ERIC RICHINS: Utah vs. Kouri Richins - Murder via fentanyl poisoning


May 10, 2023, 6:16 PM EDT / Updated May 11, 2023, 9:18 AM EDT
By Minyvonne Burke, Antonio Planas and Andrew Blankstein

A Utah man who died after his wife allegedly spiked his drink with fentanyl — and then wrote a children's book about grief — had suspected she tried to poison him multiple times and said “she was to blame” if anything happened to him, according to court records.

Despite the suspicions, a family spokesperson told NBC News on Wednesday that Eric Richins stayed in the marriage with Kouri Richins because of his children.

Eric Richins, 39, died March 4, 2022, at his home in Kamas, about 40 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, after he was found unresponsive in his bedroom. Kouri Richins, 33, was arrested Monday on charges of aggravated murder and three counts of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute.

An attorney for Kouri Richins, Skye Lazaro, declined to comment Wednesday.

According to affidavits for search warrants obtained Wednesday from the Summit County Sheriff's Office, relatives of Eric Richins told investigators to look into his wife's involvement.

"They advised he warned them that if anything happened to him she was to blame," the records said. Eric Richins, according to the records, suspected his wife had tried to poison him on multiple occasions.

"According to a sister, Eric and his wife went to Greece a few years ago and after his wife gave him a drink he became violently ill and called his sister saying he believed his wife had tried to kill him," the records said.

"On Valentine’s Day of 2022, his wife brought him a sandwich, which after one bite Eric broke into hives and couldn’t breathe. He used his son’s epi-pen as well as Benadryl before passing out for several hours," according to the records.

He was looking into a divorce and had changed his power of attorney, his will and the beneficiary of his life insurance policy from his wife to his sister, the records said.

Two family members said Eric Richins told them he was worried “Kouri would kill him for money and he wanted to make sure the kids were taken care of financially,” the records said.


The medical examiner said that he had five times the lethal dosage of fentanyl in his system and that it was "illicit" fentanyl, not medical-grade. It is also believed he ingested the drugs orally, according to the statement.

It appears she never performed CPR on him as she claimed, the search warrant records said, because of the large amount of blood that came from his mouth.

His family said that Eric Richins never told his wife he had “cut her out of the will” and that the couple were also arguing over buying a $2 million home that she wanted to flip, according to the records.

The family said he was planning to tell her he wasn’t going to sign the papers, but the day after his death, she signed the closing papers on the home, the records said.

After she closed on the home, she invited her friends over for a large party at her home where she was drinking and celebrating, an affidavit for a search warrant said.

Brenton Blanchet
Published on September 23, 2023 04:38PM

A brother of Kouri Richins, the children's book author accused of murdering her husband, is now opening up about his sister's case — and he's insists that she is innocent.

Richins' brother, DJ, sat down with Good Morning America on Friday to discuss his sister's charges, now several months after Kouri, 33, was accused of murdering her husband of nine years, Eric Richins, by lacing his cocktail with fentanyl in March 2022.

"We know Kouri's innocent, and all that's going to come out in court. And I think that's going to shock people," DJ said in the new discussion about Richins, 33, who has been charged with one count of first-degree aggravated murder along with additional drug charges.

"When I got the news that Eric had died, I broke down into tears," DJ added. "He was a good guy."

"But it's my sister, I knew Eric, she didn't do this."
Are there two brothers? Different sets of initials. Did she direct this brother to do this in a previous letter? Kouri has now made anything friends or family say about the case, about Eric or on her behalf suspect. They now sound like people willing to break laws and perjure themselves and obstruct justice for Kouri.

He says she loves her kids but was willing to not only blast Katie's kid's pictures all over the media to scare and upset her but her own kids if necessary. That's not a GOOD mom nor is allegedly killing their father indicative of a good mother.

Why are they (or he) using his initials in this article? Is he a juvenile? Scared to be named or truly come forward?

