i think she left from San Diego but will check.
Yep! San Diego. Map from post #1.
Grimm’s car was found by hunters on Oct. 5. They called to report a suspicious vehicle northeast of Ashfork, Ariz.
CHELSEA GRIMMx: Missing from Williams, AZ during trip from California to Connecticut - 28 Sept 2023 - Age 32
Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
She left on the 24th and had only travelled 429 miles in 4 or 5 days. Its almost 3k miles to Connecticutt so at the rate she is doing, it would take her nearly a month.
View attachment 23046
Okay re a couple of your posts, first of all this one. 400 miles in FOUR days? Something is up right there imo. Why?? I mean I like to take my time but that's making NO TIME. Most people would make 400 in a day easy but if sole driver, I mean maybe four hours with some stops is enough for you.
Then in your other post with the article, they confirm no activity on her phone or debit card since her disappearance which is not good. I mean we could say they don't say it wasn't found, didn't ping, just "no activity" and a debit card does not cover credit cards or cash being used so it could be semantics but it SOUNDS like no activity they can find is more likely...
She took four days and told her folks she was going to camp a few days, she told the cop she was going to sleep in her car yet someone saw her at a motel. And what is this Euros thing?
This is a strange one but I can say as a female I don't care of what age, i'd be darned if I would be camping or sleeping my car out on some rural path or dirt road etc.. I'd never feel safe. Not not near home, in another state, area, etc...
Was she trying to stick near home and wanting to connect with whoever she broke up with and hoping not to go home to family....? Could he have possibly been along or connected with her at some point? Did she connect with someone else all upset over the breakup (acting out like that is not unheard, a rebound guy, getting your mind off it).... Foul play is OF course a possibility but her lack of progress and her own actions are odd BEFORE she went missing... I haven't watched the hunter you call ____ mouth. Too tired to spell it...
There are also things here they have to know we don't. She was seen at a motel, confused, with euros... LE has to know if she stayed at the motel, how she paid, etc..
She, her sleeping bag, debit card, phone were all missing, car locked but two flats odd... It seems to match telling her parents she was going to camp in the area for a few days. WEll I know what I would say to my daughter about that UNLESS with a group of friends, uhm WHAT???? No you are NOT. I don't care if they are 22 or 32. I see nothing about a tent, just a sleeping bag...
I can see almost ANY scenario in this one I swear. I can see her going missing willingly too, I really can...
It's been a year why no progress by now and maybe there is but there certainly are no arrests, no suspects named, and so on...
Actually it says she left San Diego on the 24th and last seen on the 30th no, so in SIX days that is all the progress she had made...
One thing is clear, she is not wanting to get anywhere fast and that makes me think she wasn't wanting to get there at all.
I am wondering about drugs or mental health issues (not as an insult) but the confusion if true, the lack of progress, etc... LE responded to a female acting odd but per her she was just crying over the dead soldiers. Actually they said suspicious behavior. Not sure crying is suspicious...
Officer recommended a truck stop yet she told parents she was going to camp, had been in a motel earlier in the day, and why wouldn't they recommend a motel and ask if she had means to stay in one rather than a truck stop?
And again a camping story, a staying in her vehicle story, and seen at a motel earlier, trying to exchange Euros...
There are other things LE would obviously know like how much was in her bank account, if she even had money to use her debit card and so on, I am sure they have info from the motel, etc. And ton more.
AND traveling cross country to begin with allegedly for a wedding is a bit hard to believe. And this is all the way across country.
Her own behavior is odd up to this point...
There was one a few years ago, darned if I could ever recall the case or name, kind of similar, but I think younger like early 20s maybe or whatever... She too got how far, and then no sightings... I can't recall how it turned out except that one I was really leaning towards she went missing and it may have been found she did, intentionally...
Do we know any background here? How long in CA, had she just got home from somewhere in Europe to have euros, did she work, etc.?
In some I don't have an opinion and in this one I don't have any strong one. It's not often but does happen.
She though herself was acting odd right through this from all of this info... Still of course does not mean foul play could not have occurred.
One last thing how many euros was she trying to convert...?
WAs she staying there or just trying to do that at the hotel or motel?
When we went to Mexico, in the big hotels you could exchange dollars for pesos and vice versa at the main desk... And HOW many euros and how much cash did she have on her...
Quite the head scratcher yet I'd almost suspect with all this, LE has a clue if all is above board with the investigation, just not enough or something...