EVELYN BOSWELL: Tennessee vs. Megan Boswell for 2019 murder of daughter *GUILTY*

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In court, Angela Boswell told the judge she wanted to return home to look for her granddaughter.

McCloud told a judge in court neither he nor Angela Boswell knew the car had not been paid for and had been given the vehicle by Megan Boswell. He referred to Angela Boswell as his girlfriend. He also claimed he did not know about the AMBER Alert investigation.

Authorities are expected to return the couple to Sullivan County.

In court, Angela Boswell told the judge she wanted to return home to look for her granddaughter.

McCloud told a judge in court neither he nor Angela Boswell knew the car had not been paid for and had been given the vehicle by Megan Boswell. He referred to Angela Boswell as his girlfriend. He also claimed he did not know about the AMBER Alert investigation.

Authorities are expected to return the couple to Sullivan County.


This morning, on HLN, they had a person from LE on. He flat out stated that the mother of Evelyn, Megan Boswell, had changing stories. They so often hold things back. He did not say she was the or a suspect but he did say her stories keep changing, like of who she was with last, etc. They chase down each lead as they should. (Paraphrasing).
I have watched it but having trouble linking without a lot of garbage attached to the link. It was on a Fox Affiliate, shared through FB and YouTube, etc. I just can't find a more direct link that works.

I think I am losing my mind. I had not seen that one before that you linked but it was the same guy I think/pretty sure. I just watched one maybe 1/2 or so ago (when I went to share it) and they had the press asking him questions etc. and he said he was the public information officer for PBI. Now I go to look for it and can't find it. Or it is the wrong one. Probably my mistake. Strange though. Or maybe it was live and will be uploaded in time but I did not think so.


The grandmother of missing 15-month-old Evelyn Mae Boswell is being extradited back to Tennessee from North Carolina after being arrested Friday.

Deputies with the Wilkes County Sheriff’s Office found a gray BMW that was reported stolen and was the subject of a BOLO in relation to Evelyn’s disappearance.

Both Angela Boswell and William McCloud, her boyfriend, were charged with possession of stolen property.

Boswell was also arrested on an out-of-state warrant for violation of probation.

The couple appeared in court in Wilkes County, North Carolina Monday morning.

Wilkes County Public Information Officer Logan G. Kerr told News Channel 11 Monday afternoon that Boswell has been released from jail in North Carolina and is being extradited back to Tennessee.

The mother of 15-month-old Evelyn Mae Boswell claims she has “full confidence” her toddler will be found.

“The [police] team is really good,” Megan “Maggie” Boswell told WCYB News 5. “I can confidently say that … I know that they’re doing their best to find her. I’m not worried that … they’re not just sitting around and twiddling their thumbs. I know that they are trying genuinely.”

Evelyn was last seen sometime in December, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, but she was officially reported missing last Tuesday, several weeks after she vanished. Police have said that her mother, Maggie Boswell, has given them “conflicting and inaccurate” information about the little girls’ whereabouts.

Authorities first learned Evelyn was missing after hearing from her grandfather, who stated that he had not seen the toddler since the holidays.

Boswell described Evelyn to the news station, describing her as a “smart” little girl who had just started talking.

“She’s really sweet,” she said. “She loves to give people kisses. Her favorite song is ‘Baby Shark.’ Her favorite food is sweet potatoes, and she’s allergic to carrots.”

When asked why she didn’t report the little girl missing, Boswell claimed she was afraid the person she said took her daughter would disappear.

“Well, the reason I didn’t report it or anything was I knew the person who had her, and I didn’t want them to run away with her,” Boswell told the news station. “And as soon as they thought anything was going on, they just kinda vanished. So I’m just kinda worried, you know, about where they are at. What they’re doing with her at this point in time.”

While she declined to name names, she told the station the girl was with a babysitter she trusted to watch her daughter while she was at work.

VIDEO: Grandmother of missing Evelyn Boswell, boyfriend, appear in N.C. court on charges unrelated to AMBER Alert

Both Boswell and McCloud were charged with possession of stolen property.

Boswell was also arrested on an out-of-state warrant for violation of probation.

Boswell entered the courtroom on Monday without handcuffs and only spoke when the judge addressed her extradition.

Boswell waived her legal representation in regards to extradition and agreed to be extradited back to Tennessee.
What mother would even say something like this????

That was one of the things in the video I saw, she was with her mother, then a sitter, etc., etc. Whoever said first this has shades of Casey Anthony I think was right on it. I am going to go look again, I may have to link the video from YouTube or FB. Not a big deal interview but so odd it seems to not be around now...

Here, let's try this:
View: https://www.facebook.com/foxnashville/videos/798635133983247/UzpfSTEwMDMyNjQ0NTY6Vks6NTIyMzMzNDAxNzQ2Nzk1/?source_id=2239174006406777
The mom came across as such sweetness and light the other day on TV about her baby girl, the grandmother and bf looked like addicts of something and not stellar in their mug shots... I hate being judgmental. And yet, it is Evelyn's mom whose stories seem to be not adding up from the little we know so far anyhow. What adult child gives their parent a supposedly unpaid for car? What parent and their boyfriend allegedly drive it and don't check to see if it is registered, paid for, etc.? For probably almost two months? Well, at least the child has been allegedly missing that long.. This is an odd one and LE has said as much too, they haven't seen anything like it they say and they know more than we do....

And then I would like to know if the real original owner of the BMW reported it stolen and that he/she was unpaid and provided a plate number...? And if they did not, why?? I don't know about the baby but I think the BMW is going to connect to parties that all know each other... Only way I can make sense of it, or did not want to report something for their own reasons...

Just talking out loud.
The mom came across as such sweetness and light the other day on TV about her baby girl, the grandmother and bf looked like addicts of something and not stellar in their mug shots... I hate being judgmental. And yet, it is Evelyn's mom whose stories seem to be not adding up from the little we know so far anyhow. What adult child gives their parent a supposedly unpaid for car? What parent and their boyfriend allegedly drive it and don't check to see if it is registered, paid for, etc.? For probably almost two months? Well, at least the child has been allegedly missing that long.. This is an odd one and LE has said as much too, they haven't seen anything like it they say and they know more than we do....

And then I would like to know if the real original owner of the BMW reported it stolen and that he/she was unpaid and provided a plate number...? And if they did not, why?? I don't know about the baby but I think the BMW is going to connect to parties that all know each other... Only way I can make sense of it, or did not want to report something for their own reasons...

Just talking out loud.
The kind where they are all just as guilty as each other in what has happened to this little girl.
Within one week? That's extremely generous.
I don't think there's a timeline on Caylee's Law? Maybe it depends on the state. But it makes it a felony (in most states it's been enacted in) to not report a child missing.

Tennessee lawmakers weigh in on 'Evelyn's Law' petition

An online petition pushing for legislation that would require parents to report a missing child to authorities within one week has more than 9,000 signatures.

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