Alright. This circular arguing has gone on for far too long. We've devolved completely, there is no constructive discussion.
And yes, some posts will be removed. Nobody else wants to read all that.
There's a difference between discussing differing opinions and badgering / insulting / baiting / etc.
Discuss and even argue all you want, until you're buttholes to each other.
Some of you may want to consider using the Ignore feature if you find anyone extra aggravating to you personally.
All of the rules below have been broken in the last several hours.
(Thread will be re-opened later.)
CRIMEWATCHERS.NET RULES & GUIDELINES Thank you for joining online community of message boards and chats. As with all communities, there are certain rules that must be respected. 1. User Accounts: A maximum of one account is allowed per member. If you are found to be using...
Please do not harass, threaten, or cause distress or discomfort upon another member, user or other individual entity.
Please avoid petty nastiness, name calling, derogatory name changes and rude posts directed at case players, victims or their families and yes, even the perpetrators.
Please do not bait, troll or post simply to incite conflict. To do so could result in a loss of posting privileges.
Administration has the right to remove any post, thread or forum at its discretion. If the discussion is no longer constructive or simply used to incite conflict, it may be closed or removed.