CO SUZANNE MORPHEW: Missing from Chaffee County, CO - 10 May 2020 - Age 49 *Found Deceased*

A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned, sparking a search involving more than 100 emergency personnel.

The Chaffee County Communications Center received a report on Sunday at 5:46 p.m. regarding a missing woman in the area of County Road 225 and West Highway 50.

Anybody who has information on Morphew’s whereabouts is asked to call the Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office at 719-539-2596 or Chaffee County Crime Stoppers at 719-539-2599.


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If I catch up at all I am going to have to work backwards. No problem, probably won't catch up.

Can only guess at posts/topics so here is where I am at.

There is NO mountain lion in Suzanne's case so anything about that I don't need to see. Been through it all back when and now with where she is found that subject is a done deal.

Re the DNA they need to bust the myths around it and do it well and get it out there. Even IF it is anything, it makes no difference unless it brings Barry in as well. He is the ONE that so much shows did this. It is kind of like Delphi, IF Odinists were involved then Richard Allen was with them as he was there. It relates in some way. IF another was involved here, it relates to Barry and he was with him OR planted it. Both in both cases are present with the victims.

As far as I'm concerned, in this one, you'd also need to age the DNA? And/or the history of SM's car, where it has been and who has been in it. Did she buy it new?

How does one only have DNA THERE and nowhere else of the same person? That makes zero sense.
If I catch up at all I am going to have to work backwards. No problem, probably won't catch up.

Can only guess at posts/topics so here is where I am at.

There is NO mountain lion in Suzanne's case so anything about that I don't need to see. Been through it all back when and now with where she is found that subject is a done deal.

Re the DNA they need to bust the myths around it and do it well and get it out there. Even IF it is anything, it makes no difference unless it brings Barry in as well. He is the ONE that so much shows did this. It is kind of like Delphi, IF Odinists were involved then Richard Allen was with them as he was there. It relates in some way. IF another was involved here, it relates to Barry and he was with him OR planted it. Both in both cases are present with the victims.

As far as I'm concerned, in this one, you'd also need to age the DNA? And/or the history of SM's car, where it has been and who has been in it. Did she buy it new?

How does one only have DNA THERE and nowhere else of the same person? That makes zero sense.
the gymnastics one random person would have to perform to do this seems very far fetched to me, when it's simple for Barry to have done it. Occam's razor in play. The dna is a big red herring IMO. He only got his dna on the glove box and nowhere else with all that he would have had to go through to complete this for those that have tried to explain how it might have happened? Not buying it.
the gymnastics one random person would have to perform to do this seems very far fetched to me, when it's simple for Barry to have done it. Occam's razor in play. The dna is a big red herring IMO. He only got his dna on the glove box and nowhere else with all that he would have had to go through to complete this for those that have tried to explain how it might have happened? Not buying it.
Yes! The gymnastics with all of it and the car then is returned and nicely parked in the garage? And soooo much more. It makes ZERO sense. There is none anywhere else in the vehicle or garage door, opener, etc. right?? Home? Bed? And so on?

For me, the DNA is a moot point because I saw what explained it away for me IF ONLY I knew where to look for it to SHARE, it made so much sense. Where it does matter is the prosecution needs to dispell and bust this myth of what it is to the media, the court and the world. ANYONE who has followed this full case knows there is so MUCH indicating Barry it isn't even funny.

Some even thought where she was found and due to searching in another case immediately took Barry off the hook. I never did. It fit right in with a LONG HELD theory I had, my top one. The shallow grave surprised me but the opposite direction and not too far DID NOT. And even the shallow grave surprise just comes from his ways, his bobcat, his landscaping and all the thoughts he would likely bury her deep, mountains, mineshaft, etc. He got her the he77 out of there which IS what I felt. He WANTED mountains searched, he WENT for lion, he went for his own area and making a trail and thought with bike found, helmet, etc. near the mountains and so forth. He KNEW even if he pushed abduction there was no vehicle and never would be of anyone they could trail to where she was etc.

I have however NOT ruled out him moving her either.

I await Suzanne herself to tell the story and I pray she does/her remains do and fit right in with what they already have and know.
Yes! The gymnastics with all of it and the car then is returned and nicely parked in the garage? And soooo much more. It makes ZERO sense. There is none anywhere else in the vehicle or garage door, opener, etc. right?? Home? Bed? And so on?

For me, the DNA is a moot point because I saw what explained it away for me IF ONLY I knew where to look for it to SHARE, it made so much sense. Where it does matter is the prosecution needs to dispell and bust this myth of what it is to the media, the court and the world. ANYONE who has followed this full case knows there is so MUCH indicating Barry it isn't even funny.

