JOSHUA "JJ" VALLOW, TYLEE RYAN, TAMMY DAYBELL, & CHARLES VALLOW: State of Idaho/Arizona vs. Lori & Chad Daybell *GUILTY*


Police seem to be no closer to finding 7-year-old Joshua “JJ” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan than they were when this story began months ago.

Since that time, the story has gained international attention as it’s taken twists and turns involving a purported cult, dead spouses, delusions of divinity and preparing for the end of the world. Despite all the angles, and the ever-growing number of people related to the case, the facts remain essentially the same as when it was first announced.

The two children remain missing and the parents, Lori (Vallow) Daybell, and her new husband, Chad Daybell, refuse to disclose their whereabouts to police. Both have been named persons of interest in the disappearance of the children. Law enforcement is also investigating the deaths of the Daybells’ previous respective spouses, Charles Vallow and Tammy Daybell, though neither Chad nor Lori have been named suspects in those cases.

Written timeline of events
  • April 3, 2018 - Tylee Ryan's father, Joseph Ryan, dies. Death ruled heart attack.
  • December 2018 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow make first appearance on Preparing a People podcast.
  • February 2019 - Charles Vallow files for divorce from Lori, claiming she viewed herself as a god preparing for the second coming, and she would kill him if he got in her way.
  • February - April 2019 - Lori disappears for nearly two months, leaving her children with others.
  • June 2019 - Lori's niece demands a divorce from her husband, who says she shares similar beliefs to her aunt.
  • July 11, 2019 - Charles Vallow shot and killed by Lori's brother Alex Cox. Shooting initially ruled self-defense.
  • August 2019 - Lori moves to Rexburg, Idaho with kids
  • September 3, 2019 - Joshua "JJ" Vallow enrolled in school
  • September 23, 2019 - JJ last attended school
  • September 24, 2019 - Lori unenrolls JJ from school, saying she would be homeschooling him.
  • September 2019 - Tylee also seen in September, but it's unclear when and where (she had graduated early)
  • October 2, 2019 - Lori's niece's ex-husband was shot at, missing his head by inches. Shooter was driving a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow.
  • October 9, 2019 - Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, called 911 and said a masked man shot at her with a paintball gun.
  • October 19, 2019 - Tammy Daybell dies, death is ruled natural
  • October 25, 2019 - Tylee, or someone using her phone, texts a friend
  • Late October / Early November 2019 - Chad Daybell & Lori Vallow get married
  • November 26, 2019 - Welfare check requested for JJ at the request of extended family - police are told he is in Arizona with family, but he is not
  • November 27, 2019 - Police return to serve a search warrant, finding the Daybell's gone
  • December 12, 2019 - Lori's brother, who had shot her ex-husband, dies mysteriously in Arizona
  • December 20, 2019 - Search for JJ and Tylee goes public
  • December 30, 2019 - LE says Lori knows where her children are but will not cooperate
  • January 25, 2020 - Chad & Lori are located in Hawaii, served with a notice that she must produce the children within 5 days
  • January 30, 2020 - Lori fails to produce JJ and Tylee


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Prior was trying hard to get Colby to say that Lori was the dominate person in the Lori-Chad relationship. Instead, Colby said she could be influenced by Chad.
Did you watch Colby testify? I may have to find time to watch at least him and David Warwick from today's. Nothing else have I been too concerned about actually watching all since I can't do so or keep up but those two I'd like to see.
So I said no Delphi, not a problem truly, as this was back on today and on breaks kept up with all basically. Thank you @Tresir for providing them steadily through each day!

Kaitlyn is the one covering for Nate while he is at a friend's wedding AND he and Erica are also celebrating their anniversary while on their trip.

Kaitlyn also is doing Nate's nightly recap on YT so I'd just add there are top notch news people on YT. In fact, some seem to have a misconception of what it is and the quality of who can be found there. We follow his Tweets all day, what are they called now that it is X? By the way lol, but I guess his show on YT is different as it is a different platform. I don't get that. Anyhow, it's a great summary he does as are the tweets for those that can't watch and it pulls key things from the day out of the testimony and Tweets. And he has done it with hearings and all other things when no one is even looking to watch the tweets throughout this trial.

Anyhow here is Kaitlyn and she did a great job for Nate all day and now tonight!

I wonder if anybody will be tweeting out since Nate is gone this week? It’s not a problem to keep up on social media when I’m at work, but it is a problem if there’s noise. :sigh:

Not everyone I work with cares about this case. I don’t know why not? But there’s a guy who likes to keep up with all the political drama, so I don’t want him to be able to listen to his because I wouldn’t want to have to hear it. It’s fair.
going back now. He told us in his show where he was going, why and that Kaitlyn would be covering for him. I haven't caught every single one but think I've only missed one, maybe two. however just saying he left no one high and dry he covers daily and nightly and informed of that.

so all can sigh in relief, it is covered. he has it covered and she now has it covered because he covered it with her. lol.

Monday 22nd - 1st update​



Please excuse any typos – these updates are live.

9:24 a.m. Attorneys are back in the courtroom. Boyce says we are taking an early mid-morning break.

9:22 a.m. Hearing that Colby Ryan, Lori Vallow’s son, is at the Ada County courthouse today.

9:18 a.m. The attorneys are taking a sidebar with Judge Boyce while they discuss the next exhibit as Prior will begin cross-examination of Hart.

9:17 a.m. Hart says Chad’s greatest desire is to be with Lori. Tammy is still alive at this point. Hart says it is “telling” that Chad says he would immediately join Lori if he could.

9:15 a.m. Hart says “telestial” references the lowest level or degree of glory of heaven in the LDS church. So telestial relatives is a reference to people who are in the lowest level of heaven.”

9:14 a.m. Lori then texts Chad, “I’m so alone without you!! It is devastating!!” Chad responds, “I feel so alone too. We are surrounded by telestial relatives that are simply obstacles. I’m so sick of it!! Lori responds, “Me too!! What is it that you really want?” Chad says, “I want to be with you. That is my greatest hope and dream. I would happily join you tomorrow if it felt like heaven would not strike us down.”

