Murdaugh already is and will continue to turn out to be one for the ages and all those related to it... Cops, judges, bankers, drugs, corruption to the highest levels, all the way up and who knows how far down... The whole state of SC is suspect (at least those in power) due to this story if you ask me... And I'll bet it goes beyond that... A century at least of this family...
Vanessa Guillen and all the others at Fort Hood... So many other examples... How about jocks and who you are in rape cases at colleges... Who your family is... Or who has the money to bribe...
The old system needs to change that's for sure and for those who think it has, oh it so hasn't... There is new thinking and younger and I think the masses feel as we do but it comes up against the entrenched few... And half the ones entering are brought into the other... Much of it has even slipped backwards... The funny thing is the public always knows it... The locals do... We do about bigger government... People knew about Murdaugh... It was blatant almost... And they knew not a darned thing could be done about it because so MANY in power were involved or any time someone naively thought things are just and trusted or tried to go up against it oh boy... People learn in cases like that just keep your mouth shut, you can't change it...
BUT what IS changing...? The speed and help one can get with internet and getting the story out there, video cams, body cams, security cams... One party legal recordings now in many states... People with cell phones and videos... Going viral... Document everything...
AND we ARE seeing it. Not fast enough and not fair enough but Arbery... Floyd... And yet it still goes on... It did in those cases. You know they would have been shoved under the rug otherwise and such was tried... Body cams come and how often have we heard before these cases even oh it wasn't working, oh I forgot to turn it on... Documents disappear, discovery does, security footage does, oh there is no transcript or recording... Lo and behold, we didn't record that interrogation...
A jury can be fair but what is allowed in a case by the judge or disallowed can mean they don't hear this or that...
On the other hand, cops and judges do need to be able to maintain some control and power too... And there are some good ones... There is probably a rare good politician or too as well... At least at first...
But there will always be the bad ones... There will always be corruption and people turn a blind eye to it not wanting those with their power picking on their own... And so it gets ever more blatant... OR body cams come, etc. and the new excuse has to be come up with... It isn't working so well any longer but it still does... They find new ways or try to... But once in awhile a case gets notice and attention comes and people yell as one voice.... Or someone ensures a video gets seen and hits the web...
The tides are turning although slowly... People now have a voice that travels far and fast... And people are still scared to get involved but taking some heart... And you watch, that will be stifled...
I was due to wax on and do a long one... Anywho.... If I could only take time to cook...