UT DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT - 28 May 2022 - Age 19 *Found Deceased**GUILTY PLEA*


Family offering $20,000 reward for man who disappeared after ‘weird run-in’ with stranger​

Katie Wells of Rigby tells EastIdahoNews.com her nephew, Dylan Rounds, was last seen Saturday in Lucin, Utah, on the farm where he is working. Rounds apparently called several family members last Wednesday after having a “weird run-in” with a guy on a gravel road.

“The man was walking down the gravel road barefoot. He flagged Dylan down, who was in his truck. He asked to use Dylan’s phone and was acting erratically. Dylan felt the man was dangerous and may have been high. When he asked Dylan for a ride, (Dylan) did not give him a ride,” Wells explains.

Wells says the man was spotted in Montello, Nevada several days later asking about Dylan and there are reports that the man got a ride to Dylan’s trailer on Saturday.

“We don’t believe anything was ransacked,” Wells explains. “Dylan is missing, his phone is missing and his wallet.”

Noting Dylan’s age, Wells says some people seem to think Dylan ran off, but she suspects foul play.

“He is an old soul, farm boy at heart. All he wants to do is get up and work all day every day. He isn’t interested in partying, he isn’t interested in travel. He never dated in high school. He’s not your typical 19-year-old,” Wells says.

Dylan’s mom, Candice Cooley, lives in Twin Falls and his dad, Justin Rounds, lives in Ucon. They are actively involved in the search and are offering a $20,000 reward to anyone who finds him or knows where he might be.

MEDIA - DYLAN ROUNDS: Missing from Lucin, UT since 28 May 2022 - Age 19
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Haven't read at the links yet but read all posts. There's a lot missing here.

Nevada is one of 10 states that lets minors drink with parents. Not saying a parent was with him but someone may have pretended to be one. 30 miles away is a fair distance to have a bar you hang at but if they are known to serve minors that would explain it I guess. It is also confusing. First he worked at a farm and now he bought grandpa's farm but he lives in a camper I take it? Are grandma and grandpa still in/on the homestead? He seemed to be reported or looked for quite quickly, what made them realize he was missing that quickly and if so, that anything was wrong? Not showing up for chores maybe? He stayed sometimes in the town with the bar? Again, if so, then why was it an alert if not heard from right away. And who lives in that town, is there a relative there or a significant other or friend? Or maybe he pulled the camper to town at times to stay in? While he could have encountered a stranger at the bar, etc., it sounds like from his loved ones he frequented this bar and saw friends there and no one came home with him typically. My point is if he knew the place, owners, etc., has friends who hang there, they should know more or at least if he left and left alone and when.

I'm not saying it is the case but bars who ignore age laws often ignore closing time laws etc. as well, did he even come home the night he was seen there or not until maybe the next day? That's a long drive if under any influence as well...

Key to me is how did he get to town and what did he drive there? Was he driving the grain around or did he take another vehicle or ride with another farm hand or friend, relative, etc.? Also key is was it said he was in this bar or do they have actual proof/footage? Not sure it is the type of place to have cameras.

I suspect they have a good idea of what happened and/or who is involved but that's just a feeling from reading it all and part of it is there is a lot of basic info that sure seems to be missing. But then I haven't watched any video nor read full articles...
It doesn’t sound like local jurisdiction took this case very seriously at first. They should have taken that pick up in and now there’s been all kinds of people in his pick up. Also what’s interesting to me is that his mom said that Nevada jurisdiction is taking over the case even though the he went missing in Utah. Sounds to me like the FBI should be involved. We’ve gone across state lines at this point.
30 miles away is a fair distance to have a bar you hang at but if they are known to serve minors that would explain it I guess.
There are no restaurants or bars where he lives. If he wants to go out to eat, that's where he's got to go. Doesn't have to be an alcohol motivation...

First he worked at a farm and now he bought grandpa's farm but he lives in a camper I take it?
He works on the farm that he bought from grandpa... He lives in a camper on the property.

Are grandma and grandpa still in/on the homestead? He seemed to be reported or looked for quite quickly, what made them realize he was missing that quickly and if so, that anything was wrong? Not showing up for chores maybe?
No. He spoke to grandma on Saturday and said he would call her back. He never did. She tried to call him with no luck. When she still hadn't heard from him on Sunday, she got in touch with D to check on Dylan and make sure he didn't have an accident on the property or something.

