Letcher County, KY Sheriff arrested in shooting death of District Judge

Sheriff Mickey Stines was arrested after surrendering himself to police. The shooting occurred in the judge’s chambers about 3 p.m. this afternoon (September 19).
Stines allegedly walked into the judge’s outer office, told court employees and others gathered there that he needed to speak with District Judge Kevin D. Mullins alone. The two then went into the inner office, closed the door and those outside heard shots. Stines walked out with his hands up and surrendered to police.

Court employees were on the sidewalk outside the courthouse in shock following the shooting. Stines was handcuffed in the foyer of the courthouse. Officials expected the investigation to continue for several more hours.

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Just posting this. Don't know if it has already been posted but highlighting the bit that says Adkins saw Judge Mullins having sex with a girl.

"Adkins, a defendant who was placed on house arrest, claimed in the audio recording that the footage she saw showed slain U.S. District Judge Kevin Mullins having sex with women in exchange for special treatment. She filed a federal lawsuit in January 2022 and Stines — a close friend of Mullins’ for roughly three decades — had just been deposed in the ongoing case on Sep. 16, three days before the shooting, according to the Louisville Courier Journal.
“I seen Judge Mullins having sex with a girl … in the judge’s chambers,” Adkins told police during the Fields investigation, noting how she had sex with Fields once in the office.
Adkins outlined what she allegedly went through in the complaint for her civil suit, saying Mullins’ chambers served as a secret haven for Fields and others due to the fact that there weren’t any surveillance cameras present.
“There were no cameras,” the complaint says. It describes how Fields allegedly took off Adkins’ ankle monitor and told her she “would not have to pay the associated fees any longer, but could remain out on home incarceration” if she performed sexual favors for him.
According to the complaint, Fields met Adkins at least six times in Mullins’ chambers to receive those favors."
I tend to believe from what I've seen now that the judge did. I will say this too, I think the sheriff has a good atty. I've watched a lot of the recent things he is doing and saying in interviews. I typically don't like D attorneys doing such but I'd put him as far smarter than Jackson in Read or than B & R in Delphi and so far he isn't dislikable either While I don't buy where they will likely go with this, he isn't getting so "out there" and over the top as the ones I've mentioned did/have/are and he says things without really saying them... They could take a lesson from him imo.

There allegedly are some or a video or two...

I really wanted to share what I watched the other day, with a few comments, but since then have watched the Daybell hearing, the Read hearing, have had a rough couple of weeks and am behind on other things and have many appts. and it just got past me.

Particularly the Leavy interview and the D attorney, while I figured others saw it, I really wanted to put up the YT video and the speculation of the host because the interview is one thing but what it makes any of us think or how we take it is another... That D atty is not stupid. And he made a point of saying he was not going to malign the judge, the victim, and yet without saying so he more or less did and when asked about a tape or if he knows it to be true or not, fi they have looked into it, etc... I never compliment, rarely lol, a D atty, because I dislike the antics of many of them, but he is good at least in interviews, without going too far is he thing too, and from what I understand their practice isn't even mainly criminal defense, much less for murder.

Personally I think the sheriff is one of them and did his own thing or condoned, knew, etc. but I also think (my opinion thus far) he was worried about what was going to come out about him and when men in power all now what the others are doing, whether part of it or condoning or helping, when something is found out, they all worry for their arse and either stick together or one rats out the other AND one may have more power behind him than the other.... Or connections...

It's just my opinion thus far which I didn't really have a strong one previously because I don't want to talk to a case I'm not fully up on, but I've seen plenty now, read plenty, etc... that I feel I am mostly informed. What you brought forward was very helpful and it led me to other things too. Then I watched a thing or two as well. So now I feel I can give an opinion that isn't just general.

Justr an opinion but none of them were clean or not involved. However all also probably wanted to save selves and some probaby had more backing than others or power behind them...

But the sheriff was going to be the one to take the fall and I think he was very worried about what would come out re him as well... Imo. Just speculation here too, and whatnot, but he was worried about something that would come out on him, what his family would think, and more.

I keep going back to the camera in the chambers... I also keep thinking of the Murdaugh sh*t... Where so much corruption and I doubt we will ever hear the half that went on for real...