9:12 a.m. Hart says there was never any indication that Chad was going to get divorced from Tammy.” Chad then texted Lori, “You are right. Put me aside until things change. Yes, the pain is unbearable. Lori says, “R u going to threaten me that I’m unprotected for doing so?” Chad replies, “Absolutely not. I’m so upset at the circumstances that I am demanding they protect you more than ever.”

9:11 a.m. Chad then says, “But I will leave you alone, as excruciating as that will be, until I hear from you.” Lori responds, “U can’t say to me nothing else matters. Because everything is before me. If that’s what the Lord wants then I’m. I just need to do something else so I can pull myself out of this deep despair. It’s not like me to be this way. it’s been way too much for way too long.” Lori also says, “The pain is unbearable.”

9:08 a.m. Chad responds, “Oh, honey. That is so crushing, I feel so destroyed inside. You know my love for you is deep and real. I want change, I’m constantly begging for change. I want you. Nothing else matters. But I am hindering your life, and you deserve better. I love you so intensely.”

9:06 a.m. Lori then says, “If you really loved me, u wouldn’t want that either. ” She then tells him, “U should give all of you love and attention to your wife and family. I’m just a distraction. Go have fun with your family. I really to want you to. I just can’t be in the way anymore. If things change then we can talk. but we have nothing until things change anyway.”

9:05 a.m. Chad tells Lori, “No, but the next two days will be torture. Thankfully, I will be alone most of Wednesday and beyond.” Lori says, “Is that what He wants. For me to sit around waiting for you endlessly. And you miserably wasting time? Is just doesn’t feel right!” Chad says, “I’m so frustrated, I’m sorry honey. Lori responds, “U can’t just keep tearing my heart out. I really can’t take it anymore. I’m sorry.’ This is one month to the day after Charles Vallow’s death.

9:03 a.m. On Aug. 11, 2019, Chad texted, “I will join you! Partly why I am so sad is my Boise trip has turned into a trip with extended family. Not happy about it. “Lori says, “How much more of this can you take?” Chad responded, “They want to go to Craters of the Moon National Park. I can’t take much more. So trapped.” Lori says, “R we supposed to wait forever?” Chad is on vacation with Tammy and his family at the time.

9:01 a.m. The same night, Lori texted Chad, “Very good description of what just happened. Wish you were really here to experience this with me.” Later she texted him again, “Thank you for being mine. Wish I could wake up and kiss your sweet tender lips for real. You are my everything!” Hart says this indicated they were “using portals” to communicate with eachother, even though they understand it’s “not real, or really true.’

9 a.m. The next night, Lori sent Chad a photo of her on a beach wearing a yellow swimsuit with the text, “Surprises are waiting!!” Hart says this is an “example of how Lori Vallow manipulates Chad Daybell.”

8:58 a.m. Lori responded, “I love you.” Chad responded, “Thank you, my love. I will get things restored.”

8:57 a.m. Chad texted Lori, “Good night. Saddest day of my life. About half an hour later, he sent, “Grandpa Keith is here. I am supposed to warn you that you are unprotected. The angels are angry that you are ignoring me. I told him to go back, but he says he isn’t allowed to. I’m honestly not trying to manipulate you to respond, I understand that you need your space. But they say you have cut me off, and the protection I build around your house is gone. I love you and don’t want you getting attacked. They said if you at least give me a (?) it will restore our connection enough to give some protection.” Grandpa Keith is Lori’s deceased grandfather.

8:55 a.m Hart says the text messages show this was the first “big fight” they would had. Chad said his “heart was crushed” and he would never stop loving her.”

8:53 a.m. Hart says Chad had a family vacation planned when Lori and Melanie wanted to come visit. The fight between Chad and Lori was over the differences in their schedules.

8:51 a.m. Prior objects and Boyce sustains it, but reminds him twice to use his microphone. Prior says his microphone is not on, so the judge asks court staff to turn it on.

8:50 a.m. Hart says it struck him that there seemed to be a conflict between Lori and Chad in these text messages. Melanie Boudreaux and Lori were wanting to go to Rexburg to visit Chad on Aug. 7, 2019. At this time, Charles Vallow had been dead for almost a month.

8:49 a.m. Lori tells Chad, “Mel wants us to come up there tomorrow, but I said next Thursday to Sunday. What do you think?” She then texts Melanie Boudreaux, “We just had a big fight, Probably no go on next week.”

8:48 a.m. Hart describes the next slide that displays the life insurance documents showing Kay Woodcock was the beneficiary. Lori sent Chad proof of the change of beneficiary. We don’t see the slide because some personal information needs to be redacted.

8:47 a.m. Hart says the text messages show that Lori had found out that Charles Vallow had changed the beneficiary on his life insurance policy.

8:46 a.m. Lindsey Blake is continuing her questioning of Hart this morning. She shows a slide detailing text messages between Chad and Lori.

8:42 a.m. Jurors were just brought into the courtroom. Chad is sitting at the defense table wearing a light blue shirt and red tie.

8:41 a.m. Retired FBI Agent Doug Hart will be back on the stand this morning. Judge Boyce says he had a brief sidebar with the attorneys about removing commentary from an exhibit.

8:24 a.m. Hi everybody! Kaitlyn Hart with here today, filling in for Nate Eaton on his week off. I am not in the courtroom – but I will do my best to bring you minute-by-minute updates from the court’s livestream.
Hug for doing this every day!!
If I were on the jury and heard this testimony of how Chad says she's unprotected when she's not feeling the way HE wants her to feel, I would definitely believe that Chad was the mastermind leader. He's totally manipulating her. He only backs off when he thinks he may have went too far and she's on to him. I felt this way when this was testified in Lori's trial, too. Not that Lori doesn't do her own manipulations, but hers are sexual. His are spiritual.
He was the mastermind. Not that she didn't do her own sh*t and manipulation. However, he tried to control her with HER own grandpa just as he did to Tammy with her grandma. Such a freak. They both told the bigger group they were to lead the 144k including DAvid but again it was mainly Chad with the visions, the fact they were to lead, and so on.

