And finally a response from LE.
WADESBORO — In response to the speculation and rumors surrounding the discovery of an unidentified skeleton found behind the National Guard Armory back on May 12, 2022, Detective Brian Tice reached…
High points:
They're treating it as a homicide though they don't have a cause of death.
They don't know for sure the gender of the skeleton. Probably female but not one hundred percent sure.
They don't know for sure if the woman in the photo is the decedent. The remains were found 1300 yards as the crow flies from the camera--if my arithmetic is right, that's three-quarters of a mile. So not real close.
Most of the rabbit hunters and backpack story is wrong--there is a backpack, but unknown if related and didn't contain anything useful.
I have to say I have major problems with what is a response FINALLY received by them. Things like he was "quick to point out" made me laugh a bit scornfully. They quickly provided NOTHING.
And his bewilderment that they sent info to other LE agencies, how is that putting it out to the public or your own area? Seems like selective semantics.
This is two years ago and they don't know if the body is female or male? I don't buy it. And won't even give a guess or percentage if they think it's her. They know imo just from the clothing vestiges whether it is camera girl or not.
Tice says that they are not looking at Amber but at local residents and then says but they don't have any. HUH?
And of all those things and MORE, I cut this for a prime example:
Widely connected to the case is a report of rabbit hunters in the area coming across a backpack near the site of the remains and removing money from it before alerting authorities to its existence. Tice is quick to share this is a mistake, saying he is, “not sure how this information was leaked, it is not an accurate account. There was no large sum of money found… no wallet or identification.” While confirming that a backpack was indeed found, he adds that he is “not sure if it is related.”
It's a MISTAKE or mistaken info but then he is NOT SURE HOW THIS WAS LEAKED. Leaked info means it is info you have, no??? So does he mean the mistake was Namus and no one was to ever know that or even know about this case? Or that there is such info but tries to claim it's wrong but yet it leaked so it must be info they possess... HUH?
And then we have in the story we first knew backpack was reported and LE and hunters couldn't find it when told of their story but now there WAS a backpack found and unsure if related.
Since we know LITTLE here in this case, I'm apt to change my views as more info comes BUT as of right now, I'd trust anyone but LE and this guy and Namus over them.
They have already had TWO YEARS and hid even news of this find or so it seems. Yeah maybe someone DID leak, one has to wonder, knowing there is something shady going on here by his partners or others in an agency, etc.
I do NOT normally think that way and again with more info, I may well change that opinion but LE does not have to tell the world all but when they secrete a very death or body fiound and so on, they do it to selves and it reeks from the start.
They've had two years to investigate, two years to determine if male or female, match or disqualify DNA and so forth. TWO YEARS. And FINALLY SOMEHOW it goes on Namus and people find out some things through some avenue and FINALLY LE answers and did not do a very good job of it in my opinion.
If they want to dispelll speculation, Tice's responses haven't done so. For me he calls what is not in his opinion true, a LEAK.
Thank you for all the finds and articles
@Carbuff I did not need to get interested in something like this or another but I'm snagged now.