But the camera thing... If this looked like it was going to be a big deal, first the deputy, women, then lawsuit, etc... And not be shut down or go away... Well judge is going to save self if can.... And a bigger outside investigation is going to go on, one would hope anyhow, wouldn't count on it... I'm not sure for a minute I beleive that judge or others didn\t know his "chambers" were being used (deputy clamed bathroom of the secretary of judge). Lot going on here today, but trying to say the jduge probably said I knew of nothing... Camera came in, he knew... So no further activites by him. Just total guesses... When a bunch of corrupt or one gets caught, all scurry... Sheriff probably more of a redneck dufus than the judge... Yet they'd been friends a long time...

I have a bday thing to do, maintenance coming (I bet that ends up a joke) med appts to call about and more, not sure if I will be able eto put thoughts together beter later but they were both dirty imo, one worse than the other, but when crap comes down, who has the most behind him. or the higher corrupts... MOre power definitely...

It's all a cover up and an attempt cover up what can be...

One thing I did say before I got more up to speed is the county is appropriately named...

There's no doubt here he shot the judge... That in and of itself is interesting... And the camera...

Also audio of the woman's actual words.

Adkins, a defendant who was placed on house arrest, claimed in the audio recording that the footage she saw showed slain U.S. District Judge Kevin Mullins having sex with women in exchange for special treatment. She filed a federal lawsuit in January 2022 and Stines — a close friend of Mullins’ for roughly three decades — had just been deposed in the ongoing case on Sep. 16, three days before the shooting, according to the Louisville Courier Journal.
“I seen Judge Mullins having sex with a girl … in the judge’s chambers,” Adkins told police during the Fields investigation, noting how she had sex with Fields once in the office.
Adkins outlined what she allegedly went through in the complaint for her civil suit, saying Mullins’ chambers served as a secret haven for Fields and others due to the fact that there weren’t any surveillance cameras present.
“There were no cameras,” the complaint says. It describes how Fields allegedly took off Adkins’ ankle monitor and told her she “would not have to pay the associated fees any longer, but could remain out on home incarceration” if she performed sexual favors for him.
According to the complaint, Fields met Adkins at least six times in Mullins’ chambers to receive those favors.
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Speculation here:

I wonder if the judge said something to make the sheriff think he was/did something to his daughter. Like, "yeah and your daughter is next" kind of a threat.
Yeah if I heard correctly, that video/camera had no audio right? I wonder why. One thought I had was as they say it isn't probably normal for chambers to have a camera to begin with but I suppose no audit it would catch things going on (sex) but not compromise private conversations...?I mean atty client privilege, you name it.... I think in Delph the D attorneys wanted RA in with them at least one occasion, or him allowed to be present. While maybe on private conversation went on between he and his counsel probably with others present, if others left the room it is possible so the camera surprises to begin with and how that would be okayed, but no audio was maybe pr is maybe a key thing... to get such?

I know one thing that probably would surprise no one as I say it a lot, our system needs fixing. And things are sliding backwards imo. And I honestly don't think this kid of thing is rare, the good ol' boys are alive and well and have their ways of staying in. Power equals corruption or attracts types that are or want to abuse it, I am NOT saying all, but plenty. And if someone naive or good came in, they'd soon realize they can't be because of the higher ups, etc...

It is also why I believe in all that can be should be open to the public, records, hearings, trials, and these days streamed or recorded. Secrecy breeds nothing good. Privacy is one thing but it also allows for things to go on that shouldn't when public officials, etc.

Also supposedly the deputy had sex with the one woman in his car, was it a cop car, I forget? I know he was a court officer and then did the monitoring for the private place but any official should never be not monitored for the most part. A cop car should always have a camera on, and voice recording with it, officers should have camcorders etc. I'm a big advocate for privacy in one's own home but not outside it and especially not for those on duty in positions of power. Case in point right here is judge's chambers. There is a reason such if hallowed and private but look at the abuse because they "all" knew such was...

Kind of got on a rant here, but it's true and it's the same reason people don't stand up or say anything, because they don't want to be targeted, or their kids to be or p off the powers that be...
This article refers to a GFM that states no truth in the rumour about the judge and the sheriff's daughter.