Some even thought where she was found and due to searching in another case immediately took Barry off the hook. I never did. It fit right in with a LONG HELD theory I had, my top one. The shallow grave surprised me but the opposite direction and not too far DID NOT. And even the shallow grave surprise just comes from his ways, his bobcat, his landscaping and all the thoughts he would likely bury her deep, mountains, mineshaft, etc. He got her the he77 out of there which IS what I felt. He WANTED mountains searched, he WENT for lion, he went for his own area and making a trail and thought with bike found, helmet, etc. near the mountains and so forth. He KNEW even if he pushed abduction there was no vehicle and never would be of anyone they could trail to where she was etc.

I have however NOT ruled out him moving her either.

I await Suzanne herself to tell the story and I pray she does/her remains do and fit right in with what they already have and know.
Knowing how rocky it is there i do understand the shallow grave and not surprised that even with access to the bobcat and other machinery that could make it easier, it's also hard to conceal that machinery and dig in stealth mode. You have to pull it on a trailer, leave the trailer parked to use the machinery, unload the machinery, use the machinery, load it back up on the trailer and get out without somebody noticing you were there at some point. While easier to dig the hole deeper, it's not stealthy or a time saver in the long run. In many rural areas, you would only have to conceal what you are burying and not worry abut how deep it is or isn't. Just a truck parked in the middle of nowhere would not be nearly as an attention getter as a truck with a trailer and somebody digging with machinery would be.
Knowing how rocky it is there i do understand the shallow grave and not surprised that even with access to the bobcat and other machinery that could make it easier, it's also hard to conceal that machinery and dig in stealth mode. You have to pull it on a trailer, leave the trailer parked to use the machinery, unload the machinery, use the machinery, load it back up on the trailer and get out without somebody noticing you were there at some point. While easier to dig the hole deeper, it's not stealthy or a time saver in the long run. In many rural areas, you would only have to conceal what you are burying and not worry abut how deep it is or isn't. Just a truck parked in the middle of nowhere would not be nearly as an attention getter as a truck with a trailer and somebody digging with machinery would be.
I very much agree and thought so many times. He was known after to be hauling his bobcat all over and it almost became a thing of what he was up to now or a joke how he went nowhere without it like making sure it wasn't tested, searched, etc. I don't credit him as being very bright but it sent people on the wrong thought imo. I think there is a lot of that in this case since no one knew sh* and because he sent up such directions or tried to with lion, abduction, etc.

And in a way it does fit, he just put his effort into fake alibi, opposite diirections and so forth and put the trail in no way towards Moffat and Barry per his norm gave Suzanne or her burial too much effort or time other than that... That is IF this is her first resting place which I CAN believe, but I can also believe a move. However, it fits fr me as done in the window of time he had and he had at least two windows of hours since she did NOT go missing on Mother's Day.
OMG! i don't remember reading the arrest affidavit and wow, seeing Barry's own words and actions and how his story changed to fit the evidence they told him about...just wow!

arrest affidavit

It's a link to the pdf. I couldn't figure out how to embed the pdf.
I read this back when it came out and I am sure I said it is a must read here in this thread. It is LONG but it is NOT DULL READING.

Barry killed Suzanne. I knew it before the arrest and AA it was more than confirmed after reading the AA.

Thanks as I actually with recent events have been feeling the need to reread it but am trying to convince myself I don't need to as I don't have the time. I'd recommend it.

One interesting thing I recall too is about the one daughter and things hinted at. It stood out to me in a read between the lines kind of way.

and as they say, keep in mind an AA never shares all.
just starting and this catches my attention

View attachment 20355
Yep. Plenty more like that. And every time they confronted him with new info, he changed his story. Over and over and over again. Like when they found data showing he was where the helmet was discarded (planted). He had previously given his route and then oh yeah, now he remembered, he was trying to find a turkey spur of the moment and turned that way or some such to see if he could find it--one Mallory had seen or wounded or some such. Or was this the elk story? I can't recall. Or was it the chipmunk story? No that was at the home in this part you share. He claimed he was running around shooting chipmunks at the very time he likely lost it on Suzanne...
Yep. Plenty more like that. And every time they confronted him with new info, he changed his story. Over and over and over again. Like when they found data showing he was where the helmet was discarded (planted). He had previously given his route and then oh yeah, now he remembered, he was trying to find a turkey spur of the moment and turned that way or some such to see if he could find it--one Mallory had seen or wounded or some such. Or was this the elk story? I can't recall. Or was it the chipmunk story? No that was at the home in this part you share. He claimed he was running around shooting chipmunks at the very time he likely lost it on Suzanne...
Yeah, read the last line or two in what I highlighted at the timing of chasing those chipmunks.
Yeah, read the last line or two in what I highlighted at the timing of chasing those chipmunks.
Oh I did. Barry was trying to find out Jeff who at the end, he even asked the COPS if they knew who and for his name if I recall.

Memory is hazy but I think Suzanne even told Jeff some time back that Barry had found something, can't recall what, a message or some such.

There is so much more though. That Suzanne was catching onto his money stuff, had always dealt with his affairs, control and more. His changing stories, lies about what, where and when, his airplane mode on phone, his messing with vehicle telematics, statements from employees, one now DEAD. Him and Mallory immediately having it basically declared as if she went missing to get appointed all her share of assets etc. To THIS day, I don't know why something isn't in place to STOP something like that.

