NE TYLER GOODRICH: Missing from Lincoln, NE - 3 Nov 2023 - Age 35 *Found Deceased*

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Missing Lincoln man has ‘gone off the grid’, sheriff’s office says​

After leaving his home in southwest Lincoln on Friday, there has been no sign of 35-year-old Tyler Goodrich.

Deputies from the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office were initially called to the Yankee Hill neighborhood Friday at 7:45 p.m. for a verbal disagreement between Goodrich and his husband Marshall Vogel. However, upon arrival, Goodrich had already left, and since no criminal activity was found, LSO left the area.

Vogel then called LSO at 9:35 p.m. the following day to report Goodrich as missing. Goodrich is 6′2, 180 pounds and was last seen wearing running shorts, a sweatshirt that zips, gray running shoes, and a Garmin watch, with his phone and wallet in hand.

“The reason we are so concerned is because he has gone off the grid,” said Chief Deputy Benjamin Houchin. “We do not have any information. His phone is not on and we know that he has not had any financials.”

LSO said the family has cooperated in the investigation and even organized a search party with some friends on Sunday. People close to Goodrich said his phone last pinged near Southwest 10th and West Van Dorn streets. On Sunday, they searched that area for Goodrich, but didn’t find anything.

MEDIA - TYLER GOODRICH: Missing from Lincoln, NE - 3 Nov 2023 - Age 35
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I'm not understanding the confusion.
Initial searches he would be in the tree. Most searchers don't look up.
As the body decomposes, his clothing is going to fall from his remains. The animals moved his things AWAY. I think that's pretty clear despite a typo.
Does it matter with what he hung himself with? Seems like a pretty morbid detail to get hung up on. If they said he had shot himself would there be a question about the type of gun used?
Also if the tree had a large enough trunk and the people didn't swing back and walk the opposite direction also, it would be very easy to miss, especially if he was right next to the trunk. Like I've stated, it only takes one person that was responsible for that section to miss it and then the area is checked off as searched. They easily could have been distracted by something else they saw or heard and walked right on by if they were only looking down.

And yes, gravity and decomp win in this one. And yes, who cares what he hung himself with? It is irrelevant.
So hung with what? Isn't that one thing they should make clear?? A rope, a vine, his shirt or what?

Then there is this--huh?

LSO said days later Goodrich's belongings were found 229 feet west of where his body was located and Investigators noted evidence that animals had moved these belongings where Tyler was found.

I mean I make typos, etc. all of the time now that it isn't some report at work I have to send out which I would triple check always but what is this? Does news these days know how to get anything accurate?? What I mean is clearly they sound like animals moved the belongings closer to Tyler. Well that was sure damned nice of them. So they could be found which doesn't explain searchers missing them. AS they were not up and vertical and who knows might have been all over and missed before the animals were so nice as to bring them all together and move them closer.

I'm not necessarily doubting it was suicide but come on. More answers or clarity are needed and that may be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

And I though someone said it was natural, from deterioration, etc. Did all fall out of pockets, and so on as he rotted (hate saying that) but really? And if so why did the animals bring the phone, wallet and all close to him?

I'm just saying they really need to clear more up, that is so dumb of a comment about animals. It's amazing actually.

The bunny carried the cell phone, the fox picked up the one card, the bear thought.... And they all politely placed them near where his missed body was... Yet the items were missed too in search/es.
As far as I know, it isn't explained why they think animals moved items such as his phone, wallet, and watch- I also read, key, lol. Seriously, I highly doubt animals moved any of those things, I think it's far more likely he discarded them himself.
In the press conference, there was mention of a ligature and like you, I'm curious as to what it was, although I imagine it was likely something fashioned from clothing.
About the search, it wasn't good enough, obviously and period!
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I'm not understanding the confusion.
Initial searches he would be in the tree. Most searchers don't look up.
As the body decomposes, his clothing is going to fall from his remains. The animals moved his things AWAY. I think that's pretty clear despite a typo.
Does it matter with what he hung himself with? Seems like a pretty morbid detail to get hung up on. If they said he had shot himself would there be a question about the type of gun used?
I hate the morbid, others get into it, but the reason I bring it up is because the story was how he just kind of took off with nothing. If he was my son, my brother, my friend, I'd want to know so that I could put to bed any doubts. That's my reason and I'd think all can understand that?

Just like animals moving cell phones, wallets, etc., it may well be the first time I have ever heard of that. Whether towards, or away. Most of us follow a lot of cases and that's a new one to me, so whether it is poor reporting or there is more to come, I don't think animals just moved all of these things into the same spot.

I know I'd be having a fit over that as an answer if I knew him.

Some put up the most morbid or extreme of crimes, some are convinced or hung up on corruption or unfair prosecutions, well I just am not satisfied with the answers here so far, and don't feel anyone should be unless of course they know more and if so, then share it no?

We all follow crime, new and old, and as if there have not been poisonings that were ruled natural, murders ruled suicides.

I think I said I don't even have a problem believing this MAY have been suicide considering what was going on re his hub BUT the answers have not satisfied yet. That's really all I'm saying.

That we don't know sh*t yet, at least with what's posted here. And that's fine. But it does not provide the answers here.

Finally, as a family member I'd sure want those answers and maybe they have them but I even feel that way and I haven't seen them. And of course I did not even know him.

He is the dead one and don't the answers matter? That's really all I'm saying. Maybe the family has more answers, entirely possible, but they are not here. To close something out, well,

Well I heaven't read further and ust befeore I finished this the major fire alarm went off. I'm sure as always it's b.s. Feel so sorry for my kitties, no way to catch them before they are GONE and they have NOWHERE to hide, or cover their ears. Not sure if I'm exiting before the ear drum sare ruined for good, me and stairs are not a goo d idea right now.
I don’t doubt the report because it sounds like he had been distraught from his relationship for a while. At the same time, did he grab a rope as he was running out of the house? That is a question. But maybe he found a rope while he was out there. I don’t know. I’m not going to get too concerned about it either, but it is a curiosity.
I don’t doubt the report because it sounds like he had been distraught from his relationship for a while. At the same time, did he grab a rope as he was running out of the house? That is a question. But maybe he found a rope while he was out there. I don’t know. I’m not going to get too concerned about it either, but it is a curiosity.
Was it stated that it was a rope? My thinking is that it could have been his tshirt.

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