From the article -

The theory of the daughter, a minor, being taken advantage of has been disproved by Stines’ wife’s sister in law, who set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with their expenses following the Sheriff’s firing.
“The rumor about their daughter being sexually abused is false. We don’t want anyone donating under false pretenses,” she wrote.
“We were made aware we cannot use this platform to assist in fees regarding this case. The funds will only be used for the needs of the wife and daughter.”
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called for Stines’ resignation, with the latter acquiescing with an announcement on Monday (September 30).

Stines pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and is currently being held at the Leslie County Jail. The case will now be presented to a grand jury for indictment.
This article refers to a GFM that states no truth in the rumour about the judge and the sheriff's daughter.

From the article -

The theory of the daughter, a minor, being taken advantage of has been disproved by Stines’ wife’s sister in law, who set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with their expenses following the Sheriff’s firing.
“The rumor about their daughter being sexually abused is false. We don’t want anyone donating under false pretenses,” she wrote.
“We were made aware we cannot use this platform to assist in fees regarding this case. The funds will only be used for the needs of the wife and daughter.”
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called for Stines’ resignation, with the latter acquiescing with an announcement on Monday (September 30).

Stines pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and is currently being held at the Leslie County Jail. The case will now be presented to a grand jury for indictment.
Oh, well there's more info on it than I've seen before! Thanks for digging this one out.
This article refers to a GFM that states no truth in the rumour about the judge and the sheriff's daughter.

From the article -

The theory of the daughter, a minor, being taken advantage of has been disproved by Stines’ wife’s sister in law, who set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with their expenses following the Sheriff’s firing.
“The rumor about their daughter being sexually abused is false. We don’t want anyone donating under false pretenses,” she wrote.
“We were made aware we cannot use this platform to assist in fees regarding this case. The funds will only be used for the needs of the wife and daughter.”
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called for Stines’ resignation, with the latter acquiescing with an announcement on Monday (September 30).

Stines pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and is currently being held at the Leslie County Jail. The case will now be presented to a grand jury for indictment.
So the daughter is a minor, I thought so, or was anyhow.

I'd start out by saying just because family says the rumor is false does not "disprove" anything. I think they are pretty irresponsible for saying it that way. It was informative though.

I think the judge was dirty too. Can't know yet of course but fairly convinced for a few reasons, and I think there's an attempt to whitewash him. Just because a judge does good things he is known for doesn't say anything about what he does privately. Some have higher ambitions just for one thing and those things play well when running for election or re-election if not a higher goal.

I'm not sure how the daughter plays in but even if these men were long time friends, there is no reason for a man the age of the judge to have his friend's daughter's number in his phone. The only "good" reason I can think of is if she babysat for him/them if he was married or had kids. Even then, you'd think the wife would more likely have the number. I think it smells...

While I tend to believe the judge was dirty too, and knew full well what his chambers were used for, even possibly doing so himself, or they all did, I don't know that I buy the wife and daughter kidnapped thing, or being in danger, because shooting the judge does not protect them unless he was the only person involved (the judge) and that makes no sense at all that he was the only one. And then Stines is not there to protect them after killing the judge anyhow...

They also claim lunch was to try to set up a private meeting with the judge. Not sure it said how that is known?

Did Stines know there was a camera...? I mean you want a private meeting when shooting the judge when you'd know it will be video recorded? Maybe he knew there was no sound but that doesn't really help him... In fact, it hurts, clearly it wasn't self defense, etc. and no reason can be heard, etc.

His atty and he claim the kidnapping thing... While I think so far this atty pretty good, it doesn't make the story true. Might be, might not be.

The domestic abuse thing fits though somewhat if he was locked out the night before, daughter wouldn't answer him, etc. Not real sure how much of anything here is fact, I don't mean the article, I mean the case...

IF there WAS any domestic abuse going on, where are those charges? The judge should have been encouraging wife to file charges, and I wonder, was the wife's # in is phone? The judge also then should have been reporting such if he knew of it.

Some out there think the truth will come out, all of it, and all the corruption. I'm not so sure...

Almost everyone says chambers as did the victim of the deputy, but the deputy said in deposition it was the bathroom near the clerk or office person's area. He said I believe the judge's chambers were usually locked and I find that very interesting, or something close to that, leaving an opening there... He was protecting the judge imo. Even though he is the courthouse officer or was (the deputy) and had a key, do they have keys to judge's chambers....? No idea.

