples found about the bike (and doesn't say much
for the competancy of the cop(s) who had possession of the
bike, in the period immediately after it was found).
I haven't watched the above video, but it is my understanding
DNA has been said to be found in places as listed in previous
posts - also my understanding that it HAS NOT been explicitly said
that any single DNA sample found is a match with any other of the
single DNA samples found. So, it may well be every single DNA
sample found has no match, within the set of all the DNA samples
found so far.
I understand one DNA sample from that set of samples has been
found to be a 'partial match' to some criminal in/from Arizona
(that's the DNA sample found about the glovebox, right?). 'Partial
match' means... what? Unclear ATM, maybe the partial match is
so partial as to be unreliable as an indicator of specific identity,
may be some prosecutor will be arguing before a court aginst the
Arizona criminal in the future that it 'is' a reliable indicater of
specific identity.
A side point - BM is on record in the Tyson Draper video as
saying that the cops let '10 people' touch that bike (about
immediately) after it was found. If true, that would explain some
of the DNA samples found about the bike (and doesn't say much
for the competancy of the cop(s) who had possession of the
bike, in the period immediately after it was found).
That is exactly where I am with the DNA...a big red herring.
Well let's just put it this way, if this DNA is so clearly that of a serial rapist and that he likely did Suzanne too, then WHY are they not running with it and it not major news getting a rapist off the street responsible for all these rapes and in this case a murder too? There is no evidence and never has been that Suzanne was raped. Tell me is the DNA they found semen? I don't think so. Even in the back seat? Honestly that sounds like someone stuck on thoughts of high school glory days and where they first controlled a girl... Sounds like a Barry type of thought to me.

I don't know. Clearly I am HEATED and OPINIONATED on this case but for VALID reasons and I followed it ALL.

Gee if Barry were only the type to ensure especially since Suzanne would be vulnerable and alone in the country that their security cams were working. And if ONLY he had stayed home on Mother's Day. If Barry hadn't put on airplane mode on his phone and damn someone messed with the telematics on his truck and if only and if only and if only.

Nah. Barry did it or is responsible for who did/helped.
Because the rapists case is sub judice (and is therefore off the streets already and going nowhere) and also they had not yet found Suzanne's body IMO.

I don't believe it is known re the exact source of the DNA eg semen, blood, saliva, touch etc.

Why did JL delete all his texts and messages and not contact LE for 6 months, if that is true.

As we are speculating, I think he would have a bigger motive than BM really because he clearly did not want to leave his wife and six kids IMO. Imagine the alimony.

I did notice that LE discounted both their DNA from the bike/helmet/vehicle. Does that mean they didnt find their DNA or that they did find it but ruled them out to determine this unknown DNA, which they then traced to a serial rapist?

It is weird, but I am sure things should become clearer after the discovery of the remains.
I haven't watched the above video, but it is my understanding
DNA has been said to be found in places as listed in previous
posts - also my understanding that it HAS NOT been explicitly said
that any single DNA sample found is a match with any other of the
single DNA samples found. So, it may well be every single DNA
sample found has no match, within the set of all the DNA samples
found so far.
I understand one DNA sample from that set of samples has been
found to be a 'partial match' to some criminal in/from Arizona
(that's the DNA sample found about the glovebox, right?). 'Partial
match' means... what? Unclear ATM, maybe the partial match is
so partial as to be unreliable as an indicator of specific identity,
may be some prosecutor will be arguing before a court aginst the
Arizona criminal in the future that it 'is' a reliable indicater of
specific identity.
A side point - BM is on record in the Tyson Draper video as
saying that the cops let '10 people' touch that bike (about
immediately) after it was found. If true, that would explain some
of the DNA samples found about the bike (and doesn't say much
for the competancy of the cop(s) who had possession of the
bike, in the period immediately after it was found).
Only if one of the cops was the supposed serial Tempe/Phoenix/Mesa serial rapist.
I use search to find a case thread by title I generally check because not checking title I end up if too generic of a word with way too many results. So that I know, are you talking of searching ALL threads? In other words if I search DNA and don't check "title" I am going to come up with every thread and post DNA was ever mentioned in right?
Yes. For Libler I just typed in the name and selected 'this thread' and one post came up . Try it now and you will see. It will be more than one post now. It's a quick way of finding posts. See below screenshot.