THis KEy THING in their own texts is huge to the jury in this one understanding he controlled Lori or tried to just as TAmmy but the difference was Lori was his counterpart and only probably when not getting along was she ever unwilling to not do as he saw they were supposed to and you know she even wanted to herself (be kidless, etc. and have Tammy gone and so on and life insurance and more) and he probably did not have to do that trick with her much, he was desperate as she was mad about him not taking TAmmy out and going on a trip with her.

These things alone I think will be BIG to the jury especially when they wrap it all together and how he used dead grandparents to control both Tammy and Lori just for starters, or tried to with Lori. ANd it's in their own texts. HIs own. Idiots.

I still class each as bad as the other. She just needed someone to tell her she is special and give her all the power in the world to get rid of anyone she didn't want around or went against her and he wanted everyone she knew gone that would be any problem imo. Totally a duo but I think as I think I said last week even and back when even is deeper evil. By far. That's when I brought up too him taking JJ upstairs and I can see him murdering with his own hands AND enjoying it. As he did with Tammy. Most likely.
Looks like Melanie Gibb's husband, David Warwick, is on the stand now. He's known Chad since 2015! I didn't realize that before.
Melanie knew Chad before Lori and introduced them. These people have all been around this stuff imo and each other long prior, it's actually Lori I'm not so sure was until finding their podcasts and things like that. However, I can't say that I either knew he had known Chad for that long but some of these people like Julie Rowe for instance and Chad had podcasts and were not unknown at events and such and on radio.

I've always said I think many got off here that we don't even know of and there was a bigger bunch meeting and so on. And even the castings there were some other females at.

And as how much the church knew and going to down that road too, I'm not believing everything but I don't have it in me to go down those roads now but I will say I am not surprised re David knowing Chad or Melanie that long. I knew Melanie knew him, she may have even met him through David? You know it seemed as if Lori was a married housewife with kids who was not overboard into the church stuff if one heard Charles. Mel G too had kids and maybe she too and her first hub (if married--I would assume she was) she wasn't down this road or overboard, hard to say, for us anyhow. Maybe they looked for women like this... Lori was divorcing Charles and then had him killed. No idea off to of my head if Mel G left her hub and went to David. Mel P. started going off the wall and divorcing her hub and getting weird on him. And he is lucky HE is alive. And went to Ian. All married women with kids who did not seem to have bad marriages, who can tell, got into this stuff or this man or men and pretty soon look what happens...

UGH! People who think they are gods are nothing but narcissistic and self-absorbed!!!!

I will have to hear David's testimony as to not believing all this etc. and hopefully see his face. I do know he claimed experiences too and may have even did a book/s. Can't recall exactly. I'd point out he can't name everyone there and said he didn't know all and that shows how much bigger this was and of interest to those there than just those named.
It really is crazy, isn't it? Maybe she sees things that aren't there and Chad looks like Fabio.
Fabio is pretty old these days but I get your point lol.

Maybe Chad tells her with all his reincarnations (he has another word for all their other lives can't think of it right now) in this one he is really Fabio (or insert who was hot) in this lifetime but others can't see it, only she can see he looks that way and is that person with her special goddess powers.

I read the tweets on break and was glad I hadn't had lunch when he talked of his lips. YEEE---UCK. Not like we haven't heard the texts before but every single time, no, spare me.
Do you think the plan changed at that point and that is why JJ, Tylee and Tammy were murdered? If Lori had got that million, would they still be alive?
Well Tammy was the life insurance that did come through and I think that was definitely a key reason but also Lori was wanting her gone and dark and Chad put her dark but no one was killing her and Alex missed...

The kids I think truly was Chad but that she had absolutely no problem with it as she knew he "man" wanted her kidless. I also see though kids were a plan of no one's here. I've been right on other things or recall so trust me or not, but Mel's kids were on it. Mel B/P. Pretty certain. And they tried to get her kids remember? Can't kill them when they are with Brandon. That's MY thought and she was right up there in Rexburg living with Alex, Lori or next to and some think with Alex when he shot at Brandon PLUS Alex went with her to try to steal her kids and possibly kill him or his parents, who the heck knows. And then I am fuzzier on this Lori freaked someone out or in hindsight she saw it was it the friend in Hawaii and talking of HER KIDS or something... She was to be part of the 144 but kids were not part of it or something on that order...

And they all of course had to leave spouses and marry someone else to be the right chosen ones and couples for God (again I'd not capltalize tHEIR God but this puter does it. Was this all Chad's made up stuff because that's how he convinced Lori to be with him and that Charles had to go etc, kids had to go but then to look like the visionary leader he was, he started doing this to all these other couples or "they" did.

I think FUNDING THEIR LIVES was a huge part of it. With life insurance. However, at the same time all who were not the chosen ones (that of course he chose and she with him probably at some points or hinted to him so and so is dark must be give me a rating) had to get rid of kids, be with different people, and be part of the plan, etc.

IN MY OPINION though all in the inner circle were part of the plan and mostly fully in. Or all in.

It keeps coming to mind how Mel P called Chad "dad". Or was it Lori who said to her your "dad" said. No I think itw as Mel P.

They are all freaking weird and beyond. That anyone could entertain or fall for this sh*t is beyond me. BUt there is plenty of this kind of thing around this "religion". Or at least they do things that help cause such at minimum. All the authors, all the podcasts, all the feeding the people kind of sh*t, all that those with visions are special and so everyone wants one and gravitates and believes those that say they have them. I mean excuse the acronym OMG. and almost all of them were actively in church, in temple, part of the church, Chad most certainly was and wanted to be chosen in church for a high position as well. Lori and Chad got "sealed" not the proper way but they did. Church doctrine.

