ISABEL CELIS & MARIBEL GONZALES: Arizona vs. Christopher Clements for murder of girls in 2012 & 2014 *GUILTY*


Isabel was 6 years old when she vanished from her parents' east-side home in April 2012. Maribel was 13 years old when she went disappeared while walking to a friend’s house in 2014.

Maribel's body was found a few days after she went missing. Isabel's remains were not located until March 2017.

Defense urges separate trials in Tucson child murders​

Attorneys for Christopher Clements, the man charged in the murders of six-year-old Isabel Celis and 13 year old Maribel Gonzalez are trying to have the cases broken into separate trials.

Six-year-old Isabel Celis and 13-year-old Maribel Gonzalez disappeared about two years apart. Maribel Gonzalez body was found three days after she was reported missing. Five years went by before the remains of Isabel Celis were found and identified. Because they were juveniles the attorneys refer to the girls as I-C and M-B.

Christopher Clements was not in court for this latest hearing.

Prosecutors say the two cases tie together and tie to Christopher Clements because when Clements tried to bargain his way out of some unrelated charges, he led investigators to Celis remains in a remote part of Avra Valley.

They were less than a mile from where Maribel Gonzalez body was found. Investigators say they found traces of Clements DNA on the older girl’s body.

Clements attorneys are trying to convince Superior Court Judge Deborah Bernini it’s not fair to try Clements for both murders in one trial. They argue Clements wants to testify in his own defense in the Celis case.

Defense attorney Joseph DiRoberto says, “It’s imperative that he testify in counts one through three. He has to explain how he led investigators to I-C’s remains back in 2017. He has to explain that. He has to take the stand and explain that.”

But if he does testify, and the two murders are in one trial, he would be vulnerable to prosecutors’ questions in Maribel Gonzalez murder while he’s on the witness stand.

Prosecutors argue similar crimes and similar locations for the remains tie the case together.

Judge Bernini did not rule right away. She will take some time to decide on the issue of separate trials and on a separate issue on what evidence jurors will be able to consider.


The jury gave a note to the judge stating they were at a deadlock on the murder charge. Jurors deliberated more than nine hours over two days before announcing their decision. Prosecutors plan to try Clements again with a different jury. “At this point, a new trial date will be ordered, and a new jury will have to be chosen to decide the matter. Our thoughts tonight remain with the Celis and Gonzalez families,” Pima County Attorney Laura Conover said in a statement.
REALLY?! That makes absolutely no sense to me. He knows who did it, But it wasn't him. So some jurors believed this?!. Come on. The web searches, Her name even. Pictures in his phone. And a Bible. Do they need to take I.Q. tests now for jurors?.

Celis family issues statement​

When the judge declared a "Mistrial" in the Christopher Clements murder-kidnapping trial, it caught many people by surprise... Including former jurors in the Maribel Gonzalez trial.

Clements maintains his innocence according to his attorney.

Clements will be back in court at the end of the month to decide a new trial date.

However sources tell News 4 Tucson the final vote was 11 to convict and one to acquit.

"It only takes one in a criminal case to hang up a jury," said Kessler.

The Celis family issued a statement to News 4 Tucson.

It reads "We very much want another trial. We are grateful to the prosecutors for going forward with a second trial because all we want is justice for Isa."
I have had absolutely no time or life but the rare moment I try to keep up I check the case threads. And see your remarks like this and no kidding and I feel the same, it has gone crazy, all for the defendants, the perps, letting them out, not sentencing them for long enough, trials delayed by eons for no reason, appeals the same.

And even in the states the death penalty still exists, it has lost its teeth or appeals go on so long that it is all just a bunch of BULLSH*T!!

Murderous raping thugs walking our streets because of why???? Pansy arses in office or in courtrooms? They don't care? Or political? Or just have no balls?
I agree with you both. I don't think the DP is a deterrent for most of these monsters. And it should NOT take 20-30 years to get around doing it. Also, I would hate to be a judge during one of these trials because I would clearly be on the prosecution's side and not the defense. I sometimes think that the courts are too bound up in making sure the accused has a fair trial. Was it fair when he killed someone's daughter, sister, whoever? Not to me. There are just too many children killed before they have the chance to live.
Many have tried to outlaw the DP, and saying that the lethal injection is not humane. If I was about to be executed and was given a choice, I definitely would want that injection. (Eve though I hate needles) Because all the other means that have been used over the years were pretty cruel and probably painful. They should put these murdering monsters in front of a firing squad as soon as the judge hears the verdict.
@MamaDee943 You have said some of the exact things I have. The penalty taking decades to carry it out. When monsters like Richard Ramirez who was on death row in 1985, Died on death row in 2013 IIRC from illness. He was one of the sickest SOB'S!!! It's beyond ridiculous! Lethal injection is too easy. When other methods have been deemed inhumane. WHAT?! The suffering their victims went through was extremely worse. As far as I am concerned, They should take them out In the most painful way possible. I can't believe that when people read or watch a program on them. That after they don't agree with the death penalty. IMO. If you take a life, You shouldn't keep yours. I believe the death penalty should be federal so it is in EVERY state. We don't have it here. I wish Texas would get on with Darlie Routier. IIRC That goes back to 1996. Both of those boys would be in their late 20's or early 30's to the best of my recollection. She's been on the docket several times.

