Almost everything is off my list but no, I'd go to Vegas again. That is, if I ever travel again. Right now, not likely. I'd go to Mexico in a heartbeat. Well not the stupid parts like Tiajuana. Jmo.
Canada I'd consider but since the mosquitos are even more prolific and bigger than ours probably not at this point in life.
My daughter really liked San Fran as their biggest CA city, however, I'd heard such horror stories about it, I guess we are all fed such. Maybe she just didn't see it, only there a day.
My mom for instance never notices the underworld. Love her but she does not. Many imo of her generation do not. I mean we have meth and sh*t, she'd have no clue. Few murders though. Few there are get tamped down imo. Crime rates on big crimes matter big in politics. Seriously. Domestic abuse gets put down to disorderly conduct or pled down.
I'm no expert but if could navigate right now, yes I'd go to Vegas again, I'd go to Arizona again, I have not ruled TX off my list. Never been though. Been to FL a couple of times, long time ago, would again but not to certain areas. I have no desire to ever go to Miami for instance. ZILCH.
I think I've said this before, but we went to the same area in MX like for 12 years. I got to know a LOT of locals. All the ex did was pay no attention and drink. True story.
Some of them think all crime up here in the US and school shootings go on everywhere, every state, every town or city, etc., etc. Or mass shootings, and so on.
We all get sold a bill of sale by our ridiculous news. IMO.
And what are we taught of MX? There is SO many smart and good people there, not all are cartels running sh*t and shooting people. I've learned that.
Vegas is definitely its own experience. But no, I don't ex that off any list. Definitely a people watching area, just say in the safe one like many a tourist trap. Even when we wandered out of it clueless we were warned by good people.
I haven't traveled as much as you maybe have but once one does enough of it, there is usually like a safe zone, protected, hiding the bad stuff. I've learned that over my lifetime.
But I'm never going to LA, Hollywood, NYC, Miami, and tons more. I USED to want to. LONG ago. Not Seattle. You name it.
Both of my adult kiddos travel quite a bit, maybe some of it is following crime but I say you are going WHERE?? But I've also found it is probably exaggerated.
Dumb post probably but seen it from many a side. Guess I just want ones that have not realized yet to maybe get it.
I'd go where you are, and I'd go to Ireland, France is long time off my list lol for a number of reasons, and Italy.
I know from four trips and learning to know how to navigate Vegas. Think it was four.
IMO the Strip sucks but every time I've been someone never had seen it, so ever time we had to do it. You want to please your travel mates. I could care less. The lights are SOMETHING way overboard but must see once, every time I've been it is more and more. I like downtown ever since the first time. I have cousins, probably kind of like
@Kimster who go because it also can be a pretty cheap and direct flight that do other things. My daughter's being thing was probably the biggest buffet EVER they'd had.
She has the greatest hub but very picky eater so guessing he had a plate piled high with bacon and another with tacos. She tried all I think.I should know the casino/restaurant but can't think of it right now. On a trip to Utah I believe but ended in Vegas to fly back out. On the Strip, pretty sure, known as one of the biggest buffets anywhere. Think may have shared it back then.
Yes, I would go to Vegas again. I will NEVER go to like NYC and some others.
This is very long-winded but can't do hardly a thing right now, going to pay for it too.
I know you have traveled a lot, but ones just need to stay in the tourist zones. If don't know, can't take care of selves. My God I've been in the not best situations in MPLS.
Ton of stories. STaying away from them.
Kansas City, other places. MX.
People just need to get off cable news lol. It just isn't all all true.