It will be interesting to see if the requested restraining order is granted ceasing contact between Kouri and her family due to her attempts to tell them exactly what to make up and say.

I don't know what all he mismanaged medication stuff is about but I'm going to guess this is something false as well. One atty. I watch think its possible she herself is doing drugs on the inside, I didn't entire follow all that and didn't have time to back it up to see where she connected or came up with that. My guess is on her several transports to hospital during her short jail stay so far, she maybe took too much herself of something and blamed it on jail staff? If I have it correct, they (defense) is also trying to halt any attempt by prosecution to get her med records for these trips, etc.

This woman is a piece of work imo. Imo anyone who has any contact or relationship with her would be wise to cut it off and stay far away. She will use and abuse and cause trouble in the end for anyone, no holds barred, to save herself and that includes her children, parents, attorney, friends and more. That ONE letter shows all that to me, jmo. Lord knows how many letters there have been or other attempted contacts with what they should do and say.

Her atty. definitely should beware. She claims the letter was in a legal packet for her that shouldn't have been searched in the way it was or something like that. Maybe it was and maybe iit wasn't but what was in that letter would never have been intended for her unless she has no trouble with outing someone's kids anonymously and their pics on news channels either and unless she is willing to pass on contraband to clients (Crest White Strips). I wouldn't fall on my sword for Kouri Richins nor believe a word she says if I were her much less pass it on as fact, she will have egg on her face from it at some point. Jmo. She also clearly has either not advised her client or has a client who doesn't listen on what she had better not be doing, etc.

The claim this was for a book is as ridiculous as they come if you read the letter. You'd never say and do and try to get someone to do thee things or need the detail or even have to do it to write a stupid book. She isn't very bright but she's dangerous to anyone around her as it is all about Kouri and yes, she'd throw her own kids and her parents, etc. under the bus or get them in trouble. And her atty. All for Kouri. The letter makes that abundantly clear.

There is also all the talk about people and putting up their homes and redoing their mortgages, etc. HOW is Skye getting paid? Just like she wiped out Eric and stole to buy that ridiculous mansion to "flip" she will do the same to everyone around her and likely already has started to with some.

She thinks she is a cool cunning calculating cat but she's a bad news bear.

Tyler Wornell
Updated: OCT 13, 2023 / 10:36 PM CDT

(NewsNation) — A Utah woman charged with killing her husband by poisoning him is seeking to get the charges thrown out over what her lawyers claim is prosecutorial misconduct.
Defense attorneys for Kouri Richins filed a motion to dismiss Wednesday, arguing that prosecutors erred when they characterized a jailhouse letter written to family as “witness tampering,” even though Richins has not been charged with such a crime.

Ritchins is accused of killing her husband, Eric, by giving him a lethal dose of fentanyl. While being held in jail, she wrote a letter asking her mother and brother to tell police that her husband abused drugs and obtained pain pills and fentanyl from Mexico.

Prosecutors contend the letter amounts to witness tampering and previously asked a judge to prevent Richins from further contacting her mother and brother. The defense team claims the letter is being misconstrued.

Richins’ lawyers previously asked the state to sanction the prosecution for posting the letter on the public court document, which the defense claimed was a violation of a gag order.

Her latest motion claims the prosecution’s characterization of the letter as witness tampering would sway potential jurors, “such that a fair trial in this case is no longer possible,” Court TV reported.

Defense attorneys also claim the letter was obtained in an illegal search, KTSU-TV reported. Prosecutors say Summit County Jail personnel found it inside a book, but Richins’ lawyers contend it was in an envelope marked “Skye Lazaro (Attorney Privilege)” and had no crease marks.

If the court denies the motion to dismiss, attorneys have asked the case be moved to a different county and that a judge bar the handwritten letter from being allowed at trial.