Also pretty sure the county has two judges and funny it seems to be only this judge's chambers.

I think all three were part and parcel and/or knew what was going on and helped, etc. Meaning the judge, Stines, the deputy, and very likely others. Jmo at this point.

I am undecided on the daughter and how it plays in. While I believe higher ups starting with the judge may well be also in the know, I also am not sure I believe the sheriff thought they were in danger from a group of more powerful men, and kidnapping either.

I also think the judge was going to come out smelling like a rose and that bothered Stines when he knew he was no innocent and he was under the "gun" so to speak...

On the flip side, some said he was not himself in those days, his atty for one, stating others said so as well. He couldn't reach the daughter but could with the judge's phone. This said I believe, several times...

So undecided on a few things but have a real leaning towards all of them being dirty, or doing wrong at minimum. AND in the "know".

Just my thoughts at the present time. It was a good read but a few things that are not verified facts.
So the daughter is a minor, I thought so, or was anyhow.

I'd start out by saying just because family says the rumor is false does not "disprove" anything. I think they are pretty irresponsible for saying it that way. It was informative though.

I think the judge was dirty too. Can't know yet of course but fairly convinced for a few reasons, and I think there's an attempt to whitewash him. Just because a judge does good things he is known for doesn't say anything about what he does privately. Some have higher ambitions just for one thing and those things play well when running for election or re-election if not a higher goal.

I'm not sure how the daughter plays in but even if these men were long time friends, there is no reason for a man the age of the judge to have his friend's daughter's number in his phone. The only "good" reason I can think of is if she babysat for him/them if he was married or had kids. Even then, you'd think the wife would more likely have the number. I think it smells...

While I tend to believe the judge was dirty too, and knew full well what his chambers were used for, even possibly doing so himself, or they all did, I don't know that I buy the wife and daughter kidnapped thing, or being in danger, because shooting the judge does not protect them unless he was the only person involved (the judge) and that makes no sense at all that he was the only one. And then Stines is not there to protect them after killing the judge anyhow...

They also claim lunch was to try to set up a private meeting with the judge. Not sure it said how that is known?

Did Stines know there was a camera...? I mean you want a private meeting when shooting the judge when you'd know it will be video recorded? Maybe he knew there was no sound but that doesn't really help him... In fact, it hurts, clearly it wasn't self defense, etc. and no reason can be heard, etc.

His atty and he claim the kidnapping thing... While I think so far this atty pretty good, it doesn't make the story true. Might be, might not be.

The domestic abuse thing fits though somewhat if he was locked out the night before, daughter wouldn't answer him, etc. Not real sure how much of anything here is fact, I don't mean the article, I mean the case...

IF there WAS any domestic abuse going on, where are those charges? The judge should have been encouraging wife to file charges, and I wonder, was the wife's # in is phone? The judge also then should have been reporting such if he knew of it.

Some out there think the truth will come out, all of it, and all the corruption. I'm not so sure...

Almost everyone says chambers as did the victim of the deputy, but the deputy said in deposition it was the bathroom near the clerk or office person's area. He said I believe the judge's chambers were usually locked and I find that very interesting, or something close to that, leaving an opening there... He was protecting the judge imo. Even though he is the courthouse officer or was (the deputy) and had a key, do they have keys to judge's chambers....? No idea.

Also pretty sure the county has two judges and funny it seems to be only this judge's chambers.

I think all three were part and parcel and/or knew what was going on and helped, etc. Meaning the judge, Stines, the deputy, and very likely others. Jmo at this point.

I am undecided on the daughter and how it plays in. While I believe higher ups starting with the judge may well be also in the know, I also am not sure I believe the sheriff thought they were in danger from a group of more powerful men, and kidnapping either.

I also think the judge was going to come out smelling like a rose and that bothered Stines when he knew he was no innocent and he was under the "gun" so to speak...

On the flip side, some said he was not himself in those days, his atty for one, stating others said so as well. He couldn't reach the daughter but could with the judge's phone. This said I believe, several times...

So undecided on a few things but have a real leaning towards all of them being dirty, or doing wrong at minimum. AND in the "know".