This is just stuff I haven't thought of all of it in a bit but there is a theme here and was at trial that Chad wouldn't divorce Tammy. Well that's the church. However Lori was divorcing Charles. An dhad divorced before. Lori was not the long term marriage Chad had with Tammy ever in her life. Again I don't know what it is but in picking up a divorcing mother and Mel G had probably done the same, divorced or then did because her and David ultimately married... I don't know just something about the only way with Tammy would be not to divorce but that she have an evil spirit in her, die your, etc... But of course it's because of the LIFE INSURANCE, not Chad's fear of HE77. Lori also went back to Charles or tried to fake a reconciliation so she could CHANGE the life insurance. The reasons he changed beneficiary which was also Kay suggesting that is he found someone had accessed his life insurance account recently as he got an email or some such. Had set up an online account or log in or some such.

I'm wandering but money was DEFINITELY KEY WITH THESE TWO. Even with the lack of insurance from Charles' she had a windfall each month in the standards by most of us in payments. For not working, doing nothing, and faking she still had kids while she collected.

And I also recall something now I had not thought of in awhile and was it Annie Cushing that Lori said something about life is so whateve or the things in this world sometimes she'd think just driving her kids off a cliff or something would be better for them, save them, etc.? Or was it Kay? I am almost positive it was Annie.

I will stop.. None of us can identify imo with how these nuts think. However, I've never believed for a single solitary moment that Chad believes one word of a thing he says. Never. Not one time. It is his con and he has used in some degree or another with Tammy and probably throughout life. I don't think hek believes in the religiion even or in any of it. Lori is a bit harder but I feel pretty much likewise but came to find her perfect more evil, more cunning partner and crime and her toad choking baby fatted lover. The man though is evil to the core and even while on board with each other and things played her on some level as well imo.

But kids were also never supposed to be part. And since say Charles was not one of the 144K Lori could not be with him. Brandon wasn't. Alex didn't have a partner yet and so it had to be one that was one of them, told she was, whatever. All of it though was self serving and my guess is mainly from the root of all evil, Chad. I think Mel P was part though and don't think she ever resisted. I don't know. Just saying and dont' have the words to, there's more here. Money though is a huge part. WAy more than that here though to the evil Chad is and his need from it all. I hope a jury gets even a sense of this, of what this man is.
I have heard of Hector Sosa, maybe around the time I heard about Julie Rowe.
I've heard of him too. Somewhere or more than once along these years. I think there's also people they have done little about and should have or still should. OR LOOK INTO as lots was here back in early days that fast got shut down.
At this point, I think that Chad wanted anyone out of the way that was in the way. Tylee because she was standing up to her mom and possibly her mom's delusions, JJ because he needed too much attention, and Tammy because he wouldn't look as much like a prophet if he had the stigma of divorce. Personally, I don't think Lori would have killed her kids if Chad hadn't convinced her delusional self that it was okay to do so.

That's just IMO at this point. I don't think getting the life insurance policy would have helped them in the long run, it just might have allowed them to live longer.
Imo it was a no kids thing for the 144. All couples and had to be the right couples/people together.

However this is how Chad couched it all. The end was coming my goodness that July. I don't doubt his kids if Lori had asked him would have had to become part of the 144K with some new rule, Emma probably already was as she was married... I'm not saying his kids knew this or didn't or were ever told but that is likely what he said to the others in the group or some such or would dhave had they asked.

Of course I believe none of it and believe Chad knows and always did he is full of b.s. while he planned and committed or got people to do so his darkness cales and murders and more.

Lori I'm not so sure of but no way no how does a mother who truly cared no matter what crap they are fed and now believe feels nothing. She likely never did. For her kids I mean. Some claim so and she could clearly fake being the good wife and mother, etc. She was bleaching Tylee's hair when a tot. JJ she NEVER wanted. she can put on quite the show though, we have seen it in PD interviews and more. The woman had multiple marriages. She apparently quit having children. She'd had Colby young. Had Tylee with Joe and maybe it was early enough on she really thought Joe and her would make it and wasn't far gone yet but I don't know about that. Joe had bucks. A child ensures things. She never had another thereafter ever after other than Charles wanting to adopt JJ. And maybe he insisted she and he weren't going to have any of their own, I mean he was older and his sons were grown plus he sure saw the Joe mess and had her two kids to take care of as it was.

But I'm just saying all we have ever seen of Lori is surface sh*t or that anyone has imo. Look at her life from day one...

I mean maybe the best explanation is what most give, they were pretty much the perfect storm or maybe the most evil storm and then his unit is appropriaely named isn't it.

But I am in total agreement on him. But I think there's a lot more that makes him tick than money or getting rid of kids in the way. He gets a necessary THRILL peoplej kwould do this form him or what he says and his power to manipulate and he would and I think did kill himself and take pleasure in every moment of that power.

Lori I can leave somewhat up in the air but not totally. She had Colby asking for money all of the time (not blaming Colby and what parent has never experienced that?) and so he was not off and independent by a long shot, I think she wanted Tylee to be but needed her because she took care of JJ who she never wanted. And I can only suspect Tylee was coming beyond knowing and not willing any more to do mom's bidding and lies and manipulations or worry about mom's messed up ways and her blinders were off or coming off. Big time. Not me mom. She did not like Mel G and Mel G did not like her and I'm sure Chad wanted no part of her at least as far as ever going to be in his plan whatsoever. Neither was that boy. But I'm not so sure Lori was EVER the perfect mom she could portray. Tylee went to the PD what twice and gave the same story basically as her mom and Mel on one occasion and yet when Colby went over the day of Cahrles death Tylee opened the door and was upset but mom was in the back yard and just fine and never like these kids had just lost their "dad" they knew in that I think longest marriage she had anyhow. Did they mention it was a pool party...? Didn't see it in the tweets or was he later than that but it was back yard. AT least the poor kid knew where she lived then where Charles had just put her up at and she hadn't been there long.

the woman is not that delusional imo at all these times throughout.

