Epstein, Maxwell et al: exposed in child sex trafficking


Do we have a Jefferey Epstein thread?

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Yeah, I think they are comparing and lining up a lot of things to come to a "weight" in either direction for lack of a better way of putting it and on probably each and every charge or as a total picture as well.

I suspect they will go into tomorrow and not sure of Friday. It even looks as if they may be coming back next week but I"m hoping for late tomorrow. Who knows though, they seem quite dedicated to being thorough and not rushed.

I think because, with the pressure to reach a verdict, it is an almost comical let-down to have the jury note after some hours be only for 1 more witness' testimony. I'm not saying it was uproarious laughter. It functioned like a groan, but came out like laughter

Comfortably Smug 2.0

Replying to @innercitypress
Wait I don’t get it. Why was there laughter?


Thanks. I didn't like that characterization, either. But onward - the Leah story is written & we're back to US v. Maxwell jury notes, if only a request for testimony of 2d pilot who said Jane looked "adult" and more- going back to threads earlier in the trial...
I have found this Daily Beast article recapping Visoski's testimony. He said he remembered "Jane" as a mature woman with large breasts, a singer. He doesn't remember the other three travelling who testified (Kate, Carolyn and Annie).
Carolyn's dates in the charges are dated 2001-2004. Visoski mentions dealing with Sarah Kellen regarding flight arrangements.



Jeffrey Epstein’s Pilot Dishes on Flights With Donald Trump—But Claims He Never Saw Underage Girls​


Kate Briquelet

Senior Reporter
Updated Dec. 01, 2021 3:24AM ET Published Nov. 30, 2021 2:02PM ET

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Getty​

Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime pilot took the stand in Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex-trafficking trial and claimed he never saw underage girls on Epstein’s private planes. But he revealed that former President Donald Trump was among the famous passengers who flew with the pedophile multimillionaire, who also jetted around the world with Britain’s Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and former astronaut and Sen. John Glenn.
Larry Visoski, who ferried Epstein to his homes around the globe, testified on Tuesday that he never knew passengers’ ages but at the time believed some of Epstein’s underage victims were adults. Those accusers include Jane Doe, who was 14 when Epstein and Maxwell allegedly recruited her into the financier’s teen sex ring after meeting her at Interlochen arts camp in Michigan.
“I didn’t notice anybody of a younger nature without an adult or parent,” he testified. “I didn’t know anybody’s exact age at all.”
When assistant U.S. prosecutor Maureen Comey asked about Jane Doe, Visoski replied that she was “a mature woman with piercing powder-blue eyes.”
Visoski said he recalled picking up luggage from Interlochen Arts Academy before a flight out of Traverse City, Michigan, and later in, Palm Beach, meeting Jane, whom Epstein introduced as a “singer.”
Meanwhile, the pilot said that in the 1990s, Epstein flew to Traverse City at least once a year, when he’d visit Interlochen in the summer and stay at his cabin there. (The Daily Beast previously reported on Epstein’s “scholarship lodge,” which was built near girls’ summer camp quarters.)
“It was my understanding the cabin was built for Itzhak Perlman,” Visoski said, adding that the renowned violinist was a passenger on Epstein’s jet.
Visoski was also asked about Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who alleges she was 17 when Epstein and Maxwell sent her to powerful men to be abused. Despite flight logs indicating Giuffre flew on Epstein’s plane multiple times, Visoski couldn’t remember how often she was a passenger.
Under questioning from defense lawyer Christian Everdell, Visoski said he also didn’t know Giuffre’s age. (As The Daily Beast previously reported, Giuffre isn’t expected to testify at this trial.)
“She didn’t look young,” Visoski said. “She was a woman.”
Everdell referred to Visoski’s previous alleged statements on why he believed Jane was an adult. “At the time you saw her you also remember she had large breasts?” Visoski answered in the affirmative.
A pilot for Epstein from 1991 to 2019, Visoski described the financier’s massive wealth, detailing the layouts of his compounds in New Mexico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, as well as the predator’s apartment in Paris. Visoski also described Maxwell’s various Manhattan apartments over the years and said he installed a home theater at the top floor of her Upper East Side townhouse. And he said he flew Epstein to Columbus, Ohio, where his main client, Victoria’s Secret mogul Les Wexner, lived.
Visoski said he’d get instructions for future flights on short notice, sometimes a day or less. Often Epstein’s assistants Sarah Kellen and Lesley Groff—two co-conspirators listed in Epstein’s Florida plea deal—would schedule the flights. He added that he coordinated so frequently with Kellen that her number was on speed dial.
Under cross-examination, Visoski claimed while cleaning Epstein’s plane, he never saw clothes strewn about, nor sex toys or condoms, and had no reason to believe anyone was engaging in sex acts with minors.
Visoski testified that he remembered seeing Epstein’s power-couple friends Glenn and Eva Dubin on the plane—and Emmy Tayler, a longtime assistant to Maxwell—but not three of the four victims who will testify at Maxwell’s trial.
Epstein’s largesse permeated the testimony, too, suggesting a chummy relationship between the two men.
Visoski testified that Epstein gifted him 40 acres of land on his New Mexico property so he could build a home. Epstein also paid for the private high-school tuition of Visoski’s two daughters and covered their college costs. The pilot revealed that Maxwell seemed like a nice person and he let his daughters ride horses with the socialite.
Of Maxwell and Epstein’s romance, Visoski said it fizzled out in the early 2000s. He said once their relationship ended, she remained his “go-to person to handle everything that wasn’t business related.”
By 2004, Visoski said, Maxwell was dating Gateway computers co-founder Ted Waitt.
Visoski said the socialite introduced him to Waitt’s personal pilots and that they became friends.
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nner City Press



