
  1. Romulus

    CO WELD COUNTY JANE DOE: WF, 18-30, found on bank of the St. Vrain River in Weld County, CO - 9 Nov 1973 *ROXANNE LEADBEATER*

    Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP98434 Date Body Found: November 19, 1973 Location Found: Weld County, Colorado Sex: Female Race/Ethnicity White/Caucasian Estimated Age Group Adult - Pre 30 Height: 5'1"-5'4" (61-64 inches), Estimated Weight: Cannot Estimate Location Colorado County Weld County...
  2. Romulus

    MA SPRINGFIELD JOHN DOE: WM, found in hotel in Springfield, MA - 19 Dec 1971 - Alias Bruce Peck

    https://www.masslive.com/police-fire/2022/12/who-was-bruce-peck-identity-of-man-in-1971-death-in-springfields-hotel-charles-remains-a-mystery.html SPRINGFIELD — A week before Christmas in 1971, a young man with reddish-brown hair booked a room in the Hotel Charles in downtown Springfield. He...
  3. Romulus

    TX BROOKSHIRE JANE DOE: WF, struck by vehicle in Brookshire, TX - 22 Aug 1978 *Presumed Identified*

    Unidentified Person/NamUs #UP102747 Female, White/Caucasian Date Body Found:August 22, 1978 Location Found:Brookshire, Texas Estimated Age Range-- https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/102747 Circumstances of Recovery - The decedent was struck by a motor vehicle 4.5 miles East of...
  4. Romulus

    TX DALLAS JANE DOE: WF, 20-30, found in Pleasant Grove creek in Dallas, NM - 30 Oct 1988 - Copper ring, key ring w/4 keys

    71UFTX - Unidentified Female Reconstructions of the victim by Karen T. Taylor. Date of Discovery: October 30, 1988 Location of Discovery: Dallas, Dallas County, Texas Estimated Date of Death: 2 weeks prior State of Remains: Decomposed Cause of Death: Homicide by manual strangulation Physical...
  5. Romulus

    Germany OETTINGER FOREST JANE DOES: two women found in Oettinger Forest, Germany - September 1995

    Oettinger Forest, 2 woman found dead http://surl.li/hiifd http://surl.li/hiifi https://www.polizei.bayern.de/fahndung/personen/unbekannte-tote/005120/index.html https://www.polizei.bayern.de/fahndung/personen/unbekannte-tote/005126/index.html
  6. Romulus

    United Kingdom BEDGEBURY FOREST WOMAN: F, 30-35, found on horseback in Bedgebury Forest, UK - 23 Oct 1979 - Ectopic pregnancy, possible sex worker

    https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kent/news/the-unsolved-murder-of-sex-worker-who-was-found-in-forest-268317/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedgebury_Forest_Woman https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Bedgebury_Forest_Woman Discovered 23 October, 1979 Unidentified for 43 years Sex Female...
  7. Scorpio

    FL BROWARD COUNTY JOHN DOE: M, 25-35 - Found in Alligator Alley (I-75) near mile marker 74 - Sept 5 1981 - Unique rings

    https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/2772 https://web.archive.org/web/20170701040914/https://www.sheriff.org/apps/unidentified_victims/print.cfm?unidentifiedvictimid=D5309079-C299-A822-C237-A3089978119D The victim's remains were found in the sawgrass along Alligator Alley (I-75) near...
  8. Romulus

    VT BURLINGTON JOHN DOE: WM, 18-99, found in Oakledge Park in Burlington, VT - 3 Jan 2011

    2518UMVT - Unidentified Male Date of Discovery: January 3, 2011 Location of Discovery: Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermonta Estimated Date of Death: 1975-2011 State of Remains: Partial skull fragment Cause of Death: Unknown Physical Description Estimated Age: 18-99 years old Race: White...
  9. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TX MR. X: WM, 16-24, found by rancher in Johnson County, TX - 11 Dec 1972

    "Mr. X" is the nickname given to a murder victim discovered on a farm near Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas in 1972. The male's case was reopened in 2012, which has led to numerous adjustments to his physical traits. The motive for his murder was possibly out of retaliation. Case After...
  10. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    KY HARDIN COUNTY JOHN DOE: WM, 50-70, found along I65 near Elizabethtown, KY - 30 Dec 2006 *RICKEY LESLIE*