And Tammy was never her EFFING FRIEND. Unless she and Chad played that on Tammy, I know a case where that was done. Or two. Have the lover gf actually befriend or meet the wife... BUT that's not the same as what Lori was doing in her statement after her trial. Tammy Daybell was myyyyy FRIEND. Said with heart. HUH? Or apparent heart more like it. That I guess could seem delusional right? HOWEVER she also told Charles when he threatened to tell Tammy about her and Chad that Tammy would not believe him as Tammy was her friend. Now THAT is different. That's lies or manipulaiton OR these two had TAmmy meeiting and thinking Lori was a new friend... And that's not delusion, that is plotting and manipulation or lies.

Two God knows when I'd like to go back and watch if I ever get a chance. Days off this week are not days off, it may be months. And when the Daybell children come on, OMG I would almost hope that is a day off for me. Because I am going to have to see or go back and see that. I still can't get over Emma sending Lori money and talking to her. I mean they blame her for all or so we thought. EMMA oh boy. I will NOT NOT watch that one. It's almost enough to make me wonder about Daddy's Little Helper...

Others I'd like to see live but more likely will have to hope I ever get time to go back and see wiill be Mel G. and definitely Mel P. However Mel P may be more cunning than Lori by far as she has made herself a possible problem with any side as to what will she do or say...

Audrey B. Now prosecution may no want her in this one as Lori threatened her and it was one of the most impactful remembered things at Lori's trial and the only time Lori let Archibald go at someone or so it seemed. Now P in this case is showing much Lori did too with the intent I am sure to tie it to Chad as the leader though and the conspiracy but would they rally want to show Audrey being threatened by Lori with Chad nowhere near when she did so... When of course defense wants to show Chad had no part and it was all Lori and in this case her and Lori were alon and it was. Unless they have texts with him telling her to do so or some such. So who knows with her if P will want her... But Prior might subpoena to show SHE/LORI led and did this evil threat to her all by her lonesome...

Summer I think feels Chad manipulates Lori and as she said to the effect of worrying when Lori wakes up one day and realizes what she did... So I can see putting her on.

Summer believes Lori loved those kids and was a good mom and of course we can't know but I don't think so. I think Lori has always been about Lori and I do take a lot from her cousin who with hindsight I think is a lot more on it than her own family. She spent a fair amount of time with Lori and with Alex. And she has woken up as far as the religion and is gone from LDS. ANd God at all actually. I think her clarity is and being able to look back and see is likely better than Lori's own. Jmho.

Anyhow i'll stop and no worries, dont' have much more in me and just has brought much back since the case is on and won't get time anyhow to even keep up with tweets na few days most likely so I will be behind on that too. Meaning no more long ones tonight. It is all this pretty much churned up in recall, etc. and testimony today not that I heard testimony but the tweets and Kaitlyn's recap on all messages.

I've always been at where both are evil and both are cons and knew exactly that they were and what they were up to. And I've talked self back to it by recalling things. I think a sure clue here is that when Chad used Lori's grandpa in a text saying her protection is off and she shouldn't have "left" him (paraphrasing), it seems something is missing or something they've been through before because he quickly says he is not just trying to manipulate her but that it's true or something on that order. This hints at Lori didn't buy this sh*t and this is the sh*t he did to TAmmy. It hints at Lori knew this. And Chad quickly knew and he did it because desperate, that it may have been the wrong thing to say to Lori.

So I'm back to and talked and recalled myself from a bit of uncertainty to being back to they are both evil both a full duo Who knew EXACTLY what they were both doing.

Monday 22nd -Final update​



Please excuse any typos – these updates are live.

3:32 p.m. Boyce says we will now be ending court for the day. Warwick will be called to continue his testimony Tuesday morning. Thanks for putting up with me today! I will be posting a recap video later tonight to the YouTube page. Kalama Hines will be with you tomorrow for live updates, and I will be back on Friday.

3:31 p.m. Prior asks about “portals” and if Gibb taught about them. He says he doesn’t know – he never heard her teach.

3:30 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about “light and dark” and if they are synonymous with the words “good and evil.” Warwick agrees.

3:29 p.m. Prior asks about Warwick’s “predictions,” and Warwick corrects him, saying he was told about things that will happen, he didn’t create them.

3:28 p.m. Prior asks about preparedness camps that Warwick and Gibb attended. Warwick says they teach you different ways to be self-reliant in ways like growing food and conserving energy.

3:27 p.m. Prior asks about the timeline of Warwick and Gibb’s relationship. Warwick says he unofficially met Gibb years before they actually met and began dating.

3:26 p.m. Warwick says Gibb’s expertise is in belief and “overcoming non-belief.” Prior asks for clarification, and Warwick says her talks are about health and reflexology and teach about the body. Warwick says he has never seen what Gibb speaks about at conferences.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks about vibrations in a religious context and what it means. Warwick says he needs help understanding what Prior is after. Prior asks if he has participated in meetings that deal with the subject of vibrations, and Warwick says no. Prior asks if his wife, Melanie Gibb, has talked about vibrations at conferences, and Warwick says no.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says the purpose of the fireside chats was to help people seek God and create a better relationship with God. Prior asks Warwick if he has visions about being invaded by foreign powers, and Warwick says yes.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says he has a lot of knowledge about conversion to the church and goes to “fireside chats” to talk about it.

3:10 p.m. Prior asks Warwick what he knows about a meeting of the seven gatherers. Warwick says he doesn’t know anything about it.

3:08 p.m. Chad is watching Warwick on the stand. He also seems to be twiddling his fingers.

3:07 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about being uncomfortable seeing Chad being affectionate with Lori during his marriage to Tammy. He said what Chad was preaching didn’t match up with how he was acting. Prior asks Warwick about his own previous marriage while he began dating Gibb. Warwick says the divorce was being finalized.