We're told: "A verdict has been reached in US vs. Maxwell, 20-cr-330 (AJN)... Please be advised that a verdict has been reached in the above matter. The verdict will be announced in open court shortly." Watch this feed, thread continues below


Matthew Russell Lee and 6 others

ner City Press

ALERT: There is a verdict, soon to be read out, in US v. #GhislaineMaxwell. Inner City Press has been covering the case https://patreon.com/posts/60458577 and will live tweet, thread below

BONUS: Maximum Maxwell Deliberations Under The Gun of Appeals Court and Omicron But Still No...
Count 2 ?????

Not guilty - Enticing a victim to travel in interstate commerce etc relating to Jane '94-'97

I expect there to be an appeal, especially as certain defence witnesses were denied by the judge.

Interesting to see what now happens in the civil suits and how this may effect them.

Will also be interesting to see the sentencing, especially due to the lenient plea deal given to the main perpetrator.
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Count 2 ?????

Count Two of the Indictment charges the Defendant with enticing an individual to travel in interstate commerce to engage in sexual activity for which a person can be charged with a criminal offense. Count Two relates solely to Jane and the time period 1994 to 1997.
I'm happy to hear it. I felt fairly sure it would go this way but of course couldn't be positive. Even though media reporting was far from full and fair coverage, what we could hear/see left me feeling as if they did enough, corroborated enough and showed a pattern and that was just with what we did hear and I'm sure there was more. And no one can say this jury did not take time and consideration before arriving at their verdicts.
On what grounds do you think they could appeal?
Not being allowed the witnesses they requested. Also, the pushing and hurrying of the jury to come to a decision due to Covid fears, plus requiring them sitting over the New Year if they delayed. Probably more grounds but that is off the top of my head. Also, the leniency of the plea deal given to the main perpetrator could be a factor. My opinions of course.

BBC main link below. Apparently Dershowitz was interviewed by them immediately the verdict was announced. Will find and link that too later.

On what grounds do you think they could appeal?
we know they will try because that's what attorneys do. More billable hours!

On a serious note, nearly all cases have witnesses that are denied on both sides so I am not seeing that being a legit reason, but we know they will try that one at least.
Not being allowed the witnesses they requested. Also, the pushing and hurrying of the jury to come to a decision due to Covid fears, plus requiring them sitting over the New Year if they delayed. Probably more grounds but that is off the top of my head. Also, the leniency of the plea deal given to the main perpetrator could be a factor. My opinions of course.

BBC main link below. Apparently Dershowitz was interviewed by them immediately the verdict was announced. Will find and link that too later.

It seems all cases are appealed but in this one it may depend on her sentence as well. Of course life sentences in murders it seems are almost always appealed but this case isn't that. I'm interested in seeing the sentencing here and what the judge will do.

I don't think the jury was pushed or hurried and I don't think that one will fly for a few reasons. First they are on jury duty and doing a duty for court. Second, they had longer today and a full day yet tomorrow which is not a holiday nor a weekend. And third, they had no problem saying no to 6 p.m. so clearly felt under no burden to oblige or rush. They also asked for more today and did not rush without looking at more. To me that all negates such an argument entirely even though I might not know the law on it, the logic of these things alone dismantles such an argument imo.

Refusing anonymity is not refusing defense witnesses. Were there others outright denied or only those that would not testify willingly without that? That is not a denial of allowing defense witnesses and It also did not stop subpoenas. Subpoenas exist for a reason and usually they are for unwilling witnesses.

Granted we don't know everything that went on or all decisions probably even but from what we have seen, I see no basis for any legitimate appeal. Doesn't mean they won't try though of course.
we know they will try because that's what attorneys do. More billable hours!

On a serious note, nearly all cases have witnesses that are denied on both sides so I am not seeing that being a legit reason, but we know they will try that one at least.
The prosecution ended sooner than anticipated leaving a scramble to bring forward some of the defence witnesses. One witness had Covid and the judge did not allow a video feed, another witness could not attend till the Monday but again the judge would not allow that. Towards the end of the defence there was a rush to shut down the defence. All reasons for appeal, in addition to the ones given. ( I have never heard of a judge denying witnesses for someone's defence before.)

I do find it strange that she was found not guilty on the Jane count but guilty on the Carolyn count. Especially as Caroline and her BF were felons and were introduced by Roberts, who did not/was not called to/give evidence. (I don't know why the defence did not call her.)
I also think there will be an appeal because Epstein, not Maxwell is paying for it.
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