GA LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia - July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL *ARREST*



Police search for family of little boy found wandering Florida neighborhood

Police in South Florida are asking for the public's help to find the family of a young boy who was found wandering alone in a Broward County neighborhood.

Miramar police said the child, who appears to be 2 to 3 years old, was seen walking near SW 68 Ave and 18th Street on Sunday morning.

Investigators said officers spent hours canvassing the area and knocking on doors, but said no one recognized the toddler.

Officers are asking anyone who recognizes the boy or has any information on who his parents or guardians are to call Miramar police at 954-602-4000.

Police are searching for parents of a Florida toddler who was found wandering around a neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes

A toddler who was found wandering around a Florida neighborhood in a soiled diaper and without shoes over the weekend has still not been claimed by a parent or guardian, police said Monday morning.

Authorities said officers have been going door-to-door in a bid to locate someone who may know the toddler or his parents are.

She told the station that aside from his diaper being soiled, the toddler looked like he was in good health.

In an update Monday morning, police said: 'His family has NOT been located. Officers spent hours canvassing the area, knocking on doors, speaking w/ neighbors.

'No one recognizes the child,' police said.

Footage of the adorable toddler shows him interacting with police officers at the station and pushing around a chair.

The toddler is now in the custody of Child Protective Services as police continue their investigation.


MEDIA - LEILA CAVETT: Missing from Georgia or Alabama since July 2020 - Age 21 - Son found wandering alone in Miramar, FL
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Police have video in case of missing woman believed to be mother of boy found in Miramar

Police are reviewing surveillance video linked to the disappearance of a woman believed to be the mother of a boy found wandering alone in Miramar over the weekend.

Detectives have confirmed they have surveillance video but are not releasing the footage at this point because they are still working the case.

Kamdyn will remain in child protective custody while Miramar Police search for the missing woman.

Detectives said they have received tips on this case, but they need more.
I do still wonder if it was a good indicator of how long he was alone...
Yes, they are nonspecific with that and other things. Here is the best coverage I have found that includes some things that the articles I have read did not, like including remarks from the boy's bio dad, etc. There are a couple of other things in it I did not know as well...

Thanks GrandmaBear! This article does have interesting details! I snipped some of the highlights below:
If she did reside in Dawsonville, it’s a VERY long way from there to Miramar. What is going on?


A man named Dannylee West has come forward and said that he is Kamdyn’s birth father:

Image may contain: text that says Dannylee West |am the blood father please someone contact 10m Like Reply Toye Anderson Brownlee Dannylee West call Miramar police department Like Reply Dannylee West Toye Anderson Brownlee did 4m Like Reply

Dannylee has stated that he spoke to Leila on Friday 24 July in the morning:




Dannylee posted some photos of him and Kamdyn:

  • dannylee-1.jpg
  • dannylee-2.jpg
  • dannylee-3.jpg
The family tree for this one is confusing. Dannylee is Kamdyn’s biological father but he is not named on the birth certificate. Levi Arnold was dating Leila when she was pregnant, and he is named on Kamdyn’s birth certificate. We believe Kamdyn also took his last name and – Kamdyn Arnold.

Miramar Police have released images of the car that Leila may have been driving:

No photo description available.

Image may contain: car and outdoor

A strange text that Leila sent to a friend recently has also been made public:


As of July 28, Leila is still missing. Dannylee has said that she was in Georgia as of 24 July.




Snip ✂️

A True Crime Society member put together this timeline:

Thursday 7/23. 12:34pm. Dannylee sent money to Leila at Dawsonville, GA Wal-Mart

Friday 7/24 Dannylee talks to Leila and he said she was in GA at the time.

Saturday 7/25 A friend claims she talked to Leila

Sunday 7/26. around 8:30am someone finds Kamdyn wandering in Miramar, FL.

Around 11am Dannylee is messaging Leila asking to see Kamdyn. No responses from Leila or answering of his calls around 6pm. Messages show unread.

Per interview with sisters on 7/28 grandma claims to have received a thumbs up from Leila through FB messenger on 7/26

snip ✂️

A group member spotted an interesting thing on one of Leila’s posts. She had dating sites open in her browser:


The tabs were for and

Yes, it gave me some thoughts on reading it all. There was also a blip or two concerning family...

Without wanting to go too into it, she clearly had some troubles in Alabama, a bit of court action anyhow... Maybe some family issues... I am just going to guess she then moved perhaps explaining the Georgia bit unless those troubles occurred when visiting family in Alabama and she lived in Georgia longer than known. She is young so I am guessing she perhaps lived there, perhaps with family, and then moved, perhaps recently...