3:06 p.m. Warwick met Gibb at a conference at the University of Utah between 2012 and 2014. They began dating in August of 2019.

3:05 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about his marriage to Melanie Gibb. They were married on December 10, 2020.

3:04 p.m. Wixom is done with his questioning, and Prior will now cross-examine Warwick.

3:04 p.m. Lori told Warwick that JJ had pushed a picture of Jesus off the wall. Warwick didn’t believe this because there were no scuffs or damage to the cabinets. Lori told Warick that JJ was “having a possession attack” and she couldn’t handle it.

3:03 p.m. The following day, when he woke up, Warwick said Lori was in the kitchen, and she was being “a little dramatic.” Warwick told her they were leaving, and he wanted to say goodbye to JJ, but Lori said he was “out of control, so Alex had to come and get him.” Warwick says Lori was “talking fast” and acted nervous, saying JJ was “climbing on the cabinets.”

3:01 p.m. Warwick says they went to bed around 11 or 11:30 p.m. that night. At no point, did he ever see Tylee over the four days he was there.

melanie gibb and lori vallow daybell podcastMelanie Gibb, left, and Lori Vallow Daybell | Courtesy photo
I noticed that as soon as LDS is brought up, Prosecution objects and Boyce pulls them up for a sidebar.

I bet he said keep the church out of the questions - but Warwick mentions them anyway.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.
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Monday 22nd -Final update​



Please excuse any typos – these updates are live.

3:32 p.m. Boyce says we will now be ending court for the day. Warwick will be called to continue his testimony Tuesday morning. Thanks for putting up with me today! I will be posting a recap video later tonight to the YouTube page. Kalama Hines will be with you tomorrow for live updates, and I will be back on Friday.

3:31 p.m. Prior asks about “portals” and if Gibb taught about them. He says he doesn’t know – he never heard her teach.

3:30 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about “light and dark” and if they are synonymous with the words “good and evil.” Warwick agrees.

3:29 p.m. Prior asks about Warwick’s “predictions,” and Warwick corrects him, saying he was told about things that will happen, he didn’t create them.

3:28 p.m. Prior asks about preparedness camps that Warwick and Gibb attended. Warwick says they teach you different ways to be self-reliant in ways like growing food and conserving energy.

3:27 p.m. Prior asks about the timeline of Warwick and Gibb’s relationship. Warwick says he unofficially met Gibb years before they actually met and began dating.

3:26 p.m. Warwick says Gibb’s expertise is in belief and “overcoming non-belief.” Prior asks for clarification, and Warwick says her talks are about health and reflexology and teach about the body. Warwick says he has never seen what Gibb speaks about at conferences.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks about vibrations in a religious context and what it means. Warwick says he needs help understanding what Prior is after. Prior asks if he has participated in meetings that deal with the subject of vibrations, and Warwick says no. Prior asks if his wife, Melanie Gibb, has talked about vibrations at conferences, and Warwick says no.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says the purpose of the fireside chats was to help people seek God and create a better relationship with God. Prior asks Warwick if he has visions about being invaded by foreign powers, and Warwick says yes.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says he has a lot of knowledge about conversion to the church and goes to “fireside chats” to talk about it.

3:10 p.m. Prior asks Warwick what he knows about a meeting of the seven gatherers. Warwick says he doesn’t know anything about it.

3:08 p.m. Chad is watching Warwick on the stand. He also seems to be twiddling his fingers.

3:07 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about being uncomfortable seeing Chad being affectionate with Lori during his marriage to Tammy. He said what Chad was preaching didn’t match up with how he was acting. Prior asks Warwick about his own previous marriage while he began dating Gibb. Warwick says the divorce was being finalized.

3:06 p.m. Warwick met Gibb at a conference at the University of Utah between 2012 and 2014. They began dating in August of 2019.

3:05 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about his marriage to Melanie Gibb. They were married on December 10, 2020.

3:04 p.m. Wixom is done with his questioning, and Prior will now cross-examine Warwick.

3:04 p.m. Lori told Warwick that JJ had pushed a picture of Jesus off the wall. Warwick didn’t believe this because there were no scuffs or damage to the cabinets. Lori told Warick that JJ was “having a possession attack” and she couldn’t handle it.

3:03 p.m. The following day, when he woke up, Warwick said Lori was in the kitchen, and she was being “a little dramatic.” Warwick told her they were leaving, and he wanted to say goodbye to JJ, but Lori said he was “out of control, so Alex had to come and get him.” Warwick says Lori was “talking fast” and acted nervous, saying JJ was “climbing on the cabinets.”

3:01 p.m. Warwick says they went to bed around 11 or 11:30 p.m. that night. At no point, did he ever see Tylee over the four days he was there.

melanie gibb and lori vallow daybell podcastMelanie Gibb, left, and Lori Vallow Daybell | Courtesy photo
WHOA BOY. Mel and David had JUST started dating in August?! Of that year?? I already mentioned the repartnering of all of the others and now here we have this.

So he and Gibb I'm sorry are at Lori's new house for a four day stay just happening to be when JJ died and yet they'd barely been dating or together for what a month tops? Says he knew her longer but still that has nothing to do with dating.

This is just too weird. So all her interviews and talkinng of herself and David were never referring to a relationship of any time except of the events AFTER the kids died and the following years. Yet he'd known Chad for years AND they were all at that thing together when was that again...

I JUST got up. Not even sure where my mind is going to go with this one yet... Other than so they were repartnering too and right in that same time frame of all the others partneringi up, etc. which was all based on the 144 thing imo and yet DW claims to have not bought into Chad and Lori's leading this, the zombie stuff, etc. but I'm not convinced of that. Here they were on a weekend when JJ was killed no less...And they JUST start dating and run up to Lori's in Rexburg for four days. Okayyyyy.... Meet with Chad, etc. about some land for the 144 and all... Uh huh...