Tyler Wornell
Updated: OCT 13, 2023 / 10:36 PM CDT

(NewsNation) — A Utah woman charged with killing her husband by poisoning him is seeking to get the charges thrown out over what her lawyers claim is prosecutorial misconduct.
Defense attorneys for Kouri Richins filed a motion to dismiss Wednesday, arguing that prosecutors erred when they characterized a jailhouse letter written to family as “witness tampering,” even though Richins has not been charged with such a crime.

Ritchins is accused of killing her husband, Eric, by giving him a lethal dose of fentanyl. While being held in jail, she wrote a letter asking her mother and brother to tell police that her husband abused drugs and obtained pain pills and fentanyl from Mexico.

Prosecutors contend the letter amounts to witness tampering and previously asked a judge to prevent Richins from further contacting her mother and brother. The defense team claims the letter is being misconstrued.

Richins’ lawyers previously asked the state to sanction the prosecution for posting the letter on the public court document, which the defense claimed was a violation of a gag order.

Her latest motion claims the prosecution’s characterization of the letter as witness tampering would sway potential jurors, “such that a fair trial in this case is no longer possible,” Court TV reported.

Defense attorneys also claim the letter was obtained in an illegal search, KTSU-TV reported. Prosecutors say Summit County Jail personnel found it inside a book, but Richins’ lawyers contend it was in an envelope marked “Skye Lazaro (Attorney Privilege)” and had no crease marks.

If the court denies the motion to dismiss, attorneys have asked the case be moved to a different county and that a judge bar the handwritten letter from being allowed at trial.

Sh*t has really gone too far in the legal world/justice world. This woman was dictating testimony, a story and what to say for a witness/es and I don't care WHERE she had the letter. IF it was in or marked to her attorney, then she still is trying to hide it and use that OR to pass it through her attorney. Don't get me wrong, privacy and the right to a defense and to talk with their lawyer most definitely should be something they have but like Murdaugh, they shouldn't be able to use that private privilege to hide or pass other things.

I've been fairly impressed with Skye Lazarro until this sh*t. First of all, she should be dumping Kouri's arse and not defending this act and Kouri WILL use her or take her down with her if that becomes her only option at some point or even blame something on her. Second of all or the other side of it is should we believe her attorney is part of this and that is another reason Skye should be dumping her arse before all believe she is. It may seem minor but Kouri ya know said iif they got her Crest White Strips, Skye would passt the "contraband" to her. That isn't minor imo. Kouri is trying to say without saying if someone saw the letter that her attorney WILL break the rules and to trust her with bigger things. I am NOT saying Skye would, I don't know, I AM saying SKye should get the heck out of there before she pulls her down with her.

This new move/motion? Makes me rethink and maybe the woman IS corrupt. You see, she should get the heck out of it because as of now I don't think she is but this is now making me wonder as it will most people...

Kouri Richins is bad, bad, bad news. Imo. Thinks she is smart but this letter alone was so very stupid but of course she is desperate because of her very ill thought out plan to kill her husband Eric.

Who is paying for Skye? Eric's money or the mom and dad and brother she tries to control from behind bars?

Here is why Skye should quit Kouri.

I know nothing of either other than the story of what Kouri is charged with. I've seen SKye in court with her and even though I normally hate defense attorneys I thought she is pretty good, no bad opinion. I didn't even wonder too much about where she came from, who she was, where Kouri found her, etc., if they were friends or had prior dealings or or ANYTHING. But NOW I AM. AS of today and reading this and just a bit before today starting to seep in, NOW I AM wondering about Skye. I wasn't at ALL and now I am.

Point is everyone or many now will just as I am starting to.

It is CLEAR what that letter was. And Kouri is ridiculously stupid in writing such. And if her parents and brother dance to her tune, the entire family is bad news and/or she will take them down with her as well. The woman will throw anyone under the bus, even her own children and that's been shown. This woman is BAD NEWS.

All just my humble opinion.

