This case is technically "solved"; however, many questions remain (not the least of which is: was an innocent men executed?). I was living in Waco for several years; left a couple of months before this happened. I knew Vic Feazell casually- he was having trysts w/ my room mate. My impression of...
Mother and daughter killed in their home in suburban Melbourne, Australia in 1984. Both were strangled, young Seana (Shawn-uh, not See-Anna) had been sexually assaulted.
Terribly sad case. It didn't get as much media coverage as some of Australia's more well known cases. Killer is still at...
Circumstances of Disappearance
On Christmas Eve in 1945, the Sodders and nine of their ten children settled in for the evening. Martha, and four of her siblings - Martha, Betty, Jennie and Maurice pleaded to be allowed to stay up and play with their new toys. Mrs. Sodder relented after the...
2007 Boca Raton mall murders: Watch what police have to say
The slayings of Nancy Bochicchio, 47, and her daughter, Joey Bochicchio-Hauser, 7, shocked the community and drew national attention. They were found bound and shot in an SUV in the parking lot of the Town Center mall shortly before...
Watch as this 19 year old case is experiencing a resurgence by 2 very determined men who
remember the murder & seeing her burned home near their apartment.
Tara was murdered in a heinous fashion on January 19, 2001 one day shy of her 24th birthday. The epitome of overkill...