Monday 22nd -Final update​



Please excuse any typos – these updates are live.

3:32 p.m. Boyce says we will now be ending court for the day. Warwick will be called to continue his testimony Tuesday morning. Thanks for putting up with me today! I will be posting a recap video later tonight to the YouTube page. Kalama Hines will be with you tomorrow for live updates, and I will be back on Friday.

3:31 p.m. Prior asks about “portals” and if Gibb taught about them. He says he doesn’t know – he never heard her teach.

3:30 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about “light and dark” and if they are synonymous with the words “good and evil.” Warwick agrees.

3:29 p.m. Prior asks about Warwick’s “predictions,” and Warwick corrects him, saying he was told about things that will happen, he didn’t create them.

3:28 p.m. Prior asks about preparedness camps that Warwick and Gibb attended. Warwick says they teach you different ways to be self-reliant in ways like growing food and conserving energy.

3:27 p.m. Prior asks about the timeline of Warwick and Gibb’s relationship. Warwick says he unofficially met Gibb years before they actually met and began dating.

3:26 p.m. Warwick says Gibb’s expertise is in belief and “overcoming non-belief.” Prior asks for clarification, and Warwick says her talks are about health and reflexology and teach about the body. Warwick says he has never seen what Gibb speaks about at conferences.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks about vibrations in a religious context and what it means. Warwick says he needs help understanding what Prior is after. Prior asks if he has participated in meetings that deal with the subject of vibrations, and Warwick says no. Prior asks if his wife, Melanie Gibb, has talked about vibrations at conferences, and Warwick says no.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says the purpose of the fireside chats was to help people seek God and create a better relationship with God. Prior asks Warwick if he has visions about being invaded by foreign powers, and Warwick says yes.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says he has a lot of knowledge about conversion to the church and goes to “fireside chats” to talk about it.

3:10 p.m. Prior asks Warwick what he knows about a meeting of the seven gatherers. Warwick says he doesn’t know anything about it.

3:08 p.m. Chad is watching Warwick on the stand. He also seems to be twiddling his fingers.

3:07 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about being uncomfortable seeing Chad being affectionate with Lori during his marriage to Tammy. He said what Chad was preaching didn’t match up with how he was acting. Prior asks Warwick about his own previous marriage while he began dating Gibb. Warwick says the divorce was being finalized.

3:06 p.m. Warwick met Gibb at a conference at the University of Utah between 2012 and 2014. They began dating in August of 2019.

3:05 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about his marriage to Melanie Gibb. They were married on December 10, 2020.

3:04 p.m. Wixom is done with his questioning, and Prior will now cross-examine Warwick.

3:04 p.m. Lori told Warwick that JJ had pushed a picture of Jesus off the wall. Warwick didn’t believe this because there were no scuffs or damage to the cabinets. Lori told Warick that JJ was “having a possession attack” and she couldn’t handle it.

3:03 p.m. The following day, when he woke up, Warwick said Lori was in the kitchen, and she was being “a little dramatic.” Warwick told her they were leaving, and he wanted to say goodbye to JJ, but Lori said he was “out of control, so Alex had to come and get him.” Warwick says Lori was “talking fast” and acted nervous, saying JJ was “climbing on the cabinets.”

3:01 p.m. Warwick says they went to bed around 11 or 11:30 p.m. that night. At no point, did he ever see Tylee over the four days he was there.

melanie gibb and lori vallow daybell podcastMelanie Gibb, left, and Lori Vallow Daybell | Courtesy photo
David says he unofficially met Gibb years before they met and started dating. Huh? What in some former life or vision lol? That's an odd statement. Half kidding.

He never saw her speak of what she spoke about at conferences and I take this to mean ever up til now either and she's his wife.

They went to preparedness things together but when? AFTER the kids died because they weren't dating until just around that time and AFTER this stuff was blowing up?

And yes this does cover he had visions and did his own talks and such. In this religion, having visions makes you special and no one EVER seems to doubt if someone claims they have such. But then the entire religion is based on a teenager having such isn't it? Sorry but... And who everyone believed...

His visions include us invaded by a foreign power.

All of course are into the end times, podcasts, authoring, conferences and more. Also a very big part of the overall religion.

I knew most of this but I don't think I realized they'd only just began dating.

Not done reading this last one yet.

Monday 22nd -Final update​



Please excuse any typos – these updates are live.

3:32 p.m. Boyce says we will now be ending court for the day. Warwick will be called to continue his testimony Tuesday morning. Thanks for putting up with me today! I will be posting a recap video later tonight to the YouTube page. Kalama Hines will be with you tomorrow for live updates, and I will be back on Friday.

3:31 p.m. Prior asks about “portals” and if Gibb taught about them. He says he doesn’t know – he never heard her teach.

3:30 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about “light and dark” and if they are synonymous with the words “good and evil.” Warwick agrees.

3:29 p.m. Prior asks about Warwick’s “predictions,” and Warwick corrects him, saying he was told about things that will happen, he didn’t create them.

3:28 p.m. Prior asks about preparedness camps that Warwick and Gibb attended. Warwick says they teach you different ways to be self-reliant in ways like growing food and conserving energy.

3:27 p.m. Prior asks about the timeline of Warwick and Gibb’s relationship. Warwick says he unofficially met Gibb years before they actually met and began dating.

3:26 p.m. Warwick says Gibb’s expertise is in belief and “overcoming non-belief.” Prior asks for clarification, and Warwick says her talks are about health and reflexology and teach about the body. Warwick says he has never seen what Gibb speaks about at conferences.

3:24 p.m. Prior asks about vibrations in a religious context and what it means. Warwick says he needs help understanding what Prior is after. Prior asks if he has participated in meetings that deal with the subject of vibrations, and Warwick says no. Prior asks if his wife, Melanie Gibb, has talked about vibrations at conferences, and Warwick says no.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says the purpose of the fireside chats was to help people seek God and create a better relationship with God. Prior asks Warwick if he has visions about being invaded by foreign powers, and Warwick says yes.

