OR KYRON HORMAN: Missing from Portland, OR - 4 June 2010 - Age 7

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Kyron's photo is shown age-progressed to 14 years. He was last seen at school on June 4, 2010. Kyron was last seen wearing a black t-shirt with "CSI" in green letters and a handprint graphic. He was also wearing black cargo pants, white socks, and black Sketchers sneakers with orange trim. Kyron may wear glasses.
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Kyron was last seen in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010. He usually rode the bus to Skyline Elementary School, where he was a second-grader. The school is in the 11500 block of Skyline Boulevard in a rural area in northwest Portland, about two miles from Kyron's home in the 15700 block of Sheltered Nook Road.

His stepmother, Terri Lynn Moulton Horman, stated she drove him to school because there was a science fair that day and Kyron wanted to set up his exhibit, a display about the Red-Eyed Tree Frog. They arrived shortly after 8:00 a.m. and dropped Kyron's coat and backpack off at his classroom.

A witness saw Terri and Kyron together at 8:15 p.m., in front of Kyron's exhibit. The bell rang at 8:45 a.m. and Terri says she left then. She said Kyron told her he was going to his classroom. He has never been heard from again.

Terri reported Kyron missing at 3:45 p.m., after he failed to arrive home at 3:30 p.m. as scheduled. No one reported having seen Kyron at the school after the 8:45 bell. His teacher marked him absent after classes began at 10:00 a.m.; she thought he was at a doctor's appointment.

Because so many hours had passed since he was last seen, police launched an extensive search immediately. Over the next few days they interviewed all the students and staff at Skyline Elementary School and searched the school, school grounds and the surrounding area. It was one of the largest searches in Oregon history.

Kyron's loved ones described him as timid and stated he would be unlikely to leave the school and go off on his own.

Less than two weeks after Kyron's disappearance, police stopped the search and announced they had upgraded his case from a simple missing child to a criminal investigation.

At the same time, they stated they didn't think Kyron had been abducted by a stranger. They focused on Terri, stating cellular phone records indicated she wasn't where she said she was on the day of her stepson's disappearance.

Investigators questioned Terri's friend, DeDe Spicher, about her possible knowledge of Kyron's disappearance. They searched her home and asked the public if they had seen Terri, her white pickup truck or Spicher on June 4 between 9:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Spicher stated knew nothing about Kyron's disappearance and she believed Terri was innocent of any wrongdoing.

Authorities have yet to name a suspect in Kyron's disappearance, in spite of their focus on his stepmother. Kaine speculated Terri caused the child's disappearance in an effort to hurt him, and suggested she may have had help from other individual. Both of Kyron's parents continue to hope that he is alive. His case remains unsolved.

NCMEC - NamUs - Charley Project -
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The judge thing is interesting to me. Unsure of all the rules but they aren't to be the ones to speak publicly, ever give an opinion, etc. I mean they at sentencing or conclusion of trial certainly can and do give their opinion on sentencing or release etc. and what they feel the facts show but publicly after, not so sure. And the some time later as to what he think happened? Was he retired or off the bench at that point? If not, I'd say it is pretty unusual to speak of such. And if so, it is still not common... That I've seen.
Yeah, me either and it does seem usual and now that I think about, I'd think it would have been after the appeals but I really don't know.

I think all may well have been intentional. I think lack of sitters at her constant need for freedom and lack of resources played in and she probably set off grandma who likely refused to raise/watch her or tried to get Casey to shape up to some degree or handle her own life. I am not sold on that part, I go a bit both ways on the parents (grandparents).
Well, before Caylee was known as "missing", there was some other issue the grandmother had with Casey but I don't remember it clearly enough to discuss it.
Regardless, I think that for Casey, circumstances had already come to a head, I mean, her lies for the past three years certainly couldn't have continued...
Yes but then who takes a child out of school without telling the school and why just to run errands would she do that? There was no doctor's appointment. So he would be at school or should definitely be at school. There is absolutely no reason he should have been out of school with Terri to run errands and if so, a parent would let them know even if they made up an excuse as you don't take a child out of school to run your errands.
Yeah, I agree that it makes no sense that she would take him out of school to run errands.
Yes, that's what makes perfect sense and fits right in with what would be asked. And more than one brought up the hand holding so imo it was what LE asked. Not because of doubt the witnesses didn't know who Terri was or Kyron or that they went together or were stepmother and stepson but to know the mood, the demeanor as you say, whether he was happy, being pulled, going along, following, etc.

A point was made of it being his regular bus driver, people who would know, etc. throughout. His friend. So on.
Who else brought up handholding?