Haven't read at the links yet but read all posts. There's a lot missing here.
The links are lacking but the videos answer a lot of questions. Though Linda's video seems to just repeat what is said in the other two.
Haven't read at the links yet but read all posts. There's a lot missing here.

Nevada is one of 10 states that lets minors drink with parents. Not saying a parent was with him but someone may have pretended to be one. 30 miles away is a fair distance to have a bar you hang at but if they are known to serve minors that would explain it I guess. It is also confusing. First he worked at a farm and now he bought grandpa's farm but he lives in a camper I take it? Are grandma and grandpa still in/on the homestead? He seemed to be reported or looked for quite quickly, what made them realize he was missing that quickly and if so, that anything was wrong? Not showing up for chores maybe? He stayed sometimes in the town with the bar? Again, if so, then why was it an alert if not heard from right away. And who lives in that town, is there a relative there or a significant other or friend? Or maybe he pulled the camper to town at times to stay in? While he could have encountered a stranger at the bar, etc., it sounds like from his loved ones he frequented this bar and saw friends there and no one came home with him typically. My point is if he knew the place, owners, etc., has friends who hang there, they should know more or at least if he left and left alone and when.

I'm not saying it is the case but bars who ignore age laws often ignore closing time laws etc. as well, did he even come home the night he was seen there or not until maybe the next day? That's a long drive if under any influence as well...

Key to me is how did he get to town and what did he drive there? Was he driving the grain around or did he take another vehicle or ride with another farm hand or friend, relative, etc.? Also key is was it said he was in this bar or do they have actual proof/footage? Not sure it is the type of place to have cameras.

I suspect they have a good idea of what happened and/or who is involved but that's just a feeling from reading it all and part of it is there is a lot of basic info that sure seems to be missing. But then I haven't watched any video nor read full articles...
where my parents lived, if you wanted to do nearly anything, it was a 30 minute drive...except if you were going to a church or bar, but it's not nearly the vastly huge rural area he was in so 30 mles seems right.
There are no restaurants or bars where he lives. If he wants to go out to eat, that's where he's got to go. Doesn't have to be an alcohol motivation...

He works on the farm that he bought from grandpa... He lives in a camper on the property.

No. He spoke to grandma on Saturday and said he would call her back. He never did. She tried to call him with no luck. When she still hadn't heard from him on Sunday, she got in touch with D to check on Dylan and make sure he didn't have an accident on the property or something.

The links are lacking but the videos answer a lot of questions. Though Linda's video seems to just repeat what is said in the other two.
It does sound like If I get a chance watching the videos would fill in a lot, thanks.

Whether it was drinking at the bar or not, it isn't a judgment in any way. I did the same underage as did almost all I knew and it isn't unusual still (for some bars and for underaged) i some areas imo. I find the likelihood just leans in the direction that he wasn't there to eat as the key reason. I also go by something I read that made it sound from family as if he was somewhat of a regular in there to see his friends, etc. and again, just find it the likelihood. But no way to know and he well could be a teetotaler in there for chicken wings and to socialize with friends for all I know.

The reason for wondering more about it has to do with a bar that is breaking the rules likely isn't the type imo to have video cam coverage. It also would make me wonder about how it was confirmed he was there, who the person was who said so (if anyone), the shape and condition of witnesses (if late and drinking, etc.), how he got there, was he alone or with friends, what time it was, etc. Just some of many questions to get an idea of what and where, etc. Was he eating with friends at a table (less likely to engage with a stranger) or bellied up to a bar drinking alone (more likely to encounter a stranger).

I also just wonder about the layout of the farm or if they have more than one location/farm/residence, etc. meaning was his camper just outside from the main residence and do relatives live there/grandma and grandpa, etc. or do employees, etc., etc., who lived near him if anyone. Where I'm from a family owning several farms and residences or fields isn't unusual and some are down the road from another as are fields and some are right on the same plot of land.

It all lends to witnesses or no, layout, isolation or public, etc. Busy road or quiet... And so forth.

Thanks for the info.
looking around maps and it does appear that Montello is the closest ANYthing to Lucin. Lucin appears to be pretty much nothing in the way of absolutely anything but dirt for miles and miles. Very few roads, no services of any type - not even a gas station. It's even on the ghost town list.
looking at a map, 30 miles might have been the closest ANYthing. It's a very, very desolate, rural area.
I guess it's possible. I have lived where it is 30 miles to a store of any size (WM for instance) but not to a bar or a store or a gas station of ANY kind although I know there are probably some places like that here and there. In fact most areas have a church and bar and gas station or something at least every so how many miles in most areas I can think of--you might have to know the places off of the main highway which tourists often don't but they exist generally.