Tyler Wornell
Updated: OCT 13, 2023 / 10:36 PM CDT

(NewsNation) — A Utah woman charged with killing her husband by poisoning him is seeking to get the charges thrown out over what her lawyers claim is prosecutorial misconduct.
Defense attorneys for Kouri Richins filed a motion to dismiss Wednesday, arguing that prosecutors erred when they characterized a jailhouse letter written to family as “witness tampering,” even though Richins has not been charged with such a crime.

Ritchins is accused of killing her husband, Eric, by giving him a lethal dose of fentanyl. While being held in jail, she wrote a letter asking her mother and brother to tell police that her husband abused drugs and obtained pain pills and fentanyl from Mexico.

Prosecutors contend the letter amounts to witness tampering and previously asked a judge to prevent Richins from further contacting her mother and brother. The defense team claims the letter is being misconstrued.

Richins’ lawyers previously asked the state to sanction the prosecution for posting the letter on the public court document, which the defense claimed was a violation of a gag order.

Her latest motion claims the prosecution’s characterization of the letter as witness tampering would sway potential jurors, “such that a fair trial in this case is no longer possible,” Court TV reported.

Defense attorneys also claim the letter was obtained in an illegal search, KTSU-TV reported. Prosecutors say Summit County Jail personnel found it inside a book, but Richins’ lawyers contend it was in an envelope marked “Skye Lazaro (Attorney Privilege)” and had no crease marks.

If the court denies the motion to dismiss, attorneys have asked the case be moved to a different county and that a judge bar the handwritten letter from being allowed at trial.
Kouri has been getting away with WAY too much for WAY too long. This is such stupidity!
This is good. This woman is becoming one of my favorites and she is not speculative, she gives the legal explanations but isn't dry at all and is a bit fun imo.

If you know the gist of what defense and Kouri claim already and can't watch all, go to the 33 minute mark and wait for the prosecution filing blasting Kouri's attorney for the next minutes and at least watch that part BUT the whole thing is worth watching to get up to speed on these recent filings.

This is good. This woman is becoming one of my favorites and she is not speculative, she gives the legal explanations but isn't dry at all and is a bit fun imo.

If you know the gist of what defense and Kouri claim already and can't watch all, go to the 33 minute mark and wait for the prosecution filing blasting Kouri's attorney for the next minutes and at least watch that part BUT the whole thing is worth watching to get up to speed on these recent filings.

Don't take her fun covers to mean she is sensational lol. She is on the legit stuff. Once you get to "know" her a bit you will love the pics and titles imo.
This woman is very stupid or so full if it she can't see her own stupidity which still makes her stupid.

HOWEVER, her attorney better wise up pretty soon as well or is she as corrupt?

Also the prosecution is GIVING It back in this one and turned the tables on her attorney.

And her atty. to me it seems came up with some story maybe on her own of saving Kouri and her stupid "letter" by claiming it was in something confidential for her BUT Kouri's story isn't matching her own attorney's.

Anyhow here is one, I am liking this woman atty. lately and she is not sensational but she isn't dry like some attorneys either. She covers the legal sh*t but it's of bombshell stuff that the defendants themselves did but again covers the legal parts of how it could go.

But still in that covers the letters, the calls, etc. of course. And here is covering a call with her brother.


Posted at 2:01 PM, November 3, 2023 and last updated 5:00 PM, November 3, 2023

Richins was in court on Friday as prosecutors asked a judge to stop her from speaking to members of her family after finding what they allege was evidence of witness tampering in her cell. Richins denied the allegations in a phone call with her brother, saying what prosecutors referred to as a “Walk the Dog” letter was actually part of a “65-page novel” that she has been writing while behind bars.

Richins’ attorneys are fighting back in court and asked the judge to dismiss the charges against her, arguing prosecutorial misconduct. Richins’ attorneys said that the papers found in her cell were taken during an illegal search and have accused prosecutors of violating the gag order.