Just my thoughts at the present time. It was a good read but a few things that are not verified facts.
I think the cameras must have been put in because of the case of the deputy using the chambers for sex and the judge being implicated too. I don't think either knew the camera was there necessarily.
I think the cameras must have been put in because of the case of the deputy using the chambers for sex and the judge being implicated too. I don't think either knew the camera was there necessarily.
Yeah, that's one possibility I certainly have not dismissed. However, I've also thought of that the judge may have went along with it either claiming innocence or thought to be innocent, etc. The first or what you said seems more likely though. If so, then I guess it would have to be a hidden camera. If we think about it and it is true the sheriff tried to arrange this private meet with the judge at lunch, then he probably thought it was private as they all (I believe) thought it was for sex, etc. too. And he goes the very place he thinks private and his shooting the judge is all caught on tape. I guess I just question let's say more were corrupt than we know, which seems likely, who installed the camera and if someone may have (against all rules) informed one of them, etc.... I mean as of now I think the deputy lied and protected the judge. It is claimed the corruption went higher up even or with more involved and the sheriff was worried about his wife and daughter being in danger, etc. Is it far fetched to think someone might also have informed the judge (privately) there was a camera?

I also wonder if it was the only camera... If it was, then I think for sure the deputy's claims sex happened in a bathroom outside his chambers is b.s. which I think anyhow, because that camera seemed focused on the judge's desk area and the chambers. Maybe there were others though if installed without his knowledge.

I keep thinking of Murdaugh in this one.. Although that one centers on murder and money, imo and there are hints of it, sex was also part of it. It generally goes along with power and that many men who abused power.

Likewise there was probably dirty going on here too with cases and $$.

What I am getting at though is plenty knew about the Murdaughs in the low country but they are scared to say anything because that power will make they or theirs pay is my point. I am betting the people in this county in KY know, maybe not all of course, there are types just wouldn't but people know...

So back to the point (first post this too early morning), so do you lean towards the State installed the camera, someone else in the sheriff's dept. investigating their own...? IF hidden cameras of course someone had to do it, get in and someone at the county level probably had to know... Or the judge did, I just don't know... Or the judge knew. I'm still open on that one...
Yeah, that's one possibility I certainly have not dismissed. However, I've also thought of that the judge may have went along with it either claiming innocence or thought to be innocent, etc. The first or what you said seems more likely though. If so, then I guess it would have to be a hidden camera. If we think about it and it is true the sheriff tried to arrange this private meet with the judge at lunch, then he probably thought it was private as they all (I believe) thought it was for sex, etc. too. And he goes the very place he thinks private and his shooting the judge is all caught on tape. I guess I just question let's say more were corrupt than we know, which seems likely, who installed the camera and if someone may have (against all rules) informed one of them, etc.... I mean as of now I think the deputy lied and protected the judge. It is claimed the corruption went higher up even or with more involved and the sheriff was worried about his wife and daughter being in danger, etc. Is it far fetched to think someone might also have informed the judge (privately) there was a camera?

I also wonder if it was the only camera... If it was, then I think for sure the deputy's claims sex happened in a bathroom outside his chambers is b.s. which I think anyhow, because that camera seemed focused on the judge's desk area and the chambers. Maybe there were others though if installed without his knowledge.

I keep thinking of Murdaugh in this one.. Although that one centers on murder and money, imo and there are hints of it, sex was also part of it. It generally goes along with power and that many men who abused power.

Likewise there was probably dirty going on here too with cases and $$.

What I am getting at though is plenty knew about the Murdaughs in the low country but they are scared to say anything because that power will make they or theirs pay is my point. I am betting the people in this county in KY know, maybe not all of course, there are types just wouldn't but people know...

So back to the point (first post this too early morning), so do you lean towards the State installed the camera, someone else in the sheriff's dept. investigating their own...? IF hidden cameras of course someone had to do it, get in and someone at the county level probably had to know... Or the judge did, I just don't know... Or the judge knew. I'm still open on that one...
I think it likely the Prosecution put the camera in after they heard from the two women with the ankle bracelets. That would have possibly been 2022, when that first came to light.
I think it likely the Prosecution put the camera in after they heard from the two women with the ankle bracelets. That would have possibly been 2022, when that first came to light.
Okay. I can see that. However, we are still talking a judge's chambera and I guess I should know but can't recall, are we talking the same county? I probably should know but I ingested a lot this week on this one and then some other cases, I think the sheriff is being held in a neighboring county if I recall or a different one or some such but if the P from the same county, I don't like that... Theoretically yeah it's different sides but...