It could be though if such a desolate area or if any did exist they could long have went under. The MI UP is like that but you can find some OFF of the main route still.

My other thoughts though are other reasons like first of course if they are known to serve minors, second he is near the state line and Utah is known to be one of the most restrictive with liquor laws. Minors even in a food establishment/bar vary state to state as do hours allowed. There is also a frowning on alcohol that still exists there. It makes me think enforcement may be higher than in a state such as Nevada where we have sin city. Salt Lake comes to mind for Utah, Vegas comes to mind for Nevada.

Finally, those that still drink and drive often will do rural bars or bars in towns with few cops, back roads to get there, or who turn a blind eye.

Just trying to figure out if there was a reason and attraction to this particular place. Does he even know the town or lived in it or has relatives there? Is it a certain type of bar (i.e., pool hall, horseshoe teams, dart leagues, etc. or known for country western music or something, etc.)? Is it because he hasn't been "carded" there? Just questions relating to getting an overall picture of what may have happened, who would have been there, etc., etc.
I guess it's possible. I have lived where it is 30 miles to a store of any size (WM for instance) but not to a bar or a store or a gas station of ANY kind although I know there are probably some places like that here and there. In fact most areas have a church and bar and gas station or something at least every so how many miles in most areas I can think of--you might have to know the places off of the main highway which tourists often don't but they exist generally.

It could be though if such a desolate area or if any did exist they could long have went under. The MI UP is like that but you can find some OFF of the main route still.

My other thoughts though are other reasons like first of course if they are known to serve minors, second he is near the state line and Utah is known to be one of the most restrictive with liquor laws. Minors even in a food establishment/bar vary state to state as do hours allowed. There is also a frowning on alcohol that still exists there. It makes me think enforcement may be higher than in a state such as Nevada where we have sin city. Salt Lake comes to mind for Utah, Vegas comes to mind for Nevada.

Finally, those that still drink and drive often will do rural bars or bars in towns with few cops, back roads to get there, or who turn a blind eye.

Just trying to figure out if there was a reason and attraction to this particular place. Does he even know the town or lived in it or has relatives there? Is it a certain type of bar (i.e., pool hall, horseshoe teams, dart leagues, etc. or known for country western music or something, etc.)? Is it because he hasn't been "carded" there? Just questions relating to getting an overall picture of what may have happened, who would have been there, etc., etc.
that town is the closest town that has absolutely anything. The area where he lives has absolutely nothing, not even a gas station, store of any kind, church, etc. Nothing. Nothing for miles and miles and miles.

Lucin today​

Except for the intermittent (more permanent since 2008[4]) presence of Ivo, one of the four property owners and avid solitary explorer, and his IVOPROP Corp research and development activities, Lucin is a ghost town. As of 2016, the most prominent town features are a recent airplane hangar doubling as a residence and a workshop, an adjacent unpaved landing strip, along with several smaller, separate utility buildings (water, fuel, telecommunications, power).[4]

that town is the closest town that has absolutely anything. The area where he lives has absolutely nothing, not even a gas station, store of any kind, church, etc. Nothing. Nothing for miles and miles and miles.
That would sure make operating a farm hard and having supplies day to day hard unless they have their own fuel tank on the property which some farmers do or used to anyhow. Just banking, gas, groceries and yes things like beer and smokes if any have those habits would be very difficult to keep in stock. Add to it that internet is still not ideal in some very remote places and delivery takes some time too... And with the price of gas a 60 mile round trip with a truck is going to use a bit of fuel and it is air conditioning season on top of it.

Again just trying to get a picture of all cirumstances.

Starting to watch Linda and hope to see the other videos if I can get to them to fill in some of what I don't know. Already in the first minutes I know it is 640 acres she says he and grandpa own and that this is his third year of farming. He is only 19 so my guess is he has been here the last few summers. How long has grandpa owned this farm, has it been in the family I wonder for generations or is a more recent thing because she says all told him he couldn't grow crops in this land/area but he is managing and this leads me to how did the farm make an income prior to now? Is it a crop farm, dairy, cattle...? We know he is trying to grow grain and crops but that makes it sound like that is relatively new or something he has been trying to get to work...