Skye Lazaro, one of Richins’ attorneys, said in court that prosecutors crossed the line by filing a motion that characterized Richins as guilty of witness tampering without filing additional charges or a criminal complaint.

While the judge argued that the letter itself may be introduced at trial, thus rendering pre-trial publicity of it moot, Lazaro argued that the state’s public filing tainted the jury pool: “The problem is that there is where the state has interpreted the letter in the way they want and has put out to the world and all the potential jurors that Kouri is lying.”

In response, Judge Richard Mrazik acknowledged the intense media attention the case has received, noting it’s even been seen overseas.

“This case was covered by the BBC. I don’t know that you’ll find a jurisdiction that is, certainly not in the state of Utah, that is going to be materially different than Summit County given the media saturation of this case.”
Lazaro said she does anticipate filing for a change of venue

Brad Bloodworth, representing the prosecution, argued that all the documents in the case are public and that the defense has every right to rebut the evidence if they choose. Bloodworth did acknowledge that jury selection would be longer than normal and require a larger jury pool than normal, “but there are people in Summit County who are not following this case.”

Referencing Gwyneth Paltrow’s recent lawsuit, held in the Summit County civil court, Bloodworth argued that the court is well-equipped to find an impartial jury.

Judge Mrazik denied the defense’s request to dismiss the charges, saying “When viewed in isolation, these comments raise concern that they would cause undue prejudice by tainting the view of potential jurors … but when read in context and given how these comments are anchored to evidence in the record and motions made by the parties, these comments are within the bounds of professional conduct.”

However, the judge said that steps can be taken to mitigate potential harm on the jury pool going forward, which includes a careful and long voir dire of jurors.

Taking up the motion for a no-contact order between Richins and her mother and brother due to allegations of witness tampering, Mrazik said he was inclined to deny the motion, largely because the “cat’s out of the bag” and the prosecution was aware of what she was saying because they had both her calls and the letter.

In return, Bloodworth proposed an order where Richins would only be allowed to speak to her mother and brother in the presence of counsel.

Lazaro argued that the state was alleging a crime without affording Richins any due process, and argued that the existence of the letter doesn’t translate to witness tampering.

Mrazik denied the state’s motion for a no-contact order, saying that the “status quo is that defendants’ communications with everyone, except her lawyer, are monitored, and the court is in no position to make that easier for the state.”

The judge also heard arguments on how to approach handling an envelope full of papers that were found inside Richins’ cell to determine whether or not the papers contained privileged information as well as motions regarding Richins’ access to her late husband’s assets and the civil cases she is facing from his family.
This is good. This woman is becoming one of my favorites and she is not speculative, she gives the legal explanations but isn't dry at all and is a bit fun imo.

If you know the gist of what defense and Kouri claim already and can't watch all, go to the 33 minute mark and wait for the prosecution filing blasting Kouri's attorney for the next minutes and at least watch that part BUT the whole thing is worth watching to get up to speed on these recent filings.

Yeah. O.K. Since you asked.
Judge Judy Eye Roll GIF

CBS’ ‘48 Hours’ investigates Utah woman charged with killing her husband​

A Utah woman charged with killing her husband takes center stage on CBS on Saturday night, when “48 Hours” airs “The People v. Kouri Richins.”

Reporter Natalie Morales will take viewers through the facts of the case. On March 3, 2022, Richins said she found her husband, Eric, dead in their bed, and that she had no idea what happened to him. She wrote a children’s book to help her own three children and other kids cope with grief, and promoted it in multiple television appearances.

However, tests revealed that Eric Richins died of a fentanyl overdose, and investigators believe Kouri Richins used the powerful drug to kill her husband. She was arrested and charged with murder 14 months after his death.

In the “48 Hours” report (Saturday, 8 p.m., CBS/Channel 2), Kouri Richins’ mother and brother come to her defense. Lisa Darden says her daughter “could not have done this. She’d never do this.” And Ronnie Darden says his sister says she’s “in jail over something she hasn’t committed.”

