WA ARIEL GARCIA: Missing from Everett, WA - 27 March 2024 - Age 4 *Found Deceased*

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Police: 4-year-old Everett boy may be missing under ‘suspicious circumstances’​

Police in Everett are looking for a 4-year-old boy who was last seen Wednesday morning.

Ariel Garcia is Hispanic with brown hair and brown eyes. He is 3 feet, 1 inch tall and weighs 37 pounds. There is no description of what he was wearing.

The Washington State Patrol issued an endangered missing person alert.

He was last seen around 7 a.m. Wednesday in an apartment in the 4800 block of Vesper Drive. Everett police cruisers were seen outside the apartment building and there is crime scene tape in the courtyard. Officers were inside a unit processing evidence. They have since left.

Everett Police officers and search and rescue teams are looking for the child, who may be missing under suspicious circumstances after leaving the apartment with a family member.

Police say he may be in danger. Officers have been communicating with his mother and family.


4-year-old Everett boy missing, police worried he’s in danger​

Police and Search and Rescue crews are looking for a missing four-year-old boy they suspect could be in danger.

He was last seen around 7 a.m. Wednesday morning in an apartment along the 4800 block of Vesper Drive in the South Forest Park neighborhood along Evergreen Way, south of downtown Everett.

Detectives stated Garcia’s disappearance is being treated as suspicious. He was seen leaving the apartment with a family member.

“I feel extremely concerned because that’s not something that we’ve ever had a problem within this area,” one neighbor told KIRO Newsradio, requesting his name be left out of coverage. “There’s a daycare right here on the corner, and we have kids lining up for school daily.”

Officers have been communicating with his mother and family. Detectives returned to the two-story apartment complex Thursday morning, approximately 24 hours after Garcia was last seen, interviewing more neighbors about the boy’s disappearance, according to KIRO Newsradio. Neighbors saw the detectives surround the same apartment all night Tuesday.
Not sure what the neighbor is talking of, he was with a family member. So having a problem with what in the area?

Apparently mom and familys don't know what he was wearing? That's hard to understand unless he wasn't with them or seen by them that day and was in the care of the family member that took him. If so, then why is it not okay for the family member to leave with him and why think he's in danger if it was fine he was with him in the first place. Otherwise I'd just think you'd know what he was wearing.

Forgot I wasn't going to look at any new ones unless I already knew of them. Habit.
KIRO 7 reports that Everett police cruisers were seen stationed outside the apartment building, with crime scene tape cordoning off the courtyard. Officers were also seen processing evidence inside an apartment.

Police said his mother has been located but the child’s whereabouts remain uncertain. Anyone with information on his whereabouts should contact 911.
Article said officers were communicating with mom and family which left me with the impression it was not the mom that had the child/left with the child.

So while missing, they had been talking to her and she had him?

Family members came to take custody. Okay so mom was losing custody and fled, although it does not make it clear at all she is the family member who took him.

So if she took him, she is though in communication with the police? And you know he's in danger how, did she threaten in this communication?

How are they communicating from the start? Cell? Id' think they could track her then.

This isn't making sense.

Not so atypical I guess in the first news or things.

What the fact there is a day care on the corner said by the nieighbor has to do with anything, I don't know. Was he home alone and was taken by another family member (not mom) or what and could have been at day care, is that her point? Neighbor makes no sense at all with her comments other than yeah they probably haven't seen such a police presence and search maybe.

If I am missing something it must be known from somewhere else like FB or some such. Because I read what's here.

And finally, what kind of evidence are they processing and that takes this kind of major presence and search? Do they think him dead prior? Who saw him leave with a family member, another family member? Last proof of life by other than such?

And reason they think him in danger when with a family member?

And no clothing description?

It's new, I'm sure info is rushed and little I guess.

Praying for the boy to be found safe. And shortly.

Everett Police Department update on missing child, Ariel Garcia:

An extensive, regional search effort involving multiple jurisdictions, including the FBI, is underway for Ariel Garcia, a 4-year-old Hispanic male missing under suspicious circumstances and who may be in danger.