3:12 p.m. Warwick says he has a lot of knowledge about conversion to the church and goes to “fireside chats” to talk about it.

3:10 p.m. Prior asks Warwick what he knows about a meeting of the seven gatherers. Warwick says he doesn’t know anything about it.

3:08 p.m. Chad is watching Warwick on the stand. He also seems to be twiddling his fingers.

3:07 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about being uncomfortable seeing Chad being affectionate with Lori during his marriage to Tammy. He said what Chad was preaching didn’t match up with how he was acting. Prior asks Warwick about his own previous marriage while he began dating Gibb. Warwick says the divorce was being finalized.

3:06 p.m. Warwick met Gibb at a conference at the University of Utah between 2012 and 2014. They began dating in August of 2019.

3:05 p.m. Prior asks Warwick about his marriage to Melanie Gibb. They were married on December 10, 2020.

3:04 p.m. Wixom is done with his questioning, and Prior will now cross-examine Warwick.

3:04 p.m. Lori told Warwick that JJ had pushed a picture of Jesus off the wall. Warwick didn’t believe this because there were no scuffs or damage to the cabinets. Lori told Warick that JJ was “having a possession attack” and she couldn’t handle it.

3:03 p.m. The following day, when he woke up, Warwick said Lori was in the kitchen, and she was being “a little dramatic.” Warwick told her they were leaving, and he wanted to say goodbye to JJ, but Lori said he was “out of control, so Alex had to come and get him.” Warwick says Lori was “talking fast” and acted nervous, saying JJ was “climbing on the cabinets.”

3:01 p.m. Warwick says they went to bed around 11 or 11:30 p.m. that night. At no point, did he ever see Tylee over the four days he was there.

melanie gibb and lori vallow daybell podcastMelanie Gibb, left, and Lori Vallow Daybell | Courtesy photo
Reading this feels like being pulled into some science fiction novel.
And yet they'd just started dating but he already knew Chad of course and he had met Tammy... When? In that month of dating, he also met Tammy and was uncomfortable with how Chad was with Lori? No, stuff is missing here. IMO. Did Tammy know or meet any others of this group including Lori???? Did she ever do any conferences including this prepper stuff at all? Of course she wasn't part of the 144 but I mean at any time...

Portals and if Gibb taught about them. He doesn't know as he never heard her "teach". She's his wife now for years and never heard her but knew about the reflexology and such.

PORTALS. He doesn't know.

Don't ask me what the heck my point is here. I don't know. Much of this is not new to me but some is or questions get at things not gotten at in Lori's.

He is not done testifying yet either, back today. I am going to have to watch his testimony but when I will get the chance, no idea. Maybe years from now lol.

I think part of my thing is that I have always believed they were there for more than some visit and claimed reasons. Tylee was already dead was she not and JJ was going that weekend and they were THERE.

I don't believe this man's dream was a dream. And gee now we know they had only just started dating and Mel is trying to get him a blessing and having sex with him, not sure if before or after the ad dream or all along lol. He was just in finalizing his divorce. Sound a lot like Lori and Mel P/B, divorcing and get with their new partners as part of the group and plan... IMO anyhow...
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I noticed that as soon as LDS is brought up, Prosecution objects and Boyce pulls them up for a sidebar.

I bet he said keep the church out of the questions - but Warwick mentions them anyway.

3:21 p.m. Attorneys are back at their tables. Prior asks Warwick to talk more about his visions and how they are only a small part of what he lectures about at the fireside chats. Warwick agrees it’s consistent with his LDS faith. Prior asks if Chad Daybell had visions and if it would be consistent with his faith. Warwick says it would be.

3:13 p.m. Warwick says he spoke about the visions at the fireside chats when it felt right in his heart. Prior asks if it was because of his LDS faith that he feels he has to talk about his visions. Wixom objects and asks for a sidebar. The attorneys are now meeting with Boyce.
So what's the prosecution's problem with it....? Do THEY ever bring the faith or church up at all in any questions with any witness? And how does Boyce rule?

Not fully awake by a long shot. Have an early shift. So is Prior trying to make the point they are EXPECTED by the church to share their visions and so Chad had to? Or am I not in coffee enough yet to figure this? There was something else I noticed I think another day aout when they side bar and when objections come and I forget what it was. Wish I did. Seemed clear to me there are parameters set and things allowed and not allowed or to be decided on each instance of whether it crosses whatever rule we don't know about was made and on a case by case basis.

And why does Warwick keep bringing the church in... To explain I'm sure even his weirdness.

I'm sorry but the church is all over this. These people were not gone from the church. Alex was excommunicated but that's another thing. ABotu every single one of them is going against the church in the sexual rules way though. And several divorcing/divorced.

Sorry just throwing out some random thoughts and seeing if it triggers any good ones in someone else who may have time later...

A change in topic a bit--so Lori seemed dramatic and nervous in talking of JJ when David I guess got up after one heck of a night to say goodbye and say they were leaving...Heard most of this befor not sure I heard this description of her before though. Like overly dramatic sounds like which kind of hints of an opinion or knowledge of Lori...

Here's the thing here. One can believe David and Mel G were up here for the is number of days with nothing to do with getting rid of another "demon" (JJ) or one can believe that is WHY they were there.

Or one can believe they were there because Chad and Lori were setting them up or intending to use them as an alibi and none of that washes for me for some obvious reasons.

Finally one can believe something just spurred it to happen that weekend like JJ's misbehavior or Chad calling for it or Lori's or someone's loss of control when JJ supposedly went out of control and I don't buy that either.

I know what I believe and they had bought in and were part. All the rest and what we think is fact is cover and the story come up with and stuck to or tried to be but there are some things that are just too odd and don't fit.

I think the group was more involved here than we all think. And know MORE.

However, it is where it is and this is what they have. Or where they can go.

These people are all, however, freaks and evil imo. And were part of or dancing with it.

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