It’s an eerie echo of a July 2022 “48 Hours” episode in which the mother and sister of Lori Vallow Daybell insisted she was innocent and incapable of killing her son and daughter. Daybell was convicted of the crimes 10 months later.

Saturday’s “48 Hours” report sets the stage with footage of Kamas — “rural America in every way” — and describes the Richins as “the family next door … very connected, very loving, very bonded.” And as “the happy American couple.” Kouri Richins’ attorney., Skye Lazaro, contends that “Eric and Kouri were probably at the best place they’ve ever been in their marriage and seemed genuinely happy with each other.”
I'd hope they do cover Kouri telling her brother and mother what to say and the lies to tell and how she put her own aty Skye in a spot who is stupid to still be representing her except for maybe the want of a big case because any smart atty with ethics would have dropped this client's arse.

Sure, the best spot they'd ever been in in their relationship with him I guess trusting her enought to drink a Moscow Mule she'd made him. Did she seem as if she'd dropped her mission on that monstrosity of a house/flip she wanted and covered the money sh*t she was pulling which immediately almost on his death she financed?

Of course who knows... Another LDS one. Always money and image involved it seems. Faker than sh*t.

Then there is that other one, can't think of first name hitting news again right now, Gardner, I think bit profitable business called Stamp em up or something like that. I know enough but haven't followed closely.

I know a bit about but haven't followed closely that Ruby Frank and whatever tthe other woman's name is, also LDS. Several others I am forgetting right now. In better known cases igoing on right now. I want to say Doerman and Best?

This would be a post for that thread I don't know what I intended for but where I am talking of one subject but many cases.

Anyhow expect there to be a lot of PR and BS in the Richins one.

Within like a week, Skye had Kouri allowed to wear street clothes to every hearing. Hey, not a big deal. Just saing where the priorties lie while Kour smirked when hearing about her hub's suffering and then she has had those letters they want to go away she claimed to be a manuscript, etc. trying to tell her mom and brother what to say and do.

it's kind of like delph where the REAL pulled bs all of a sudden gets hushed as they do soething to distract from the screw up of their client... Kind of like Allen's confessions... Saddest part is the public just forgets or doesn't see WHY the distraction....?

Kouri Richins’ mom could have assisted in alleged poisoning of husband, detective said​

An unsealed search warrant shows Kouri Richins’ mother lost her partner under very similar suspicious circumstances.

The search warrant was served in 2023 just over a year after the death of Eric Richins. Eric Richins died from fentanyl poisoning in May 2022. Kouri Richins is charged with one count of criminal homicide relating to his death.

In the search warrant, detective Jeff H. O’Driscoll with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office wrote that he discovered the partner of Lisa Darden, Kouri’s mother, died in 2006. Darden’s partner died from an overdose of oxycodone.

O’Driscoll also noted that Darden had been named the partner’s beneficiary just before her death.

According to the search warrant, Darden’s partner did have prescriptions for oxycodone and struggled with prescription drug abuse. Despite this, she was not “in a state of recovery from addiction at the time of her death.”

O’Driscoll said it is clear that Kouri Richins is close with her mother based on a search of Kouri’s phone. According to O’Driscoll, Kouri and her mother would communicate daily about personal and business matters.

Additionally, O’Driscoll said some of these personal matters included conversations about Eric. These conversations, said O’Droscoll, suggest Darden held disdain for Eric.

“Based on Lisa Darden’s proximity to her partner’s suspicious overdose death, and her relationship with Kouri, it is possible she was involved in planning and orchestrating Eric’s death,” O’Driscoll wrote in the search warrant.
Nothing would surprise me with Kouri and perhaps that extends to her family, that's a real question. If her brother, mother and even her attorney have not helped do things they shouldn't have I this case, they all need to leave her high and dry and separate themselves.

