This article refers to a GFM that states no truth in the rumour about the judge and the sheriff's daughter.
A gruesome video played in Lechter District Court, Kentucky, last Tuesday (October 1) reveals the moment a Kentucky sheriff murdered a district judge, who was also a close friend, in his chambers. The footage showed Sheriff Shawn Stines shooting District Judge Kevin Mullins multiple times...
From the article -
The theory of the daughter, a minor, being taken advantage of has been disproved by Stines’ wife’s sister in law, who set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with their expenses following the Sheriff’s firing.
“The rumor about their daughter being sexually abused is false. We don’t want anyone donating under false pretenses,” she wrote.
“We were made aware we cannot use this platform to assist in fees regarding this case. The funds will only be used for the needs of the wife and daughter.”
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called for Stines’ resignation, with the latter acquiescing with an announcement on Monday (September 30).
Stines pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and is currently being held at the Leslie County Jail. The case will now be presented to a grand jury for indictment.
So the daughter is a minor, I thought so, or was anyhow.
I'd start out by saying just because family says the rumor is false does not "disprove" anything. I think they are pretty irresponsible for saying it that way. It was informative though.
I think the judge was dirty too. Can't know yet of course but fairly convinced for a few reasons, and I think there's an attempt to whitewash him. Just because a judge does good things he is known for doesn't say anything about what he does privately. Some have higher ambitions just for one thing and those things play well when running for election or re-election if not a higher goal.
I'm not sure how the daughter plays in but even if these men were long time friends, there is no reason for a man the age of the judge to have his friend's daughter's number in his phone. The only "good" reason I can think of is if she babysat for him/them if he was married or had kids. Even then, you'd think the wife would more likely have the number. I think it smells...
While I tend to believe the judge was dirty too, and knew full well what his chambers were used for, even possibly doing so himself, or they all did, I don't know that I buy the wife and daughter kidnapped thing, or being in danger, because shooting the judge does not protect them unless he was the only person involved (the judge) and that makes no sense at all that he was the only one. And then Stines is not there to protect them after killing the judge anyhow...
They also claim lunch was to try to set up a private meeting with the judge. Not sure it said how that is known?
Did Stines know there was a camera...? I mean you want a private meeting when shooting the judge when you'd know it will be video recorded? Maybe he knew there was no sound but that doesn't really help him... In fact, it hurts, clearly it wasn't self defense, etc. and no reason can be heard, etc.
His atty and he claim the kidnapping thing... While I think so far this atty pretty good, it doesn't make the story true. Might be, might not be.
The domestic abuse thing fits though somewhat if he was locked out the night before, daughter wouldn't answer him, etc. Not real sure how much of anything here is fact, I don't mean the article, I mean the case...
IF there WAS any domestic abuse going on, where are those charges? The judge should have been encouraging wife to file charges, and I wonder, was the wife's # in is phone? The judge also then should have been reporting such if he knew of it.
Some out there think the truth will come out, all of it, and all the corruption. I'm not so sure...
Almost everyone says chambers as did the victim of the deputy, but the deputy said in deposition it was the bathroom near the clerk or office person's area. He said I believe the judge's chambers were usually locked and I find that very interesting, or something close to that, leaving an opening there... He was protecting the judge imo. Even though he is the courthouse officer or was (the deputy) and had a key, do they have keys to judge's chambers....? No idea.
Also pretty sure the county has two judges and funny it seems to be only this judge's chambers.
I think all three were part and parcel and/or knew what was going on and helped, etc. Meaning the judge, Stines, the deputy, and very likely others. Jmo at this point.
I am undecided on the daughter and how it plays in. While I believe higher ups starting with the judge may well be also in the know, I also am not sure I believe the sheriff thought they were in danger from a group of more powerful men, and kidnapping either.
I also think the judge was going to come out smelling like a rose and that bothered Stines when he knew he was no innocent and he was under the "gun" so to speak...
On the flip side, some said he was not himself in those days, his atty for one, stating others said so as well. He couldn't reach the daughter but could with the judge's phone. This said I believe, several times...
So undecided on a few things but have a real leaning towards all of them being dirty, or doing wrong at minimum. AND in the "know".
Just my thoughts at the present time. It was a good read but a few things that are not verified facts.