And that leads me to wonder about how she was getting by with a child. IF she moved states, I don't think you easily switch from aid in one state to another (if she was receiving assistance). Usually you need some residency for some time... While the bio dad states he just sent her some money, other things hint and indicate he was likely not involved throughout in this child's life. That is my opinion only, not fact, just putting things together... Stressing that I know none of this, it just seems possible...

This trip to Florida though? Why?

All, even the bio dad, say she would have never left her son alone so without fail, her sisters, him, others say that so apparently she was a devoted mother. We are seeing though she did deal with some issues or so it seems...
Total guess on my part but the two are only about 7 miles apart so they must have info on her in Hollywood, or a last sighting or something...? They did say was it yesterday they were looking at video relating to her...
People are saying for one, truck was found in Hollywood, allegedly that was in the news but I never heard it nor can confirm...
Not sure what I can share here or what is wise but comments on PD page are saying truck was found on a certain road and that the sister posted it, etc.

The Hollywood Police department is taking over the case of missing mother, Leila Cavett, whose toddler was found wandering all alone in Miramar over the weekend.

Police say the 21-year-old Cavett was last seen in Hollywood and they believe she is in danger and are concerned for her safety.

Miramar police announced on its social media account Wednesday around noon that Hollywood police will now be the lead investigating agency due to “recent developments” in the case of Leila Cavett, the mother whose 2-year-old son was found wandering Sunday in an apartment complex.

A Miramar spokesperson would not disclose any additional information about the post because, they said, it is “an ongoing investigation.”
Police: Missing Mom, Leila Cavett, Last Seen In Hollywood Before Her Toddler Found Wandering In Miramar

Police said the 21-year-old Cavett was last seen in Hollywood and they believe she is in danger and are concerned for her safety.

Cavett, police said, was last seen driving mid-to-late 90s white Chevy Silverado. Hollywood PD confirmed Wednesday evening that Miramar PD found the vehicle in Hollywood’s jurisdiction.

Father of child found in Miramar trying to claim custody; mother last seen in Hollywood
JULY 29, 2020 07:08 PM , UPDATED 58 MINUTES AGO

The last time Daniel Lee West saw his son, Kamdyn, they were playing in his mother’s yard near the historical center of a small town about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta in Georgia.

Now, he may have to take a DNA test to be reunited with the 2-year-old, who was found wandering barefoot in a diaper and a black T-shirt more than 700 miles away in Miramar Sunday.
Father of child found in Miramar trying to claim custody; mother last seen in Hollywood
JULY 29, 2020 07:08 PM , UPDATED 58 MINUTES AGO

The last time Daniel Lee West saw his son, Kamdyn, they were playing in his mother’s yard near the historical center of a small town about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta in Georgia.

Now, he may have to take a DNA test to be reunited with the 2-year-old, who was found wandering barefoot in a diaper and a black T-shirt more than 700 miles away in Miramar Sunday.

This is a crazy/odd case. Been looking elsewhere a bit on it today... I try not to do that too much as one has to try to separate fiction from fact... However, I also get tired of waiting for news so at times I will go read remarks at least in some locations... Obviously there are things the public is not being told here.
This site, like the one the other day, has a lot of extra info. One does not have to be a member to read the info nor even log into FB. Allegedly, there are a couple of people who think they saw her or the truck, etc., one at WaWa (two ladies I think) and another at a Walmart. First on Sunday, second on Saturday if my memory serves. The one at Walmart believes she was with Cam and a man. While not confirmed, such leads should lead to video and probably have by now.

The baby's father sent her $60 she needed for a dental appt. for Cam. She confirmed she took Cam to that appt (to him anyhow) and that was the last contact he had with her, I believe on that Friday...

The father has a gf and allegedly was in Georgia all weekend per video, bank records, and more. Not sure if that info comes from him, LE, family or elsewhere...

Anyhow, this site has even updated since I first read it yesterday and there is more info. Just for reference if you want to read there.

Considering it has been some days, and she was in a populous area with likely plenty of business cameras, I expected they would crack this by now. I would have to almost guess they know but do not have that end result yet of locating her or any possible perp...?

ETA: Also Cam's father Danny allegedly also states that she had this truck for three to four weeks and it was her truck...
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There is a press release I have seen out by Hollywood PD now but darned if I can find it to link it. It simply confirms her truck was found in Hollywood and that is where she was last sighted as well. Nothing more really. Here is an article that is mostly reiteration of things we know but does confirm that part in the beginning.

What stands out at the above intersection to me is a Walmart Supercenter. It is about 2.1 miles to the apartment area/parking lot where Camden was found in Miramar...

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