3952DFFL - Martha Jean Lambert

The images on the right have been age-progressed to 24 and 29 years.
Name: Martha Jean Lambert
Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: November 27, 1985
Location Last Seen: Elkton, St. Johns County, Florida
Physical Description
Date of Birth: March 26, 1973
Age: 12 years old
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 70 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde, Shoulder Length
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Birthmarks on the front of her right thigh and on her upper left chest, Protruding front teeth
Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available
Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Matching two-piece bathing suit
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown
Circumstances of Disappearance
Martha Lambert, a 7th grade student at Ketterlinus Junior High, was last seen at her family's mobile home in Elkton, Florida on November 27, 1985. She spent time at a neighbor's residence after school, then returned to her home to have a small dinner with her brother. She has never been seen or heard from again. Martha's family life was troubled, she had spent much of her life in different foster homes. Her brothers had also ran away previously from their home. In 2009 Martha's brother confessed to accidentally killing her during an argument, then panicked and buried her in a 3-foot grave, at the old Florida Memorial College site near their home.
Lambert said he and his sister were fighting over $20. Martha slapped him and he pushed her back. She fell and landed on a piece of steel that went through the base of her skull, killing her. Lambert led police to the site, but no remains were found. Police dug up the area and brought in dogs during an extensive search in September 2009, but they couldn't find Martha's remains. The overgrown, wooded property had been cleared of buildings in the years since her disappearance. Because authorities believe it was an accident, because Lambert was 15 at the time and because manslaughter charges had a statute of limitations in 1985, he will not be charged and the case will be closed unless new evidence surfaces. He later recanted his statements and said he did not know what happened to Martha. Martha's mother believes she was kidnapped.
Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
Agency Contact Person: Eugene Tolbert
Agency Phone Number: 904-824-8304
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 271329
NCIC Case Number: M-293192969
NCMEC Case Number: 601793
NamUs Case Number: 6278
Information Source(s)
Life Daily
Admin Notes
Added: 3/19/19; Last Updated: 3/19/19
edited by staff to add media link

MARTHA JEAN LAMBERT - Missing from St. Augustine, FL since November 27th 1985 - Age 12 years
Martha Lambert, a 7th grade student at Ketterlinus Junior High, was last seen at her family's mobile home in Elkton. She spent time at a neighbor's residence after school, then returned to her home to have a small dinner with her brother. She...

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