Re regular bus driver, it just strikes me as unnecessary to refer to him that way unless somewhere there was an irregular driver, lol!
I do think it could be they said "regular" to convey that he knew Kyron therefore should/would recognize him but based on that alone, I wouldn't accept it as a fact that he actually did see him.
I'm not suggesting that he could be lying, just merely mistaken.
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Can we move the Casey trial stuff to a new thread? It's getting confusing with Kyron's stuff.

You are right. Emu.
Funny Animals Emu GIF by Storyful
Who else brought up handholding?

Re regular bus driver, it just strikes me as unnecessary to refer to him that way unless somewhere there was an irregular driver, lol!
I do think it could be they said "regular" to convey that he knew Kyron therefore should/would recognize him but based on that alone, I wouldn't accept it as a fact that he actually did see him.
I'm not suggesting that he could be lying, just merely mistaken.
From the post you referred me to on page 5. 92 was it or 91? Anyhow, right here.

"Kyron had reportedly been seen by a student and an adult as he left the south entrance of the school with his stepmother. Terri and Kyron weren't holding hands, but they were walking out together with Kayla. The sheriff later backtracked on the statement, leaving Desiree and Tony confused." (p77) -- Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.

"The bombshell was that Kyron was seen leaving the school with Terri. The MCSO had said it a couple of weeks before, then retracted it. Now it was confirmed. Kyron's regular bus driver, plus Kyron's friend Carson and Carson's sister and grandmother, had all seen Kyron leaving the school on June 4 with Terri. It was true. Kyron, Kayla, and Terri had walked through the parking lot at 8:50 a.m. on June 4. They were not holding hands, but bus driver said, but they were walking together.

I think they mean "the" bus driver said not "but" bus driver said but either way it sounds to me like the student and adult said it AND the bus driver said it. And all said but they were walking OUT TOGETHER.

I think LE asked about how they knew they were together, hand holding, looking for control, coerciion, or just the feel of it or if anything unusual. I do not think, no offense, what you do, that they pointed out they weren't holding hands as they weren't sure if they were together or the right child and right stepmother, etc. No offense again but I think you are making that into they had doubts of who the child was, etc. or if they were together.

I think it was asked by LE and is why it is mentioned.

With that odd case a year ago maybe of the little boy in church a stranger took, I don't think she ever took his hand if I recall, I think it was more like "come here" or "with me" and he did and then maybe she took his hand after that, I can't recall.. These kinds of questions and nuances are common and huge in a case where a child goes missing and someone saw the child with a person, known or unknown.

Just like if they had seen her holding Kyron's hand and him trying to pull away and screaming...

I think that is all the hand holding or lack of it remarks mean. They were specifically asked that, the witnesses.
Re regular bus driver, it just strikes me as unnecessary to refer to him that way unless somewhere there was an irregular driver, lol!
In my comment above, I said "he" but I've found (in a People mag interview with Terri) that the bus driver that afternoon was "Jennifer" (lol). Anyway, whether she was the "regular" driver, I can't be certain.
"Kyron had reportedly been seen by a student and an adult as he left the south entrance of the school with his stepmother. Terri and Kyron weren't holding hands, but they were walking out together with Kayla. The sheriff later backtracked on the statement, leaving Desiree and Tony confused." (p77) -- Kayla is the fake name used for Kaine and Terri's daughter.

"The bombshell was that Kyron was seen leaving the school with Terri. The MCSO had said it a couple of weeks before, then retracted it. Now it was confirmed. Kyron's regular bus driver, plus Kyron's friend Carson and Carson's sister and grandmother, had all seen Kyron leaving the school on June 4 with Terri. It was true. Kyron, Kayla, and Terri had walked through the parking lot at 8:50 a.m. on June 4. They were not holding hands, but bus driver said, but they were walking together.

I think they mean "the" bus driver said not "but" bus driver said but either way it sounds to me like the student and adult said it AND the bus driver said it. And all said but they were walking OUT TOGETHER.
I'd think that just the bus driver said it and that that sighting is independant from that of the grandmother, Carson and his sister.
(I'm repeating myself here) but (contrary to how it's presented in the book) I think the student and adult sightings are independant, not only from one another but from those other sightings.
In my comment above, I said "he" but I've found (in a People mag interview with Terri) that the bus driver that afternoon was "Jennifer" (lol). Anyway, whether she was the "regular" driver, I can't be certain.
I don't find regular bus driver an odd term either. It means one that would know him more than a sub would, etc. In my area and surrounding areas driving school bus is as part time extra job generally and subs are common but some are the regular route driver year to year and others change. Again I think it is specifically said to simply show that this driver would definitely be sure of who Kyron was, seeing him all of the time, who his stepmother was, the routines, etc.

