OK, so I’m confused about the next morning. Did they not contact anybody until around 10 or 11 AM? Do you think they were sobering up because they really weren’t sure what was going on?
This is something legitimately wondered since the beginning of this case. These texts and calls now show a few things and I take them to be complete, for Court purposes?
Communications clearly end between D and B in the early morning hours at least by phone calls and texts, there aren't any after that. This means to me they got together most likely. IF they crashed separately meaning both in fear fell asleep and weren't up any longer (that's two people doing that, not as likely) then one would think there would be texts later in the morning of are u up yet, I'm still scared, come upstairs, come downstairs, let's meet in the kitchen, etc., is it safe? there's nothing. For D to run down to B's room would seem a pretty big risk too when she had seen this guy but maybe she did, and maybe they both crashed together which would explain no further texts or calls. Then when there finally is a call to 911 it is about one unconscious person.
This is definitely going to come up at trial, those missing hours and why it took so long. Certainly most put it down to drinking, drug use, getting things out of the house, fear of being charged for those things, etc. but it is going to come up, the D isn't going to leave it alone and the roommates and P will have to explain it. Imo anyhow.
I'm not convinced BOTH crashed although it's definitely possible. If you're in fear someone is in your house that is bad, I'm sorry, I don't think you fall back asleep, but it's possible maybe if she got to B's room and they felt safe at some point. Or something on that order. I'm basing it on life, that you wouldn't fall back asleep, have you ever felt someone was in the room or house with you in the middle of the night and for good reason? No, you don't fall back to sleep in my experience. HOWEVER, it is possible and all had been out and drinking so I'm not saying it isn't possible either.
It is though an area and question that is going to come up at trial imo. It won't absolve him but it is something most don't understand, here we are asking it here, so jury is going to need it explained I think, and before the D tries to do something with it.