Screenshot_20231004-202723_Samsung Internet.jpg
Gee I don't know. Same way any of it did. Rapist was in her vehicle and had her bike.

I do not believe this DNA is that of any rapist. I don't have time to find it but I have said before it is NOT what 3/4 or more of the nation watching this case bought into. Not even CLOSE. The RESPONSIBLE reporters and YTers explained it because I too thought well if that is what they say and the judge bought it, etc. then it must be UNTIL I heard a clear explanation of what it really is.

Out of curiosity though, when was the DNA placed or left in these places in your theory? That day? A month ago? A year ago? And how did she come to be in Moffat? And why is there no proof of life at all on Mother's Day and what were all the lies and weird activity by Barry over that weekend or longer?

Well, an unknown rapists DNA is in the national database, and it matches the DNA in her case. What more do you want?
I'm searching to no avail. Can someone help me with an actual record that states that DNA was found on the bike? All I'm finding is in the car. Not looking for YTers.
I had never heard that until recently either.
The only source I could find, which admittedly is a bit "tabloid-y", says there was NO DNA found on the bike.

In an exclusive conversation with The U.S. Sun, Morphew's friend Tisha Leewaye, who became close with the family in 2019, said it was "weird" that there was "no trail of her whatsoever."

"The bike was wiped clean. There was no DNA on that bike."
Can you explain the DNA on the helmet, handlebars and glovebox? LE withholding this evidence was the reason the judge dismissed the case .

Background on the disappearance of Suzanne Morphew
Suzanne Morphew, who was 49 when she disappeared, has been missing since May 10, 2020 — Mother’s Day — from the Maysville area in Chaffee County. A neighbor called 911 to report that she had gone for a bike ride and never returned. Barry, her husband, was working in the Denver area for his landscaping business when he learned of her disappearance.
Investigators started rigorous searches in the area and created a tip line. Barry and a family friend said they were offering $200,000 for her safe return. Her bike and helmet were both found, but there was no sign of Suzanne. Investigators obtained DNA evidence from the bike, helmet and Suzanne’s vehicle.
Colorado Bureau of Investigation forensic analysis determined that an unknown male DNA on the bike helmet, bike, Suzanne’s car’s glovebox and the backseat of the car did not belong to Barry. That DNA was later determined to partially match DNA found in three out-of-state unsolved sexual assault investigations.
Forwarded for @RoundPeg
I had never heard that until recently either.
The only source I could find, which admittedly is a bit "tabloid-y", says there was NO DNA found on the bike.

In an exclusive conversation with The U.S. Sun, Morphew's friend Tisha Leewaye, who became close with the family in 2019, said it was "weird" that there was "no trail of her whatsoever."

"The bike was wiped clean. There was no DNA on that bike."
She was speculating IMO. See CourtTV link just brought forward.

Excerpt below.

According to documents obtained in October 2021, attorneys representing Barry intended to sue prosecutors and investigators for what they claim is unlawful arrest, malicious prosecution, and defamation. Attorneys claimed investigators omitted crucial evidence in the case, including DNA evidence from an alleged sex offender, and engaged in “extreme and outrageous conduct.” They said they intended to file a lawsuit against 26 individuals associated with the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office, the 11th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

The documents indicate that the attorneys alleged that DNA evidence found in the glovebox of Suzanne’s car matched “the same profile as a single or multiple individuals across the country involved in sexual assault cases,” and say that after a year of having the evidence, Chaffee County Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsey followed up on an individual in Phoenix who appeared to match the DNA profile found on Suzanne’s glovebox, but the Arizona individual refused to cooperate and retained a lawyer. As the case moved from the investigation stage into the courtroom, it gained more and more local and national attention, media coverage and negative pretrial publicity, according to an order. As a result of this, the court decided on Feb. 1, 2022 Barry could not receive a fair trial in Chaffee County, and the case was moved to Fremont County. The case was set to stay in the 11th Judicial District.

“This is a high-profile case in a relatively small county with a small jury pool,” the order reads. “The media saturation is high.”