    On December 30, 2006 the body of a White/Caucasian male was discovered on the side of the road along northbound Interstate 65 near mile marker 95, east of Elizabethtown, Kentucky. The man was dressed in a red plaid, insulated flannel shirt; faded blue jeans; black belt; gray polo shirt; and...
  11. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TN MAURY COUNTY JANE DOE: BF, 15-25, found in wooded area of Maury County, TN with puppy bones - 14 Feb 1975 *ANNIE JENKINS*

    On February 14, 1975 two hunters found human skeletal remains in a wooded area 2 miles from Joe Brown Rd off Highway 99 East near I-65 in Maury County, Tennessee. Also found near the body were bones from a puppy. A red shell blouse, flowered blue slacks, female undergarments, and black...
  12. Scorpio

    FL MONROE COUNTY JANE DOE: F, 25-45, Partial remains found floating near Tavernier, FL - 23 April 2006

    https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/148 Partial remains found floating the the Atlantic Ocean near Tavernier. Remains show evidence of shark activity...
  13. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    WI CHIMNEY DOE: WM, 18-35, found in store chimney between Madison & Middleton, Dane County, WI - 3 Sept 1989 *RONNIE KIRK*

    https://dnadoeproject.org/case/dane-co-chimney-doe-1989/ On September 3, 1989 the owners of the Good ‘n Loud Music store on University Avenue in Madison, Wisconsin, while removing a leaky boiler in the basement, saw a skull through a pipe connecting the boiler to the chimney. Further...
  14. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    TX KILGORE JANE DOE: F, 30-50, found near railroad tracks near Kilgore, TX - 23 Dec 2000

    https://dnadoeproject.org/case/kilgore-jane-doe-2000/ On December 23, 2000 human remains were found between a railroad track and a creek in a wooded area along Spinks Chapman Road about 5 miles northeast of Kilgore, Texas. Clothes found at the scene were a white Adidas® shirt with black stripes...
  15. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    MI LUCE COUNTY JOHN DOE: WM, 20-35, found near McMillan Township, MI - 24 Oct 1987

    https://dnadoeproject.org/case/luce-county-john-doe-1987/ On October 24, 1987 bird hunters found human remains in a remote wooded area of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, a bit south of Lake Superior, north of Newberry in McMillan Township, Luce County. While the remains were mostly skeletal...
  16. Romulus

    CA KERN COUNTY JANE DOE: WF, 45-55, found in grape vineyard in Arvin, CA - 29 March 2011 *ADA KAPLAN*

    The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) Namus #UP61263 Date Body Found March 29, 2011 ME/C Case Number SR117490 Sex Female Race/Ethnicity White/Caucasian Estimated Age Group Adult - Pre 60 Estimated Age Range 45-55 Height 5' 0"-5' 6"(60-66 inches) , Estimated Weight 100-110...
  17. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    WA TUKWILA BONES: M, 18+, found in Tukwila, WA - 8 Jan 1997

    On January 8, 1997 partial human skeletal remains were unearthed while excavating for a new home in Tukwila, Washington. The remains, which consisted of miscellaneous bones, have been identified only as those of an adult of undetermined age and race. Found near the remains was a brown backpack...
  18. SheWhoMustNotBeNamed

    NC MECKLENBURG JOHN DOE: WM, 18-30, found on Dixie River Road in Charlotte, NC - 24 Dec 2008 *JOSE ESPINOZA*

    On December 24, 2008 partial skeletal human remains were found in a heavily wooded area on Dixie River Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. Forensic investigators determined the deceased to be a White/Caucasian male, 18-30 years old, and 5’5” to 5’11” tall. According to NamUs, the still...
  19. Romulus

    CA SACRAMENTO JOHN DOE: WM, 18-30, found in Sacramento, CA - 17 Jan 1980 - Navy blue sweater "Sigallo" *IDENTIFIED*

    Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP2410 Male, White / Caucasian Date Body Found: January 17, 1980 Location Found: Sacramento, California Estimated Age Range: 18-30 Years https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/2410?nav Circumstances of Recovery: Wearing a blue, down filled "LeCheveron...
  20. Romulus

    CO ARAPAHOE COUNTY JOHN DOE: WM, 50, found near I-70 in eastern Arapahoe County, CO - 15 Apr 1982 - Glasses

    Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP11387 Male, White / Caucasian Date Body Found: April 15, 1982 Location Found: Unincorporated Arapahoe County, Colorado Estimated Age Range: 50 Years https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/11387?nav Circumstances of Recovery: The skeletal remains of an...

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