Lucin today​

Except for the intermittent (more permanent since 2008[4]) presence of Ivo, one of the four property owners and avid solitary explorer, and his IVOPROP Corp research and development activities, Lucin is a ghost town. As of 2016, the most prominent town features are a recent airplane hangar doubling as a residence and a workshop, an adjacent unpaved landing strip, along with several smaller, separate utility buildings (water, fuel, telecommunications, power).[4]

And of the few people the not that old town has ever had the key one was a young eastern bloc defector who comes to be there... Doesn't sound like the town was ever much of anything and has had no residents in past years decades as well, nor was it ever known for much of anything just built for railroad purposes/water supply.


His mother does remark on meth and drug types in abounding in the area doesn't she? I'll know more after watching a video or two. It sounds basically unpopulated though on the one hand... WikiP says no buildings even there...
And of the few people the not that old town has ever had the key one was a young eastern bloc defector who comes to be there... Doesn't sound like the town was ever much of anything and has had no residents in past years decades as well, nor was it ever known for much of anything just built for railroad purposes/water supply.


His mother does remark on meth and drug types in abounding in the area doesn't she? I'll know more after watching a video or two. It sounds basically unpopulated though on the one hand... WikiP says no buildings even there...
meth seems to be in all rural areas. It's really bad in the rural areas here, moreso than here in the city, from what I see, especially if you look at percentages of people on it. My theory is that it's partially caused by that there is absolutely nothing else to do.

He just seems to be such a good kid just trying to live his life by working hard. Hopefully somebody also checked his bank records to see if anybody has been using his funds and hopefully he didn't have cash stashed in his trailer and met the wrong people.
meth seems to be in all rural areas. It's really bad in the rural areas here, moreso than here in the city, from what I see, especially if you look at percentages of people on it. My theory is that it's partially caused by that there is absolutely nothing else to do.

He just seems to be such a good kid just trying to live his life by working hard. Hopefully somebody also checked his bank records to see if anybody has been using his funds and hopefully he didn't have cash stashed in his trailer and met the wrong people.
Yeah, nothing to do can contribute with drugs, alcohol, even teen pregnancy many theorize. Meth mfrs. though too still have to get their supplies somewhere and live somewhere...

I would guess him the typical hardworking rural farm kind of teen too and even though a good kid, they still can be quite naive, first out on their own, etc. I have seen many a one in my lifetime head to a bar with their full week's paycheck to burn on say Friday night AND not exactly hiding the fact or that they have the cash on them after hitting the bank in town. So I've had thoughts like that too or as to cash at the trailer, etc. He is young, lives in the middle of nowhere, etc... Not saying he was/is an easy target but one could see where something could happen... Other farm hands, etc. or new ones. Who knows...
So Linda looked at the crime statistics for Montello. Montello has 59 citizens and yet gets an "F" for crime and it says 96 percent(!!!) of cities in the US are safer than Montello. And it is based on violent crime.

However, it sounds like Dylan went missing from the farm area and hadn't been seen in Montello since that Thursday and in fact it had been said Friday but apparently that was incorrect, it was Thursday... His phone was pinging around the farm area after that and a call was made to his grandma...

Even so if the crime rate is that high less than 30 miles away...
However, it sounds like Dylan went missing from the farm area and hadn't been seen in Montello since that Thursday and in fact it had been said Friday but apparently that was incorrect, it was Thursday... His phone was pinging around the farm area after that and a call was made to his grandma...
Bank transactions confirm Dylan was in Montello on Thursday.
Witnesses report that Dylan was also there on Friday. The family is moving forward with the Friday date.
Saturday is the day he made a phone call from his farm and the last ping of his phone from that area.
Yeah, nothing to do can contribute with drugs, alcohol, even teen pregnancy many theorize. Meth mfrs. though too still have to get their supplies somewhere and live somewhere...

I would guess him the typical hardworking rural farm kind of teen too and even though a good kid, they still can be quite naive, first out on their own, etc. I have seen many a one in my lifetime head to a bar with their full week's paycheck to burn on say Friday night AND not exactly hiding the fact or that they have the cash on them after hitting the bank in town. So I've had thoughts like that too or as to cash at the trailer, etc. He is young, lives in the middle of nowhere, etc... Not saying he was/is an easy target but one could see where something could happen... Other farm hands, etc. or new ones. Who knows...
the possible not hiding the fact if he had easily available money on him or at his place is what I keep coming to

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