MA ANGELO "ANDY" PUGLISI: Missing from Lawrence, MA - 21 August 1976 - Age 10

Angelo Gene Puglisi


Angelo, circa 1976; Age-progression to age 50 (circa 2015); Charles Pierce; Wayne Chapman; Chapman's converted van
  • Missing Since 08/21/1976
  • Missing From Lawrence, Massachusetts
  • Classification Non-Family Abduction
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 09/02/1965 (54)
  • Age 10 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'0, 65 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A bathing suit, a towel and sneakers.
  • Medical Conditions Angelo is mildly epileptic. He will need hospital treatment if he has a seizure.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Angelo has three scars along his spine and a skin discoloration on his chest. His nickname is Andy.
Details of Disappearance
Angelo was last seen at the Higgins Memorial Swimming Pool, a public pool approximately 100 yards from his family's home near their home at the Stadium Housing Projects on East Dalton Street in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August 21, 1976.

His mother told investigators that he called home at about 3:30 p.m. that day and spoke to one of his brothers; Angelo gave no indication that anything was wrong at the time. A lifeguard at the pool reported that he saw Angelo walking around the area at approximately 5:45 p.m.; that was the last time anyone has seen him.

Investigators initially believed Angelo was a runaway. He was the product of a broken home and they speculated that he might have felt torn between his parents. Foul play is now suspected in Angelo's disappearance. His parents were both considered suspects in his case and have not officially been removed from the list of possible offenders, but investigators doubt either one was involved in his disappearance.

One suspect in Angelo's disappearance is Charles Pierce, who was a resident of Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1976. A photo of Pierce is posted with this case summary. He confessed to two abductions that occurred in the 1970s: one was the case of Janice Pockett, a girl who disappeared from Connecticut in 1973; and another case involving an unidentified boy from Lawrence, Massachusetts.

It's believed that Pierce was referring to Angelo's case by that description. He claimed that he sexually assaulted and buried the unidentified boy in a grave near Janice's; neither body has been discovered.

Pierce was familiar with the Lawrence area and was a suspect in more than a dozen children's disappearances from the 1950s through the 1970s in New England. He was convicted of a Massachusetts murder and was serving a 20-year prison term when he died in 1999.

Another suspect in Angelo's case is Wayne W. Chapman, a Providence, Rhode Island native who may have been a pedophile associate of Pierce. Chapman was arrested in Waterloo, New York in September 1976, while driving a converted van that had once been a blue delivery truck.

Chapman's vehicle closely resembled the description of a van one of Angelo's friends observed near the pool area where Angelo was last seen. Photos of Chapman and his vehicle are posted with this case summary. A witness told authorities that he and another boy found a large pit in the woods near the pool; the friend stated that the hole could have been large enough to hold a child's body. When he returned to the area a few days later, the pit had been filled in. This spot has never been proven to be a gravesite.

Investigators also found child pornography materials, a starter pistol and a sock which appeared to be bloodstained in Chapman's van. The sock was eventually lost and it was never proven whether the substance on it was blood. Chapman was later convicted of the 1975 rapes of two boys; he lured both boys from the same swimming pool Angelo would later vanish from.

Rhode Island police have a letter stating that Chapman was working in that state at the time of Angelo's disappearance. Chapman has never been charged in connection with Angelo's case. He served his prison sentence, and was civilly committed as a sexually dangerous offender, but he was released in 2019. He is in his seventies and has Parkinson's Disease, and after his release he sent to a a Boston medical facility, although his sex offender registration lists him as "homeless."

Angelo's childhood friend, Melanie Perkins, produced a documentary about his case entitled Have You Seen Andy?. Two excavations near Lawrence in 1999 failed to locate Angelo's remains. His case remains open and unsolved.

