One thing one should learn as an adult is never to react in the heat of the moment. Remove oneself, don't seek anyone out. I've practiced this many a time in life. It's not always easy.
That is though when someone will do or say one will regret.
I think also most of us can understand people who kill someone who hurt their child, and many other examples I won't go into, self defense and more.
It isn't a defense imo, things like temporary insanity, rage, and so on. Boy I've been there. Two things stop me, the law, and a belief in God. If I thought I could kill and be forgiven and see my loved ones again in heaven, well I can tell you that a couple of people may be dead who aren't. And while prison might be cheaper these days for a roof over one's head, at least for a convict, I value my freedom and again like to see my loved ones.
I think there's little excuse for murder but that's jmo. Catching someone harming your child, oh yes, I could understand. I'm not up on what the truth is here but rumors are hinted at even on this site. If there is one thing most of us could understand who are maybe mostly normal lol, it would be killing on behalf of a loved one being hurt. I can even see if one found something out but wasn't seeing it where one could. And I have enough cynicism at the justice system at times to see why SOME might take it into their own hands... I mean here we do have a judge that was killed who probably ruled many a thing...? I don't follow things or talk elsewhere so I am out of the loop at times and have to read between the lines...
I generally though still believe they deserve a conviction although if a juror I might find mitigating factors or an ethical judge might as well...
We have a baby murderer we all hate in my family (he isn't family, I mean my family hates him). That hatred isn't going away either. I understand the urge/rage. And just the other day a post about the Denver airport reminded me of what a mom will do when pushed beyond being able to protect one's child... I would have been probably violating federal law but fortunately at the moment I was about ready to, RIGHT at that moment, I didn't have to make that choice. I was ready to go ballistic. I think most of us can understand some things and see a lighter charge or sentence if the perp did something very wrong to a loved one or self. Imo that's the most that most of us can identify with perps who cross the line... Others like SKs are very hard for most of us to understand...
So if you follow it elsewhere what is your thought on what happened here? I honestly don't. Is it about his daughter, how old, what? Was it just the phone # being in the judge's phone? I'd almost thing it would have to be more than just that, or more surrounding the reason...
I don't think generally there is any excuse for murder, however, I can see mitigating circumstances perhaps. In some cases and if not planned or premeditated.
One thing I do know for not following it closely or elsewhere is he sought the judge out... And they were alone... And so unfortunately just on those basic facts, he had moments to think twice even if the most rage filled thing was done, it wasn't being done to someone at that moment and probably had already been done. I'm assuming the few rumors I've heard are true yet I don't know the daughter's age or what is said, I just know the rage that would come over a child as I think most of us can relate to.
It's hard, very hard, but where most of us would kill for our children in certain circumstances, I think we'd also be willing and say make me pay the price, it was worth it. If something was so bad, I'd definitely feel for him and understand but that's it. I'd understand him doing it and even maligning the judge and defending himself and telling why.
Forgive me, I've been out of sorts this week and in pain but finally hope I'm coming out of it and so I'm going on and on.
Plus again I don't follow this elsewhere so not sure what the deal is and so I'm guessing...
I've seen dirty judges.... Dirty sheriff's too, with power gone to their heads and all hearing what they do, but no one willing to put themselves out there...
I don't think momentary rage is a defense though or should get him off. I do at times think vigilante justice is understandable but then again, where would the line be drawn and not all would be right on what they think or claim either...
And yet I have a lot to say, not all good, about our justice system...
I'm wandering and you didn't ask for this long post lol.
So are you from Canada? I've only been there once and saying that of course means in no way just like the US I've seen all of it. I did catch fish though