Or have you heard that elsewhere? Even if it is the case, I wouldn't trust that no one told anyone.

Sorry, I'd have to look back but I assume it is the same or a neighboring one. I'd have more faith if the state put it in. And I don't mean state as in P, I mean like SLED in Murdaugh even though there were problems there too...

I think this is a corrupt county as to officials, maybe not all, but they all work together day in and day out...

If same county what judge was going to sign off on a warrant, Mullins himself or the other one sharing the same floor probably and duties?

OR was the State brought in and a special prosecutor? If so, that's different, I don't recall hearing that but could be wrong, sorry. Went from getting up to speed on this one to Daybell and Read and others actually. Had appts every single day this week, just not been a good one, and some days more than one.

I mean whoever put that camera in had a warrant imo...

Just a bit beyond me right now. Most is lately.

Anyhow I agree though that's entirely possible and it was likely due to that case or other allegations that stemmed from it...
Okay. I can see that. However, we are still talking a judge's chambera and I guess I should know but can't recall, are we talking the same county? I probably should know but I ingested a lot this week on this one and then some other cases, I think the sheriff is being held in a neighboring county if I recall or a different one or some such but if the P from the same county, I don't like that... Theoretically yeah it's different sides but...

Or have you heard that elsewhere? Even if it is the case, I wouldn't trust that no one told anyone.

Sorry, I'd have to look back but I assume it is the same or a neighboring one. I'd have more faith if the state put it in. And I don't mean state as in P, I mean like SLED in Murdaugh even though there were problems there too...

I think this is a corrupt county as to officials, maybe not all, but they all work together day in and day out...

If same county what judge was going to sign off on a warrant, Mullins himself or the other one sharing the same floor probably and duties?

OR was the State brought in and a special prosecutor? If so, that's different, I don't recall hearing that but could be wrong, sorry. Went from getting up to speed on this one to Daybell and Read and others actually. Had appts every single day this week, just not been a good one, and some days more than one.

I mean whoever put that camera in had a warrant imo...

Just a bit beyond me right now. Most is lately.

Anyhow I agree though that's entirely possible and it was likely due to that case or other allegations that stemmed from it...
I was speculating on the camera. I think the Deputy and the offences are in the same county but he is in jail in another county because of that. Speculating again though. I haven't followed the ankle bracelet case fully.

ETA he served the six months in the local jail see next post.
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I thought it a good idea to post this which is an account of Deputy Fields court case from a year ago for us to review. Not sure if it has already been posted.

The deputy did serve his 6 months sentence in the local jail where he used to be the jailer.

Notice that one other person wasn't charged and he was a relative of Fields.
( see BBM - bolded by me. )
Just part of the article-

The women claimed Fields told them he would not make them pay for the monitoring if they would do him “a favor.” Fields disabled the devices, told the monitoring company that bail conditions had been changed so the devices were not required, and then used threats of arrest to force the women to have sex with him. When Letcher Circuit Judge James W. Craft II asked Fields for GPS coordinates for one of the subjects for a court appearance, Fields said he couldn’t locate her and filed an escape charge against her, court records show.

The Mountain Eagle does not normally identify victims of sexual crimes however one remaining victim spoke to a reporter at the paper on the record and testified to many of the same things in sworn testimony during the sentencing. The other alleged victim died of a drug overdose after the suit was filed.

Sabrina Adkins, 47, of Pikeville, who was in jail on drug charges at the time the crimes occurred, said she has completed rehab and hopes to become a domestic violence counselor. She said she had a career before addiction and wants a normal life again.

“I was clean for 18 years,” she said. “I had a career; I had a family.

Adkins also accuses others of involvement in her situation and that of the other woman who filed suit against Fields. She alleged harassment by other sheriff’s deputies and arrests based on false information given by Fields. Stines declined to comment, citing the continuing civil case, however the criminal court record shows at one point a warrant was issued for Adkins because Judge James W. Craft II asked Fields to bring her to court and Fields told the judge he couldn’t find her because she had had taken off her bracelet and escaped.

