:geek: OK everyone. I'm looking at a really old case here...

Timeline: 1977 to 1987 and possibly beyond...


Cathy Millican
Bernice Coutermache
Ellen Fried
Elizabeth Critchley
Eva Morse
Lynda Moore
Barbara Agnew

With the exception of Lynda Moore {who was killed at home} all of the victims were taken away alive and killed later. Their bodies were all found in woodland areas that suuround rivers. The Conneticut River mainly and the Little Sugar River. This offender is kn own for stabbing his victims numerous times and leaving them in woodland areas. Not sure though if the victims are killed in the woods. Many of these woodland areas surround rivers. The stabbing is the penetration with this offender. He chooses sites first and victims later...

It's actually obvious that we have one offender. So now I've got a question. Is this offender still alive and working? Is he alive and in prison? Or is he deceased??... :geek:

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The one multiple witnesses saw. She was at home doing yard work. Some were hitchhiking, some at gas stations or markets.

It's been a long time since really took a look at this but I'd wonder if EVERY single one is related/same killer. The first one I mention in the yard is different imo. I mean he may have seen her and just went with it but again it says seen by many, not very smart in that case... No way I'm going to be able to, but I'd wonder in each case how those they knew were cleared and things like that, or if they were.

The other thing it makes me wonder is IF he resided in one state, went to the other, then fled back. We have state lines mentioned a few times.

At first it looks like mostly lately summer/fall but then it swtiches to spring...

IF they are all connected and IF it is an SK, then I'd guess he was also killing elsewhere.

I miss @Mel70 in cases like these, she is like a walking encyclopedia on facts on all SKS or even possible ones.

My thoughts mean little as just not that up on such but off the top, it isn't like every SK necessarily kills often but it just seems like he was hitting this area not all year round, again IF one killer is responsible for all. Yes, military or prison or was he active elsewhere, maybe visiting someone here... Do they have DNA, do we know? Sorry to ask but have an appt. and to get ready and all of that, and just not apt to do it right now.

He may have grown up in or been familiar with the area but no longer lived there, IF I am reading the dates and gaps right. I guess I'm thinking of CB/LISK, I think it very likely he killed elsewhere yet he never was in prison, I think maybe when on trips or visiting mom, brother, etc. as we talk of.
I wondered about LISK too but the photo doesnt look much like him does it? He would have been about 14 or 15 in '78 and 10 years older in the last one in '88.
I wondered about LISK too but the photo doesnt look much like him does it? He would have been about 14 or 15 in '78 and 10 years older in the last one in '88.
Agree, pretty much dismissed him with the math so didn't even think about the pictures. He wouldn't have even been driving yet (not legally) and while I am not a statistics person or go by such, and now as you say the pic, he just doesn't fit, most start a bit older than that and so on, still a kid, wrong state, not driving, etc. Too much wrong to fit '78.

I'm still fairly convinced he committed murders in other areas though and changed his ways too, or fit the opportunity and scenario, and of course they also learn from their mistakes... Some anyhow.

I think I've said more than once that I think they are going to find others he murdered or match them long after all of us are gone. Of course, if they keep trying to solve old cases. Could be wrong but that's where I lean with CB/LISK.

Just trying to catch up here some. Still hurts everywhere and hard to keyboard, but some better, not sure if for a moment or will continue, saw ortho today, lucky I even got there, don't need to go into all that. But haven't read or watched either much the last few days.

Anyhow yeah, I'd say he's a pretty safe out on this one, IF all are the same killer.

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