The sense about Darden's partner did have prescripts for oxy and struggled and then it says despite this,was not in a state of recovery makes no sense to me at all. Maybe I'm just tired but it would make more sense for suspicion if it said the opposite.

Kouri imo is very bad news but yeah it could well be as it sometimes (not always) is that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

She was directing mom and brother of what stories to tell from jail as if she fully expected they'd go right along with it...
Well this is interesting, he has Megan Conner on to do with THIS case, that's Lori Daybell's cousin... I can think of some possible reasons though including LDS, family deaths more than one, murdering women... And she's an author as Kouri was... (with one book from Kouri about children's grief when she killed their dad, eyeroll--allegedly)...

She's back by popular demand by viewers he says...

KPCW | By Connor Thomas
Published March 28, 2024 at 4:48 PM MDT

A Kamas mom of three charged with murder now must reappear in court for an earlier crime.​

Kouri Richins pleaded no contest last February to assaulting the sister of her late husband two days after his March 2022 death.

The children’s book author is charged with his murder, and Summit County prosecutors say she believed she’d inherit his estate. Richins only learned her husband cut her out of the will and established a trust with his sister as trustee after he died.

When her sister-in-law informed her, Richins allegedly “became enraged” and punched her, court filings say.

She took a plea deal to settle the subsequent misdemeanor charge. Third District Court would dismiss the charge after a year if she abided by its terms.

Prosecutors argued in court March 19 Richins failed to pay a $1,105 plea fee by January 2024 and attend grief counseling or a thinking errors class within 90 days of her no contest plea.

Judge Brendan McCullagh threw out the first allegation because Richins is being held without bail for the duration of her pending murder trial.

“There's an automatic stay while people are in custody to have to pay fees, so the allegation that Ms. Richins violated this plea in abeyance would be that she did not provide to the court, or substantially comply with that order of the court, to provide proof of the completion within those 90 days,” he said March 19.

So McCullagh scheduled an evidentiary hearing for May 13, two days before a hearing will decide if Richins is put on trial for murder.

Ahead of the evidentiary hearing, the defense has provided receipts from a counselor for the required sessions, and prosecutors have subpoenaed that counselor.
Prosecutors ask judge to compel Kouri Richins divorce attorney to provide information
Prosecutors in the Kouri Richins murder case have asked the judge to compel her divorce attorney to come forward with new information.

They claimed Richins consulted the attorney two months before the death of her husband, Eric Richins, and said those communications are relevant to the state's case.

The motion, filed on April 11, calls on the judge to compel attorney Marie Bramwell to comply with a subpoena to produce “any and all records related to Kouri Darden Richins’ consultation with Marie Bramwell in connection with a possible divorce from Eric Eugene Richins, to include, without limitation, scheduling records, billing records, intake forms, correspondence, and meeting notes.”

The prosecutors claimed the communications between Kouri Richins and the divorce attorney are relevant to the state’s case by establishing Richins’ state of mind and a possible motive for the alleged murder.

They also said this information directly contradicts statements made by Richins’ defense attorney Skye Lazaro, who told CBS’ 48 Hours, “Eric and Kouri were probably at the best place they had ever been with their marriage and seemed genuinely happy with each other.”

Court records show Bramwell objected to the subpoena in February, claiming those communications as protected by attorney/client privilege. However, prosecutors claim Bramwell didn’t provide any “privilege log,” so they believe the details should not be protected.
Good for them. While atty client privelege is largely private it isn't in all cases. I am sure her atty who if I were her would have dumped this client by now will likely fiight bak on it. Skye of course I mean who hasn't dumped her because imo this is her big case even though Kouri has already thrown her own under the bus (or maybe true) and if it comes to it and her only way out she will again royally. Hard under the bus as she has come close to doing already.


And ya know stay off 48 Hours, etc. No fame seeking here. Nope none. None at all.
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