NamUs The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
NCMEC Have you seen this child? Angelo Puglisi

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When was he there? Do you know of any assaults there? I did say in my post that it would only be relevant if he was in Florida when Andy disappeared. Was he, do you know?
ya know what.... i watched to doc 2 nights ago.... ive seen it many times..... but i'm gonna watch it again..... and i do wonder since i cant recall but i think it was charles pierce who worked at Woolworth's in Lawrence!!!!
ya know what.... i watched to doc 2 nights ago.... ive seen it many times..... but i'm gonna watch it again..... and i do wonder since i cant recall but i think it was charles pierce who worked at Woolworth's in Lawrence!!!!
This link has a lot of info about Pierce with dates and locations. Could help answer the question of whether he was in Lawrence when Andy was taken.

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This link has a lot of info about Pierce with dates and locations. Could help answer the question of whether he was in Lawrence when Andy was taken.

Pierce readily admitted to being in Lawrence and meeting up with Wayne Chapman in lawrence several times it's in that murderpedia link!
Pierce readily admitted to being in Lawrence and meeting up with Wayne Chapman in lawrence several times it's in that murderpedia link!
And I knew this but forgot to mention Pierce was from Haverhill, MA in the Merrimack Valley next to Lawrence, methuen and salem, nh which is my hometown also right next to lawrence
And I knew this but forgot to mention Pierce was from Haverhill, MA in the Merrimack Valley next to Lawrence, methuen and salem, nh which is my hometown also right next to lawrence
They seem to think nothing about travelling around those areas crossing state lines if necessary, RI, MA, NH yet they weren't classed as federal crimes at all. The FBI should have dealt with these perverted murderers.
See this is the can of worms Melanie opened when she started her research. What she has uncovered is MIND BLOWING...... frigging NAMBLA started here in Massachusetts..... Revere, MA
I'm glad there's interest and a conversation going on here. I'm not going to get too involved in it as I haven't been able to look at it all as tresir and regina have went back into the case, and you are well aware of it, I just know of it and have for a long time, but this N A M B L A **** is really bothering me. The day you mentioned it I went and searched just as I do for any abbreviation I'm not sure of what such stands for and I was shocked. I wasn't entirely shocked as I've known for ten years maybe that they want to and were trying to normalize such evil sh*t but I was shocked in that I wasn't thinking that's what it stood for and what came up. My computer I'd like to now disinfect!

This CANNOT become normalized nor can people IGNORE it or become numb or immune to it!

It started in MA? There is NOTHING OKAY about man and boy and NEVER will be as the boy is a boy! Nothing okay bout PED-O rings either!!

I'd rather ignore it as many do but it can't be IGNORED. That's how things change for the worse because people do nothing, say nothing, etc.

I'm interested in the case but this part has sidelined/sidetracked me. Pedos and an association even.

I'm not naive, I was not entirely surprised again as I've heard of such for years but I wasn't thinking of such when I searched for it.

I don't care what crime it is but when it is against children it's NEVER okay. They are NOT adults, can't consent, have no control over their lives or circumstances.

It's not been a great week and I'm behind on those I follow as it is. Not here but as to events in them but this really takes the cake.

I get frustrated at the lack of people standing up and saying something even if it is so simple as doing it in some chat regards how bad everything is getting. I can't always either or get around to it but I try.

In my lifetime I will NEVER shut up re the molestation of children trying to be "normalized". I'm stuck on that in this thread right now while also glad Andy's case is being discussed, I can't let go of the other as this CANNOT go on affecting many children and it cannot become a norm!
They seem to think nothing about travelling around those areas crossing state lines if necessary, RI, MA, NH yet they weren't classed as federal crimes at all. The FBI should have dealt with these perverted murderers.
Or has LE in that area of MA been heavily corrupted for all this time? Seems very plausible since they were so comfortable lately.
Or has LE in that area of MA been heavily corrupted for all this time? Seems very plausible since they were so comfortable lately.
Believe it or not, I'm never going to disagree with you on the "good ol' boys" clubs in many an area. And they often keep their own in force by resigning and appointing... Etc. I've seen it in the counties in my areas over years... The stories the locals could tell? Right?

I am wondering why no one here is yelling about the DA getting away with her **** in Arbery? A judge just dismissing the case? Have you? Has anyone? Is news following up on it? Been no updates or info?