She also alleged that a male relative of Fields, who he introduced to her, also coerced her to have sex with him because he “had pull with the court.” She said that she talked to Fields on Facebook Messenger, but the other man never sent her any messages. He wasn’t charged because she had no proof.

Adkins said she believes that man is still doing to same thing to other women because she went to court for a hearing on a charge of driving under the influence and saw him sitting in the gallery whispering to another female defendant with his arm around her.

“He was right there in the courtroom, asking her to go out to dinner with him,” she said. “I felt physically sick.”

Fields was accused of having sex with Adkins in his car, in the district judge’s office, and in an elevator at the Letcher County Courthouse.

The grand jury on September 29, 2022, charged him with two counts of third-degree rape, two counts of third-degree sodomy, and three counts of tampering with a prisoner monitoring device. All those charges are felonies. He was also charged with one count of second-degree perjury, a misdemeanor, related to him allegedly filing a false complaint.

The case was prosecuted by Barbara Whaley of the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office and was heard by Pike Circuit Judge Eddy Coleman. Court documents show hearings were held in at least three counties other than Letcher.
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This is another article that mentions the cameras installed. I will post the link and the article in full.

Posted 10:26 PM, Dec 10, 2024

and last updated 11:54 PM, Dec 10, 2024

(LEX 18) — An interview from a 2022 investigation made national
headlines last week after a mention in it of killed Letcher County District Court Judge Kevin Mullins came to light.
Mullins was shot and killed in his chambers at the courthouse in September.

His shooting was captured by a surveillance camera placed in his office. The Letcher County sheriff at the time, Mickey Stines, was charged with murder in his death.

The newly released audio was of an interview by a state attorney general’s office investigator of a woman who was at the center of a rape case involving a former Letcher County sheriff’s deputy.
The former deputy, Ben Fields, pleaded guilty in January to third-degree rape, third-degree sodomy, tampering with a prisoner’s monitoring device and second-degree perjury, according to court records.
The investigation into Fields began in 2022 after the victim in the case filed a lawsuit against him alleging that he exchanged favorable treatment for sexual favors while acting as her home incarceration officer.
During the attorney general office’s interview with the woman in that case in 2022, she claimed that she’d seen a video of Mullins having sex with a woman in his chambers at the courthouse. LEX 18 obtained the audio of the interview from the Office of the Attorney General after it was covered by national outlets last week.
Mullins was never accused of anything related to the allegation in the interview or charged with anything. LEX 18 asked the attorney general’s office whether they ever investigated the claims against Mullins, and they told us to put in an open records request.
In the 2022 interview, the woman told the investigator that she recognized Mullins’ office because it was where she’d met with Fields. She also said that she recognized Mullins in the video because she’d been before him in court.
She told the investigator that the man who had the video claimed to have numerous similar videos of other people that were on VHS style tapes, but she said she’d only seen one of the videos.
According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 18 additional cameras were installed at the Letcher County Courthouse after the woman’s federal lawsuit against Fields in 2022. The cameras were placed at the request of “the judges, circuit court clerk and sheriff (Stines).”
“These cameras were placed in various locations in the building, including the office areas of the circuit and district judges and the Office of Circuit Court Clerk,” according to the Administrative Office of the Courts. “There were cameras in the courthouse previously, but not in Judge Mullins’ chambers. The officials were involved in choosing camera placement and were provided monitors to view the camera coverage in their offices.”

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I was speculating on the camera. I think the Deputy and the offences are in the same county but he is in jail in another county because of that. Speculating again though. I haven't followed the ankle bracelet case fully.

ETA he served the six months in the local jail see next post.
I'm only speculating too mostly. Most of this case seems speculation imo. There are a few facts but it's largely that it seems.

I meant the sheriff was being held in a neighboring county. The deputy's time is done I believe other than I think he has terms for a bit he has to follow.

I haven't read the next post yet link but see the gist of it. Just getting up and man I can hardly move, or even type. I thought therapy was to help not hurt. Ouch, man, it's brutal.

I'm speculating too and am undecided on a few things like the camera, the daughter, etc.

The deputy was "known" to trade help with the monitoring for favors, etc. or the cost of it. Per the surviving victim, complainant.

