
  1. Scorpio

    WA DANICA CHILDS: Missing from Federal Way, WA - 21 December 2007 - Age 17

    Danica Childs disappeared from Federal Way, Washington on December 21, 2007. She was last known to be at the Sunset Motel in Kent, WA, a hotel noted for drug and prostitution activity. Her coat, purse, and cell phone were all left behind at the motel. NamUs - The National Missing and...
  2. Romulus

    WA CHEHALIS DOES: Three partial bodies remains/partial skeletons found in Chehalis in Lewis County, WA - 5 Jul 2012

    NamUs UP 10401 https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/10401 NamUs UP 10402 https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/10402 NamUs UP 10403 https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/10403 Three Unidentified Bodies/Skeletons Remains (Unknown Sex & Race) Found July 5, 2012 in...
  3. Akoya

    WA KALAMA JANE DOE: F, 20-29, victim of auto accident in Kalama, WA - 14 May 1991

    The victim was a passenger in a tractor trailer involved in a collision on I-5 in Cowlitz County, killing both the passenger and driver. The trucker's route was traced using fuel receipts which departed Missouri on May 7, 1991, drove through Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Oregon...
  4. Akoya

    WA JENNIFER ENYART: Missing from Tacoma, WA - 21 September 2000 - Age 16

    Jennifer Mae Enyart disappeared form Tacoma, Washington on September 21, 2000. edited by staff to add media link https://www.crimewatchers.net/media/jennifer-enyart-missing-from-tacoma-wa-since-21-september-2000-age-16.269/ *CLICK THE REPORT BUTTON IF YOU'D LIKE THIS CASE MOVED TO THE...
  5. The Coffeenator

    CA KERN COUNTY JANE DOE: HF, 30-40, "Rebecca Ochoa" or "Becky", with tattoos, found in an almond orchard in Delano, CA - 15 July 1980 *SHIRLEY SOOSAY*

    http://www.doenetwork.org/cases/59ufca.html Reconstruction of the victim by Carl Koppelman; victim's tattoos. To view a postmortem photgraph of the victim, please click here. Date of Discovery: July 15, 1980 Location of Discovery: Delano, Kern County, California. Estimated Date of Death: 1...
  6. Scorpio

    WA SKAGIT COUNTY JOHN DOE: WM, 30-50, found murdered near Concrete, WA - 6 October 1980

    NamUs: The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) Remains of a caucasian male were found buried in the Eastern part of Skagit County. The victim had 3 punch out holes in the right ilium of the pelvis indicating he likely had a bone graft in some part of his body...
  7. Scorpio

    WA PIERCE COUNTY JOHN DOE: M, 30-50, skull found in lawnmower bag in Spanaway, WA - 8 June 2002

    https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/5672 Skull found in a lawnmower bag that was placed on top of a garbage pile. Owner of residence cleaned out his garage and threw the lawnmower bag out. The homeowner denies any knowledge of the skull. No listed MP rule outs per NamUs at this...
  8. Scorpio

    WA PIERCE COUNTY JANE DOE: AF, 13-30, partial skull found in Roy, WA - 5 April 2004

    https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/5671 Man walking in wooded area owned by a timber company found portion of a human skull. Law enforcement was contacted and involved the medical examiner. Scene searched further and various bones (some consistent with portions of the human skull...
  9. Scorpio

    WA PIERCE COUNTY JANE DOE: AF, 22-32, skull found by dog in Spanaway, WA - 19 February 2003

    https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/5673 Skull found by private citizen's dog in a field adjacent to the roadway. Other bones recovered during area search. MP RULE OUTS: Susan Hoppes Bennett - 08/09/1999 - Pierce, WA Misty Thompson - 08/24/1993 -...
  10. Romulus

    WA ASHFORD DOE: found in Mount Rainier in Ashford, WA - 13 Sep 2013

    UNIDENTIFIED Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP12200 Namus Unidentified Person Case Unsure, Uncertain Date Found September 13, 2013 Location Found Ashford, Washington Estimated Age Range-- Street Address Mt. Rainier National Park 6100' Nisqually Ashford, Washington County Pierce County GPS...
  11. Romulus

    WA THURSTON COUNTY JANE DOE: F, found in same wooded area of 8886 Namus case in Thurston County, WA - 19 Oct 1981

    Unidentified Person Case UNIDENTIFIED Unidentified Person / NamUs #UP50618 Female, Uncertain Date Found: October 19, 1981 Location Found: Washington Estimated Age Range-- Map[/paste:font] General Location--Washington County: Thurston County GPS Coordinates-- Circumstances of Recovery: Pelvis...
  12. Deanne Hastings has been missing from Spokane, Washington since Noevermber 2015.  She left a note saying she ran to the store.

