KARA KOPETSKY & JESSICA RUNIONS: Missouri vs. Kylr Yust for 2007 murder of Kopetsky & 2016 murder of Runions *GUILTY*



According to documents filed Monday in Cass County Circuit Court, Oklahoma-based DNA Solutions must be allowed to access skeletal remains for both Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions, whose remains were found in rural Cass County in 2017.

Documents also say DNA Solutions must be allowed to test hair recovered from a white SUV in 2013.

All testing must be done at the DNA Solutions lab in Oklahoma, according to the documents. The evidence must be returned to the Jackson County Medical Examiner’s Office and Belton Police Department by April 30.

Jury selection for the trial is set to begin on July 22. Jurors will be brought in from St. Charles County, which is just outside of St. Louis. Once the jury is set, the trial will begin the following Monday.
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Emily Rittman KCTV5

Kylr Yust is testifying about his family. He says his aunt got him interested in music. After she died it was traumatic, says then he listened to "more negative music." Yust says he met Kara Kopetsky at a QuikTrip in 2006.

The "rock and roll music is evil" defense?

C'mon dude! I used to listen to BLACK SABBATH and I never wanted to kill ANYONE!
i still listen to very heavy music and it has done nothing but get me moving when I need to get something done around here, so I would say it's a bit "motivational", if anything.
Yust says jail call confession, "I threw it in her face out of spite. I was trying to hurt her feelings." Yust says he hasn't talked to his mom since jail phone call confession.

Yust didn't address that line directly, but his defense is clearly trying to suggest he was being sarcastic and saying things only to hurt Mom. Now he says he said things out of fear, spite, insecurity, hopelessness in past... at times I wanted attention. #YustTrial

On his mother, since the phone call: "I have not talked to her again," in a hushed voice. Turlington: "Has she tried to contact you?" "No," Yust said. #yusttrial

He confessed again, to his mom. She never contacted him again.
I have not watched any of this but the prosecution has to be just excited, waiting for the chance to cross examine him...

I can't stand when they do this and I have watched it personally. Oh he was such a good boy, oh he helped others, oh he helped at church, oh but he did have this happen to him once and that really affected him. The defendant a perfect child, etc. while basically nothing can be said about the victim!! I may have to go watch some of this. I hope he gets torn apart by the prosecution.
and that very same "good boy" had an order of protection against him by Kara.
Yust said he doesn't remember acting out when Kara said she didn't want to talk to him. State asked him if he ever got physical w/ Kara, he said no except for the car ride when he kidnapped her. He said he "pulled her arm." State says he dragged her. #YustTrial

As a side note, minimizing physical abuse is common among ALL of them.

Tolle: "This is the very first time that you have ever said your brother Jessep Carter was with you when you picked up Kara?" Yust said he told his attorney years ago.

Yust keeps admitting to being exactly where detectives said he was all along!
Prosecutor: “You want the jury to believe that as you sit her right now that the man who is dead is the one who is responsible? Yust: "I think that’s why he killed himself” Tolle calls that convenient.

State says, "This has been so hard for you hasn't it Kylr?" She's talking about when he collected Kara's missing person posters. He said he was tired of ppl hounding him. "Instead you decide to torture the parents of a missing girl.." state said.
Someone on Twitter was kind enough to share this with me:

Yust continued to have run-ins with law enforcement after Kopetsky’s disappearance. In 2011, Yust’s then-girlfriend, who was six months pregnant, filed a personal protection order against him. According to the police report, the woman said Yust choked her several times and punched her to keep her from passing out. She also said he killed three of her cats. According to the woman, Yust told her that he had killed before, including ex-girlfriends out of jealousy. He was charged with animal cruelty and placed on probation for two years on the abuse allegations.

His ex-girlfriend was allegedly not the only person to whom Yust confessed that he had killed before. According to a probable cause statement, multiple witnesses came forward over the years with similar allegations against Yust, saying he had confessed to them that he had strangled Kopetsky to death and put her body in the woods.

Yust was released from prison five weeks before Runions’ disappearance in 2016, according to Jackson County court documents filed in a child support case. He spent nearly four years at a federal prison outside of Oklahoma City for attempting to distribute drugs. <snipped>

Someone on Twitter was kind enough to share this with me:

Yust continued to have run-ins with law enforcement after Kopetsky’s disappearance. In 2011, Yust’s then-girlfriend, who was six months pregnant, filed a personal protection order against him. According to the police report, the woman said Yust choked her several times and punched her to keep her from passing out. She also said he killed three of her cats. According to the woman, Yust told her that he had killed before, including ex-girlfriends out of jealousy. He was charged with animal cruelty and placed on probation for two years on the abuse allegations.

His ex-girlfriend was allegedly not the only person to whom Yust confessed that he had killed before. According to a probable cause statement, multiple witnesses came forward over the years with similar allegations against Yust, saying he had confessed to them that he had strangled Kopetsky to death and put her body in the woods.

Yust was released from prison five weeks before Runions’ disappearance in 2016, according to Jackson County court documents filed in a child support case. He spent nearly four years at a federal prison outside of Oklahoma City for attempting to distribute drugs. <snipped>

He has had multiple protection orders against him and multiple criminal charges and multiple driving charges. Yeah, he's such a good boy

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