As I said, he got off with a slap on the wrist imo and consider this, if the same county, it is the P that worked that deal with him and his atty, then he gets no prison time at all and serves his little time in the very jail and county he likely has how many cronies in, including the sheriff... I would almost bet she got told too that since she went along with it the case wasn't as strong as it could be or something on that order (the criminal case)... Just a guess...
I am concerned there is still someone who wasn't prosecuted due to no proof, according to the court. So who is that person? -a relative of Fields apparently.
I thought it a good idea to post this which is an account of Deputy Fields court case from a year ago for us to review. Not sure if it has already been posted.

The deputy did serve his 6 months sentence in the local jail where he used to be the jailer.

Notice that one other person wasn't charged and he was a relative of Fields.
( see BBM - bolded by me. )
Just part of the article-

The women claimed Fields told them he would not make them pay for the monitoring if they would do him “a favor.” Fields disabled the devices, told the monitoring company that bail conditions had been changed so the devices were not required, and then used threats of arrest to force the women to have sex with him. When Letcher Circuit Judge James W. Craft II asked Fields for GPS coordinates for one of the subjects for a court appearance, Fields said he couldn’t locate her and filed an escape charge against her, court records show.

The Mountain Eagle does not normally identify victims of sexual crimes however one remaining victim spoke to a reporter at the paper on the record and testified to many of the same things in sworn testimony during the sentencing. The other alleged victim died of a drug overdose after the suit was filed.

Sabrina Adkins, 47, of Pikeville, who was in jail on drug charges at the time the crimes occurred, said she has completed rehab and hopes to become a domestic violence counselor. She said she had a career before addiction and wants a normal life again.

“I was clean for 18 years,” she said. “I had a career; I had a family.

Adkins also accuses others of involvement in her situation and that of the other woman who filed suit against Fields. She alleged harassment by other sheriff’s deputies and arrests based on false information given by Fields. Stines declined to comment, citing the continuing civil case, however the criminal court record shows at one point a warrant was issued for Adkins because Judge James W. Craft II asked Fields to bring her to court and Fields told the judge he couldn’t find her because she had had taken off her bracelet and escaped.

She also alleged that a male relative of Fields, who he introduced to her, also coerced her to have sex with him because he “had pull with the court.” She said that she talked to Fields on Facebook Messenger, but the other man never sent her any messages. He wasn’t charged because she had no proof.

Adkins said she believes that man is still doing to same thing to other women because she went to court for a hearing on a charge of driving under the influence and saw him sitting in the gallery whispering to another female defendant with his arm around her.

“He was right there in the courtroom, asking her to go out to dinner with him,” she said. “I felt physically sick.”

Fields was accused of having sex with Adkins in his car, in the district judge’s office, and in an elevator at the Letcher County Courthouse.

The grand jury on September 29, 2022, charged him with two counts of third-degree rape, two counts of third-degree sodomy, and three counts of tampering with a prisoner monitoring device. All those charges are felonies. He was also charged with one count of second-degree perjury, a misdemeanor, related to him allegedly filing a false complaint.

The case was prosecuted by Barbara Whaley of the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office and was heard by Pike Circuit Judge Eddy Coleman. Court documents show hearings were held in at least three counties other than Letcher.
Note Craft is the other judge in the county and HIS chambers never come up as used for sex. That I've seen so far anyhow. So it was the AG's office, and an another county's judge, thought so but wasn't sure, I read three long articles in short order the other day and did a video. It can also get confusing because there is the deputy's criminal case, the civil case by the women, now the sheriff's murder case, for sure.

Yeah the relative was never charged due to "no proof". And it's good Fields was so dumb as there was talk on FB between them (her and him) or they'd have just tried to get rid of the case. There are people out there who would say too that she went along, consented. That makes me sick because these types in power use the vulnerable or the ones in trouble. It makes me think of LISK/CB. I'm not saying the women didn't make lifestyle choices that put them in more vulnerable positions or fall into lifestyles because of no support, help, etc. but it doesn't make the deputy innocent by any means, he was abusing his position, and they look for the needy or vulnerable, adults with drug habits, or who have been through he77 and slipped.

It's a dirty county and I'm not thinking Pike might not be as well. Or the state for that matter. My opinion, and I'm sure not all are, or would hope not, but most probably know but just stay in their leave it alone place or bubbles to keep their jobs because of the higher ups or the corrupt.

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