We agree on a lot, but not on all.
When was he there? Do you know of any assaults there? I did say in my post that it would only be relevant if he was in Florida when Andy disappeared. Was he, do you know?
The info is he was serving time for sexual offenses against three young boys when he was arrested for a murder that occurred a decade prior...but I'm actually beginning to question whether he ever killed anybody.
I don't know what the evidence in that case was nor what LE did to substantiate his claim of that murder or any others murders he claimed to have committed.
The thing is, Henry Lucas comes to mind and I remember the headlines of how he killed as many as or more than 300 people and I remember how LE from over the country actually closed cases simply based on his "confessions" when his "confessions" turned out to be not what he knew but what was either already known publicly or what he was fed by LE, inadvertantly or not.
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Or has LE in that area of MA been heavily corrupted for all this time? Seems very plausible since they were so comfortable lately.
I do question why that the one state police officer (the "big, big moon" guy, lol) didn't want to be named.
And the way he described Pierce's behavior toward him causes me to question why Pierce behaved that way, especially in a cooperative type scenario.
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Ok i picked up in some of the articles that one of these guys used to dress as a cop in order to abduct. Which one was that does anyone remember this too and which POS did that?
Chapman!!! He did that!! There was even a fake police badge in his van when he was arrested in NY
I do question why that the one state police officer (the "big, big moon" guy, lol) didn't want to be named.
And the way he described Pierce's behavior toward him causes me to question why Pierce behaved that way, especially in a cooperative type scenario.
The issue of corruption seems to be getting better BUT it's not gone.... I was fortunate in Missy's case that any corrupted dirty cops or potential pedo cops were never involved in her investigation....

In Andy's case or even with Chapman or Pierce..... ego and corruption was huge and this also was a time before NCMEC, milk carton kids, contacting FBI working collaboratively etc...... thankfully things are mostly different today
I have found the details of the perv who would pretend to be a police officer to abduct boys. The guy is Bar-Jonah, the cannibal and he is suspected of abducting and killing David Louison from Brockton Ma in '74 and possibly Andy too. I recommend reading this but be warned, as it is gruesome and disgusting.


Small part of the article -

"When the police used luminol in Brown's garage the word "TETA" was spelled out in blood. James Teta disappeared from Revere, MA on August 23, 1973, and was found dead on the side of a road in Ringe, NH. As stated above, there was a large vehicle seen in the area that day and later on that day on the North Shore of Boston. Bar-Jonah was very active well before David went missing. A Revere Detective believes there's a connection between the Leigh Savoie and Andy Puglisi cases even though the cases are over 2 years apart. Leigh Disappeared from Revere, MA on April 14, 1974 (Easter Week), and Andy disappeared from Lawrence, MA on August 21, 1976.
According to the Boston Globe, in late March of 1975, 18-year-old Brown was impersonating a police officer when he abducted an 8-year-old boy while he was on his way to school. Brown then began to sexually assault and strangle him. A neighbor watched the abduction and notified police. "
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I have found the details of the perv who would pretend to be a police officer to abduct boys. The guy is Bar-Jonah, the cannibal and he is suspected of abducting and killing David Louison from Brocton Ma in '74.


and....... he is another one who associated with pierce and chapman......
Or has LE in that area of MA been heavily corrupted for all this time? Seems very plausible since they were so comfortable lately.
I just think that it was not considered a serious crime in the 60's and 70's. Perps just seemed to get really light sentences, and then only if LE were even interested. They would much more likely turn a blind eye and cultivate these pieces of s**t as informants.
I think he was younger than them too, like their "apprentice".
they are all disgusting they were all at the bridgewater state hospital at one point together also with some pedophile priest i forget his name who like mentored them.... pierce mentored them too.... so disgusting
I just think that it was not considered a serious crime in the 60's and 70's. Perps just seemed to get really light sentences, and then only if LE were even interested. They would much more likely turn a blind eye and cultivate these pieces of s**t as informants.
I think it was just before social media and mass sharing of info days and was easier to cover up.

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