I don't like to come down on innocents and go all out to avoid it but I am BEYOND with these girls. That one in particular. There are hints of something with her in this AA as well. It is a bit of a read between the lines kind of thing...
Oh I did. Barry was trying to find out Jeff who at the end, he even asked the COPS if they knew who and for his name if I recall.

Memory is hazy but I think Suzanne even told Jeff some time back that Barry had found something, can't recall what, a message or some such.

There is so much more though. That Suzanne was catching onto his money stuff, had always dealt with his affairs, control and more. His changing stories, lies about what, where and when, his airplane mode on phone, his messing with vehicle telematics, statements from employees, one now DEAD. Him and Mallory immediately having it basically declared as if she went missing to get appointed all her share of assets etc. To THIS day, I don't know why something isn't in place to STOP something like that.

I don't like to come down on innocents and go all out to avoid it but I am BEYOND with these girls. That one in particular. There are hints of something with her in this AA as well. It is a bit of a read between the lines kind of thing...
This must have been a miserable life with those cold hearted people. It's totally understandable that she looked for love and affection elsewhere. BM will get what he deserves sooner or later. Jmo
This must have been a miserable life with those cold hearted people. It's totally understandable that she looked for love and affection elsewhere. BM will get what he deserves sooner or later. Jmo
You have it EXACTLY. Cold and selfish, all of them imo. She put up with his sh*t for years and put everyone else first and I can entirely understand her finding an outlet and something for herself and a need to feel someone cared. I"m not saying I think JL was any prince because I don't, I actually don't think much of him from what I've seen but I do understand SM needing such. I never went there but I can WELL understand the temptation or need to. Far worse for her and away from family and more.

I am about to where I can't stand the girls I am sorry to say. I feel awful feeling that way about such young women. I started out with sympathy and maintained it, it then reached where I tried to and said they are off limits and one day they will see things differently but then with all seen since and more, I am BEYOND. Barry clearly did a number on this family through the yeas but that doesn't even excuse them imo. I would turn over in my grave if I was their mother or his wife. And perhaps she did just that. (Half poor jest but...)

I will leave it at that.
@Tresir You like print and the AA is something you definitely want to read to know this case.
I don't think I am going to be able to read 129 pages. Just had a quick peek and all the JL message stuff was interesting. He said he dropped his phone on stone steps in June 2020 and gave it back to his firm for a new one, so he doesn't have his old phone. That was convenient. Also, it was JL who got Suzanne into mountain biking and she had only been doing it for about a month.

Did they retrieve the LinkedIn messages? He said he created a second Linkedin account for them to communicate.

Was Suzanne's phone located?

Anything else I read of interest I will summarise and post.
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I don't think I am going to be able to read 129 pages. Just had a quick peek and all the JL message stuff was interesting. He said he dropped his phone on stone steps in June 2020 and gave it back to his firm for a new one, so he doesn't have his old phone. That was convenient. Also, it was JL who got Suzanne into mountain biking and she had only been doing it for about a month.

Did they retrieve the LinkedIn messages? He said he created a second Linkedin account for them to communicate.

Was Suzanne's phone located?

Anything else I read of interest I will summarise and post.
JL did not kill SM. I didn't want to read 129 pages back when it came out either. And I didn't at first but then did, like 40 here and there or some such and found it well worth it and I told all back then on YT and elsewhere to read it if they hadn't to know what is being talked of. It also is easy and interesting reading for the most part.

What did you do, go search for JL in it lol? And ignore all that implicates Barry? Yeah it has been awhile since I read it so would appreciate you sharing what you read and so forth.

The case went nuts on the internet. I am sure JL had enough reason to not want his nude pics and posts with SM outed ever, or to hurt his wife, kids or tarnish is rep with his family, etc. more like it. I don't think much of him and you can chase the idea but he didn't kill SM. I suspect he flat out panicked when he found out about it, saw it grow big, wondered if their affair was found out by Barry and if that got her killed by BM etc.

Barry killed his wife. He profited and moved to do so almost immediately. He suspected an affair. She was leaving him. Etc. And so much more.

Libler was in Michigan. Heck they were talking and their phones connected when SM went missing or very close to it.

I don't like the selfish coward he was, he can cheat on is wife but even in a murder case won't face the music and come forward to help the investigation. I don't doubt he first kept telling himself she would be found, or something and not murdered to excuse his cowardly ways but that is all there is about Libler. He is not her killer. Barry is.

All jmo, don't need BM suing me. Not that I'd be worth the effort lol.
page 6

the girls have totally different stories about their parent's relationship. One paints the same picture Barry is trying to paint and the other one states basically they were miserable together and didn't feel safe around each other. She also totally contradicted Barry's claim that he routinely deleted texts from Suzanne because the girls frequently look at his phone. The daughter totally contradicted that, too, stating she never looked at her parent's phones.

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