Letcher County, KY Sheriff arrested in shooting death of District Judge

Sheriff Mickey Stines was arrested after surrendering himself to police. The shooting occurred in the judge’s chambers about 3 p.m. this afternoon (September 19).
Stines allegedly walked into the judge’s outer office, told court employees and others gathered there that he needed to speak with District Judge Kevin D. Mullins alone. The two then went into the inner office, closed the door and those outside heard shots. Stines walked out with his hands up and surrendered to police.

Court employees were on the sidewalk outside the courthouse in shock following the shooting. Stines was handcuffed in the foyer of the courthouse. Officials expected the investigation to continue for several more hours.

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Prosecution estimates discovery in case of ex-sheriff accused of murder to take 4-6 months
The prosecution estimates discovery in the case of former Letcher County, Kentucky Sheriff Shawn Mickey Stines to take 4-6 months.

Stines is charged with the murder of District Court Judge Kevin Mullins. Authorities said Judge Mullins was shot in his chambers in September 2024.

You can view the court documents below. [at link]

Months of work ahead in former Letcher Co. sheriff murder case​

The sheer amount of information and evidence in the case of the former Letcher County sheriff accused of shooting and killing a judge in his chambers will take months to go through, according to court documents.

A court order filed in Letcher County Circuit Court on Monday addresses a status hearing for the case of the Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Shawn M. Stines.

According to the court order, a Jan. 17 status hearing addressed five issues in the case.

The first was the amount of discovery, the information shared between parties prior to the start of the trial. The discovery phase includes the disclosure of evidence and witnesses, as well as other information.

The order states that prosecutors have provided “a substantial amount of discovery” to Stines’ legal team.

“The Commonwealth estimated that all pending discovery should be available to the Defendant in approximately 4-6 months,” the order states.

The second issue covered at the status hearing was an ex parte motion for funds by the defense, which occurs when one of the parties asks the court for money to pay for some service in the trial — often expert witnesses. Ex parte motions are filed without the other party being informed; however, it was addressed in the hearing and the Commonwealth was made aware.

The court will set a hearing for the motion for funds, and the defense will be required to provide Stines’ financial information before then.

The Jan. 17 hearing also addressed the issue of criminal responsibility after Stines’ legal team requested that a retained defense expert be present during any evaluations of Stines.

The court ordered that Stines file a written notice on the matter and officially request the presence of a defense expert during evaluations. Prosecutors will then file their response to the request.

Fourth, Stines’ defense brought back up the matter of a future bond hearing. He had previously been denied bond, and Commonwealth’s Attorney Jackie Steele, the prosecutor for the 27th Judicial District, told News Channel 11 that it was common for someone with Stines’ charges to not be granted a bond.

The defense can file a motion to amend Stines’ bond, and prosecutors will have 14 days to respond in writing.

The last topic covered was scheduling. Special Judge Christopher T. Cohron will set a date to hear arguments on pending issues once pleadings have been filed.

Former Letcher County sheriff accused of murdering judge to employ insanity, extreme emotional disturbance defenses​

The attorney for the former Letcher County sheriff accused of murdering District Judge Kevin Mullins has filed paperwork indicating he’ll pursue insanity and extreme emotional disturbance defenses. Mickey Stines is accused of shooting Mullins to death last September. Ernie Lewis is a longtime public defender and former state public advocate who read the court filing.

“He apparently has an expert that's going to be supportive of an insanity defense. The defendant would be sent off to probably the Kentucky Psychiatric Center.”

That’s at the Kentucky State Reformatory in La Grange. Lewis said each defense could impact the trial and sentencing.

“The extreme emotional disturbance would lower the homicide or the murder allegation, down to first degree manslaughter. So that would lower the range of penalties from 20 to life or death, down to 10 to 20 years.”

Defense attorney Jeremy Bartley’s request does not raise the issue of whether Stines is competent to stand trial. Lewis says that could come later.
I haven't followed this closely enough to know if the sheriff had a reason that would allow this insanity and manslaughter and shorter sentence and easy out. Just reading it now (without knowing much) it seems there is a path here of letting an official off easy...?

I'm not up on the nitty gritty, was the judge doing his wife or daughter or some such?
Our local areas are like that or at least some are. It's far from gone. The old boys club is alive or fighting for it but it erupts when one sh*TS on the other..

Former Letcher County sheriff accused of murdering judge to employ insanity, extreme emotional disturbance defenses​

The attorney for the former Letcher County sheriff accused of murdering District Judge Kevin Mullins has filed paperwork indicating he’ll pursue insanity and extreme emotional disturbance defenses. Mickey Stines is accused of shooting Mullins to death last September. Ernie Lewis is a longtime public defender and former state public advocate who read the court filing.

“He apparently has an expert that's going to be supportive of an insanity defense. The defendant would be sent off to probably the Kentucky Psychiatric Center.”

That’s at the Kentucky State Reformatory in La Grange. Lewis said each defense could impact the trial and sentencing.

“The extreme emotional disturbance would lower the homicide or the murder allegation, down to first degree manslaughter. So that would lower the range of penalties from 20 to life or death, down to 10 to 20 years.”

Defense attorney Jeremy Bartley’s request does not raise the issue of whether Stines is competent to stand trial. Lewis says that could come later.
Seems like another spaghetti trick since most people, if not all, that commit murder can say that they had an "extreme emotional disturbance" at that time.
I've followed this case on another site. It's impossible to know for sure yet, but I suspect there was deep, deep corruption and abuses taking place on a large scale. I think all of that had everything to do with why Stines did what he did.
I'm getting more and more certain that there is deep, deep corruption in far more LE entities than we could ever imagine.
It's far from gone... Probably a bit more worry going on though with some of them...

Speaking of which, the DA in Arbery had her case dismissed with nary and explanation and NO ONE seems to o be yelling about it or asking for one... Speaking of dirty and corrupt...
I'd just say at times maybe the "good ol" boys kind of power and clubs should be called the "rotten ol' leches". Not assuming anything here, just talking generally... It would often fit.

Again, I don' tmean specific to this case...
I think some folks certainly think he did. I did too at first but it's impossible to know.
The fact that Stines called his kid from Mullins' phone is certainly a red flag that hasn't been answered or explained. Yet.
Good points. I'd say it was pretty serious upset whatever it may have been over...

Like the profile picture. Is that a blue hydrangea? I've had a couple in my life in the last years and bought my mom one but I don't have one now (moved). I love them though.
I think some folks certainly think he did. I did too at first but it's impossible to know.
The fact that Stines called his kid from Mullins' phone is certainly a red flag that hasn't been answered or explained. Yet.
I heard that she was working for Stines with some sort of legal study program, which could be a reason he had her number. Another reason being discussed is maybe he was helping her re a domestic situation. I understand the reason Stines was not in his Sheriff uniform that day is that his wife had chucked him out the night before, so until we know all the facts, it is going to be hard to know exactly what is behind this.

I did notice that in the recent court appearance, his wife sat right behind him.

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