About a week after the announcement that the trial would move counties, Barry’s defense team filed a motion to dismiss the first-degree murder case against him, noting that an investigator had recently called the arrest “premature.” His attorneys claimed the remarks made by Colorado Bureau of Investigations Agent Joseph Cahill during a Dec. 2, 2021 internal affairs interview are grounds to dismiss the case. Cahill worked on the Morphew investigation shortly after Suzanne went missing. In the defense’s motion, attorneys claim that Cahill said Barry’s arrest was premature and the “worst” decision that could be made.

Defense attorneys argued that that conversation was not brought up during previous court hearings and that they only learned of Cahill’s interview in January 2022 and saw the taped conversation in February. They asked the judge to dismiss the case because of “prosecutorial discovery violations.”

A few weeks after that was filed, on Feb. 23, 2022 prosecutors filed a response, calling the defense’s motion “utter nonsense” and said Cahill had been “thoroughly discredited,” and was only offering his opinion.

On April 19, 2022, a Fremont County judge granted the prosecution’s motion to dismiss the murder case against Barry. The motion asked the court to dismiss the charges without prejudice, meaning he could be tried again if prosecutors refile charges.

The prosecution listed two reasons for asking for the dismissal: First, that law enforcement said they believed they knew where Suzanne’s body was located and they needed snow to melt to find her. Second, prosecutors said they feel that because the judge in the case ruled in 2022 that they could not call most of their expert witnesses at trial because of discovery violations, they would need to find Suzanne’s body to prove the case.

After this motion was granted, Barry’s defense attorney Iris Eytan said there had not been “a single ounce” of physical evidence connecting Barry to Suzanne’s death. She said her team was going to get Barry acquitted after a trial.
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DNA on bike, stated in media link cited in (previous )post:
"Investigators obtained DNA evidence from the bike, helmet and Suzanne’s vehicle."
Because the rapists case is sub judice (and is therefore off the streets already and going nowhere) and also they had not yet found Suzanne's body IMO.

I don't believe it is known re the exact source of the DNA eg semen, blood, saliva, touch etc.

Why did JL delete all his texts and messages and not contact LE for 6 months, if that is true.

As we are speculating, I think he would have a bigger motive than BM really because he clearly did not want to leave his wife and six kids IMO. Imagine the alimony.

I did notice that LE discounted both their DNA from the bike/helmet/vehicle. Does that mean they didnt find their DNA or that they did find it but ruled them out to determine this unknown DNA, which they then traced to a serial rapist?

It is weird, but I am sure things should become clearer after the discovery of the remains.
Jeff was in Michigan. I see absolutely no motive for JL. IMO JL is a craven chicken and put himself first rather than justice for SM and only hoped he would not end up in the midst of the news and case that became huge due to what people would think of him and for fear his wife or family would find out. His daughter HAD found out when she used his phone previously and if I recall told her uncle and siblings or something like that and confronted dad I believe.

I don't think SM nor JL had any intention of outing each other so why would he have a motive? Also worst case scenario, he could decide not to leave his wife but either way, SM would not want the affair known either, to Barry, or anyone so JL had no motive. SM shared the affair with NO ONE.

I think little of JL for not coming forward when SM was MISSING but his reasons are obvious.

He deleted his WhatsApp (the app) and things like that.

If you ask me, it isn't true "love" when you hide it and can't come forward to assist in an investigation in any way you can of someone missing that you LOVED. JL was looking out for himself and that shows a selfishness over and above wanting to help find Suzanne but he had no motive to kill her.

Whether you know it or not, there is so much on Barry. I have listened now to a couple of shows refreshing my memory even though I recall most on this case. AK and Martin are two that have taken all telematics and cell phone info and more and done tons of work laying things out, etc. AND have been to the area and more. Here is one, it is long, but it is recent and give it a chance if you don't even watch all, they have as much or more done on this than anyone, maybe even LE.

This find fits in perfectly with the window of time and thoughts I have always had. I didn't lean towards Moffat or a shallow grave but I leaned hard to he went in a different direction than Broomfield to dispose of her in the couple of time frames he had and then Broomfield was the alibi along with an attempt to convince she went missing on Sunday and not earlier.


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