Jurors in Isabel Celis case speak out​

Since the judge declared a mistrial in the Christopher Clements murder-kidnapping trial, two weeks ago many have wondered how jurors could not unanimously agree to convict the alleged killer.

The former jurors asked not to be identified one told News 4 Tucson, "It's frustrating when so much time effort and emotional energy was put into this and some essentially is unwilling to look at the facts for face value."

News 4 Tucson interviewed four former jurors. Not only did they not want to be identified, they didn't identify the lone juror who voted not guilty.

Another juror said, "To me there was no doubt Christopher Clements was guilty."

The trial lasted three weeks. When deliberations began the jurors took a secret vote.

They said they knew then there was one person who wasn't convinced of Clément's guilt. They also said they had a difficult time getting that juror to open up when they finally did.

"The one juror who caused this to be a mistrial they vocalized that they were not operating on the grounds of reasonable doubt they were operating on the grounds of all doubt.'"

Other jurors tried to explain the jury instructions per the judge. "That one juror said there wasn't enough evidence I need something like a video, that shows the crime in progress, DNA, all that kind of stuff."

Jurors say the judge and the state did a great job explaining it was all circumstantial evidence.

When they tried to explain that to the holdout juror they said the juror responded, "I do not think they said it's a life here, was what they had said." The jurors who voted guilty responded, " We said yes we know we also have evidence that this person took a life."

After day and a half the jurors agreed they couldn't deliberate any more. So they told the judge they were deadlocked at 11 to convict and one to acquit.

Now there will be a second trial on the Celis case.

One of the jurors commented, "They have to do it again and that's where I think I hope they can sleep at night because they didn't need to do it again."
Unbelievable. So juror ignores reasonable doubt and judge's instructions citing "all doubt" which means if they can't prove an alien could have beamed down and did it then there is a doubt.

Many don't understand reasonable doubt is not any outlandish possibility but this juror wasn't even following the court instructions which is what they are bound to. They didn't do their duty and follow the rules he/she was to abide by. The person should have to pay for the second trial. Honestly.
Unbelievable. So juror ignores reasonable doubt and judge's instructions citing "all doubt" which means if they can't prove an alien could have beamed down and did it then there is a doubt.

Many don't understand reasonable doubt is not any outlandish possibility but this juror wasn't even following the court instructions which is what they are bound to. They didn't do their duty and follow the rules he/she was to abide by. The person should have to pay for the second trial. Honestly.
I guess one of the questions that should be asked of all prospective jurors is if they could possibly ever convict on only circumstantial evidence.
I guess one of the questions that should be asked of all prospective jurors is if they could possibly ever convict on only circumstantial evidence.
Yeah, I have been so off of being able to follow things but don't jurors take an oath or some such? They definitely are questioned and are to follow jury instructions and this person didn't per the other juror. I think really that should be sanctioned but then I guess what that juror said about "All doubt" is hearsay BUT if all the other jurors heard it...

Not enamored with much any longer and seeing the stupidity of some of our rules. This person should have never made it on the jury if telling the truth and questioned appropriately and answering honestly imo.

O/T. How are you? How is your mom? I have been off here for so long. Have you started your plants? Every other day here yet is winter or so it seems despite the calendar says it is spring imminently.

Clements' lawyers claim bias, file motion to replace judge​

Lawyers for the man accused in the kidnapping and killing of 6-year-old Isabel Celis are seeking a new judge, saying the current judge’s “interest or prejudice” would prevent a fair and impartial trial.

Judge James Marner presided over both of Clements’ trials.

After the jurors were excused from service following Marner’s declaration of a mistrial, Marner said he was going to back to the jury room to thank the jurors for their service, according to the motion to remove Marner from the case, filed Monday in Pima County Superior Court by Scottsdale-based attorney Eric Kessler.