A vehicle of interest has been located in Clark County, Washington, but we are still looking for Ariel. We are seeking the public’s help in locating Ariel.

Specifically, anyone who has seen, or has video surveillance of Ariel or a steel blue 2013 Nissan Sentra SV WA license plate CJC9954, on Wednesday, March 27, can submit tips by phone to 425-257-8450 or by email to tips@everettwa.gov.

Please note: the vehicle of interest is currently in police custody and is not outstanding.

Ariel was last seen yesterday morning, Wednesday, March 27 in an apartment in the 4800 block of Vesper Drive. We are continuing to search for the child, conducting neighborhood interviews and collecting video footage, and Search and Rescue has been involved. We will share updates as pertinent information becomes available.

Name: Ariel Garcia
Age: 4 years old
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Clothing: No clothing description

Vehicle: 2013 Nissan Sentra SV, steel blue, WA license plate CJC9954

Note: This vehicle is currently in police custody and is not outstanding. We are seeking information or video footage showing the vehicle’s movements on March 27, 2024.
UPDATE - March 28, 2024, 7:15 PM: Today, at around 5:55 PM, the Everett Police Department was notified that a body had been located at a location outside of Everett. Initial indications are that the found body is the missing person in this case. The family has been notified. The Snohomish County Medical Examiner is responding and will determine the cause and manner of death and confirm the identity the victim. Major Crimes detectives from the Everett Police Department are actively involved in this case and are investigating this incident as a homicide.

There is no perceived threat to the community. Because the investigation is ongoing, additional information is still be gathered and confirmed. The next press release can be expected on Friday, March 29.

Body found believed to be missing Everett boy​

Everett police say a body found tonight outside of Everett is believed to be missing 4-year-old Ariel Garcia. They boy was last seen around 7 a.m. Wednesday in the 4800 block of Vesper Drive in Everett.

KIRO 7 has not been told the location where the body was found.

The Snohomish County Medical Examiner is responding to the scene and will determine the identity of the victim and cause of death.
Another child with his young life snuffed out. Such a world.

Clearly not all details were given in this case or these releases here anyhow. Or even adequate basic ones. Maybe out there in the online world there are more, wouldn't know. Haven't had much time to even see if anyone covered it on YT.

This SUCKS. What a beautiful little boy. RIP Ariel.

Days before Everett boy, 4, was found dead, grandma pleaded for custody​

Less than two days before a 4-year-old Everett boy went missing — later to be found dead — his grandmother feared his mother would try to run away with him, according to court documents filed in Snohomish County Superior Court.

On Monday, Ariel Garcia’s grandmother filed for emergency guardianship, arguing his mother’s substance abuse made her “leave for days, at a time, without notice,” according to court papers. She also called the mother’s behavior “very violent and unpredictable.” The grandmother wrote she was able to “step in” when this would happen.

If the mother were notified of the guardianship case, the grandmother was “scared she may harm me or try to run away with Ariel and harm him in the process.”

Garcia’s mother has since been arrested in Clark County for investigation of making false statements to a public servant, according to jail records.

Authorities arrested Garcia’s mother Thursday in southern Washington. Representatives from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office declined to give more information on the arrest, stating the case was under Everett’s jurisdiction.

The grandmother filed for emergency guardianship for both Ariel Garcia and his older brother, 7.

“Ariel being so young needs someone to look after him, and his mom is not able to give him the care he needs,” the grandmother wrote. “He becomes scared of her condition and does not want to be around her anymore. I can give him a normal life.”

A court hearing on the guardianship had been set for 9 a.m. Friday.
The mother of a 4-year-old Everett boy found killed was arrested Friday for investigation of murder and child assault, according to police.

Ariel Garcia was found dead after he had been missing for over 24 hours. His mother, Janet Ernestina Garcia, was arrested for investigation of first- and second-degree murder and assault of a child.

