EVELYN BOSWELL: Tennessee vs. Megan Boswell for 2019 murder of daughter *GUILTY*

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The grandmother of missing toddler Evelyn Boswell and her boyfriend, William McCloud, have been released from jail on bond and required to wear ankle monitors that track their movements.

According to Public Information Officer Andy Seabolt of the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, McCloud was ordered to wear an ankle monitor before he was allowed to leave the jail on Wednesday.
The grandmother of a missing Sullivan County toddler told a judge on Wednesday that prosecutors are trying to make a criminal case out of a "civil matter."

Authorities investigating the disappearance of Evelyn Mae Boswell filed a car theft charge against the girl's grandmother, Angela Boswell, 42, and the grandmother's boyfriend, William McCloud, as a means to get both behind bars for questioning.

At the time, Evelyn's 18-year-old mother, Megan Boswell, claimed her mother — Angela Boswell — had a role in the toddler's disappearance, but Megan Boswell has since been charged with lying to authorities.

Angela Boswell and McCloud were arrested Feb. 21 in Wilkes County, North Carolina, on the car theft charge — a few days after Angela Boswell's estranged husband reported Evelyn missing and told authorities the child had not been seen since mid-December.
Missing baby Evelyn Boswell's great grandfather spoke out against the charges his daughter Angela Boswell and her boyfriend William McCloud are facing.
But, Jones says the car was a gift, not stolen.

"The day that my daughter received the car Hunter Wood sat in our living room and told my wife and I that he was giving Angela the car so she would have a way to take the kids to the doctor," Jones says.

Missing baby Evelyn Boswell's great grandfather spoke out against the charges his daughter Angela Boswell and her boyfriend William McCloud are facing.
But, Jones says the car was a gift, not stolen.

"The day that my daughter received the car Hunter Wood sat in our living room and told my wife and I that he was giving Angela the car so she would have a way to take the kids to the doctor," Jones says.

Circling the camp?
Missing baby Evelyn Boswell's great grandfather spoke out against the charges his daughter Angela Boswell and her boyfriend William McCloud are facing.
But, Jones says the car was a gift, not stolen.

"The day that my daughter received the car Hunter Wood sat in our living room and told my wife and I that he was giving Angela the car so she would have a way to take the kids to the doctor," Jones says.

Also this...

However, the police affidavit says Hunter Wood is not the owner of the car, his mother Melissa Wood owns the BMW.

so it really doesn't matter what Hunter said since it wasn't his car in the first place.
they take care of their own.

In the rural enclaves of Tennessee's Sullivan County, communities are lifting their voices for 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell, a chubby-cheeked, blue-eyed baby who hasn't been seen or heard from for more than two months and was only reported missing two weeks ago.
"I've never met here, but she is loved," resident Lindsey Carter Reimer told InsideEdition.com. "She's a baby girl, and I'm a mom, and I just can't imagine losing my child."

Reimer posted on social media that folks should put out pink and purple porch bulbs to light the way home for a little girl whose mother and grandmother have been arrested in connection with her disappearance, while no one in her family appears to know — or will say —what happened to her.

She said she decided on pink and purple because the colors are very popular with little girls. She has received Facebook messages and photos from people who've put out their own colorful porch lights, some from as far away as West Virginia.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said they believe they have found the remains of missing 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell.

"We have a heartbreaking update in the search for #EvelynBoswell. This evening, authorities found remains believed to be those of the missing 15-month-old. An autopsy is pending and the investigation remains ongoing. Thank you for your support during this difficult process," the TBI tweeted.


TBI: Remains believed to be of Evelyn Boswell found at family member’s home

Authorities believe they have recovered the remains of missing 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell.

According to the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, investigators searched the home of a family member in the 500 block of Muddy Creek Road on Friday evening after receiving new information in the case.

The sheriff’s office says the property belongs to a family member of Evelyn’s mother, Megan Boswell. Tommy Boswell Sr., Evelyn’s grandfather, lives at the home. Tommy told News Channel 11 in February that he called the Department of Children’s Services to report Evelyn missing.

TBI: Remains believed to be of Evelyn Boswell found at family member’s home

Tommy Boswell Sr., Evelyn’s grandfather, lives at the home. Tommy told News Channel 11 in February that he called the Department of Children’s Services to report Evelyn missing.

TN lawmakers propose "Evelyn's Law" to require parents to report missing children

How is it that this wasn't law already!! It's disgusting and about time that change! It would be at least a tiny bit of good to come from sweet Evelyns death.

Rest in peace little one.💜🕯:angel:
Just seeing this. Well I guess that she is alive and safe with someone and she knows who (per Megan) and a ton of her other lies now ARE clearly lies.

I don't even have words. This poor child and who dare she or they do this to an innocent??! $@!#!!! May the perp(s) ROT. I need to go read this all and don't really want to.

RIP Sweet Baby Evelyn, may justice for you prevail.

TBI: Remains believed to be of Evelyn Boswell found at family member’s home

Authorities believe they have recovered the remains of missing 15-month-old Evelyn Boswell.

According to the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, investigators searched the home of a family member in the 500 block of Muddy Creek Road on Friday evening after receiving new information in the case.

The sheriff’s office says the property belongs to a family member of Evelyn’s mother, Megan Boswell. Tommy Boswell Sr., Evelyn’s grandfather, lives at the home. Tommy told News Channel 11 in February that he called the Department of Children’s Services to report Evelyn missing.

Does this mean she was found inside the dwelling? Or is this wording meant where home means on the property? I am just now reading all of this.
Does this mean she was found inside the dwelling? Or is this wording meant where home means on the property? I am just now reading all of this.
it says the search was the property, so I'm thinking the land part by that wording and they all lived there. This sure is one effed up family and i have no idea which one of them is responsible, other than the mom's constant lying makes me blame her the very most.

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