“Judge Marner did not invite the attorneys to meet with him and the jury, nor did Judge Marner conduct his... discussion with the jury on the record or with a court reporter,” according to the motion.

The jurors told the Star that after Marner declared a mistrial, he came back to the jury room to thank them and told them about Clements’ previous conviction in connection with Maribel’s kidnapping and murder.

“While Judge Marner thought it appropriate to inform the jury of a substantial fact that was properly withheld from the jury... Judge Marner did not inform the jury of other critical facts withheld from the jury that led Tucson Police Department to suspect Sergio Celis of complicity in (Isabel’s) disappearance,” the motion said.

Marner should not have said anything to the jurors about any facts that were withheld, according to the motion.

“Judge Marner’s decision to improperly tell the jury negative information about Mr. Clements, yet withhold comment about incriminating facts regarding Mr. Celis, shows bias and prejudice against Mr. Clements,” the motion said. “As a result, the ... article in the Daily Star only reflected negatively on Mr. Clements, even though Judge Marner was aware that the defense raised a third-party culpability defense and would most assuredly do so again in a retrial of these counts.”
Reasonable doubt.... that is a subject that has been discussed many times. There is a reason why the word 'reasonable' was put into that phrase. I can remember when the statement was 'beyond a shadow of doubt.' Yep, just imagine how many people got away with murder because one or more jurors kind of maybe felt that they had a shadow of doubt.
Good point.

I think many people don't understand what reasonable doubt is. I see it all of the time in discussions of cases.

Sarah Lapidus
Arizona Republic
April 26,2023

TUCSON ― Attorneys defending a man who killed a teenage girl in Tucson in 2014, and whose trial in the death of 6-year-old Isabel Celis was declared a mistrial, alleged the judge showed bias against him.

A motion the attorneys submitted to change the judge was denied Wednesday in Pima County Superior Court.
Good point.

I think many people don't understand what reasonable doubt is. I see it all of the time in discussions of cases.
Exactly! They need to be aware that most of the evidence in murder trials is deemed circumstantial. And this juror says he needs some kind of direct evidence, like a video of the crime while it's happening.... REALLY?? How many murderers do we know that set up a camera and tape the crime as it is happening? And what judge in his right mind would allow that to be shown to the jury much less the people in the courtroom? Gosh, I'm going to have to find a new hobby, these cases of kidnapped and murdered children are too much anymore.
Sometimes I just get so sick of all the monsters in this world and the awful things that happen to people because of them.
Exactly! They need to be aware that most of the evidence in murder trials is deemed circumstantial. And this juror says he needs some kind of direct evidence, like a video of the crime while it's happening.... REALLY?? How many murderers do we know that set up a camera and tape the crime as it is happening? And what judge in his right mind would allow that to be shown to the jury much less the people in the courtroom? Gosh, I'm going to have to find a new hobby, these cases of kidnapped and murdered children are too much anymore.
Sometimes I just get so sick of all the monsters in this world and the awful things that happen to people because of them.
I can barely take some of the child cases and the details. Well all of them but some even more than others.

How a juror like that even got past questioning I'll never understand. Clearly they weren't honest because all of those things should have come up if they couldn't follow a judge's rules, the rule of the law and jury instructions.

One juror cost the victims' families a ton of pain and a whole lot of people a lot of time and money.
What's that juror's address?. I would love to talk face to face to ask all their reasoning in person. I would have to look at them. Are they new?! There have even been convictions with plenty of circumstantial evidence where there is no doubt who the killer is.

By: Associated Press
Posted at 9:25 AM, May 03, 2023
and last updated 12:25 PM, May 03, 2023
TUCSON, AZ — A man already convicted of murdering a Tucson teenager in 2014 is scheduled to be retried in the kidnapping and death of a 6-year-old girl.

Pima County prosecutors said the retrial of 41-year-old Christopher Clements is scheduled to begin on Sept. 12 and last four weeks.

Suspected child killer's retrial could start in September​

The retrial of Christopher Clements in the Isabel Celis murder case is scheduled to start Sept. 12, but News 4 Tucson learned Monday it could be pushed back until early next year.

Clements was in court Monday for a status conference, sitting beside one of his lawyers.

A pre-trial hearing on a separate matter involving Order of Discovery and what evidence can be presented at trial is set for June 26.

One of the defendant's lawyers may have a conflicting case up in Phoenix in September which could postpone the trial several months.

Clements will be back in court for a status conference on July 10.

The other possible start date for the retrial is Feb. 6, 2024.

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