Garcia had been arrested Thursday in Clark County for investigation of misdemeanor charges of making a false statement and was being held on $1,000 bond. Everett police said Friday evening she was to be booked into the Snohomish County Jail.
This is just sooooo aweful........ my coworker and I got the amber alert at work and I totally jumped.......... rest in peace little man....... you didn't deserve this......
You're from WA? Did it go out statewide? They had no vehicle or other description if I recall but they got an Amber Alert? Thank God. I think it should always be the case. A missing child is a missing child.
I work in Seattle so I am basically next door to where it happened
And there was an Amber Alert? Honestly I did not catch that I did catch like what he was wearing was not known and such, remember no vehicle description etc. Not much here. I read what there was.

Another lousy ending and another child dead. It bites and gets so old.
It was never an AMBER Alert. They sent it out as a "Public Safety Alert" with the Endangered Missing Person flyer.
It was sent to phones how an AMBER Alert might be sent, though.

Why wasn't an AMBER Alert issued for missing Everett boy? WSP explains​

As new details emerge about the case of 4-year-old Ariel Garcia, an Everett boy who was found dead one day after he was reported missing, many people are asking why an Amber Alert was not issued for his disappearance.

In the wake of Ariel's death, many people are asking why an America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) Alert was not issued. Washington State Patrol (WSP) said his case didn't meet the alert standards.

Early Thursday morning, just after midnight, WSP issued an Endangered Missing Person Alert after being contacted by Everett Police, although the Everett Police Department had asked for an Amber Alert to be issued.

“At that point, there was no sense that this was an abduction, and abduction is one of the thresholds,” said Chris Loftis, the communications director for the Washington State Patrol.

He said Amber Alerts are part of a federal program with specific criteria that must be met in order to issue an alert:
  • a child must be under 18 and known to have been abducted
  • the child is in danger of imminent death or serious injury
  • law enforcement must be investigating
  • there must be descriptive information to share with the public
“It's not uncommon for us, as soon as an Amber Alert goes out, to just be flooded with information from people,” said Loftis.

Loftis said Ariel did not qualify for the Amber Alert because it was not considered an abduction. But, he said, Ariel did qualify for an Endangered Missing Person Alert.

“It's someone who, for whatever reason, whether it's cognitive, mentally, or physically, there's some situation where they're just not able to take care of themselves. They're not able to assist in their own recovery,” said Loftis.

Endangered Missing Person Alerts do not generally qualify for Wireless Emergency Alerts, which is when your phone notifies you of a missing person in your area.

But Loftis said just after 5 p.m. on Thursday, Everett police requested more help and the State Patrol approved an alert to go out to people's phones.

“Everett Police asked us, ‘Can we, even though it didn't meet the threshold for an AMBER Alert, could we still use that technology? And we did,” said Loftis.

Just around 6 p.m. is when phones across the area alerted people about Ariel being missing and endangered, but within just minutes of that alert being sent out, his body was found.

“Unfortunately, the situation had already evolved, and the tragedy had already occurred and the boy's body was found shortly thereafter,” said Loftis. “And what a heartbreak for everybody involved.”
Well that's bull. He's FOUR. Or was four when he DIED !#$!^%!#$!!$. I think some years ago we were finding out the Amber Alert was not what we'd thought it was and had chanced and it was a surprise to me and most I saw who realized it after or before or during when I did.

And HOW is this not an abduction? Apparently she lost custody and custody was to be transferred so I'm assuming was ordered and so she abducted him.

I never said it was an Amber Alert, I took that from someone who got the alert and it was a natural assumption since it came through that system which is now said here.

They'd better hope this child did not die in the period when it was quickly requested by Everett, KUDOS to THEM.

And from early links and posts here, it said LE was in touch with mom. I'd THINK they'd be able to track her. No warrant? Again if she was to hand over custody and took off with the kid, I'd say that should have been enough cause.

Clearly a lot isn't known here but lots of questions.

And ANY child missing of THIS age should be an instant Amber Alert. Sorry. Did she have a right to take him or NOT? Or was she to be home with him to hand him over? Everett wanted one and asked for one probably for good and known to them reasons. But it was denied.


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