As to media, yeah, it is like the "but" rather than the "the" with the bus driver. He/she, etc. When looking for every detail that might be right or wrong, I notice all the time that one can't take a simple word from media to be fact and just a simple he or she wrong mistake can throw one off and make one wonder. Or a wrong time. Or date. Happens way too much. Media needs fact checkers and proofreaders, many seem to have lost them or they don't have good ones lol.
I'd think that just the bus driver said it and that that sighting is independant from that of the grandmother, Carson and his sister.
(I'm repeating myself here) but (contrary to how it's presented in the book) I think the student and adult sightings are independant, not only from one another but from those other sightings.
It could be, hard to tell but my point is more than one seems to have mentioned hand holding or lack of it. It is also a number of witnesses placing them together.

You know, I don't disagree this is one of those cases where there isn't one big CLEAR boom of evidence. If there was even one video placing him in her car rather than just eyewitnesses I think she'd be in prison. I DO think there is enough thought that they could chance it. And there IS enough for me as there are in many cases where LE even more than us (they know a lot more) and many of us KNOW who we are almost certain did it. And nowadays such is being tried without having that smoking gun. That woman should be going gray worrying about it. But I've said it before and will again, if I was a juror, I wouldn't necessarily convict, to do that I'd have to see what both side had for evidence or to dispute it and how much.

You operate differently in that you are doing more as a juror would imo. However, I also think you look for reasons the defendant isn't guilty and take facts or statements and turn them to help in that direction where I may take them in the other direction. Both are trying to prove or help our own belief and isn't what we should do as jurors lol maybe.

I think the hand holding thing is one. You are going against the most likely reason for the mention of it to fit your thought. Imo.. I'm not trying to make it anything in that case, I am going with what is clearly the reason most likely it is mentioned. It is what LE would have asked them and even centered on to see what the situation was as they left the school.

Anyhow, as I've said before, it makes for good discussion. Which I enjoy. And it brings our attention back to his case and maybe some others as well.
It could be, hard to tell but my point is more than one seems to have mentioned hand holding or lack of it. It is also a number of witnesses placing them together.
Well I condider the source of the info and that there's info regarding other sightings that isn't mentioned in the book and then I think surely, there are sightings known only to LE. I think only LE knows the info I'd like to know regarding all the reported sightings, lol!

If there was even one video placing him in her car rather than just eyewitnesses I think she'd be in prison.
You know, there is video and it shows only Terri and her daughter in the vehicle. (I know info from the book is the camera angle wasn't good enough but, need I point out, it was good enough that it showed Terri and her daughter inside the vehicle.

I think the hand holding thing is one. It is what LE would have asked them and even centered on to see what the situation was as they left the school.
My line of thinking is that they'd try to verify sightings.
I could be wrong but I imagine that Terri wasn't the only adult woman who left the school with a child after the bell.
Well I condider the source of the info and that there's info regarding other sightings that isn't mentioned in the book and then I think surely, there are sightings known only to LE. I think only LE knows the info I'd like to know regarding all the reported sightings, lol!

You know, there is video and it shows only Terri and her daughter in the vehicle. (I know info from the book is the camera angle wasn't good enough but, need I point out, it was good enough that it showed Terri and her daughter inside the vehicle.

My line of thinking is that they'd try to verify sightings.
I could be wrong but I imagine that Terri wasn't the only adult woman who left the school with a child after the bell.
I'd like to know what LE knows too and I think if we did, I'd be even more sure she should be in custody.

I know of the video but it means nothing to me just as some things I think matter mean nothing to you. Good enough to see two of them okay, so what did it show in the other seats, etc.? Shopping bags, cooler, purse, toilet paper? I am guessing it didn't show all?

Terri may not have been the only adult woman leaving with a child from school but she was the only one leaving with a child who went missing. And more as to if it was known she was taking him (back to the doctor email) and more. I'd have to know of the others if any that took children out that day and if they cleared it, it was known they would, etc. and if those children are missing. Only Kyron is to my knowledge.

I would though as you said love to know what LE knows but I for one have no doubt it is more that points to Terri. Heck I'd settle for just seeing the polygraph questions, answers and results. I don't need to hear the standard arguments on them because I know them but they are a very good tool and put together with other things I'd just be curious to know what questions she fell down on.

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Thanks for posting! I saw this event posted on Facebook. Not sure if I will attend only because I'm not crazy about going to Portland unless I can find a buddy to go with me. I have met Desiree on a search and she's a kind person, but the sorrow in her is difficult to bear. I wish SO MUCH that Kyron would be found and arrests made!!!!!!
Maybe today when the perp gets up and brushes teeth and throws on some lipstick and looks in mirror, that mirror will crack. Maybe HE77 wil rain down. Perhaps just the sight of a cop behind or pulling her for speeding will cause heart failure. Every time there is a knock on the door or the phone rings, pure panic sets in. I hope every single day is a reminder and rife with worry, fear and paranoia.

RIP Kyron. May your perp never know a minute of peace...

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