    Deanne Hastings has been missing from Spokane, Washington since Noevermber 2015. She left a note saying she ran to the store.

    Days after her disappearance her fiancé found her car in a parking lot across from the Knitting Factory. Not only was it not near a grocery store, inside was her whole life, her purse, cell phone and wallet. “There was a note that said ‘Ran to store, ...."
  13. Shelby Wright

    Shelby Wright

    July of 2004, Shelby Wright disappeared. Kelly Willoth works for Snohomish county sheriff’s office and is the lead detective on this case. “I know that he left his residence, he was seen by his mom leaving to come up here.
  14. Who killed LINDSEY BAUM and why haven't they been brought to justice?  There is now a $40,000 reward for info!  McCleary, #WASHINGTON  June 26, 2009

    Who killed LINDSEY BAUM and why haven't they been brought to justice? There is now a $40,000 reward for info! McCleary, #WASHINGTON June 26, 2009

    On June 26, 2009, 10 year old Lindsey Baum was walking home from her friend’s house around 9:15 pm. She never made it home. Her remains were found 8 years later, miles from where she went missing!
  15. Former Globetrotter Rico Harris was on his way to Seattle from California to see his girlfriend in 2014 when he mysteriously disappeared!

    Former Globetrotter Rico Harris was on his way to Seattle from California to see his girlfriend in 2014 when he mysteriously disappeared!

    Former Harlem Globetrotter Rico Harris was on his way to Seattle to visit his girlfriend when he mysteriously disappeared. Rico, then 37, was last seen on October 10, 2014 after leaving the home he shared with his mother in Alhambra, California. Three days later, his vehicle was found in the Yolo Co
  16. Akoya

    WA MOUNT SI JOHN DOE: WM, 30-60, found near the “haystack” on Mount Si - June 2015

    On June 16, two off-trail hikers came across what they believed to be human, skeletal remains near the “haystack” on Mount Si. The King County Medical Examiners Office determined that the remains were human. It is believed that the remains are from a Caucasian male, 30 to 60 years old, and was...
  17. Romulus

    HI HAUULA JOHN DOE: M, 19-25, found washed up on shore in Hauula, HI - 19 Nov 1982 - SCUBA suit bought in Tacoma, WA

    Namus https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/6909 Estimated age Adult - Pre 30 Minimum age 19 years Maximum age 25 years Race Unsure Ethnicity Sex Male Weight (pounds) , Cannot Estimate Height (inches) 69, Estimate Body washed up on shore; clothed in a red SCUBA diver's suit with...
  18. Romulus

    WA AUBURN JANE DOE: WF, 14-19, found in a ravine across from Mountain View Cemetery in Auburn, WA - 2 Jan 1986 *LORI ANNE RAZPOTNIK*

    98UFWA - Unidentified Female Artistic renderings of the victim Date of Discovery: January 2, 1986 Location of Discovery: Auburn, King County, Washington Estimated Date of Death: 1-3 years prior State of Remains: Skeletal Cause of Death: Homicide Physical Description Estimated Age: 14-19 years...
  19. Romulus

    WA MILLIE DOE: WF, 16-35, found on the south bank of the Spokane River in Spokane, WA - 20 Jun 1984 *RUTH WAYMIRE*

    296UFWA - Unidentified Female Artistic renderings of the victim. Date of Discovery: June 20, 1984 Location of Discovery: Spokane, Spokane County, Washington Estimated Date of Death: 1-2 days prior State of Remains: Not recognizable - partial remains with soft tissues Cause of Death...
  20. Romulus

    WA BURIEN JANE DOE: WF, 12-18, found west of a ball field in Seattle, WA - 21 Mar 1984 *WENDY STEPHENS*

    97UFWA - Unidentified Female Artistic renderings of the victim. Date of Discovery: March 21, 1984 Location of Discovery: Seattle, King County, Washington Estimated Date of Death: 1983 State of Remains: Skeletal Cause of Death: Homicide by strangulation Physical Description Estimated Age...

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